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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2017 6:40:32 PM

Sheldan Nidle 6/13/2017

sheldan_nidle10 Cauac, 2 Kayab, 13 Caban

Dratzo! Just know deep in your hearts that you are divinely destined to ultimately receive the necessary funds that are to provide you with all the resources to succeed. In this success you are to show this reality your amazing potential. Always keep in your viewing screen the fundamental resolve needed to overcome all obstacles and to jointly manifest your magnificent dreams! We, like Heaven, are fully committed to this. Know as well that certain elements are coming together that are to isolate the dark’s minions from you and permit the new NESARA Republic to come into being.

The monetary resources you require are again moving forward at a truly divine speed. Momentum is building that is to permit those concerned with its delivery to now hasten the pace of this extremely important resource. Our pleading is being heeded and we expect some amazingly marvelous events to happen in the very near future. In addition, those who have so heinously delayed these actions are to be put out of their ever-growing misery. So remain confident that the best is yet to come.

The progress that is now being made is emblematic of the new attitude being shown by our allies. They fully realize just how important it is to assure all that the current progress is indeed unconditional. It is known that, in the past, the dark was able to manipulate this delivery process. We are confident that this is no longer to be the case. New security measures are in place to ensure that a constant, steady motion is to be the norm. With this procedure, this incredibly complex situation is to be completed on the original divine schedule. Hence, be prepared for the time when you will receive your promised prosperity and new governance.

It has been a very long trail that we have been forced by circumstances to complete. We are well aware of what you have been through. Rejoice therefore that soon all of this is to be completed and you can truly celebrate. Until then, be patient and know in your hearts that the wait was indeed worth it. Many grand events are near. Hence, you are soon to see the many key arrests you have been waiting for. Much that was expected has just taken a little longer than was at first explained to you. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Spiritual Events are about to manifest. We have noticed how Heaven has decided to bring the many facets of our new reality to the proper forefront. A major key to this is how the multitudes of new currency are being set forth. Those in charge, as we noted previously, are streamlining this process. Again, we expect many former issues to be made spiritually correct. These procedures are to permit Heaven and its allies to not only finish the RV but also to enable the swift openings required to bring in the spiritual programs for the NESARA Republic and the new financial system as well. God Bless us All!!

Thus, we blessedly expect all to go well as divinely planned! Heaven dearly intends for you to receive their grand blessings. This special process has undergone numerous modifications and, despite unforeseen events, success is anticipated to happen as planned. We therefore ask you to continue to hold your magnificent visions. Many truly marvelous things, such as the isolation of the dark’s minions, are underway. You are to experience all of this in a way planned exquisitely by Heaven! These highlight a few of the events that are to bring you this new reality. There is much for you to be thankful for.

We Masters wish to sincerely thank you for what you are so graciously doing. It is not easy for you to hold such high visions without obtaining immediate results. It is a sign of the rising consciousness within you. Your greatest reward is, of course, to actually witness the arrests, and most of all, to receive those monies long promised you. In these magnificent moments are to come the birth pangs of a long-destined future! It is in this Light of your divine grace that all is to unfold! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we are truly hovering on the edge of those times long prophesied by Heaven. Realize all that you have been destined to complete. Then, use your great inner strength to plow through all that still remains. Know, dear Ones, that the countless and never ending supply of Heaven is yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! And Be in Joy!)

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2017 6:43:45 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 13, 2017

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, if a situation becomes more and more uncomfortable for you, it is a sign that it is not being energetically supported for you and that there is something else that is a better energetic match. The discomfort exists to get you to prepare for and embrace change. You get to decide how great that discomfort gets.

Some of you will become very adept at reading the signs and willingly embracing where the energy is trying to move you, others will need to get quite uncomfortable to be absolutely sure it is time to move on before they allow themselves to let something go. There is no right or wrong, simply your personal choice of how much unease you wish to experience before you move into the unknown of your next great adventure.

Please know that the universe is never out to punish you! It only ever gets as strong as necessary for your soul to get your attention and to lead you to your next perfect match. The more you get comfortable with practicing self love and reading subtle energies, the more your path will smooth out with greater grace and ease, not because the universe loves you any more than it already does, but simply because you are willingly embracing the flow. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2017 11:58:47 PM

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Mythic Call

The Mythic Call - The Time is Now

Once upon a time, a galactic council was called and a mythic call was sent out to countless light beings: the children of the Sun, the angelic winged ones, the Sun runners, the rainbow warriors, and other luminous ones from many star systems. This great circle of light beings gathered from far and wide. At the appointed nexus, the Love of the Spinning Galaxies, the Great Spirit, entered, gracing them all with celestial light and the following words.

"You are invited to incarnate upon a world where a great transformation will take place, " began the Love of the Spinning Galaxies. "You who respond to this call will go to a place of planetary evolution where the illusions of fear and separation are strong teachers. I am calling those with the needed talents and gifts to act as my emissaries there, to lift and transform the frequencies of planet Earth, simply by embodying and anchoring love's presence there. In this myth, you will be the creators of a new reality,
the reality of the golden octave. "

The Love of the Spinning Galaxies continued: "On other journeys, each of you has proven to be a “feeling navigator,” able to awaken your consciousness and align your heart to the promptings of pure love and compassionate service. As Sun runners and torch bearers, you have already demonstrated that you will hold the light high. And so, I invite you to incarnate en masse among the tribes of Earth to assist Gaia and all her children in their transformation.

"It is part of the plan that you will be veiled in forgetting," the Mystery of the Spinning Galaxies went on. "However, as you remember the feeling of childlike innocence and trust, you will become the harmonic leavening in this cycle of initiation for Earth. You will incarnate strategically, often in some of the most vibrationally dense areas on the planet. To some, this illusion of separation from love may create feelings of hopelessness, lack of support, and alienation. But by embracing your humanness, your love will transform the depths of duality, and your light will quicken the many.

"Your participation on this quest is purely voluntary; however, this transformational shift on Earth is very rare and precious. Should you choose to accept this mission, you will have the opportunity to catalyze and synthesize all that you have been during many incarnations, receiving a rarely offered quantum leap in consciousness. It is up to you to choose how you will dance with Terra Gaia and her children as she completes her ceremony of light."

So spoke the Creator, the Light of the Spinning Galaxies. And so it was that the luminous beings who formed the countless alliances, federations, and councils of the faithful of the stars chose to incarnate on planet Earth to assist in this crucial event, the awakening of the planetary dream. There was even a fail-safe process built into the plan to awaken these beings from the illusion of separation and the veil of forgetfulness that is so rife upon Earth. The luminous ones who would journey to Gaia's assistance agreed to
spark each other's remembrance. Thus, these starseeded ones were encoded in many ways with sounds, colors, lights, images, words, and symbols -- a vibrational resonance that would assist them in remembering their commitment to the light. It was agreed that these coded clues would appear everywhere: in visionary art and music, in penetrating looks, in speech and feelings -- all creating a deep yearning to awaken and become the embodiment of love.

So it is that you, the children of the Sun, are now being bathed in the waters of remembrance, prepared as rainbow warriors to fulfill the promise of the new and ancient myth. By simply anchoring love's presence on Earth, you lovingly draw down the mantle of the gods, sending waves of healing and love throughout Gaia's eagerly receptive body. As you emerge in this time, your gifts awaken and empower others. Utilizing the tools of laughter, song, dance, humor, joy, trust, and love, you are creating the powerful surge of transformation that will transmute the limitations of the old myth of duality and separation, birthing the miracle of unity and peace on Earth.

Utilize your gifts on behalf of Gaia. In a supernova of consciousness, Gaia and her children will ascend in robes of light, forming a luminous light body of love, to be reborn among the stars! The mythic call has been sounded. The great quest has begun. Awaken, rainbow warriors, Sun runners, luminous beings from the galactic alliances, federations, and councils! Ancient skywalkers, newly formed in this moment,
stand in the beauty and power of your true identity as love's gift to Gaia. Set aside self-doubt. You are the divine child of the Sun! Go where your heart draws you to share your great gifts. Surrender to the magic and the light. The miracle will be manifested on Earth. Remember, we dance and sing here for the One Heart."

Excerpt from “The Mayan Oracle: Return Path to the Stars"
by Ariel Spilsbury and Michael Bryner

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2017 12:31:52 AM

GFP Newsletter - 6/12/2017

will's picture

That is my teaching also: Be simple and nobody. Don't condemn anybody. Don't put yourself in a situation where you can feel holier than thou - never. Just be ordinary. And when you are ordinary, all anxiety disappears.

When you are ordinary, then your whole perception is totally different. Then the birds singing in the trees are a message from the Divine. Then the breeze passing through the trees, and a leaf dancing in the breeze is His hand, His indication. Then the sky, and the earth - everything is beautiful, and everything comes from Him.

When you are ordinary, when you are nobody, all the doors are open. When you are somebody all the doors are closed. Be ordinary, and live life silently. Don't be a politician.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/14/2017 12:34:24 AM

Whose Thoughts are Yours Anyway?

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Once upon a time, as you thought you knew Life, Life couldn’t go fast enough. You eagerly awaited growing up, and you had the feeling that Life was a Vast Field spread out before you, a Gold Mine to tap into, perhaps a Sparkling Map that would open itself before you, or a Golden World that held its arms wide open to embrace as you danced about in it.

There was a time when Life was right before you and endlessly before you. It seemed forever. It is possible to say that you had a Sense of Invincibility. Where did that go to? Where is Invincibility stored? Did it fall off the edge of the world? Or has the world ever existed really with you in it?

Now you may find more years to look back on and a tendency perhaps to think of Life as suddenly petering out and, as if all the past didn’t take long at all. In fact, it was a blink of an eye. The past went away somewhere.

You may have come to a vague sense of the non-existence of time, sort of as if time and all your years in it were a comet that zoomed so fast before you that you may wonder if Life might have skipped over you without your knowledge.

At this present teardrop of time, you almost come to believe that time, as you know it, doesn’t exist, never was, just something that fooled you into thinking that Life was not a passage or even an occurrence, as if Life made itself up and had nothing to do with you, as if Life were, indeed, a dream you had, perhaps that Life, your Life, was not even a span, that Life was more like an accumulation of quickie made-up thoughts where you talked yourself through a nothingness you called thought. Your whole story was perhaps no more than etcetera and etcetera as though mumbled. Was your Life expressed? Did you express it? What is this that is called Life really anyway?

At this point in your Life, you may almost accept that time and space never were, not that you want to accept that. You want Life on Earth to be of the Utmost Importance.

Now, further, you may even begin to wonder if you ever existed except in your thoughts. You may wonder further about the validity of even thoughts and who thinks them and what they amount to. Whose thoughts are they that appear and disappear in a flash? You wonder what these so-called thoughts have to do with you or anything anyway.

You cannot grasp time in your hand. Time flew out the window. In words, you can almost accept that time really and truly never was, that nothing ever happened, yet this doesn’t mean that you know Infinity or feel even a tinch of Infinity with you actually in it.

You don’t see Infinity laid out before you. The non-space of Infinity and the non-time of Eternity are something else, yet you do feel personally acquainted with them. Any such configuration escapes you. You may further worry that, in Infinity and Eternity, even the vagueness of you that seems to exist will disappear altogether. Hmm, where can you find yourself if you never really exist on the temporal plane of Life in the World in what can be called the Cosmos?

To your mind, even worse, even the worst of all as you see it, is that you are not sure that you even care much about whether time ever existed anyhow. When you come right down to it, after all is said and done, none of this may matter to you much at all. Life may be anti-climatic, and, after all, there really is not much to be said about Life at all.

Has your Life all come down to much ado about nothing?

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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