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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2020 11:37:53 PM

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Benjamin Fulford (short note) - January 29, 2020

Engineered “novel corona virus” okay for Europeans"

By Benjamin Fulford January 29, 2020

This short message from Benjamin points out that this current virus “attempt to scare everybody” involves a virus that was designed to not affect those of European descent. And so on.

But the deep state tools are not working anymore. Nor are the “create fear” tactics.

This post is also mentioned in the latest Cobra update.


Engineered “novel corona virus” okay for Europeans
By Benjamin Fulford January 29, 2020

The “novel corona virus” now infecting people in China is designed to leave those of European descent unharmed, according to P3 Freemason sources. We have previously provided extensive proof to show this was also true of SARS. Remember, the Nazi neocons who came to power with George W. Bush Jr. said in their Project for the New American Century manifesto that ethnic-specific bio-weapons would be a “useful political tool.”


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2020 12:39:02 AM

Selacia ~ A Re-Evaluation: Preparing for a New Earth


Wednesday, 29 January, 2020 (posted 30 January, 2020)

We're in a pivotal moment of change, the energies shifting again this week. On some level, we are still processing the energy gateway of the January 12 rare Capricorn conjunction involving Saturn and Pluto. That transformational catalyst will remain with us in 2020. The big picture is we are collectively involved in preparing for a new Earth. On a personal level this requires us to re-evaluate many things about how we live, what we truly want, and what actions we must take. Continue reading for examples and suggestions of how to navigate this juncture.


A re-evaluation of our life requires inner work - reflection, meditation, and self-investigation. Quite often, since we're creatures of habit and conditioning, we can have difficulty discerning outdated life patterns and hidden motivations stemming from very old and no longer relevant experiences. Self-understanding indeed is a lifelong pursuit.

What's different now? We are shifting on quantum levels - so fast that it can be challenging to keep track! This is happening for a host of reasons, which I'll go into more in my Predictions 2020 eBook being created now.

It's helpful to become aware of our own shifting, and to observe ourselves in relationship to the world around us. All is changing at lightning speed!

On any given day it can feel like there's no time, there's a rapid escalation in time, or that time has stopped in some way. This is all part of living in quantum vs linear. It's quite an adjustment.

Context for Re-Evaluation

The re-evaluation necessary now is not a one-time thing. This is nothing like some years back when we might enter a new year with a whole list of changes we wanted and new outcomes we wanted to see. If you remember earlier times, you likely can recall intentions and plans you made - perhaps some actions on a few things.

What's new is the need for regular re-evaluation. We must remain up-to-date with ourselves in order to thrive, find inner peace, connect with purpose, and discover motivation to do things way outside the box. In fact, there is no longer a box.

Don't let this overwhelm you. Allow this to energize and inspire you! These are the momentous times you were born to navigate and benefit from. It is your birthright, yet you must CLAIM it. That means allowing enough space in your over-the-top busy life for the inner work needed to continually shift as needed. There's no manual for this. The path is step-by-step.

Not Simply a Solo Journey

The personal growth process involved with life re-evaluation is individual to you. There is a uniqueness to you and how you express yourself in the world. No one else can look at things or do things like you can. Embrace this uniqueness. At the same time, know that you are not alone in this endeavor.

Examples: (1) spirit is always with you, even if sometimes you don't sense that (2) collectively as a society there are common bonds with others you've never met - people like you who are in this same re-evaluation process now; one reason I offer global courses and meditations is to connect you with one another (3) for most of us, there are times when we seek input from a trusted third party, to help us see things about ourselves we've been unable to uncover and heal; that's an essential part of the path in these moments; none of us is an island - it's okay to ask for help.

Stay tuned. More coming on these themes soon. Meanwhile here's what I suggest for the moment. First become still at least twice daily and go within - first to clear your mind and then to invite insights about how to begin seeing your life differently. Second become more aware of feedback you get from the world - it's always there and very helpful - giving you ideas about what in your life is working and what's not. Third endeavor to develop more self-love and a willingness to do the deeper work involved in changing your life.

Copyright 2020 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2020 1:30:16 AM

Light Bodies, Inner Earth Beings & E.T.s ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

light bodies, inner earth beings & e.t.s channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been investigating several timelines that you have in front of you now that you have been in this calendar year for a bit, and we see some nice openings for humanity. We see some possibilities for a great deal of energy hitting your world and transforming you on a cellular level. We see that transformation as an acceleration of the movement that you have been very gradually making to having fully activated light bodies.

Now, having a fully activated light body is something that many of you in the new age community have been talking about for quite some time. There has been an overwhelming amount of asking for this particular energetic transmission, and the requests have been heard, and you are gradually drifting towards that timeline. This is exciting for all of you and exciting for all of us who are watching you so closely and rooting for you to get to that fifth dimensional, higher self persona.

We also have been looking into a timeline where the inner Earth beings would be discovered and would voluntarily come out from underneath the surface of your planet. There’s a question as to which of the inner Earth beings would be most appropriate to make that appearance, but there are many wonderful candidates to step up and step out from beneath the surface. We also see a possible timeline where scientists will discover so much indisputable evidence that e.t.s have been to Earth that it would make the traditional news media outlets’ daily broadcasts and fill the airwaves for quite some time.

Many other very exciting possibilities exist for this calendar year, and we want you to know that you who are awake are the ones co-creating these timelines and inviting as many of your human friends as you possibly can to join you on them. You are choosing your timelines, and that is something that you can all do more consciously and deliberately. We highly recommend that over just looking for the predictions of what will absolutely happen.

Those predictions can encourage you to vibrate in harmony with that timeline, and that’s how they serve you, but we would much rather see you creating new timelines where the possibilities are endless for how far you can go during the rest of 2020. You must know by now how powerful you are, but every now and again, we like to remind you. And this transmission is one of those reminders. Come together as best you can with your fellow spiritually awake humans, and talk about which timelines you want to create together, because there is now and always has been power in numbers.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

/daniel scranton/

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2020 8:49:42 PM

GaiaPortal 1-31-20.. “Gaia is reborn”

This GaiaPortal pretty much “blew me away” when I saw it. The fact that I’m posting this on the 02-02-2020 “Palindrome Portal” date seems significant.

Reflective of the new Higher Vibrations that have been continually pouring in, perhaps this is a “final culmination of Lightworker efforts to ground the energy into the planet.


Gaia is reborn

Spartans retire from heavy works.

Supporters of Light embrace the climbers.

Angels enter.

Gaia is reborn.



"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2020 8:52:11 PM

GFP Newsletter - 2/1/2020

will's picture

All believers are disbelievers -- they may be Hindus, they may be Christians, they may be Jainas. I know all of them: all believers are disbelievers, because belief brings disbelief, it is the shadow of belief. Can you believe without disbelieving? It is impossible; it cannot be done in the nature of things. If you want to disbelieve, the first requirement is to believe. Can you believe without any disbelief entering from the back door? Or can you disbelieve without having any belief in the first place? Believe in God, and immediately the disbelief comes in. Believe in afterlife and disbelief arises. Disbelief is secondary, belief is primary.

And what you want to do is what millions of people in the world want to do: they don't want the disbelief, they want only the belief. I cannot help, nobody can help. If you only are interested in belief, you will have to suffer the disbelief also. You will remain divided, you will remain split, you will remain schizophrenic. You cannot have the feel of organic unity; you yourself have barred it from happening.

What's my suggestion? First, drop believing. Let beliefs be dropped, they are all rubbish!


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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