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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2017 7:15:50 PM

Monday, Jun 12, 2017

Benjamin Fulford Update - Jun 12, 2017

Benjamin Fulford says "Khazarian mafia will make several more tries to start WW3 before their final defeat"

Notice to readers

Because I will be off the grid in Bougainville this week this report was written three days earlier than usual and will thus not capture all the latest news

However as compensation there should be plenty of interesting stuff to report from Bougainville next week

The Khazarian mafia, still unable to comprehend their ongoing historic defeat, are fanatically trying yet again to start World War 3, multiple sources agree. The Khazarian mafia that has ruled humanity, or at least the West, for thousands of years is still clinging to power in Japan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, parts of Europe and in a section of the US power elite. However, the balance of world power has now tipped decisively against them. That is why, facing final defeat, they will be trying very hard to start World War 3 in the Ukraine, the Middle East or North Korea in order to try keep in power and carry out their plan to wipe out 90% of humanity.

They are also clinging to the illusion they will somehow manage to remove US President Donald Trump from power and thus re-establish their control over the military industrial complex. Their lack of power in Washington DC was made evident last week when fired FBI director James Comey not only failed to provide impeachable evidence against Trump but also incriminated himself and the Democratic Party establishment. Comey did this by testifying that Obama era Attorney General Loretta Lynch asked him to lie about the fact Hillary Clinton was subject to a criminal investigation.]

Comey also gave ammunition to the folk who say the Khazarians are not even human by saying he has had “a lot of conversations with humans over the years.”

Furthermore, his testimony revealed to the public yet again that Khazarian mafia controlled media outlets like the New York Times have been publishing outright lies, in this case about so-called Russian interference in the US Presidential election.

The Khazarian corporate media also showed how utterly foolish is has become by writing, in all apparent seriousness, articles about a so-called NSA leaker by the name of “Reality Leigh Winner.” “Reality Lie Winner” no doubt won a contest inside the NSA to produce the most outrageous fake news story.

It is no wonder that only 6% of Americans trust the corporate media any more.

The Mossad motto “By way of deception thou shalt make war,” failed to take into account the story about the boy who cried wolf. They have lied and deceived so much that nobody believes them anymore.

This is why their false flag events are starting to flop immediately despite increasingly hysterical story lines.

In the UK election, the false flag attacks in London had the opposite of their intended effect by turning voters away from Conservative Prime Minister Theresa May. May is now being forced to turn to the creationist fundamentalist DUP party in order to cling to power. The Khazarian mafia media is trying to portray her set back as a victory against Brexit. However, May’s opponent, Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, has had 75% negative coverage by the same Khazarian media because he supports such things as 911 truth.

The Anglo Saxon people have revolted against Khazarian mafia rule.

The Khazarians are deluding themselves if they think that killing Donald Trump is going to end this revolt. US Naval Intelligence is reporting that a high level hitman by the name of Charles McCarry and his Pluribus International Corporation took a $150 million contract to kill Trump using female assassins. This “Sorcha Faal” Naval Intelligence Report is probably about 80% correct.

The Khazarians are targeting a lot of people other than Trump as well. Gnostic Illuminati Grandmaster Alexander Romanov has gone into hiding to avoid assassins. This writer too was told last week by an Italian TV journalist “I am surprised you are still alive, I keep looking in the papers for your obituary.”

What they do not realize is that at this point, killing someone like me would be like killing the kid who said the emperor had no clothes after he said it. It would have the exact opposite effect of what they would hope for at this point.

The Khazarians attempts to start World War 3 are also getting increasingly brazen and desperate.

Henry Kissinger last week tried to cash a $4.3 quadrillion bond by promising to give the money to the Asians in exchange for protection for the Khazarians, according to right wing sources close to the Emperor of Japan. The money would go to the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the Asian Development Bank as well as to the Khazarians, Kissinger promised, according to this source. The problem is that Kissinger is a mass murdering war criminal who has been using fraud even since the Nixon shock to maintain Khazarian control over the world’s money.

What the Khazarians control is known as the “Global Debt Facility,” and it is nothing more than a Babylonian debt slavery illusion being used to enslave humanity. Above the “Global Debt Facility,” which is based on nothing, lies the “Global Credit Facility,” that is backed by real assets, notably Asian gold. So, while the AIIB, the BRICS bank and the ADB are commendable institutions, they have no need to continue to function under Khazarian debt slavers. They will be fully supported by the new financial system.

This system is evolving through crypto-currencies, gold and through an ongoing real world economy boycott of fraudulent Khazarian financial instruments.

When Kissinger’s latest plot to get money failed, he and his fellow Khazarians tried to get their fellow Saudi Arabian Satanists to start World War 3 by threatening to invade Qatar. Donald Trump proved to the world he was not really in charge of the US last week by first praising the Saudi threats against Qatar in a tweet only to be forced to do a 180 degree turn around the next day by the US military.

Furthermore, the Turks immediately deployed troops to defend Qatar showing the largest military in the Middle East is controlled by Muslims and not by pseudo-Muslim Salafist Satanists.

Chinese military intelligence also informed the US about the Khazarian’s scenario for a war involving North Korea. According to this scenario, the ruling Kim family would be evacuated into Northern China prior to the war. The Koreans were then supposed to provoke the US into invading North Korea by staging a kamikaze style attack against US aircraft carriers in the region. Once the Americans invaded North Korea, a major campaign to weaken their forces through attrition would begin. Towards the end, the North Koreans would set off nuclear weapons inside North Korea which the Chinese would publicly blame on the Americans.

The Chinese would then try to get support from Asian and European countries by acting as peace brokers and trying to negotiate an end to the war. The Chinese Northern District Army is one of the strongest in the country and is filled with warrior Mongols, Manchus and Koreans, the Chinese sources say.

Needless to say, the kibosh has been put on this scenario thanks to high level communications between the US and Chinese military and intelligence agencies.

The situation in Japan is also getting very bad for the Khazarians. Although the slave Parliament did manage to pass a law saying the Emperor would resign within 3 years, it will be game over for them before they ever get a chance to install a proxy Emperor. The vast majority of Japanese underground factions are all now ready to remove the Khazarian proxies. Representatives from the White Dragon Society have had meetings with heads of several of these factions recently and have agreed to form an alliance with the goal of once again making Japan and independent country for the first time since 1863.

Once Japan is liberated, then only Germany, France, Italy, Israel and Saudi Arabia will remain under Khazarian mafia control.

This might be a good time to remind the Jewish people that they never really escaped from Babylon and that the fall of the Khazarian mob will mean they will be truly free for the first time in thousands of years. The Israelis will be free to make peace with their neigbhours and rebuild their temple, just so long as they leave the Dome of the Rock intact. Also, they need to make it clear to the world the Temple will be dedicated to Yahweh and not Satan. There will be no human or animal sacrifices allowed at the temple.

Despite all the good news, however, final victory is not here yet and we can expect some nasty last minute moves by the Khazarians. The Summer Solstice on June 21st is their tradition time for holocausts or burnt offerings so we need to be especially diligent.

Have no doubt though, humanity will win.

Benjamin Fulford has worked in Japan as a correspondent for Knight Ridder, the International Financing Review, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun English edition, and the South China Morning Post before moving to Forbes magazine, where he was the Asian Bureau chief from 1998 to 2005. His investigative reports pursued scandals in the Japanese government and business world. After leaving Forbes he wrote a series of books in Japanese some of which became best sellers, and began publishing on the internet.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2017 8:55:56 PM

GFP Newsletter - 6/10/2017

will's picture

Mind is always afraid of dying. It clings - it clings to anything. In India, they say that a dying man clings even to a straw. He knows well that it cannot save. He knows well that a straw cannot become a boat - there is no safety in it, but just clinging. 'Maybe some miracle will happen and I may be saved.'

When you cling to money, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to power and prestige, you are clinging to a straw. When you cling to name, family, bank balance, you are clinging to a straw, because nothing can save you. Death is coming. Death is rushing towards you. Whatsoever you do is useless - it will not save you.

And what does a Master do? He says: Before death overtakes you, you overtake death. Why wait for it? Waiting, you will be a victim. Going through it - you become a conqueror, because one who is ready to die suddenly realizes that death is impossible. One who is ready to die suddenly realizes: the mind will die, the body will die, the ego will die, but the being, the being has been before the mind came in. The being has been before the body came in. The being has been before your birth, and the being will be after your death. When in meditation the axe is raised over your head and you feel a death moment, don't escape. Let the axe fall on you. It is sharp, it is good - it is good that it is sharp. Let your head be chopped completely.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2017 9:04:43 PM

Put on Your Big Girl or Boy Pants

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/12/2017 11:36:30 PM

We Ride together in an Unseen Chariot across the Horizon

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

Your True identity is not your name. Your True identity is not your badge. Your True Identity is not your occupation. Your True Identity is not your college degree. Your True Identity is your mother’s son. Not even that. Your True identity is not your wealth nor your poverty. The Truth of your Identity is not your race or color or any of these other extraneous matters. The Truth of Who you are is not your ego. Your Truth is far greater than any of these. Let go of the importance of the small stuff. The small stuff means little next to your True Identity. Pshaw.

If you look like a movie star, there is nothing more to make of it but that you look like a movie star. If you are a movie star, you long have known that this is strictly not your identity. It is a hill of beans.

If you think you are a horse, a horse is not your identity. You know it is not. If you can know that a horse is not your identity, you can know that other world identities are also not Who you are.

That you are a King or Queen is not your identity. These are titles. Certainly, for all practical purposes, you might as well claim your titles. The titles fell on you. Pick them up.

In these days Kings and Queens do not believe in themselves as the cheering crowds appeared to believe in them in times past.

Even to the cheering crowds, even to those who wish they wore crowns, it is well known that being royalty is not exactly a picnic. Adoring crowds can only be adoring crowds. And a golden crown put on your head can only be a kind of special style of hat placed on your crown of hair for pomp and circumstance.

Do not misunderstand Me. Take joy in what gives you joy. Be happy for what is given to you. And be happy for what you achieve on your own present merit. These are your contributions to the world. Be glad and grateful. Just do not take them as your Identity.

Of course, a false identity of yours may have meant everything to you and even feed you and aggrandize you. No matter, these outer assessments have nothing to do with the Truth of you, nor can your True identity be a list of your collected mistakes. Absolutely not.

Nor can your True Identity be mistakes others have made in their appraisals of you. No matter how the world has treated you or has not treated you – all of this has nothing to do with Who you are. Don’t buy into shoddy appraisals. Don’t be so influenced. Never.

If you have held yourself back because of others’ views of you, stop now. Your view, and My view, are what matters. Pretty much, others’ opinions of you are based on their opinions of themselves. In any case, no one else is the making of you.

Once upon a time when a ruler rode in his chariot before the cheering hordes, there was also a rider who reminded the ruler: “You are only a man.” The intent is clear. “Don’t get a swelled head.”

Now, as you and I ride together in an unseen chariot across the horizon, I am saying to you:

“Beloveds, you are more than a mere man or woman. You are far more than your human Beingness. You are far more than you will allow yourself to believe.”

The only identity that is yours to claim is Son of God or Daughter of God. And you are greater yet. You and I both are also more. We, you and I, ride in Infinity. Our True One Identity is Oneness.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/13/2017 6:13:10 PM

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Moon Phase Matrix: Disseminating Moon Phase: share, demonstrate, teach

Moon in Aquarius

Emissary of the Aeon Sophia (Wisdom): All

Emissary of the Aeon Thelete (Will): Ian, The Wind of the East

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Day:

Sun - 23 Degrees Gemini “Three fledglings in a nest high up in a tree"

Earth – 23 Degrees Sagittarius “A group of immigrants fulfilling the requirements for entering a new country.”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Month: "A radical magazine asking for action displays a sensational front page."

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: "a woman's hat with streamers blown by the east wind"

The moon moves into the disseminating phase today. It is a time to communicate and share your vision of the month. As it is related to the first quarter phase, it is about action. You should review your feelings from this month’s energy and teach what you are learning.

For the Sun: Living in close proximity can be both challenging and comforting depending on the circumstances. The energy of the day calls for leaning on that connection as a source of support. Independence is close, but you can rely on that integration of spirit and body.

For the Earth: This symbol speaks to the possibility of a better and brighter future. But it’s a future that must be earned. Some of the requirements are structural (citizenship requirements and governmental needs), and some more social like language and dress. Life must be integrated together in your new surroundings in order to get balanced. But by doing so, you fulfill the promise of better things.

I can’t help but think of the interaction of the symbols this month with the present political conditions. Radical magazines, women speaking, Immigrants, Oh My!

Much is happening in the galaxy around us. I grabbed this shot of the planetary interactions from the daily report yesterday on

June 13, 2017 from


The diagram helps to point out some of the conjunctions you may read about or pay attention to; especially as they aspect your own natal charts.

Mantra for the Second Renaissance and the Return of Wisdom

All roads lead to Liberty.
Sophia ke Thelete acousome. Wisdom and Will, let us attend.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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