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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2013 10:00:14 PM

Jesus: You Are Very Close to an Important Boundary

jesus-4-258x3001-150x150Jesus: You Are Very Close to an Important Boundary

As channelled by John Smallman

John’s reading of today’s post:

You, all of humanity, are very close to an important boundary, and when you cross it, as you most surely will, an abrupt intensification of the divine energies enveloping each one of you, and of course the planet herself, will occur. It is the next step in God’s plan for your awakening, and it will uplift and inspire you.

You have been very busy these last few weeks releasing monumental amounts of “stuff” – psychological, emotional, psychic, cultural, and karmic – that was impeding your progress, and you have been clearing the debris or residue from it that was making it difficult for you to access either the divine flame within or the intuitive guidance for which you have been calling so resolutely.

It has been hard work for you on inner levels, which is why so many of you have felt so tired, but I assure you that it will prove to have been well worth the anxiety, stress, and discomfort that you have been experiencing. A lot of this “stuff” was spiritual energy work that you had agreed to carry out in order to help others who were themselves horribly overburdened. All are connected, all are one, and so this kind of cooperative venture is utterly appropriate.

Your earthly experiences have frequently overemphasized individual blame and responsibility – a seemingly essential aspect of problem resolution in your 3D reality, where it has been somewhat effective in reducing dishonesty and corruption – but as spiritual beings you naturally come together in love and compassion to resolve issues that could be divisive, and this is what you have been doing, but mostly at a level that is far below your conscious 3D awareness.

The field of divine Love enveloping you all is guiding you surely and reliably towards your inevitable awakening. Yes, your guides are constantly reminding you of this, but it is essential that you yourselves keep focusing on this magnificent and rapidly approaching event, because it is to be the most wonderful occurrence, fully and finally absorbing and incorporating you all into your Father’s loving embrace.

Every time you are distracted by events or situations in ongoing worldly relationships – personal, social, religious, political, or of seeming major international significance – return your attention to being the loving, compassionate, forgiving, and accepting spiritual beings that you are. Do not allow the distractions and disturbances that may be going on around you prevent you, for more than a moment, from focusing your attention fully on the task in hand which, as you well know, is to assist completely and enthusiastically in this wondrous and divine awakening process.

You all made a very definite and conscious choice to be embodied on Earth at this point in her spiritual evolution. No one is on Earth by mistake, in error, or by coincidence. You are all here with a divine purpose, fully supported by your Father, and that purpose will be achieved because it is God’s Will, and yours, and He will not be denied. You are to become fully aware of the fact that you are enlightened spiritual beings — beings of power and majesty just as your Father created you — even though this divine state is presently disguised by, hidden, and consequently confused within your human bodies.

Knowing this, as you most certainly do deep within yourselves, your continuing mission is to keep reminding yourselves of your purpose. The distractions going on around you much of the time are very alluring in that they seem to demand your constant attention.

This is not the case. You can be aware of the suffering, pain, corruption, dishonesty, and general confusion without focusing your attention there and getting drawn in to take sides, or even take up arms – physical or psychological – in support of those you see as being “in the right.” Doing that only serves to support the illusion and you are on Earth to assist in its dissolution. And the best way to achieve that objective is by refusing to engage with the apparent rights and wrongs with which it constantly seems to bombard you, demanding your attention and support.

You have abundant help from the spiritual realms, your true home, and the more you focus your attention there as you ask for and receive it, the more quickly the illusion will disintegrate. It truly is on its last legs, and the kindest and most generous thing you can do is allow the disintegration to happen, by refusing to support it by engaging with it unnecessarily, or by offering emotionally powered egoic judgments about the rights and wrongs of any given event or situation, large or small, personal or international. Conflict only leads to conflict, however righteous and sympathetic the intentions of those involved may be.

Love heals, resolves, embraces, and makes Real.

Your loving brother, Jesus

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2013 10:03:03 PM

Archangel Michael via Ron Head: You are Being Released. What do You do Now?

morning1As channeled by Ron Head – January 31, 2013

It is now obvious to those who are awakening that there have been great changes made by the rising energies within this last month, so much so that many are not only noticing the changes within themselves and each other, but are communicating this. There are, for some, even glimmerings of psychic openings where none were before. Almost all of you in this awakening state are feeling yourselves primed and ready for you know not what.

Our message to you today is that you do know what. It is the manifestation of your heart’s deepest urgings. There has always been a time for this to happen. That time is now. The conditions in which you find yourselves at this point are best described as release. You are being released. What do you do now?

We suggest that your hearts and your highest selves know the answer to that and are much better prepared to handle it than you are. They have worked long and diligently getting you to this point, answering each intent and desire in your heart. So what we would recommend for those who have done their clearing and learned to spend time in their heart space is, throw the reins up onto the neck of your horse and hang on. Release.

Do today what is given you to do today. You need only concern yourselves with staying in alignment, keeping your state of joy and love alive. There is no reason to worry, no gain comes of it. Only keep your focus on that which brings you joy. Your Creator, your higher selves, and your angels need only your request that they steer the ship. Once you have been able to do that, you will find it much easier to spend time sharing the love and peace you find within with all others. And that, dear ones, is the place to be. But if you are in constant struggle to answer your own needs and wants, it is very difficult to truly devote yourself to others, is not true?

Yes, you can make an effort to do so, but you always find yourself falling back. Find the place of knowing that you are worthy, loved, and provided for. Then you will find that your heart readily begins to wish the same for all other beings.

We understand that a very great number of you have understood much of what we are saying now for a while, but those to whom that applies will please understand that there are now numbers awakening for whom these concepts are just being discovered. There are still more than a few who consider themselves lightworkers who struggle daily with the same old problems. Let us, we on this side and you on that, help them free themselves from those old situations and feel the freedom of this new energy, this new world. Their contributions are going to be needed as we move ahead now.

Love, light, and joy be yours this day. We will speak again.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2013 10:12:40 PM

Archangel Gabriel via Shelley Young: Surrender, Flow, Focused Creation and the Near Match Phenomenon

Byzantine painting of Archangel GabrielAs channeled by Shelley Young – January 27, 2013

Greetings, Dear Ones! How pleased and honoured we are to be with you today, in this first group meeting since you have landed up in this very different, very new, very sacred space. We honour you for making the time to be here to anchor in the energies of the group today and, of course, when we say group, we mean not only those who are in the room at this time but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.

Welcome to the new age, Dear Ones. Here you are. We are so very proud, so very excited that you have landed in these new energies, and they are very new and very different, indeed. Many have felt that nothing changed. They thought that not much happened with your pivotal alignment and nothing could be further from the truth.

There has been profound change to the energetics of your planet. The changes have been so profound that many of you have been in an integration period since that pivotal alignment and are just starting to emerge from it now. That is how massive the energy influx was. It has taken that long for you to integrate those energies, to get used to what those new energies felt like. It has been taxing for many of you emotionally, mentally and physically, but if you are applying what you know, you will move through this with ease and grace. Often, when you are in profound change, it is difficult to see because you do not have that higher vantage point. Often times it is with hindsight that you are able to see how vast change has been and this will be the case for many of you.

You are also shifting into the energies of a brand new year, as well. So we would say be kind and gentle to yourselves, Dear Ones, as you are getting used to how it feels, as you are figuring out how to navigate, how to behave, how to create, how to move with the energies of the new Christed Age. Remember that you are just stepping into it now. More and more will be revealed as you move forward, as you become more comfortable, as you are better able to hold and move with the energies with greater and greater ease.

So we would say to you that the way to navigate in these new energies is through surrender, flow, and focused creation. In the older energies we spoke of surrender, faith, flow and trust. And while those are very valid aspects, if you are sitting in these brand new energies you are here because you have had the faith and the trust to move through the shift, you see? So we think you have the faith and trust elements covered. (smiles)

Now we wish to speak of surrender, flow and focused creation. It is time for you to use your mastery. It is time for you to stay in a calm and centered place, to anchor in those energies, to balance yourselves, to move and accept willingly what is going on. It is to stay out of the idea that anything could be wrong.

When you surrender, you are navigating your unique life expression, your path, with mastery. By surrendering, you are allowing the guides and the helpers to assist you. When you stay in that flow, you allow yourself to move with grace and ease, in the most direct way possible to where you wish to be. When you use your complete focus on what you would like to create more of, you are truly starting to work in the energies like the masters you really are. The sky is the limit, Dear Ones, for what you can create if you use this formula.

We often speak of how the flow contains different elements. The flow can have periods of accelerated movement. That can feel scary. Humans don’t like to feel like they are out of control. We always say that the flow has a steering wheel and it is called gratitude. If you are giving the universe feedback through your gratitude, you will effortlessly navigate your way in the flow to a place you wish to be.

But where people really tend to fall apart is in periods of lull. Lull periods are part of the entirety of the flow. A lull is a period of time where there is little perceived movement. Let us assure you, there is always, always movement, it is simply occurring behind the scenes. The universe cannot stagnate – that does not exist as a possibility. There is always movement. The very nature of the universe is to grow and expand. So when humans enter into a lull period, it is simply a time of rest, a time of integration, a time of release, a time to self-nurture and honour oneself. But before long, humans start to gnash their teeth thinking there is something wrong, so we have a new suggestion for you. We suggest that you consider it a sacred pause.

If you can see it as a sacred time for you to love and honour yourself, to nurture yourself, as a vacation for the soul, if you will, perhaps, just perhaps, you will be able to accept it and allow it to unfold as is required. If you do not get caught up in the idea that anything can be wrong and if you stay in your focused creation and balance you will always be moving forward with ease and with grace. These are the ways of the new energies, Dear Ones.

So we encourage you to practice accepting and allowing, not only for yourselves, but for the process and for others, as well. Many people will be going through trying times if they have not been actively doing their work, if they have not been focusing on their soul growth. Many people will be creating crises in their lives in order to get their attention, in order to change and embrace moving forward. Just as your guides have guided you seamlessly to where you are in this Now moment, their guides have it well under control. Love people enough to let them be where they are.

Lightworkers are caring souls. They are nurturers at heart and they tend to want to fix things. You cannot control another person’s soul growth, Dear Ones. You can support, you can encourage, but you must allow people to experience the natural consequences of their actions in order for them to attain growth. Just as your guides cannot interfere and do things for you, just as they must honour your free will, we urge you to honour the free will of others, understanding that it is the most powerful learning tool they have.

You are here to step into your own personal empowerment and to allow others to do the same. Teach people through your example. If they ask you how you got where you are or what you think or to share your wisdom, absolutely, do it lovingly. But you cannot cram spiritual growth down another person’s throat! It cannot be done. It is an exercise in futility. All you will do is activate resistance in them, which will keep them stuck even longer, and that is the last thing you wish to do! So love each other, support each other and know that each and every soul on the planet knows exactly what they are doing. They are following their own sacred paths as is divinely perfect for them.

Moving forward, your manifestations will be happening in record time. As you get clearer on what it is that you wish to create, the universe will be giving you feedback very, very quickly. As our partner in transmission’s friend often tells her, if it feels like pushing a boulder up a hill, you are not in the flow. Flow is the path of ease, Dear Ones. When you are surrendered in the flow and an area of your life just won’t budge, if you are running into blockages and barriers, it simply is not the time to go in that direction. It is just not being energetically supported at that time. There is no need for you to sit in angst, there is no need for you to waste endless amounts of time wondering which direction you should go in. If you have simply surrendered and are in the flow, it will become very obvious what is being supported and what is not.

Your choice is the path of ease and that does not make you lazy! Those old belief systems that said that you must work yourselves into the ground for little result are just false and disempowering. “No pain, no gain”, is one of the most disempowering falsehoods that we have ever seen humans embrace. If you wish to have a path filled with pain continue on using that mantra but it is completely unnecessary, particularly as you are moving forward in your mastery.

Focus on what you would like to create and then surrender into it, and know that the flow will take you to the highest result possible, if that is your intention. Now, as you hold what it is that you are trying to create, the universe will start to give you feedback. You will become magnetic to what it is that you wish to draw to you and you will start to see elements of the thing that you wish to create popping up into your awareness. The universe will continue to deliver this to you until you get the perfect match to what it is that you are creating. You are being given an opportunity from the universe to give the universe further feedback as it starts to present some of those possibilities to you.

So, for example, let us suppose that you wish to manifest an apple and the universe presents to you an apple that is full of worms. That does not mean that is the only apple that is available to you, Dear Ones! It simply means you have not been clear enough about what you wish to create. So you may say, “Oh universe, no no no! I didn’t want an apple that was filled with worms! Thank you for the apple, but I would like to have an apple that is free of pests, please.”

And then the universe delivers to you an apple that is free of pests but it is bruised because it has been dropped on the floor. So you say, “Oh, okay universe. Thank you for the apple but I would like to have an apple that is free of pests and not bruised. I would like it to be perfect and fresh.”

So then the universe delivers to you an apple that is perfect and fresh but has been treated with pesticides. You have just read about that. “Oh, dear universe! Thank you for delivering me the apple, however I would prefer to have one that is healthy to eat and in perfect shape and has been grown organically.”

So then the universe delivers to you a beautiful red apple that is organic, in perfect shape. It is free of worms, it is free of pesticides and it is not bruised. It looks wonderful but you suddenly realize that all along your mouth has really been watering for a golden delicious apple. So you say to the universe, “Oh thank you universe! That is so much more like what I wanted, however, I was hoping to have all of those elements in a golden delicious apple.”

And then the universe delivers to you exactly what you want, in the most beautiful, golden delicious apple that you have ever seen, that meets all of your needs and brings you so much pleasure, nutrition, and joy. You have manifested your perfect match by staying in the flow until all the vital elements were met.

You were not manifesting wrong when you manifested the wormy apple. You simply had not been specific enough. Would you stop at the wormy apple and say, “Argh, this is all the universe will give me! I’m not worthy. All I’m worthy of is wormy apples.”? No, you would not do such a thing. You understand there are plenty of apples out there and you can effortlessly draw what you want to yourself.

This would be considered the near match phenomenon. The universe will start to bring you the elements of what you are trying to create. If it is anything less than your highest creation, simply see it as feedback from the universe and get clearer about what you want. Get excited! See that it is working! It is not a failure, it is a success! If what you are drawing to you is flawed, do not think it is your only choice. Consider it feedback and get clearer about what you wish to create for yourself because the sky is the limit. There is no cap on what you can create. The universe delivers feedback to you in what materializes physically. You deliver feedback to the universe through your gratitude and focused intention. This is the dance of co-creation.

Where we are seeing people really misunderstanding this is in their desire to draw to them divine partnership. They open themselves up and they intend to draw to them the perfect partner and the universe delivers a near match. The near match allows you to get clearer about what your needs are or what that perfect partnership would look like to you. Perhaps it’s an opportunity to work on yourself, understanding that you will draw to you exactly what you hold.

So people are drawing to themselves partners that hold many of the elements they are looking for, but there is one deal breaker, if you will, in the package. The other person is married or perhaps the other person is terminally ill. The other person is all of the things that you’ve ever wanted for yourself yet they are lost in a battle with addiction. Perhaps they are wounded and they are too afraid to have a partnership or they live on the other side of the world – whatever it may be. Do not settle for less! See it for what it is. If there is an aspect that precludes you from being together, Dear Ones, it is not your divine partner. Throw out the no pain, no gain mindset!

Your divine partner is fully available to you. Your divine partnership is not created to make you yearn and live in angst because you cannot be together. Do not try to take something and cram it into a mold that it simply doesn’t fit in. See it as feedback from the universe. Allow it to help you to get clearer about what is acceptable in a partner. Allow it to help you to get clearer on what you need to work on in yourself in order to draw that divine partner to you. If you have attracted someone who is unavailable, how are you unavailable yourself? As you release that, you will attract an available partner, or the original one will shift and become available to you as well. See it as a way of getting further clarification for what it is that will best honour you and help you be the highest expression of yourself. Don’t get stuck with the wormy apple!

Do you see? This would be the same whether it is a partnership, whether it is looking for a new vehicle, a place to live or a new career. It applies to anything you wish to create.

Ease, Dear Ones, it is the path of ease, through surrender, flow and focused creation. Those are the elements that work together to help co-create the magic in your life that is your divine right as a human being of light stepping into the new Christed Age. That is what we will leave you with for today.

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/1/2013 10:29:04 PM

SaLuSa: February 1, 2013

SacredSaLuSa: February 1, 2013

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

For a long time the energy quotients upon Earth have been slowly growing, but since you have experienced a major upliftment in them they have greatly increased. It means that your levels of Light are increasing at a far greater rate, and the results will gradually be seen as more people look to be released from the hold of the dark Ones.

The Light has long been revealing the truth about their activities, and they are no longer able to fool you with their plans to hold onto power. It is in fact quickly becoming obvious to them that their time is up, and they cling to whatever gives them hope of avoiding the inevitable end of their reign.

With the understanding of what has gone on in the past that has supported the dark Ones, it is possible to live your lives without fear of their actions. That denies them the conditions that they have flourished in, and before their very eyes they see their power slipping away. Consequently our allies can more easily work to speed up the long-awaited changes, and you will not have long to wait to see them.

Now that the lower energies are falling away there is more opportunity for those who are still unawakened to respond to the Light, and the pressure is upon them to uplift themselves. Otherwise, they will find that they cannot continue to stay in the higher vibrations that are increasing all of the time. By their unspoken choice they will stay in the lower vibrations to continue their experiences.

Certainly every soul will have been aware of the opportunities that accompany life on Earth during this period of Ascension, and may nevertheless have planned to simply live through it as part of their experiences. That is why, Dear Ones, you must allow each soul freedom to choose their own path. If it happens to be someone close to you, feel privileged to have been chosen as part of their life plan. Also bear in mind that as an Ascended Being, you will have the ability to return to the lower dimension and maintain your contact with them.

As you are probably aware, a soul’s life plan is not some random arrangement with no actual goal in mind. It is carefully planned to give a soul the precise experiences that will further their evolution. Yet it is still your final choice as to whether you fulfill it, but be assured you would not easily change what is clearly in your best interests.

However, life plans do change when circumstances arise that were not foreseen that have become part of your experiences. Sometimes they are not beneficial, but on other occasions they may take you forward quicker than anticipated. For every soul that decides to follow through on the Ascension pathway, there are numerous helpers that work incessantly to ensure your intent is fulfilled.

We would emphasize that you are never alone on your journey, and our presence is never imposing to the point of intruding in your private moments. It is more a matter of us simply “knowing” when our help or presence is needed. It is not just the Galactic Federation of Light that is in service to others, as all Ascended souls serve in one capacity or another and eventually so shall you.

The ramifications of the outcome of the 21st December still smolder and ramble on, but that is largely due to the difficulty in appreciating that, where the Light is concerned, there is no such thing as “failure”. The only constant is “change” and it touches upon so many people’s lives and it is they who determine the outcome.

You now know what is possible, and it is up to you to create your own reality. We are naturally aware of the ever growing demand for the Prosperity funds to be issued, the announcement of Disclosure and the bringing about of peace. Be assured they will be satisfied before long, and arrangements are well advanced.

Your joy and happiness will abound in due course as deep down you know that you are already victorious. For you time has speeded up, yet in some ways it also seems to be dragging its feet and you start to become anxious or impatient. Please keep your eyes firmly on the future, and remember that most of you are in an advantaged position to know more certainly of what is taking place. As Lightworkers we look to you to lift people up, as the time has long gone when you felt reluctant to express your views. Be open without being too heavy and having said your truth leave it at that, and you will be doing the best for those around you.

Mother Earth has been steadily continuing to make changes, and because of the immense amount of Light now grounded upon it, has not needed to resort to more catastrophic measures. The climate changes occur for various reasons, including man-made interference, but when everything has settled down you will have the most agreeable conditions without the extremes you are used to having now.

Mother Earth is very appreciative of the love and blessings that you send her, as in the recent past she has tended to be forgotten for the “Mother” role she plays. The feminine influence is returning and bringing more harmony and balance into being, and masculine dominance is being replaced by a more even-handed representation wherever you look.

From our level we are most pleased that so many groups are being formed to bring in the changes, as much of it starts at the lower level. Once you do that, by the Law of Attraction you get even more help until the whole thing becomes so well established your success is guaranteed.

We operate at levels where you would find it difficult to work, so that together we are a formidable force for change. Nothing would delight us more than to tell you of our actions on your behalf, but it is still not the right time to reveal what we are doing. In time you will know, and there is so much that needs putting right where your history is concerned.

It doesn’t matter where you look you will find the truth has been badly distorted, or even re-written to suit the ambitions of the dark Ones. They are found in all major institutions, and not always aware that they are working against the Light. You must get to know the truth as it will show you that your true selves have been repressed and enslaved, to give the impression that you were without the power to determine your own future.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and want you to know that we are still very much with you, and we protect those of the Light as far as possible. It may be difficult to understand, but sometimes a soul will sacrifice its life to emphasize the object of its existence. It is the ultimate gift to others that usually brings immense Light to Earth. We love you all as always.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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2/2/2013 12:44:34 AM

Video: Iceland’s President Says “Let the Banks Fail”

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
