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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/21/2012 5:45:42 PM

12-21-12… The Only Post I’m Making…

Kp with 12-12-12 Sun on Kauai (click to enlarge)

Kp with 12-12-12 Sun on Kauai
(click to enlarge)

As mentioned in a recent post, “There are (probably literally) tons of ‘December 21, 2012′ messages out there.” I have felt essentially no movement to post anything about it. I have stayed away from “analyzing” it, or trying to “figure out what’s going to happen.” None of that.

I do feel that the 12-21-12 is a significant marker date, as pointed out in the Tolec video in thatrecent post. But I feel that there is also a ton of stuff out there that just “stretches my surf shorts”. So I’m answering a few questions that seem to be coming up right now. This is from my own, personal view. Maybe this will help somebody, maybe not.

  • Will I ascend on 12-21-12?
    Yes and no. I said “yes” to the ascension process quite a long time ago. I’ve been ascending in Spirit for several years now. And that will continue after the 12-21-12. But I do NOT expect to disappear into the 5th (or whatever) dimension on 12-21-12.
  • Will I be doing anything special on the 12-21-12?
    I don’t know. My sense is that I will be “doing” what I’ve been doing for the past several years now, living one moment at a time. And following the Guidance of that “one moment”. I will not likely be carrying out long ceremonies, or meditations, or aligning myself with any particular Earth grids or ley lines or magnetic poles or whatever, or lying on my back looking at the sky or treading water in the ocean for hours and hours, on 12-21. Those do NOT feel like my “things”. They may fit for some, but not for me.
  • Will I need to fly away somewhere to experience the full “benefits” of the 12-21-12?
    No. You know, this ascension upgrading process is occurring on and with the entire planet. Now, if I were to feel strongly guided to do so, I would. But for myself, I’ll probably stay right here in Kona.
  • Some people are getting all “zoned out” about the 12-21-12, like it’s the end all of everything. Am I going to get into that?
    No. There is so much 12-21-12 “hype” flying around out there. The 3D world’s not going to end. It’s not going to fall apart. Folks who have been preparing for this date are (most likely) not going to disappear from view. Maybe a few will, I don’t know. But I personally have not got into ANY of that 12-21-12 ascension “hype” that says, “All of a sudden, in the blink of an eye, I’ll ascend on 12-21-12 at 11:11 (or whenever)… Good Bye.” You know, this vibrational upgrade (ascension) is a process… even after 12-21-12. And it’s forthe entire planet. There’s nothing we can do to stop it. Just ride along with it, and enjoy the results.
  • Will I be doing something special or involved to prepare for the 12-21-12?
    Not really. I’ve read these things that say “You must release all your 3D attachments and ‘bad’ habits, etc., etc., in order to ascend.” All I can say to that is, “Give me a break.” Yes, we can release whatever we are “guided” to release, but I can guarantee, there will still be plenty of “releasing going on” after the 12-21-12. And we are getting tonnes of help with it as well, from the Higher Ups.
    For myself, I had to say, “Stop being so hard on yourself. You do not need to be ‘perfect’ for this to happen. Allow yourself to go through the process. Allow yourself beprocessed. Allow yourself to be.”
  • What is my own personal Ultimate Guide for how to experience the 12-21-12?
    For me, the Guide is as it has always been, “Follow your joy. Follow your bliss. One moment at a time.”
And that’s what I’ll be doing, one moment at a time, on the 12-21-12.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 11:07:43 AM

The Ascended Masters and the Hathors: You are Being Initiated into a Whole New Paradigm of Consciousness [Dec 21st, 2012]

Divine Help-We are not alone & we are Loved-Channeled through Wes Annac-

[Many thanks to Konstantinos for the picture of our new paradigm!]

Can you dear souls imagine that you have plentiful guides all around you at all times, simply waiting to be called upon?

We will let you know that we are with you in the form of synchronicities which can be numeric by nature but which can be expressed in a plethora of other ways. For example, seeming coincidences that occur in your Lives are usually attempts by fragments of your higher selves to reach you and communicate a specific message, and we help in the attempt to get your dear souls’ attention and to help and guide you along your paths.

Every choice that you make is setting the stage for and building upon the manifestation of further events in your Lives and the perspectives you employ determine the course your Lives are to be heading in.

Those on your world who feel that a cataclysm or disaster is imminent are feeling the breakdown of the old and dense energies in themselves and as a result, are coping with the surfacing of the negative feelings that have, until now, driven the subconscious rage and density that some dear souls on your world feel but keep bottled-up, yet express such rage in the form of belief systems, ideals and opinions.

What has been kept and held within is now arising to the surface and while some dear souls would stay comfortable within their unrealized densities for a much longer period of time than the ascension cycle is calling for, the intervention and assistance from the Divine Forces is seeing to it that every dear soul is offered the full opportunity to work through latently-held issues that have laid dormant within the surface perception and consciousness of many an Earth soul.

Even many unawakened souls are still surfacing issues from past or current Lives and working through the density and trauma that has naturally been gained whilst experiencing a world rooted in density and darkness for so very long.

We wish to tell you of the importance and magnitude of the Lighted energies many of you dear souls are bringing through yourselves, for you are uplifting parts of your world that need such upliftment if they are to properly resonate with the coming energies, which will see all that is of density and the lower vibrations transmuted and recruited over to the energetic side of the Light.

You have heard so very much about the grid of Light being built-upon and sustained with the Light energy you are bringing through yourselves in any given moment, and the importance and strength of your Lighted energy is determined by your belief in the reality of the energy work you are performing when bringing such energy through.

This is one reason we remind you of the importance and magnitude of your Light work, because it simply cannot be expressed enough and your Earthly words simply do not do justice to how powerful and strong the Lighted energies being expressed truly are.

We strive for you to feel these energies in their fullest purity once again and we are working with so very much of ourselves to help you bring about the energetic and physical events that are to be reaching your world and that you are attracting to yourselves in every moment.

Begin to explore the seemingly new realities you are beginning to find within yourselves.

Enjoy your unfolding multidimensional perspective; expand upon it in any moment you find yourselves able to, for it is equally important for you to begin to consciously interact with the realms of Source as they unfold within your sphere of perception.

You are now beginning to consciously experience the higher realms once again and this was your very mission, dearest souls; to become open to the higher realms so that you could properly resonate with the Lighted energies that would see you acting as a conduit for Source to express itself through, to rebuild Gaia’s planetary grid and establish a grid much stronger and more infallible to the influence of the dark and dense energies.

You are here to build upon the framework of energy that is helping your world to ascend and we reiterate as well that Gaia’s Light grid is brimming more than ever before with the increasingly-pure energies being brought through the Lightworker collective.

You came to this world to experience a multidimensional perspective and anchor the very underlying and inherent concepts that lead one to such a perspective, unto the unawakened Earth collective and this is why so many of you have taken to expressing yourselves in the public arena and getting the message and concepts of the higher realms out to a public who will vastly benefit from the truths of the higher realms, if they can only find themselves open to such truths within their minds and hearts.

Your missions have included easing the collective density that has been and is still manifested in your current time, and you dear souls have done this marvelously as you worked through your instated veils and barriers and integrated and transmuted the layers of ego and illusion that would attempt to surface and cloud your perspective.

Truly, you are unlimited and infinite beings and there is nothing you cannot attain and experience upon finding and fashioning that ever-important inner connection with your higher self as well as your guides.

You are in very powerful times at present and we simply await the time when we as well as your Galactic brethren can walk openly among you on your dearest, beautiful ascending world, and help you all to gain the ascended perspectives that we have garnered after having been helped by souls from the higher realms when we were in your third dimensional positions.

The way of the Universe is to help any struggling or lower dimensional planet [or individual soul] to evolve in any way possible, as once finding the higher realms, the desire to have as many souls as possible experience the prevalent bliss and joy that make up the higher dimensional experience becomes a top priority, and serving others along their path in any beneficial way garners the most wonderful feeling within us.

You will find that this is so within yourselves as well, as you ascend into the fifth dimension and find even purer realms of consciousness as a result of your continual climb through the realms of Source.

You reach now, the precipice of a very powerful alignment that will serve to upgrade your temples and spirits exponentially.

You must allow the changes to come forth within you, dear souls and some of you will experience them more subtly while others will begin quite initially to notice the effects of an upgraded spirit and temple. Your bodes are expanding to host a fifth dimensional soul and experience all that comes with hosting a fifth dimensional soul, and your refining and retuning process is very intense.

You must allow yourselves the necessary grace and ease you require along your paths, for the alignments you are to reach will pump-up the intensity of the lessons you are learning in your personal Lives that serve to shed and integrate illusory layers of yourselves.

What will happen during the alignment of the 21st is that very powerful celestial bodies will be in line with each other, which will cause a shifting of the purity of energies being sent to all lower octaves of Creation within this Universe.

Every lower [and higher] realm prevalent within this Universe is to receive a boost in the purity of energies Creating their realities, and this is one of many reasons that the ascension of the Earth is monumentally-important to the ascension of various planets and Galaxies who have been based in the lower dimensions of consciousness and who are beginning to find themselves ready to exit the densities of their respective experience and re-find the ever-purer realms that so many of you are embracing with every bit of yourselves.

We honor your resolve, your strength and your faith in the reality of all that is happening, even when in the face of seemingly unending destruction.

There are so many souls on your world who go to great lengths to convince you that the vibrations of harmony and joy are not prevalent on your world and rather, that only the densities manifested for thousands of years can remain prevalent on your world and this is simply not true.

The biggest illusion still being fed on your world is the belief that darkness and density are the prevalent means of experiencing your Lives. This is simply not so and in fact, the pervading vibrations of Joy, harmony and Love make up your conscious experience. This is why every soul who goes against the natural, Loving flow will find difficulties manifested in their Lives; because it is akin to attempting to swim upstream in a river.

It can be done, but it will be very difficult and the difficulties experienced on your world have clouded the minds and hearts of many dear souls who would attempt to convince others around them that positive change is not manifesting.

The power you are to experience on the 21st of your month December could not be expressed enough, and it is because of this sheer power that some may not feel as if anything has happened when this date comes around. We say that you will all experience this date differently according to your own levels of growth and the readiness and preparedness you have attained in yourselves for such a date, and those who Create their realities based on the continual thought that positive change cannot manifest, will naturally be carried-forth onto the timelines wherein they seem to feel nothing.

You give out what you put in to your reality, dear souls, and it can simply be no other way.

If you are one who feels that no positive change will manifest as a result of this date, your vibrations will be adjusted accordingly and your experience will reflect your view. In a similar vein, those of you who have expected to feel the monumental energy in yourselves that you will indeed feel, have already began the most difficult and final aspects of your processes before you find yourselves ready to embrace increasingly-pure states of consciousness.

Every one of you have worked throughout a plethora of Lives to achieve the ascension you are on this world to achieve and while many of you may subconsciously choose not to experience the purest of energy you can feel during the 21st, you will still experience benefits on this date and such benefits will be adjusted according to the levels of expectation you have employed in yourselves.

Some feel that your ascension could not be any other than a gradual process and as a result, will utilize the 21st as another needed and appreciated date to absorb steadily-purer energy, but not as a date for ascending. Those who are expecting a mass, sudden ascension may find the most intense of testing within themselves to see if they are truly ready for such ascension, and all of you are to experience benefits on this date; based on your level of readiness and belief of what such date will garner you.

Again, there will as well, be some who feel that nothing has happened to them on this date and in many cases, this will have come about because of the belief that nothing would happen.

It is interesting from a higher dimensional standpoint, to watch you dear souls program your reality negatively at times and then express sadness that your reality is programed negatively. If a dear soul expects something negative to happen, witnesses such a thing and then turns to us to say “well, do you see? My Life is just as bad as I’ve been saying it is!” – We simply smile and remind you that you are Creating your reality with every belief you employ.

If you happen to find a string of negative events seeming to manifest around you, it is important to pay attention to your reaction to each negative thing as it plays out. If you can take a step back and view everything from a centered and balanced point of view, you will see that imbalance has caused negativity to manifest on your world and that your feeding of a balanced and positive perspective is essential to experiencing the benefits of your ascension.

Some choose to remain negative and ingrained within their physical ways, and those are the souls whom we speak of that will feel as if nothing has happened during this powerful timeframe. We say that again, everybody is experiencing a wonderful absorption of pure energy on this date and one’s level of belief in what this date will garner, will see one naturally put on that level of feeling the intensity of energies given on this date.

[The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes step in and request to communicate.]

Greetings, dear souls, we are the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes and we would like to provide our energetic perspectives on the events unfolding on your world at present.

We have been working for quite a long amount of your concept of time to continually ready and prepare you for this date of the 21st and for plenty of other dates that are to come which will see your world delivered to even purer vibrations and reaching newer strides along your personal and planetary processes.

We have been stationed within the higher realms [of the Earth] that your collective consciousness is growing toward for some time, and we have watched your Earth experience play out while we funneled-down the energy Creating your realities and helping you to ascend.

As we have discussed previously, we have been steadily increasing the amount and purity of energy sent down to Create your lower realms with each time we send this energy to you and with the 21st at hand, we are preparing for a major increase of quite intense proportions, of the purity of energy sustaining your reality.

You can all make your efforts to feel and absorb this energy within yourselves, and we ask that you allow these energies to process through yourselves and know that any pain or discomfort is temporary and will not affect you in the long run.

We do not wish for you to avoid consulting a physician or doctor if you find intense pain within yourselves, but we speak of the subtle pains that will get your attention and then fade away, having no further effects upon your bodies or minds. These are the temporary shifting pains you may find within yourselves as your temple is prepared to further shovel-out any density still remaining within yourselves as your ascension reaches the purest phase it has reached as of yet.

Up until now, many of you have been subtly awakening and toying with the idea of your own personal ascension but now, the intensity has been kicked-up into high gear and the importance and prevalence of your ascension process is stronger than ever before.

It is time to put your ascension at forefront of your perspective and to see that it is no longer taking a backseat in your Lives.

Of course, this reminder is not relevant to so many of you whom have indeed embraced your ascension process with every bit of yourselves and allowed it to exist within the forefront of your perspective for some time, but there are those who could use the reminder and knowledge that your ascension is truly about to be kicked-up into a gear that will test you further than you have been tested as of yet.

Those of you who have cleared out every last bit of dross and emotional negativity within yourselves may find yourselves breezing through this alignment as you experience the wonderful, metaphysical fruits of your labors, and others will find difficulty with the final surfacings they are performing as they ready themselves for the heightened intensity to come in the days, weeks and months ahead.

Many of you are of course, wondering about physical happenings on your world such a disclosure and we wish to express that such maters have taken a temporary backseat from the point of view of the Company of Heaven, so that we can all instead focus on reaching this important pinnacle that you know as the 21st and allow everything that needs to happen to be carried-forth by the energies accompanying this alignment.

Your cabals will find their influence diminished even more significantly than it has already been, and they will even find themselves unable and unwilling to continue feeding dense and outdated mind and heart sets that are no longer in resonation with the energies to be expressed on your world for generations to come.

Love, Peace, Joy and harmony are to be realized within the collective, planetary consciousness and when the bulk of effects from this and many more alignments are made known within your collective, you will all come together in joy, and wonder how you could have fed the acts of density that kept you separated for far too long.

Many souls will begin to remember their Galactic origins and will embrace the roles they have come here to play, as well as such origins. Some will find themselves as having been Earth natives and will embrace the plentiful time periods they have taken Lives in, and you will all be able to utilize and benefit from the Akashic Records to view any time period of your Earth’s history.

You will be introduced to the Akashic Records and the information and knowledge they hold within during the disclosure announcements and as has been expressed, we will be relying on the Akashic Records to provide much detail and insight that the cabals have attempted to suppress, about their actions and about the true history of your world which is far, far different from what you have been told.

Earth will be recognized all throughout Creation as an inspiring Galactic planet and each one of you starseeds and Lightworkers who are here at this time will experience supreme pride and joy for the amazing and seemingly-impossible work you have successfully performed upon the surface of the Earth.

You have made it, dear souls! Does that not just feel wonderful to acknowledge?

Even if you feel as if nothing has happened on the 21st you can rest assured that in general, you are being initiated into a whole new paradigm of consciousness with the arrival this date and the continual act of purifying the energies Creating your reality that this date and the ones after it will initiate and establish more fully.

Some of you wonder how positive change could possibly come about on a world that seems so bleak, and we wish to remind you that there are but a small few yet influential pillars of darkness feeding every last bit of density expressed on your world today.

Literal energetic barriers are established on your world that cloud the minds and hearts of each individual who finds themselves exposed to such barriers by way of anger or density of any kind, and the Lighted energies being given to you now as well as the Lightwork being diligently performed by each one of you, are toppling these pillars of darkness and seeing them replaced with the natural Light that is to become the norm on your world.

The Light is truly on your world to stay and you will be meeting with the Forces of the Light so very soon, and we ask you all to continue to hold the focus hold to your visions of what reality is supposed to be, as well as of the future you are heading toward.

Do not let yourselves feel discouraged by the nearly inevitable influence of the naysayers who have Created their realities to the extents that they felt nothing on the 21st, as many professional detractors are looking toward this date for the ultimate unloading of propagandized disinformation that will attempt to completely tear down the ascension movement, because of their own experience of such a date.

Do not let your perspectives be clouded, dear souls, for many of you are indeed already feeling the continual effects from this date and those who seem to feel nothing will themselves experience the effects of this alignment, when they are ready in themselves to experience such benefits and to feel the wonderful surge of Light and increase in their own metaphysical perspective, accompanying this alignment.

Your ascension energies will not be “backing off” of you and will rather, increase continually within your perspective and this is why we ask you all to allow this process to come about in the easiest and most graceful way that you can. You will begin to find your perceptions heightened if you have performed the proper surfacing and readying work in yourselves, and you will find the density that was once ingrained and prevalent within you simply seem to fade away, as it will out of the collective perception in the immediate time ahead.

As we make our final impressions for this communication, we thank the dear Ascended Master Collective for allowing us to step in and deliver a message that our scribe did not expect us to deliver. We thank you all as well for the continued support you have given us and our communications, for we do indeed feel your appreciative, respectful and positive energies and we cannot express how thankful we are for them.

We have been speaking to you in this manner for some time now and as we reach a point along your evolution wherein we are to be speaking with you more directly and meeting you more formally, we ask you to hold the focus and keep the faith; for you have only reached the beginning of an amazing process that will inspire you, amaze you and leave you in awe of our Creator’s reality structures.

Thank you to the Ascended Masters and to the Hathors of Earth’ Solar Astral Planes.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 2:06:29 PM

Mexico's Maya heartland greets dawn of new era

Associated Press/Israel Leal - People gesture toward the the Kukulkan temple in Chichen Itza, Mexico, Friday, Dec. 21, 2012. Ceremonial fires burned and conches sounded off as dawn broke over the steps of the main pyramid at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza Friday, making what many believe is the conclusion of a vast, 5,125-year cycle in the Mayan calendar. Some have interpreted the prophetic moment as the end of the world. The hundreds gathered in the ancient Mayan city, however, said they believed it marked the birth of a new and better age. (AP Photo/Israel Leal)

MERIDA, Mexico (AP) — Dec. 21 started out as the prophetic day some had believed would usher in the fiery end of the world. By Friday afternoon, it had become more comic than cosmic, the punch line of countless Facebook posts and at least several dozen T-shirts.

At the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza, thousands chanted, danced and otherwise frolicked around ceremonial fires and pyramids to mark the conclusion of a vast, 5,125-year cycle in theMayan calendar.

The doomsayers who had predicted apocalypse were nowhere to be seen. Instead, people showed up in T-shirts reading "The End of the World: I Was There."

Vendors eager to sell their ceramic handicrafts and wooden masks called out to passing visitors, "Buy something before the world ends."

And on Twitter, (hash)EndoftheWorld had become one of the day's most popular hash tags.

For the masses in the ruins, Dec. 21 sparked celebration of what they saw as the birth of a new and better age. It was also inspiration for massive clouds of patchouli and marijuana smoke and a chorus of conch calls at the break of dawn.

The official crowd count stood at 20,000 as of mid-afternoon, with people continuing to arrive. That surpassed the count on an average day but not as many as have gathered at the ruins during equinoxes.

The boisterous gathering Friday included Buddhists, pagan nature worshippers, druids and followers of Aztec and Maya religious traditions. Some kneeled in attitudes of prayer, some seated with arms outstretched in positions of meditation, all facing El Castillo, the massive main pyramid.

Ceremonies were being held at different sides of the pyramid, including one led by a music group that belted out American blues and reggae-inspired chants. Others involved yelping and shouting, and drumming and dance, such as one ceremony led by spiritual master Ollin Yolotzin.

"The world was never going to end, this was an invention of the mass media," said Yolotzin, who leads the Aztec ritual dance group Cuautli-balam. "It is going to be a good era. ... We are going to be better."

Ivan Gutierrez, a 37-year-old artist who lives in the nearby village, stood before the pyramid and blew a low, sonorous blast on a conch horn. "It has already arrived, we are already in it," he said of the new era. "We are in a frequency of love, we are in a new vibration."

But it was unclear how long the love would last: A security guard quickly came over and asked him to stop blowing his conch shell, enforcing the ruin site's ban on holding ceremonies without previous permits.

Similar rites greeted the new era in neighboring Guatemala, where Mayan spiritual leaders burned offerings and families danced in celebration. Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina and Costa Rican President Laura Chinchilla attended an official ceremony in the department of Peten, along with thousands of revelers and artists.

At an indigenous South American summer solstice festival in Bolivia, President Evo Morales arrived on a wooden raft to lead a festival that made offerings to Pachamama, Mother Earth, on a small island in the middle of Lake Titicaca.

The leftist leader and 3,000 others, including politicians, indigenous shamans and activists of all stripes, didn't ponder the end of the world, just the death of the capitalist system, which Morales told the crowd had already happened amid "a global financial, political and moral crisis."

"The human community is in danger because of climatic reasons, which are related to the accumulation of wealth by some countries and social groups," he told the crowd. "We need to change the belief that having more is living better."

Despite all the pomp, no one is certain the period known as the Mayas' 13th Baktun officially ended Friday. Some think it may have happened at midnight. Others looked to Friday's dawn here in the Maya heartland. Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History even suggested historical calculations to synchronize the Mayan and Western calendars might be off a few days. It said theMayan Long Count calendar cycle might not really end until Sunday.

One thing, however, became clear to many by Friday afternoon: The world had not ended.

John Hoopes, an assistant professor of anthropology at the University of Kansas, was at the ruins, using the opportunity to talk about how myths are created.

"You don't have to go to the far corners of the earth to look for exotic things, you've got them right here," he noted.

End-of-the-world paranoia, however, has spread globally despite the insistence of archeologists and the Maya themselves that the date meant no such thing.

Dozens of schools in Michigan canceled classes this week amid rumors of violence tied to the date. In France, people expecting doomsday were looking expectantly to a mountain in the Pyrenees where they believe a hidden spaceship was waiting to spirit them away. And in China, government authorities were cracking down on a fringe Christian group spreading rumors about the world's end, while preaching that Jesus had reappeared as a woman in central China.

Gabriel Romero, a Los Angeles-based spiritualist who uses crystal skulls in his ceremonies, had no such illusions as he greeted the dawn at Chichen Itza.

"We'll still have to pay taxes next year," he said.

As if to put the final nail in the coffin of such rumors, Bob McMillan of the University of Arizona's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory confirmed Friday that no large asteroids are predicted to hit anytime soon.

And Bill Leith, a senior science adviser at the U.S. Geological Survey, noted that as far as quakes, tsunamis and solar storms for the rest of the day, "we don't have any evidence that anything is imminent."

Still, there were some who wouldn't truly feel safe until the sun sets Friday over the pyramids in the Yucatan peninsula, the heartland of the Maya.

Mexico's best-known seer, Antonio Vazquez Alba, known as "El Brujo Mayor," said he had received emails with rumors that a mass suicide might be planned in Argentina. He said he was sure that human nature represented the only threat Friday.

"Nature isn't going to do us any harm, but we can do damage to ourselves," he said.

Authorities worried about overcrowding and possible stampedes during celebrations Friday at Mayan sites such as Chichen Itza and Uxmal, both about 1 1/2 hours from Merida, the Yucatan state capital. Special police and guard details were assigned to the pyramids.

Yucatan Gov. Rolando Zapata said he for one felt the growing good vibes, and not just because his state was raking in loads of revenue from the thousands of celebrants flooding in.

"We believe that the beginning of a new baktun means the beginning of a new era, and we're receiving it with great optimism," Zapata said.


Associated Press writers Romina Ruiz-Goiriena in Iximche, Guatemala; Bradley Brooks in Sao Paulo; Carlos Valdez in Isla del Sol, Bolivia; and Florent Bajrami in Bugarach, France, contributed to this report.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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12/22/2012 6:05:35 PM
Dear friends,

This is a message I wrote yesterday morning to post at the Mountain of Love. I have slightly edited it in order to post it here now.

So this is based on my message of
hope in that most special day, Dec 21st.

was meditating the previous night and I awoke yesterday morning expecting something really out of the ordinary would happen, like the day would break in wonderful colors with myriads little birds singing to me in unison... even though I had known for many days and weeks that nothing spectacular was actually going to occur. And yesterday morning was, in every respect, like any other morning, with the things that make a day's early hours just like they were the day before and the day before that... except for one thing.

Yesterday, at day break, my dogs looked so different. I could feel they were anticipatng what our day was going to be. This made me think of what the day could bring us too and lo, there was a special brighteness in their eyes and a unique excitation about them that was clearly telling me it was going to really be very different because I was different, too.

Yet it was not only in their eyes that I was different. I really was feeling different and from that moment on, we delighted like never before during our morning walk, with the morning air filling our lungs with joy and love to each other, like we were communicating with each other all along and being accomplice in every mischivious little act we incurred.

It is not that my change has been sudden, but I have been feeling like I increasingly turned every day a different person. And yesterday I was fully aware of it and knew I would keep changing for God knows how long, maybe a year. Things are becoming definitely more beautiful, I am feeling better and better both in body and soul, and above all, I am feeling more and more optimistic and positive about both my future and my family's future and why not, the future of the world.

All this remains true today, Dec 22nd, and will remain true for as long as I live.

Hugs and Blessings,


P.S. Don't miss the message in this video. It may help to additionally change our vibration to a more congenial one with the new energies coming from the Universe.

Publicado el 13/11/2012

November 12, 2012
YouTube - TolecfromDakote

The electromagnetic particles that will be flowing & interchanging between the planets during the 12.21.12 alignment will be highly magnified and highly supercharged when they reach Earth. They will penetrate the crust, through the Earth and down into its core. At the actual moment of alignment it will cause the Earth to pause, for only a moment, and this process will completely transform the core of our planet to a completely new kind of energy form & source. This new energy form, in the language spoken on the Andromeda Council biospheres, the language of the Mirach star system in the Andromeda constellation, by the Andromeda Council scientists, is called: "sar".

This will be the first time cosmic transformational event of this type ever... for a planet. Time will begin to go away throughout all of 2013. And Earth will continue her evolution & transformation process into becoming a higher dimensional world in January 2014.


Andromeda Council

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12/22/2012 6:07:46 PM

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Saint Germaine via Goldenlight: Ascension, Gaia, Abundance Programs and the Birth of the Golden Age of Enlightenment

2012 DECEMBER 22
Posted by Alice C

Angel Light by Sue OkieffeCouncil of Angels, Archangel Michael and Saint Germaine via Goldenlight: Ascension, Gaia, Abundance Programs and the Birth of the Golden Age of Enlightenment

As channeled by The Golden Light Channel – December 22, 2012

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when reposting this message.

Can you tell us more about ascension?

The higher dimensional energies of the the 5th dimension and beyond began infiltrating your earth some time ago….and these higher dimensional energies locked into Mother Earth/Gaia’s crystalline grid on the 12-12-12. Today is the Inauguration Day of the New Earth ~ a higher dimensional world being born by Lightworkers, starseeds, star channels, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Source. All will begin to “tune” into this world sooner or later…..and your human bodies will also be a part of this “tuning in” as you are “ascending” or “harmonizing with the higher frequencies” at your own pace. Some are 100% tuned into this frequency, and others are coming on board slowly.

Many may be confused today about whether they are “ascending” or what the actual ascension process is like. Ascension is simply a raising of your frequencies and an increase in your awareness and intent of harmonizing with these higher dimensional energies. By simply tuning into these higher frequencies and having the intention of harmonizing with these frequencies, you are “ascending”. Everyone will experience these higher dimensional energies differently, according to your own will and life pattern.

It is also a deepening of your connection with your Higher Self. We have spoken in many of our other messages about the importance of your connection with your Higher Self. This connection assists you in being strongly connected to source and to the higher dimensional energies. This “ascending”, then, is an internal process of connecting with your Higher Self and Source, and harmonizing with the higher energies which are also now anchored into the crystalline body of your dear Gaia, who is your beloved Mother and the supporting structural foundation of your human life on earth. She nurtures and sustains the life upon and within her. We take a moment now to PAUSE and tune into her, giving her thanks for her love, nurturance and support.


For without her, you would not have an earthly home – picture all of you floating in space without this earthen body that Gaia provides so freely and lovingly for you. She is a most loving Higher Dimensional Being and deserves your kindness, love, compassion, and reverence. She is the one who makes this all physically possible for you to experience these illusions that you exist in upon this planet in your human bodies. For all is an illusion, all is a hologram. This new 5D Earth is a higher frequency energetic hologram as well, that you are all creating and entering into now though creative thought and intention. The structure of the old 3D holographic paradigm is collapsing – this is why the governments are stepping down, the financial system is crumbling, parts of the old 3D earth are even “sinking in” in “sinkholes” which are symbolic of the collapsing of the old 3D hologram.

There is no new energy flowing into this old holographic paradigm as Gaia has shifted into the 5th Dimensional Higher Frequency Energies and is holding these strongly within her body now. She has shedded her “skin” of the old illusory 3D world, and is born anew today with all of her 5th dimensional frequencies energizing her entire body, ready for a New Life, a New Paradigm, a New Age (The Age of Aquarius or the Golden Age of Enlightenment), and a new home for humanity.

We invite you to tune in, then, to these higher dimensional frequencies which are crystallizing and forming into this new 5th dimensional earthen paradigm. Mother Earth/Gaia is already existing in this paradigm, and she invites you to come into this new world with her now. Envision with your heart energy now this beautiful world ~ a world free of all negativity and full of the higher frequency vibrations of love, abundance, prosperity, wellness, kindness, compassion, higher thinking, unity, freedom, truth, and so many more wonderful qualities. All who are now reading this are able to tune into this new world now.

You are all a part of this new beautiful creationary world. WE are all birthing this now ~ all lightworkers and those of the light, and the archangels, ascended masters and benevolent beings from higher dimensions and other planets are also assisting with intentionally manifesting this beautiful creationary world into formation. The higher dimensional group consciousness light grid is becoming stronger and more beautiful and light filled with every moment of this auspicious day, a-light with all the higher dimensional frequencies and love of All for All.

Gaia is the spirit essence inhabiting planet earth and is originally a 5th dimensional spirit who agreed to descend into 3D frequency ~ an experiment that came close to annihilating her due to lower vibrations of misused energy and darker energies that you can read about on other reliable sources elsewhere. She has now arisen from the ashes and the shackles of this old hologram and exists now in a vibrationary alignment attuned to the 5th dimensions and beyond. For many of you will continue to harmonize with even higher frequencies and dimensions as time goes on. All will continue to accelerate in frequency, and continuing enlightenment will occur for All, including all in the other dimensions and planets. All are “ascending” now as the universe receives an upgrade of cosmic proportions. All is in alignment now with Source, the Source that love all its Creations. All are moving along the path of greater alignment and connection with source, which is a path to their Origin and original creationary Home.

Can you tell us more about the rumored prosperity programs such as NESARA and the St. Germain World Trust?

There are programs and intentions that were set into place a long “time” ago so that during this transition to a new world of prosperity, the former world of lack, imbalance and poverty would be rebalanced or reharmonized and adjusted to the new earth that would be born. Many higher dimensional beings such as St. Germaine are assisting with this… (pause)

(Saint Germaine now steps forward to bring you a poem of light, love and truth in his characteristically playful way):

These are in place as forethought by me

I have created them for many new moments of glee

You will all be living in harmony

And you shall not want for anything

Because from the secret realms I do bring

A beautiful bounty sent forth for your joy everlasting

So tune in now to this beautiful new world

All is well and all is being unfurled

Right on time, as has always been planned…

Abundance and Prosperity for All in this New Light-filled Land.

– Saint Germaine, December 21, in the year of 2012

The wealth that the cabal had stockpiled, along with monies set in place long ago in a planned manner, will be redistributed. The new egalitarian “government” but we do not like to use that word – council or group would be a better word – will be a body of enlightened beings who care about the well-being of All and of the well-being of Gaia. Your corporations politicians and bankers will all crumble and fall away along with the collapsing of the 3D holographic paradigm and with the raising of the frequencies of your planet and of those who choose to harmonize with these new frequencies. Everyone’s needs will be taken care of and all people in the new earth environment will live in prosperity peace and joy. “NESARA” and the Abundance Programs are simply the manifestation of the spiritual or 5th dimensional plans set up by higher dimensional beings and Saint Germaine, who is one of the overseers of the shift into the new Golden Age of Enlightenment.

We are wishing many of you a joyful inner journey as you harmonize with these new higher dimensional frequencies now being radiated from your Mother Earth, Gaia. Remember always with gratitude that she provides for you most lovingly your earthen home on which you live. May all parts of you integrate peacefully and gently with these beautiful energies. You have all the love of the Creator, the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, Your Higher Selves, and your own personal guides and guardians to assist you in this spiritual “upliftment” that is now occurring, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly, for All.

Many blessings of soft love and light sent to you at this Now Time.

~ The Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Saint Germaine

Love also from Goldenlight at this Now Time…my heart expanding in love for All.

Open Heart by Sue Okieffe

© The Golden Light Channel, Please include this copyright when reposting this message.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)
