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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 6:30:38 PM

Archangel Michael Through Ron Head: It is the Stuff of Which You Are Made. It is the Stuff of Which Everything is Made.

2012 DECEMBER 21
Posted by Alice C

MorningArchangel Michael Through Ron Head: It is the Stuff of Which You Are Made. It is the Stuff of Which Everything is Made.

As channeled by Ron Head – December 21, 2012

Good morning to all, on this first day of your new age, the Age of Aquarius, as you have named it.

Many have awakened to feelings of bliss and cellular excitement as the building light continues to pour down upon you. This is still rising to its zenith and will continue to do so for the remainder of the year. Bask in it, bathe in it, and rejoice in it. The effects of it will be far reaching and wonderful.

You will find that, as you become more and more used to the new levels of light and love, you will be more able to perceive in the ways you have, most of you, only imagined before now. Allow us to suggest a few ways to encourage these changes to take place.

If you wish, my friends, to make changes to your chakras, your energy body, you must first acknowledge that you have such a body, that you indeed have chakras. If you wish to absorb the love and light of Creator, you must first acknowledge that it does indeed exist and is pouring down upon you. The truth of it is, of course, that it is the stuff of which you are made. It is the stuff of which everything is made.

There are, at this present moment in the cosmic cycle, more sources of this energy aligned and beaming directly at you than there have been for many, many thousands of your years. There is a configuration, in fact, which has never before happened. In addition, there are far more hearts sending love and light to you than you have the ability to imagine quite yet.

Now, what we wish you to do is to take this picture we have just painted for you and hold it in your minds with love, gratitude, and acceptance for as many moments each day as you can, waking, working, meditating, day-dreaming, and even sleeping. Just bring your mind back to it as often as you can. Bring to it feelings, sounds, sights, smells, whatever you can bring to continue its newness and attraction for you. Feed your dreams with it. Create with it. Yes, we said create with it, for that is what you do, dear hearts.

Now, let us end this little note and allow you to spend the rest of your day in enjoying this moment to its fullest. We are standing at your shoulders. Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 6:34:08 PM

Saul: No One Will be Able to Remain Unaware of What is Being Offered to Them

2012 DECEMBER 21
Posted by Steve Beckow

Repost from Dec. 19, 2012

No one will be able to remain unaware of what is being offered to them

Saul through John Smallman, Dec. 19, 2012

Humanity will enter into a state of unexpected peace and contentment, turning to amazement and exhilaration as it awakens into the New Age which is almost upon you. There will be no disappointments for those who have been waiting hopefully and expectantly as they have held the Light and the intent to bring it into being. God always honors his promises most magnificently, and in Reality — His heavenly Domain — joy can only grow and intensify. Hold to your faith and trust in Him during these last few moments before Heaven on Earth is delivered.

Heaven on Earth is something that people have been hoping and praying for for eons, and some of them, just a few, have experienced a brief and enticing sense of what that means when in deep meditative states of prayer or contemplation. Humanity’s interest in things of a spiritual nature has grown enormously over the last few decades, largely due to the ongoing encouragement of many who returned to the earth plane purely to be here and help you all to raise your awareness of your spiritual nature at this point in your evolution. Those interests, along with the time spent in prayer and meditation to which they led, have brought about an opening in your collective minds and hearts leading to acceptance of and a strong desire for spiritual knowledge of an order never seen before among humans.

In bygone ages there was much superstition, and those with well-developed intellects often preyed on those superstitions to manipulate the uneducated and impoverished by claiming to have direct access to God or the saints and even the power to influence them. With the growth of science and education across the world there are now far too many well-informed and intelligent people among you for those who would control you – by attempting to place the fear of God within you – to be able to continue their manipulative practices and frighten you into submission.

Much essential questioning of basic religious dogmas has been taking place during the last sixty or seventy years that has exposed their false aspects and the frequently dishonorable intentions of the proselytizers who uphold them – however, all religions and spiritual organizations do have some truth to offer. Previously, and for eons, the leaders or patriarchs of religions and spiritual organizations have sought temporal power over the populace by claiming to offer a path to paradise to those who would serve them and their interests with unquestioning obedience. And, of course, the same attitude prevails in some of them today, as well as in the military where the dogma is patriotism and love of country.

Dogma and unquestioning obedience have caused, and continue to cause, much suffering and damage across the world. However the growth in true spiritual awareness of an educated populace is causing the foundations of all those manipulative and controlling organizations to crumble, and their rulers, leaders, presidents – whatever you like to call them – will not be able to sustain or maintain their dishonorable empires for very much longer. They have absolutely no place or reason for being in the coming New Age.

You are, as you well know, spiritual beings having a bodily experience, but for a long time you have focused most of your attention on those physical bodies and the environment they occupy while paying very little attention to your true spiritual nature, even though it is by far the most important and significant aspect of your beingness. That is changing very rapidly indeed now because the energies contained within and communicated to you from the field of divine Love enveloping you all are intensifying daily to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to awaken presented to them clearly and succinctly in a way that is quite unmistakable to that individual. No one will be lost, forgotten, or able to remain unaware of what is being offered to them, nor of how magnificent that offer is. God takes the greatest care of His own, and you are all His own!

As the countdown to your awakening continues, focus on being lovingly aware of the true nature hidden within the physical bodies of all those with whom you meet and interact. The awakening is for everyone, because all are divine spiritual beings have a temporary physical experience which is coming to an end as you prepare to return to your heavenly Home.

With so very much love, Saul.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 6:36:47 PM

New Beginning, Dec. 21, 2012

2012 DECEMBER 21
Posted by Alice C

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 6:42:08 PM

Suzanne Lie: Message from the Arcturians – Point of Perception

2012 DECEMBER 22
Posted by Andrew Eardley

Message from the Arcturians – Point of Perception

By Suzanne Lie -December 21, 2012

Beloved Ones, we are the Arcturians

We bless you all on this important day of 12-21-12 and wish you all Happy Winter Solstice. We see your Lights amplifying with your every breath. From our perspective, Gaia is absorbing your increasing Light and sharing it with all who have not yet found the Fount of Light available for all.

Gaia and all her inhabitants rejoice within this day, for a silent beginning has commenced. Your New Age has come in like a lamb and will grow into the power of a Lion. A strong Silence has come into your NOW in which you can BE your SELF in your everyday life. As you relax into this Silence, you will hear our voice and see our face everywhere.

Many of you have wanted to leave the challenges and turmoil of the third dimension, but you did not realize that there is no such thing as leaving. You are always everywhere all the time. What changes is not your location. All that changes is your Point of Perception. Your Point of Perception is that to which you focus your intention. This intention will stay adhered to this focus by the force of your unconditional love.

Gradually, you will begin to realize that wherever you place your intention and bind it with your unconditional love, shall be your Point of Perception. At first, you will only be able to maintain one Point of Perception at a “time”. Then, as you begin to release your habit of time, you will be able to remain simultaneously focused on more than one Point of Perception.

This ability to maintain multiple Points of Perception is an innate ability of your Ascended Master presence. Yes, you are already Ascended Masters, but you have forgotten that due to your third dimensional thinking. You are not in the process of becoming fifth dimensional. You are in the process of returning your Point of Perception back to the fifth dimensional SELF that you have ALWAYS been.

Your Ascension is not the process of becoming someone more evolved. Your Ascension is a process of remembering who you have always been and returning your Point of Perception to that expression of your Multidimensional SELF. Once you have consciously placed your Point of Perception onto a higher dimensional expression of your SELF, you will easily be able to live as your Ascended SELF concurrently with your human self.

We have, of course, spoken of this process before. However, within your NOW the energy field of light directed towards your physical reality is of a much higher frequency than you have experienced in almost 26,000 years. This energy field resonates to the highest frequency of light, which is unconditional love.

The acceptance of this unconditional love into your physical form and everyday life will greatly facilitate the return of your multidimensional memory. Your multidimensional memory will allow you to intimately re-connect with all the Truths you have forgotten during your long sojourn into the third dimension.

In fact, we ask that you relax into the acceptance of this Light right now…

  • Feel this greater Light as it enters into your Pineal Gland to activate your multidimensional memory…
  • Remember the YOU that is already an Ascended Master…
  • Visualize this component of your SELF in great detail…
  • What do you look like? What are you wearing? See your great light and love emanating from your Third Eye, High Heart and hands…
  • Feel and accept the unconditional love emanating from this Higher Expression of YOU…

Your Ascended Master SELF is the ONE who chose to incarnate in your present body so that you could assist with Planetary Ascension. Therefore, you do not need to deserve this YOU or change yourself in any way. You are already this Ascended One. Therefore, all you need DO is to place your Point of Perception into this component of your Multidimensional SELF.

You can shift your perception via the power of your imagination/5D thought. It may take a bit of meditative “time” for you to allow this shift in your Point of Perception, so be patient with yourself. You have worn your Earth vessel for many incarnations and identified it as yourself. Therefore, you will need to break that habit and identify yourself as your Ascended Master and your Earth vessel as the projection from your SELF.

Begin your process by imaging yourself as the Ascended Master, which you are!

  • Look down at your feet and see what is on your feet…
  • From your feet look up your body to see what you are wearing…

(Your Ascended Master may not be humanoid, so do not be bothered by that)

  • Look out to your ascended hands and see the Light shinning from them…
  • Touch your face with your hands to see how the Light of your Third Eye is amplified by the touch of your hands…
  • Now, touch your High Heart to see how your High Heart and hands amplify their Light…
  • Place your Point of Perception on THIS form…

(At first, you may only be able to hold this Point of Perception during meditation)

  • From your Point of Perception as your Ascended SELF, include your Earth vessel within this Point of Perception…

As you repeatedly practice this exercise, you will slowly realize that you are both of these expressions of your SELF all the time. Then you will be beyond the limitation of time, as your primary Point of Perception will be with your Ascended Master SELF. Then you will maintain your human Point of Perception for as long as you wish.

In fact, you can withdraw your human Point of Perception and protect that Earth vessel in a higher frequency, so that you can re-activate and use that vessel whenever you desire. Ascended Masters have often maintained Earth vessels in this manner.

There will likely be a great deal of “practice” before you can remember that your primary Point of Perception is your Ascended SELF and your Earth vessel is the projection from that SELF. At first, you will likely feel as though your Earth vessel is your primary Point of Perception and your Ascended Master SELF is not quite real. Be patient with your SELF as 3D habits take “time” to break.

As more and more of Gaia’s inhabitants place their primary Point of Perception onto their Ascended SELF, the collective habit of 3D time will begin to fade. This fading away of time will escalate as the Unity Consciousness of Gaia transports their primary Point of Perception onto the Ascended SELF living within the Ascended Planet.

Just as your Ascended SELF resonated to the fifth dimension and beyond long before your first incarnation on Earth, Gaia’s Ascended SELF resonated to the fifth dimension and beyond long before She took Her 3D form of Earth. Gaia and Her inhabitants did not originate in the physical plane. All life originates in Source and chooses to move as far down the frequency scale of reality. However, once a Being remains in the physical plane of time too long, they forget their higher frequencies of SELF.

Again, we remind you that Ascension is not an “accomplishment”. Ascension is a return to a version of your Multidimensional SELF. We openly and unconditionally love and welcome ALL of returnees back into our higher frequencies of reality.

The Arcturians and ALL our Galactic and Celestial Family

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/24/2012 1:06:09 AM

Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: The Veils are Lifting as You Raise Your Frequencies to Match those of 5th Dimensional Mother Earth/Gaia

2012 DECEMBER 23
Posted by Alice C

Sunlight on beachCouncil of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: The Veils are Lifting as You Raise Your Frequencies to Match those of 5th Dimensional Mother Earth/Gaia

Channeled by Goldenlight,© The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when reposting this message.December 23, 2012

Message from Goldenlight: I woke up this morning wide awake at 7am (which rarely happens, as I’m a late sleeper). What woke me up was the brilliancy of the light coming into my window and outside the window. It almost seemed to be surreal in its vibrancy and brilliancy. There were golden rays of light streaming in through my double blinds (a set of curtains over a louvre blind)……it was filling my room with this incredible golden light. I got up from bed and tried to see where this light was coming from. I could see the sky through the blinds and it was a brilliant BRIGHT blue.

Outside was a brilliant, blinding “sun” but it didnt seem like the sun. It was extremely low in the sky and almost seemed to be perched outside on my lawn! Streaming from this beautiful globe of blinding yellow light were these beautiful rays of golden light coloring the entire view outside, then streaming into my window. In my half-awake state, I remember thinking “This is different.” “Something is different and new about this.” All the colors seemed to be extremely bright and brilliant. I had also been dreaming all night intense dreams about higher dimensional concepts, and was taking part in much interdimensional travel in, around, and through the dimensions and visiting with many others to take part in higher dimensional conversations and activities.

It seems there is more activity in my dream life than my waking life. I have always traveled to the 4th and 5th dimension in my dreams, since I was a young child, visiting with relatives that have passed on, re-experiencing past lives, etc. So I guess in a sense I have always traveled in and out of the higher dimensions, between waking and sleeping. When I woke up this morning, I felt as if I was being surrounded by a new higher reality, and had remained in a higher dimension between sleeping and awaking, instead of immediately transferring into the lower dimension upon waking. I went back to sleep, It was amazing, to say the least. Most of my experiences thus far have been internal ones, but this experience this morning confirmed for me that we are indeed shifting into a higher reality and that the earth is birthing herself anew. I asked my Council of Angels and Archangel Michael about this experience and below is the message I received.

Good afternoon All, we are the Council of Angels and Archangel Michael. We wish to speak to you today of the experience the channel had this morning upon “waking”. The veils are being lifted between the dimensions now so that all may “ascend” or raise their frequency and consciousness to the higher realms. The frequency of the earth is and has changed to a higher vibration, so you and your bodies are naturally “upshifting” to harmonize with these higher vibrations and frequencies.

The channel, Goldenlight has always been a “go-between” between the 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions, normally traveling to the 4th and 5th in her dreamstate since she was a young child; this is a gift she was given as part of her pre-birth agreement to be a transmitter and receiver for information from the higher dimensional realms and the earthen realms. All of you are waking up to your missions now, as not only the veils to the higher dimensions, but also the veils over your memories of your missions, your journey as a soul, and your origin as a soul are lifted. This happened to the channel in August of 2012 and has been increasing gradually.

What she experienced this morning was a removal of the veil between the dimensions, and was able to go from dreaming in the 5th dimension to seamlessly transitioning to being in the same dimension as she awoke from sleep. This was a most beautiful experience of higher dimensional love, light and harmony which many of you will begin to have from here on. You see this entire process of shifting yourselves into the higher dimensions is a gentle one, according to your own vibrations and frequencies. Everything that you can do at this time to raise your frequency will assist you in first tuning in, then entering into these higher realities. This is the new reality which we are all entering…and we say we, because we of the angelic realms experience these things with you, as we are ever near to assist and to send you our unconditional love.

Be patient with yourselves and with this process, then. Meditate, raise your vibrations, and think positive. Try to be free of all negativity, including fear, anger, rage, discouragement, hopelessness, etc. these are all emotions of the lower vibrations and cannot exist in these higher realms. If you are struggling with these emotions, call on me, Archangel Michael to remove them for you, and I will instantly be there. Call on Source who is also ever loving you and ever near to free you of these lower energy vibrations which will prohibit you from existing or being in the higher realms.

You see these realms already exist in your world, the energies have been anchored into Mother Earth/Gaia’s body which is assisting in permanently anchoring these energies into your world. It is up to you, now, to do all you can to raise your vibrations. Practice loving kindness towards yourself and others. Embrace compassion, forgiveness, and all virtues of loving kindness and light. If there are those you cannot forgive, ask us, Archangel Michael and Source, to help you forgive everyone, including yourself if needed.

We will instantly be there, every loving and ready to assist you. We of the angelic realm are messengers or liaisons between Source and humanity; part of our mission is to assist you in every way possible. So please take a moment each morning or evening to sit in quiet meditation and ask us to clear anything that is left inside you which may tether you to these lower energy vibrations.

You are all “ascending” (raising your frequencies, vibrations, and consciousness) and “attuning” into these higher dimensional energies which your planet, Mother Earth, Gaia, is now emitting. Gaia has transformed her body (the planet) into a 5th dimensional frequency and does exist now in this frequency. You, as a human in a body upon earth, now must slowly and gradually or quickly if you wish, attune yourself to this higher frequency. So you see that this is a process that is happening gradually on its own, as the body does adjust to the frequencies of the earth naturally, and this process can be accelerated by you when you raise your frequencies and vibrations.

We love you all and welcome you into these higher realities and energies, on your eternal journey back to Source. All Beings are Emanations from the Source, and to this Source all will eventually return.

As we end this transmission, we impress upon you the unconditional love and support that we extend always to you, and are sending you much soft love and light.

Council of Angels and Archangel Michael.

© The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright when reposting this message.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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