Greetings, Miraculous Being! This week's Message is a bit different -- the Collective speak for a bit, but mainly it's the Faery Elders who come through with their own message.
I was surprised yet happy to hear them offer their own beautiful comments and energies!
Some of it might be a tad hard to follow, so let your heart and intuition lead more than your left-brain training.
They have embedded the Message with energies that remind us of the larger reason for our journey, though at the start, the Collective speak about manifesting, and where that begins.
Sending blessings of Calm, Peace, RAIN as needed, and Renewal to all everywhere on Earth now!
I know a lot of people are feeling really stretched right now.
Yet your presence and your journey are so valued, my friend. Please know that.
Much Love & Light, Caroline
P S If you've got questions or deep-seated emotions coming up . . .
Remember that channeling sessions are available at a discount till 12 Midnight Eastern Time on Sunday, February 2nd.
There's also the "Just One (or Two or Three) Question" recorded channelings to individual questions.
You'll also find a loving, supportive community and free energy work on the Abundance Calls, held every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.
So reach out as needed!
P P S More empowering energy work from the Collective can be found in the freeSoulScape Master Class series interview and panel discussion, in February.
Go here for gifts and free access to all interviews!

________________ A Message to Lightworkers - January 31, 2020
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We would say, that though for many this is a time of feeling stuck in old situations that feel immovable, yet we see in your energy systems an increased flow of newer channels of thought, feeling, and realization that indicate new growth, new co-Creative moments.
Remember to concentrate each day not only what you do not wish to experience, but on what you are already creating.
And that creation begins with an image or an idea.
It does not begin with the outer appearance of what you desire; the actual “showing up” of one situation or object.
By then, the work is done.
We speak to you often of moving beyond appearances, though this is a tiresome thing to hear for anyone living in a still-dense world, heavy laden with 3D images and situations.
Be assured that while you are living out the remainder of the Old Earth, the New one is nevertheless beginning to take form.
The Fae Elders wish to speak:
“Greetings, fair beings! We are rejoicing to have this moment with you!
You are all of you in a place now where it will increasingly occur to you to feel Lighter, happier, more assured of your daily living experience as being fulfilling, and not simply tiring or repetitive.
Yet you are wondering, some of you, ‘How shall I leave the last of the third dimension?’—meaning, ‘Shall I Ascend as I wish to, by developing my Lightbody?
“Or shall I release all physical form and return to the purely etheric, the old-fashioned way?’ . . .
Read More HERE. Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan
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