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2/8/2020 1:39:05 AM

Undoing Your Subconscious Programming ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

undoing your subconscious programming - the 9d arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been exercising our free will to explore your subconscious minds and what they contain that can hold you back from being who you really want to be in the world. We have noticed through our exploration that there are many common themes running within the subconscious minds of humans. You share a common theme of feeling alone and thinking that everyone is eventually going to abandon you. Now, you may not be aware of that belief, but that’s what makes it subconscious. That’s not coming to you from societal programming. That’s coming to you from past life experiences. You’ve all had the experience of being left all by yourselves with no one in human form around to help you, to support you, and to love you.

Now, when you can recognize that you are holding this subconscious belief, that’s when you can start to do something about it. First of all, you must convince yourself that you could never be alone, even if everyone else in human and animal form abandons you. So you must feel for your spirit guides. Feel for the presence of those beautiful beings who have dedicated themselves to you, because they are always around. You can always count on them.

Next, you want to recognize how powerful you are as an individual. You want to demonstrate to yourself that you can create so much through the power of your vibration. So what you need to do is give yourself something that you can believe is possible to create for yourself, and then find the vibration of it so that you can have that experience and demonstrate to yourself that even if you were left all by yourself, you would have your spirit guides and your ability to create your reality.

Next, we want you to demonstrate to yourselves that no matter how far away someone is, you can still access that person by going within. You can even feel the presence of someone who has passed on, and you can feel that person’s consciousness when you go inside your heartspace with your consciousness and recognize that you could never be separate from the individual who meant so much to you in your life.

Now, once you have convinced your mind that this subconscious belief is not something you need to continue to hold onto, you can do the work of accessing the memories of those lifetimes, or even of those experiences in this lifetime where you were abandoned, and you can process your grief by feeling it in the now moment. And in so doing, you will release it, and there will be no need for you to entertain any thought, conscious or subconscious, about being abandoned by anyone, even in their death.

This would be an excellent moment in your evolution to rid yourself of that subconscious belief and then consciously activate the one that recognizes that you have the power to create the reality that you want to experience, and if that reality includes lots of loved ones around you, then you can certainly have that.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/8/2020 6:54:21 PM

Daily Message ~ Saturday February 8, 2020

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/8/2020 6:56:05 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/7/2020

will's picture

First you believe in me (that's where you go wrong, don't believe in me) and then you disbelieve. Then you get caught up in the conflict, and the problem arises, What to do? How to get out of this duality? You create the duality and then you want to get out of it. I will not tell you how to get out of it, I will tell you how not to get into it.

Why in the first place should you get into it?

They define a witty person as one who knows how to get out of difficulties, and the wise one as one who knows how never to get into them. Be wise. Why not cut the very root?


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/8/2020 11:56:12 PM

Full Moon in LEO, February 9th, 2020 ~ Courage

L'AuraFeb3This powerful FULL MOON is in LEO and is on Sunday February 9th, 2020 at 3:33 am AST.

This Full Moon continues the impact of what you began on the previous New Moon ~ January 24, 2020.

Full Moon energy allows more of the subconscious hidden fears and issues to come up to be revealed. To be loved. Although this may not seem exciting, it absolutely is in the larger picture of the process of your transformation.

The Full Moon energy also impacts the emotional body GREATLY ~ especially around issues of personal relationships, self love, emotions surrounding the home and personal life.

Every moment THE Stars in the sky IMPACT each person uniquely. This is a constant and ongoing frequency interaction that is always taking place between your frequency, your BLUEPRINT and the overall PLAN that plays out THROUGH YOU. Not to you.

The impact you experience is based on your life plan, YOUR BLUEPRINT and YOUR CURRENT STATE of CONSCIOUSNESS in each moment that INTERACTS with the frequencies in those moments. The result is greater peace and harmony or greater disharmony. Either way, it is all for your benefit to BE, to FLOW, and to TRUST your unique PLAN. That is; why you are here, to graduate from the Earth School.

To LOVE YOURSELF and know what true eternal love IS.

The subconscious (hidden aspects) and the memory impulses connected to those memories is what POTENTIALLY may be activated UNIQUELY for you during this FULL MOON.

Mars is playing a powerful role with this FULL MOON. As the FULL MOON is Trine Mars. This will potentially give you the COURAGE to face what fears may be left in your subconscious memory. AS well as the courage to take action if that is what is required as part of your plan, in the moment.

Living moment to moment we LIVE In the UNKNOWN. I live IN the VOID of BEING AND ALL arises through me. The form is simply what I am experiencing as part of what is here. I keep this form continuing to function through my breath. Other than THIS I am my eternal BEING which is not limited to a body or form.

This TOO ~ is part of the moment to moment true BEING. The MASTERY of FORM, through the Heart and through true LOVE.

Most experience love as attachment. Love is not that at all, it is the OPPOSITE.

Why I am mentioning LOVE is, the opportunity to clear more memory that is not not in harmony, that is there TILL IT IS LOVED ~ is the only gateway to YOU also experiencing yourself as an ETERNAL BEING. To being a MASTER of FORM.



For some during these FULL MOON frequencies a crisis through the emotions may take place. SLOW DOWN, give yourself the SPACE of SELF love, even if you do not know how to yet fully love yourself.

IN true love there is NO JUDGEMENT.

So if you feel as though you are reaching a breaking point. STOP all that you are DOING. Enter into silence and focus on your heart and your breath. EASE the stress in your life. Be gentle with yourself and do not judge yourself or anyone else as you get through….the key THROUGH this. Everything goes through YOU.

Allow that flow.

In this the INTENSE frequencies we activate you IN THE ETERNAL LOVE FLOW ~ through your Heart ~ the only PORTAL that is always available to YOU.

We are PRESENT NOW and as the profound shifts take place throughout the Universe, throughout the GALAXY ~ throughout ALL THAT IS ~ NOW.

Feel and receive! IN LOVE!!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/9/2020 12:40:10 AM

It Is Just You…

Galactic Free Press's picture

Your journey is yours. Slowly or quickly, you set the pace and rhythm. Some will take great pride in treating it like a race, pointing out every milestone and commenting on how much further along they seem to be. If you are walking your path with honesty and integrity, you will know there is no ahead or behind. It is just you, taking in all you can, learning, growing and enjoying the sights. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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