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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2013 6:30:34 PM
A beautiful, uplifting testimony here

Entering the Path of Ascension

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2013 6:36:58 PM

Ute Posegga-Rudel: Message from Our God-Self – Your Soul is Always Happy!

SoulHappy4As channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel – February 01, 2013

VIDEO (recommended)


The wisdom of the ages is now arising in the heart of mankind. I AM Arising! Every heart is being now ignited by Me, but it takes time for many to recognize Me in their awareness!

My Divine Love is now fully present on Earth and can be received by everybody that desires so.

Those who turn their attention to the old times of separation and suffering will continue to experience this instead of My Bliss and the Light that is now given to all. Therefore be aware of your creator power!

You who are already in tune with this great Divine Change are now given the task (if you wish), to help humanity to SEE and FEEL what is in fact happening!

Those who desire to be happy, must learn to receive in their hearts My Light and My Love that is already here. They must be educated that they are the masters of their own Happiness in any moment. As soon as they merge with My Presence and the new Consciousness on Earth, their life will change dramatically, first inside and than outside.

They are asked to perceive (or at least to presume) the Divine in all things, to allow all things and situations and beings to be illuminated from within, as they themselves recognize It in everything and everybody.

If you do not do this you just continue the old ways of separation and of judgement! This is the time to recognize where you judge and where you have judged! But by all means not in a manner to judge yourself because of it, but only to notice, to love and accept yourself and let go, and allow your heart of love to shine forward instead!

Beloveds, it IS a process in Consciousness and old habits must be given up consciously and be gone beyond! Do this in every moment! This is your service of Love, your service to the Light! It is all a matter of being aware of patterns that do not serve Me, your Own Divine Self. What counts are not the failures in this process but the Happiness in your Heart that wants to serve.

Whatever happens in the near future, even if dramatic, can only be understood rightly beyond your point of view of duality and the conceptualizing mind. Because all that happens has been designed in your own Heart and follows your Soul’s plan to experience. You are not victim, but your Reality is Radiance!

There is no good or bad, it is mere experience. A Soul’s development depends on those experiences and what counts is the prior invulnerability of the Soul, as the Soul is always happy as It always inheres in Me. It is the Soul that desires to experience and to know that there is nothing that can harm or even destroy It!

And even what the mind perceives as misfortune is only a way of experience from the Soul’s perspective!

This is the time where your Soul’s victory prevails, because all the means are given to you and all mankind! The forward-coming of your Soul is ending the illusionary dream of separation from your own Divinity. The old dark dreams of the lower mind are vanishing, and the Light of your Heart is shining forth! That is what you have been yearning for! And this is the time where your desire manifests!

Beloveds, this is a process from inside out! If your perception inside changes, the experience of your outer world changes respectively!

The state of the world that you see outside, is only a reflection of yourself. Even if you don’t yet understand! There is no coherent world in the realm of duality! This kind of coherence is illusion! Coherence only exists beyond or prior to duality at the Divine Heart! When your vibration rises, there is light everywhere. If not, then the lower mind is interfering! It is your greatest teacher and tells you where you still need to shift. It teaches you where you need to see the world with your Divine Heart. That’s how you prepare for the New World That Is Me.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Michael Caron

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2/3/2013 2:51:30 AM

How Phobos was Determined to be Artificial

How does one arrive at the conclusion that a “moon” is in fact an artificial construction? Thanks to Roth.

We Are Not Alone – European Space Agency

Phobos, the Martian moon is artificial claims European Space Agency
Michael Tellinger, Unbuntu, Feb. 1, 2013

The prestigious European Space Agency (ESA) has declared Phobos, the mysterious Martian moon, to be artificial. At least one-third of it is hollow and its origin is not natural, but alien in nature. The ESA is Europe’s counterpart to NASA. Could this revelation motivate NASA to release the secrets it is harbouring? Don’t count on it… because if it’s artificial an alien civilization must have put it there.

Russian astronomer, Dr. Cherman Struve, spent months calculating the two Martian moons’ orbits with extreme accuracy during the early 20th Century. Studying the astronomer’s notes, Shklovsky realized as the years progressed into decades, that Phobos’s orbital velocity and position no longer matched Struve’s mathematically predicted position.

After lengthy study of the tidal, gravitic, and magnetic forces, Shklovsky came to the firm conclusion that, “ No natural causes could account for the origins of the two odd moons or their bizarre behavior, particularly that exhibited by Phobos. The moons were artificial. Someone or something built them.

During an interview about the mysterious Martian moon Shklovsky explained: “There’s only one way in which the requirements of coherence, constancy of shape of Phobos, and its extremely small average density can be reconciled. We must assume that Phobos is a hollow, empty body, resembling an empty tin can.”

For decades most of mainstream science ignored Shklovsky’s breakthrough work, until the ESA began to take a closer look at the odd little moon.

ESA study declares Phobos not natural.

The ESA study abstract that appeared in the peer-reviewed Geophysical Research Letters reveals that Phobos is not what many astrophysicists and astronomers believed for generations: a captured asteroid.

“We report independent results from two subgroups of the Mars Express Radio Science (MaRS) team who independently analyzed Mars Express (MEX) radio tracking data for the purpose of determining consistently the gravitational attraction of the moon Phobos on the MEX spacecraft, and hence the mass of Phobos. New values for the gravitational parameter (GM=0.7127 ± 0.0021 x 10-³ km³/s²) and density of Phobos (1876 ± 20 kg/m³) provide meaningful new constraints on the corresponding range of the body’s porosity (30% ± 5%), provide a basis for improved interpretation of the internal structure. We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids. When applied to various hypotheses bearing on the origin of Phobos, these results are inconsistent with the proposition that Phobos is a captured asteroid.”

Casey Kazan writes in ESA: Mars Moon Phobos ‘Artificial,’ that “…the official ESA Phobos website contained explicit scientific data, from multiple perspectives, which strongly ‘supported the idea that this is what radar echoes would look like, coming back from inside ‘a huge…geometric… hollow spaceship’. In fact, they were the primary source of the decidedly ‘internal, 3-D geometric-looking’ radar signature. The concurrence of all three of these independent Mars Express experiments- imaging, internal mass distribution, (tracking) and internal radar imaging, now agreed that the interior of Phobos is partially hollow with internal, geometric ‘voids’ inside it. Meaning that Phobos is artificial.”

In other words, Phobos is not a natural satellite, is not a “captured asteroid,” and is hollow. This is exactly what Dr. Shklovsky found back in the 1960s. Phobos was artificially constructed and placed into Martian orbit by…who?

10_1_136.gifHi Miguel,

This is an amazing discovery. I wonder if NASA has already come to this conclusion and if they already have plans for the MARS Rover to study it more closely. This is probably the most important discovery made and I am sure that NASA has already made plans to study it further. I believe that both organizations work very closely together and have probably already divised plans to do firther studies on it.



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2013 4:49:33 PM
Hi Mike,

I don't know if NASA has plans to study Phobos, but I doubt the studies could be carried out by Curiosity since Phobos is a satellite that revolves around Mars and that I know, Curiosity can only carry out studies on the Martian surface. But be it as it may, the fact is, I am still divided between believing or not that Phobos is artificial.

Here is a discussion in Wikipedia that might shed light on this issue:

Shklovsky's "Hollow Phobos" hypothesis

Globe of Phobos at the Memorial Museum of Astronautics in Moscow. [click on image to enlarge]

"...In the late 1950s and 1960s, the unusual orbital characteristics of Phobos led to speculations that it might be hollow.

Around 1958, Russian astrophysicist Iosif Samuilovich Shklovsky, studying the secular acceleration of Phobos's orbital motion, suggested a "thin sheet metal" structure for Phobos, a suggestion which led to speculations that Phobos was of artificial origin.[44]Shklovsky based his analysis on estimates of the upper Martian atmosphere's density, and deduced that for the weak braking effect to be able to account for the secular acceleration, Phobos had to be very light — one calculation yielded a hollow iron sphere 16 kilometers (9.9 mi) across but less than 6 cm thick.[44][45] In a February 1960 letter to the journal Astronautics,[46] Fred Singer, then science advisor to U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower, said of Shklovsky's theory:

If the satellite is indeed spiraling inward as deduced from astronomical observation, then there is little alternative to the hypothesis that it is hollow and therefore Martian made. The big 'if' lies in the astronomical observations; they may well be in error. Since they are based on several independent sets of measurements taken decades apart by different observers with different instruments, systematic errors may have influenced them.[46]

Subsequently, the systemic data errors that Singer predicted were found to exist, and the claim was called into doubt,
[47] and accurate measurements of the orbit available by 1969 showed that the discrepancy did not exist.[48] Singer's critique was justified when earlier studies were discovered to have used an overestimated value of 5 cm/yr for the rate of altitude loss, which was later revised to 1.8 cm/yr.[49] The secular acceleration is now attributed to tidal effects,[47] which had not been considered in the earlier studies.

The density of Phobos has now been directly measured by spacecraft to be 1.887 g/cm
3.[4] Current observations are consistent with Phobos being a rubble pile.[4] In addition, images obtained by the Viking probes in the 1970s clearly showed a natural object, not an artificial one. Nevertheless, mapping by the Mars Express probe and subsequent volume calculations do suggest the presence of voids within the moon and indicate that it is not a solid chunk of rock but a porous body instead.[50] The porosity of Phobos was calculated to be 30% ± 5%, or a quarter to a third of the moon being hollow. This void space is mostly on small scales (millimeters to ~1-m), between individual grains and boulders.[6]



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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/3/2013 5:25:45 PM

This Is What a Humane Economy Looks Like

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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