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2/7/2020 6:04:57 PM

Daily Message ~ Friday February 7, 2020

Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Flag of Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/7/2020 6:46:53 PM

Moving Forward

Galactic Free Press's picture

As you walk the path toward creating your perfect world, there will be those who may try to side-rail your work. Most of the time, it is a subconscious reaction of their own safety protocol…a way to keep themselves safe and those around them in the same place they have chosen to be. Rather than responding in a negative or combative way, this is your opportunity to practice all you have learned so far; Unconditional Love, compassion, kindness and joy. Let these be your guiding lights as you continue your journey. ~ Creator


The Creator Writings

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/7/2020 11:51:46 PM

Greetings, Miraculous Being!

Wow, I thought this week's Message was a tad unusual.

I'm going to ask the Collective to expand a bit on some of the points that they made, in future messages.

We're in an unusual Earth life, in that in this particular life, we are realizing we've lived many other lives, and that it's time to release the old agreements, contracts, and connections that no longer serve us and are keeping us stuck in an unhappy situation.

We can create the life we dream of, but first we must release the old density we've carried in this and so many other lives.

We need to dissolve the decisions we made before coming here--to be out of money, or ill or overweight, or unfulfilled in our work, or in the wrong relationship, and so on.

We begin to birth the New Earth when we get quiet, go into the higher realms, have a look at our inner density on one issue or another, and dissolve that which we are no longer learning from.

We can draw to us the Wisdom and Knowing we were meant to gain from those circumstances, without staying in them forever.

More on that in the next Abundance Call on Wednesday, February 12 . . .

I hope you enjoy this week's Message. As always, it's the energies embedded in the words that carry us into our own greater Wisdom.

Much Love & Light,

P S If you've got questions or deep-seated emotions coming up . . .

Channeling sessions are here for you, as well as the "Just One (or Two or Three) Question" recorded channelings to individual questions.

You'll also find a loving, supportive community and free energy work on the free Abundance Calls, held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.

So reach out as needed!


A Message to Lightworkers -
February 7, 2020

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

We see you being brave and wanting to feel inspired as you go through your day of fulfilling various work and family duties while paying bills, and working to be healthy in mind, body, emotions, and spirit.

Through all that you are seeing the world in its varying forms—staying well-informed, yet not allowing any one situation to vex or dishearten you entirely.

And we are aware that amidst these new energies, you increasingly feel another form of motivation, as you realize that you can, if you wish, revise your entire life along new and higher lines.

The first question the modern person will ask is, “How?” and we would say, the How is up to you, according to the imagery and energy-shifting skills you prefer to use or to learn now.

Many are finding in moments of meditation that they are stepping into a new view of themselves they have never seen before.

Sometimes this is a memory of life in the higher realms, in which they see that they are able to move energy by imaging clouds of color or Light.

Or they see that they are able to release interferences and density in their energies by imaging them dissolving into a cloud of Light or a brilliant flame.

You do not have to name each interference or heaviness in order to release them, you are finding.

You simply have to look at the outer situation and realize, “There is density here. I want to dissolve this at its root,” even if you don’t remember the original intention that put you in that circumstance . . .

Read More HERE

Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Thank you.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/8/2020 12:54:34 AM

Ivo of Vega: Don’t Justify Your Deceit


Are you justifying your deceit?

Without the Truth, there is nothing.

Me: Ivo, I've recently put up a form on my website for people to respond if they want to have our channelings distributed to them by email. The intent is that they can post the content on their website or pass it on to other lightworkers.

I have already had a few people who have used that form for purposes other than what is specified. I've had one person just send me a pile of questions for Ashtar and expect me to answer them without even asking me if I'd do it. I deleted him from the list and blocked his email address. I won't deal with liars. Because that's basically what it is. You're being deceptive. You reply to the form and then when you get one channeling you email me with a list of questions. Deception is an attempt at taking over control of another person and dominating their free will. I won't allow it.

I figure it's 2020 and we're splitting out into different dimensions now. People are becoming more aware. So many people ask me why they can't hear their ETs and I can tell you, it's because of the way you're behaving. You're not ready to handle their messages with integrity. Having integrity means you have strong moral character and know right from wrong, but I get people emailing me who are out to manipulate or trick me into doing something for them that I never said I would do. This is a violation of my free will and frankly, I'm fed up. I've been on this planet, been lied to and deceived so many times by people who weren't honest and I believe since lightworkers are the first to wake up, they should also wake up to where their moral character doesn't fill the bill.
We learn to be manipulative and deceptive in the matrix and this has to be dealt with.

Ivo: It does, my love. Extraterrestrials can sense your intentions. You cannot lie to us. And we will not be deceived. So we will not deal with anyone who is lying to us or who makes a habit of lying to others. Your vibrational frequency is directly related to your integrity - your level of moral character. Lying and being deceitful, misrepresenting your intentions, and other acts of similar deception are not the types of behaviours we will deal with.

Me: There was the one person who paid thousands of dollars to a channeler who embellished the messages of one ET to his twin flame. The twin flame was totally over the moon but it was because they were lied to. I had to go through the messages and ask him to separate the lies from the Truth and of course the twin flame was crushed and very hurt. When I asked him why he channeled through this devious person, he said he had no choice.

Do we want messages from other realms to be coming through people of this low moral character? Do ETs want that? Of course not. Do you think they want their messages distorted by our ego's? No. So they wait until they find a person of suitable integrity to relay their messages to. Or you are picked before you're born and worked with throughout your life to be a good vehicle for their messages.

There are enough people already who are channeling dark entities rather than the Light and don't realize it. The reason they don't realize it is because they can be lied to. You have to align with the Truth, not with your opinion. Who you think you're channeling is one thing. Who you are channeling is another. The first thing to do when you make contact is be sure you understand the dark agenda - to divide and conquer, separate, spread lies and chaos. Lisa Renee writes about this in the Ascension Glossary. If I can find the link I'll add it below.

People who channel who don't familiarize themselves with the dark agenda are putting everyone at risk of being lied to. It's the channeler's responsibility to ensure that no dark agenda messages are contained in their channelings. If they are, then you need to question who you're speaking to!

The problem with lying right now on this earth is that that's what our current reality has been built on - the lie of who we aren't, and it's the Truth that literally we are building earth's future on, not on lies. Love is the Truth. Truth is Light. We are lightworkers, not lie-workers. We don't deceive because when we do that, we are continuing to support the unreality of lies that holds earth in quarantine from the rest of the galaxy.

The truth is important and so is not deceiving other people. Being honest is of the utmost importance right now. It always was but it is especially now.
Ivo: You are correct, my love. Being honest is its own path to the Light. Insisting on honesty from others helps them to realize when they are being dishonest or deceptive. Understand that any dishonesty lowers the vibrational frequency of the person saying it and anyone believing them. That is why politicians lie to you - to keep your vibration down, and most people do not even understand the dynamics of this. What do you do when you catch a politician lying? You call them a dirty liar and you are angry. If they had not lied then how would you have felt? Better of course. Lies lower your frequency. It is important that everyone stop attempting to deceive everyone else. Be honest.

Do not misrepresent yourself and your intentions. You do not understand how this lowers your frequency and this lower frequency will not put you in touch with the Light, only the dark because the dark enjoys lying to you.
Sharon's frustration with people who misrepresent their intentions, lie to her, and attempt to deceive her, is absolutely valid. As of late she has had neighbours come over for neighbourly visits in the hopes of seducing her. She would not have opened the door to this person had she understood his intentions beforehand.

Me: Something blinded me. I should've been suspicious when he came over with a mug of beer. Beer is the elixir of bull****ters.

Ivo: My dear, your frustration comes from living in dishonesty all your life. You understand the importance of honesty and the Truth. You understand that deception is a prison you create for yourselves.

Me: I'm so tired of it being in my face all the time. You can't get away from it. Everyone's living a lie.

Ivo: Yes. It will not be much longer for you, my dear. Then you will be released from this. Your work is not done yet.

Me: I know. I can't stand bull**** and frankly, I won't put up with it either. Even people who think themselves honest are prone to many types of deception. The most rampant is self deception.

Trust me, you'll be tested. One time the power was off in Toronto for days. When it finally came back on, it was 9 p.m. and I had a load of laundry that needed to be done. The rule in the building was no laundry after 9 p.m. because I had the apartment next to the laundry room and it bothered me to have people in there at 5 a.m. doing laundry. So the landlady set hours. I had to wait until the next day to do my laundry even though nobody was using the machines, just because I was the one who insisted that nobody do their laundry after specific hours. So I couldn't very well go ahead and do laundry and expect everyone else adhere to the rules, could I? Integrity is doing the right thing, even when nobody will catch you. That's the standard of honesty we need to live by. This world would be so different!

It's not hard to be honest. It's probably easier to lie, though, or so we think. Ever been caught in a lie? Not very comfortable, was it? People think being honest is having to tell someone something you'd rather not say about them; it's not. But being honest is a prerequisite for being assertive, and if you're still lying to yourself, being assertive is going to be tough for you.

This is the future of earth, folks. Not the pack of lies we've been living in.
People want to know what the galactics will be teaching us when they land. This will be part of the curriculum of spiritual school. Adherence to absolute honesty and respect for others' free will.

My creedo is:"Do no harm. Take no nonsense."

Ivo: My love. This is a good policy. Dishonesty is about fear. Fear of someone saying no to you. If they say no, then is that so bad? You have been mistaught in your world. You have been taught the ways of your controllers and they are evil. The corruption of a species, of an entire world, is something they will not get away with. They are being taken to task even now for what they have done.

Me: Thank you Ivo.

Ivo: Your world is in a consciousness war and the prize is good moral character for the Avatar on earth. As your character improves and aligns more with the Truth, so will your psychic gifts be presented to you in order for you to learn to consciously use them. For Sharon, this new gift is her portal.
And so, my love, you are most welcome. I long for the day you will be with me again.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

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2/8/2020 1:22:40 AM

A Gift From Gaia

Happiest of Moonday to All and what a moon day it's set to be, as she comes into a plethora of harmonious aspects to the streams of energy being sent from the bodies further out, Saturn, Lilith, Ceres and Chiron, powerful sharing of their celestial songs.

Ringing our receiver, the moon like the bell that she is for all to feel the reverberations.

Unconscious programming and splitting will show up with a power surge of emotions, this incredible lightness available will feel heavy, with weighted emotions, a good sign to let those lost know they are stood behind the looking glass, and we have to stand in front, to see the reflection before we even get to see through the looking glass....

Positioning is essential

A highly feminine day for us to soften everything down, breathe, smile and love deeply everything that enters the field, as the gift it is.

Even if it means saying no thank you....

The choice to make things personal, is exactly that, a choice...truth is everything is simply a frequency and it either can unify in harmony or it can't, resolution and resolving is showing to those "hell bent" on fixing out there through the old Piscean sticky plaster technique, Unhealed Healer ways to be highly draining, and is rapidly realising the lack of life force, to continue highlights the ignorance and avoidance held in these unconscious beliefs and ways.

It sounds tough, it will look tough as many who you have loved as guides spin into exhaustion.

Light expands us with energy, it's constant, there is no overwhelm, sickness, exhaustion because all is aligned.

When we are being starved of our light force then we have a huge block, within the mind.....this can be rectified so simply, once the attachment to the old is allowed to leave.

Then the force begins to flow....for the first time, real time, not make believe anymore and the ability to rejuvenate and hold constant "states" all states becomes simple.

It is not a belief, we are LIVING and without one shred of avoidance, an impossible distortion when you exist in complete acceptance.

The Moon does make a square, which will feed these lower frequencies with the aggravation required to push many through the outer limits, which in turn immediately will open the channel to take each within.

The moon is making square to Mercury who is on the final degree of Aquarius, done talking, done trying, it's completed, frequ1ncy will dictate the spectrum of abrupt to smooth, all is dependent on the ability to see the bigger picture.

Mars sextiles Juno, which to those who play out in the reality and are reactive will no doubt be having something or someone catch their eye, but for those who are within, moving and adjusting the reality through frequ1ncy will no doubt find more depth inside and the love and connection powers up for those who choose to exist within their hearts.

It is most likely to feel your masculine energy want to push, to order, to state, to do, but today the energy dictates something different.

It's a day to listen to the guidance within, the moon and mercury are trying to highlight where there is completion, where more needs to be noticed, pay attention and follow the guidance. Mars and Juno want to open up, not out there, but within, to give more, to love more, to spark those fires of passion to create something of significance, of course it goes without saying that relationships are formed with this energy but we also know they are formed on our core frequency, and let me tell you, one thing I am so in love with is continuing to raise my own frequency, because the relationships I now attract are so Divinely perfect, so supportive, so loving and so incredibly authentic.

If we are to play in a mirrored world then let's a become responsible and create the most magical reflections.

This process becomes SOULy about the individual until the unification begins within, again, a reflection and a frequency match, we unify in light when align to light.

The moon passing Saturn, sets the karmic tone after we passed Jupiter, Pluto and opened the unified code of 02022020 the matriarchal frequency, not to be mistaken for feminine rule, it is balance and harmony, it is the unification of the masculine and feminine, fully in partnership, listening and acting accordingly.

Just miles away from my home the field was shook or set with a tone of destruction, fear is currently rising to be distinguished, we hold all those in love.

The UK breaks it's karmic chains and the reaction or perceived chaos must rise to neutralise, hold space angels and fully experience the Divine Order of how energy works, liking it or not is just part of the attachment, allow it to pass freely as the storms within your own reality have.

It is just a pattern

And as the walkers of light that we are, we hold that most highest, expanded awareness, we hold our field, the tone, we paint the colours of our picture and we hold the future vision, we have the eye to see, the heart to feel and we fully accept the distortions must be seen, felt to be dealt with, aligned in order for us to heal.

Expand your hearts and meet me on the inside

With all my love always

Andrea 💙💙💙

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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