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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2015 6:40:29 PM

David Wilcock: Spontaneous Ascension — Stunning New Evidence

(David Wilcock) Get ready for the wave! The “crown jewel” of our scientific research into Ascension has come in for a landing, quite unexpectedly, since we got to Canada on a writers’ retreat for the month of September.

This new data, which will be fully presented in our upcoming 2016 book, lends powerful new evidence to the idea that a spontaneous celestial event will massively alter life on earth as we know it.

The timing of these events is fluid in nature and depends upon our mass consciousness — so even the best estimates are only informed speculation.

Nonetheless, a shocking new burst of prophetic data came through that indicated we are only looking at “a few” years after 2012 as our main window.

Hardly anyone is talking about this “energetic tsunami” and hardly anyone will believe it. That doesn’t change the fact that the evidence in favor of this is huge.

Some have consistently argued in favor of a “gradual” model, with no sudden event happening at once, but in light of the new data that is very unlikely.

So let’s dive in and go for it! The water is fine… as long as you are not wicked!


This quest started by digging deeper into the Bible than ever before — and looking for every quote I could find that was related to Ascension.

What astonished me was that by simply reading the main books of the New Testament — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John — it became clear that references are consistently being dropped to a massive celestial event in our own imminent future.

Although “no one knoweth the hour, nor the day,” there are plenty of signs that we are closing in on the “moment of truth” itself.

The prophecies clearly indicate this event is of profound personal and spiritual significance — tantamount to a transfiguration of what it means to be human.

It is a natural evolutionary leap, built into the basic design of the universe, intended to ensure we don’t stay stuck in a negative rut for too long.

Your letters tell us one of the strongest points of our material has always been the verifiable scientific data we present in favor of this mysterious concept.

That case has now grown by leaps and bounds in only one month. It is going to take time to integrate it all together in a responsible, presentable fashion.

This is just a preliminary announcement that a major breakthrough has been made, along with a brief presentation of some of the new data.


This data correlates remarkably well with information that can be found in a variety of different ancient traditions — many of which I did not find until this month.

It truly feels as if I have been “flying blind” this whole time. It is unbelievable. And it all started with popping one word into the search engines.

For whatever reason, I had never been guided to do this research before now.

Had I bothered to go looking for this data before, it would have profoundly affected all of my previous works, lectures and articles.

In upcoming lectures and my book on Ascension that is due out next year, I will be able to prove that many independent ancient cultures predicted an event.

This “event” is said to involve a huge flash of light from the sun. It is somehow multidimensional. After this event happens, life as we know it is permanently altered.

Unless you are trending heavily towards the negative in your personality — i.e. manipulative, controlling and selfish — this will be a very positive event.

If you are routinely getting angry at people, feeling attacked and defensive and confronting them, I would highly recommend changing those behaviors.


If you are a long-time reader of this site, then you know I very actively did benevolent psychic readings from December 1996 to mid-2000.

It quickly tapered off after that as my life became ever-increasingly traumatic and stressful. This occurred as I started reading up on the “Illuminati.”

Dreams and readings from 15 years ago have now revealed a “time loop” that identified dozens of specific, precise details within my immediate present.

The loop told me I needed to go through a 15-year series of crushingly difficult initiations to be prepared to receive the full story of “the event.”

I discovered the loop after arriving in Banff as of September 1st, 2015, when I was gently guided to go back and read my dream transcripts from March 2000.

Almost immediately, I encountered shockingly specific references to my current geographical location, as well as what I was thinking, seeing and doing now.

These events and connections are so precise as to demolish any possibility of coincidence, and have caused me to experience staggering cosmic highs.

I have had many “time loops” before, but this one is particularly shocking — and includes published data that was time-stamped to the year 2000 on this website.


If you are a regular reader of this site or others such as Vigilant Citizen, you are well aware that we are being practically drowned in occult imagery from “pop culture.”

The Cabal or so-called “Illuminati” are becoming ever more blatant in their display of what most would consider satanic symbolism.

One simple question keeps coming up: Why?

Why do they hate the epic hero story and teachings of Jehoshuah so much?

At this point… honestly…. what’s the big deal? Does it really even matter anymore?

Why keep pounding us with the same message, over and over again, when the damage has already been done?

Why would they be so angry about this one religion that they still hammer it as hard as they can… day after day, week after week, year after year?


If you look throughout Europe, most of the churches have gone out of business. If the Cabal had anything to do with this, they have done a damn good job.

Only 8 percent of the European population attended any type of religious service, through any spiritual faith, as of 2006.

In America, the tradition of going to church on Sunday isn’t faring a whole lot better, outside the Bible Belt — and even there it is fading fast.

This next set of statistics was current as of 2006 — almost a decade ago — and the trend has certainly accelerated since then.

Statistics and Reasons For Rapid Church Decline — Current Data As Of 2006
  • Every year more than 4000 churches close their doors compared to just over 1000 new church starts…
  • Every year, 2.7 million church members fall into inactivity… From our research, we have found that they are leaving as hurting and wounded victims-of some kind of abuse, disillusionment, or just plain neglect!
  • From 1990 to 2000, the combined membership of all Protestant denominations in the USA declined by almost 5 million members (9.5 percent), while the US population increased by 24 million (11 percent).
  • At the turn of the last century (1900), there was a ratio of 27 churches per 10,000 people, as compared to the close of this century (2000) where we have 11 churches per 10,000 people in America! What has happened?…
  • Half of all churches in the US did not add any new members to their ranks in the last two years….

More Startling Data

Between 1992 and 2002, 77% to 87% (160 million in 1992) of Americans identified themselves as Christians in most studies. However, what constitutes a Christian or a churchgoer is the question.

One study that I did between 1992 and 2002 had surprising results. I found that church attendance may be half what those survey results stated.

Many polls have indicated that the percentage of people who regularly attend a church service in the United States is around 40% to 50%, 20% in Canada, and 8% or less in Europe.

But, when we started to count people from denominational reports and compare [them]to census data and university research data, the numbers that were originally declared dropped by half!

  • 22% of Americans “frequently” attended church in 1992, including Orthodox, Evangelical, or Protestant….
  • 20.5% of Americans “frequently” attended church in 1995 [DW: By “frequently” he means an average of once a week, instead of 2-3 times a year.]
  • 19% of Americans “frequently” attended church in 1999
  • 18.0% of Americans “frequently” attended in church in 2002

Now, by extrapolating the data and doing some statistical evaluation and adding some hope for revival, we can see the figures drop to 15% of Americans in attendance at a church by 2025, and a further drop to 11% or 12% in 2050.

[DW: Actually the trend is ~1 percent per three years, meaning by 2015 it would be 4.3 percent less than 2002, or 13.7 percent of Americans.]


If you are within that 86-plus-percent category who has given up on traditional religion, you probably couldn’t care less about these statistics.

Organized religion is frequently criticized by those within the majority group for nurturing an “us versus them” cult mentality.

The Cabal could thump away on Christianity all they wanted, and for years I really didn’t pay any attention to it.

My view of what constitutes a positive, loving and forgiving spiritual path is quite different than what we see in most organized religions.

Those within religious circles often see themselves as spiritual elites, and all others as being ignorant, objectionable, even doomed.

As aspects of the dogma are challenged, their answer is often to respond with forceful condemnation and shame-dumping rather than healthy debate.

Just like “Highly Intelligent Skeptics” on the internet, who claim to be experts in all areas of science and to have a monopoly on Truth, you cannot argue with them.

Furthermore, this social schism has been monetized by the political elite — pandering to far-right Christians to secure votes while continuing business as usual.

There is no real battle between a supposedly “liberal” and “conservative” media. It is a fake-out. They are both owned and controlled by the Cabal.


It is becoming increasingly obvious that the people seeking Christian votes are about as anti-Christian as anyone on earth ever gets.

This is such a huge betrayal that many people still cannot face it, even as the evidence becomes overwhelmingly undeniable.

The amusements of Trump’s campaign in the Republican Party do show that the American people have no interest in a Bush vs. Clinton boxing match.

As of today a Drudge Report headline reveals that Bush is only in sixth place among the Republican contenders — and those are likely manipulated polls.

Go home, Bush. You’re drunk.

You’ve had quite the joyride and we need our car back.

Just give us the keys. Niiiice and easy now…..


The veil has now been pulled back to reveal a rapacious elite culture, built around the worship and practice of what most of us would call evil.

You don’t have to go poking around in murky internet tales of the Bohemian Grove to find it, either.

According to the UK Daily Express, one of Britain’s top TV talents — the main MC for pop music through the 60s and 70s — was a satanic pedophile.

There were only three TV stations in the UK for some time — BBC1, BBC2 and ITV. If you wanted to see what was hot in music, you watched Top of the Pops.

Jimmy Savile was its main host from 1964 to 1975 — introducing the British and European public to all the biggest names in pop music.

He then went on to have a top TV show until 2006 that allegedly satisfied the wishes of children who wrote in, entitled Jim’ll Fix It.


During this time, Savile financed and regularly attended 28 different hospitals throughout the UK.

The Daily Express revealed there was a secret room within at least one of the hospitals, Stoke Mandeville, where Savile and others subjected young victims to satanic ritual abuse.

This included wearing robes and masks and chanting “Ave Satanas”, or “Hail Satan” in Latin, while performing acts of rape and torture by candlelight.

The number of rape victims who have come forward now number well over 450, making Savile perhaps the most insidious documented pedophile of all time.

Remember… Savile was routinely interacting with a veritable Who’s Who list of all the top names in the music industry.


This is NOT a “Divine Cosmos Exclusive.” It’s what ordinary Britons are reading… in their own headlines.

The satanic aspect is usually not included in the discussion, but it isn’t that hard to find if you spend some time reading — such as in the Daily Express.

These crimes are so serious that in any normal situation, even one accusation of this nature should have utterly devastated his entire career.

This is all part of an ongoing, ever-increasing investigation by the British police. The story is definitely not over.

Something wicked this way comes… and it’s the real truth about the monster under the bed of Western governments.

This is just one of many dozens of glaring, five-alarm-fire-bell clues that we are on the verge of a massive “data dump” of new evidence.


If you think Savile’s media handlers at the BBC didn’t know what he was doing, I am sorry, but this is the result of paralyzing terror hidden behind a wall of denial.

Most Americans are completely unaware of the story, thanks to exceptional media control — but here we have Cosby, America’s dad, raping dozens of women.

The truth is so ugly, so gut-churningly horrible and revolting, that most people protect themselves from the shock of it by simply looking away.

Both of these stories have permanently altered how we see the shows we once loved.

And there is almost certainly far more that has yet to be revealed.

Cosby is still walking around a free man as the accusations continue. And no one in the media has been implicated in helping to conceal his crimes.


Savile also had undeniable and obvious connections to the very highest levels of the political elite in the UK.

Top politicians are ever-increasingly being implicated in pedophilia rings there as well.

Having personally counseled survivors of child sexual abuse, I can honestly say nothing is more traumatizing to the human spirit than being raped as a child.

If the media ever allowed a proper discussion of the traumatology of rape, I would sincerely hope it would happen far less often than it does now.

Even one event of this nature can create damage that the person has to live with every day, for the rest of their lives, requiring serious therapy to address.

I counseled 500 different people in the eight years I had a practice, and this issue was surprisingly common — which is tragic.

It is possible to return to a healthy, happy life. That can only happen by breaking through the denial and admitting to yourself that you had the experience.

From there, you recognize that you are an adult now, and you have vastly greater tools to prevent it from happening again than you did as a child.

There is love in the world, and your life does not need to be defined by horrors in your past that cannot be changed. Each day is a new beginning…

Continue Reading →

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2015 6:44:08 PM


Bob Fickes ~Taking Your Steps


Travelling across America has been wonderful. Even though we made a few wrong turns, it was all a great adventure and we are experiencing so many wonderful things. Estes Park has changed so much after 45 years! We got lost a few times and when I went to the place where I had teacher training I couldn’t recognize the place where I had stayed for two months in deep meditation. But the adventure was fantastic.
In America we don’t worry about making mistakes. The most important thing is to at least try to do what we desire. If we don’t try, we never achieve the experience. It’s all an adventure!
We are not born into this life with perfect knowledge. They say that a baby is born naked without any preparation for life. When the baby first tries to walk, it falls down many times before its legs are strong enough to stand up and walk. If the baby gives up, it will never walk. Every American is happy to see us take the steps to improve our self and continue to experience the great adventure of being alive. When someone makes a mistake, Americans never judge but are happy to see that we took the step and did our best. If we never try, Americans wonder why we didn’t at least try to do it. The disappointment is not about the mistake. The disappointment is why didn’t you try!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2015 6:45:26 PM

GFP Newsletter - 9/23/2015

will's picture

If you believe in boundaries then they are; your belief creates them. You are as big as you believe yourself to be - "As a man thinketh, so he is." And if you don't believe in anything, you are infinite, because no belief can be infinite. All beliefs are bound to be finite. The belief needs a definition; hence it will be finite - howsoever big, but it will still be finite.

That's why I tell you again and again, drop all beliefs. In dropping beliefs you will be dropping all definitions, all boundaries, all limitations. When a person has dropped all beliefs, all thoughts, all desires, there is nothing to create the boundary. He is the whole.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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9/24/2015 10:52:28 PM

Update from “The Captain”

UFO mothership 333The Captain wishes to update his contributors on the progress of the part of the Reval that he’s engaged in (I have to be circumspect in my speaking).

The Captain is currently staying with me, as a matter of fact, awaiting the green flag. Using a pseudonym, he says:

Update from “The Captain”

During the week beginning July 27, 2015, Steve put up a memo on the Golden Age of Gaia website asking for assistance for myself and my travelling companion who were on location in the USA from our homes in the UK for a mission that will bring considerable humanitarian benefits in the near future.

At that time we were uncertain how much longer the completion of this mission would take. The generous response of our readers to the memo enabled us to continue with our stay. We are still on this side of the Atlantic at this time awaiting the final completion of our mission which I can say is in connection with the Global Currency Reset.

I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who responded to support our mission and to state again that on its completion – which we hope will not be much longer now – we’ll be returning your donations tenfold.

Elias on Terra En Rah


Pleiadian Starship Pi

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

61587 Posts
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9/25/2015 5:39:10 PM

Compose Your Life

Galactic Free Press's picture

God said:

It is possible that you are more inclined to show that you are unloved rather than that you are loved. This is almost surely true when life seems to prove that you are predominantly unloved. It may be that you find feeling yourself unloved as some kind of victory.

"See how unloved you are," you may repeat to yourself. See all you don’t receive. See all that you have never received, or see all that has been taken from you. You may feel that life has not given you your due. One way or another, life has stolen from you. When this is what you surmise, what else can you be but bereft and misbegotten?

What if you are looking through the wrong end of the telescope?

Start all over. Start from the premise of love. Count the ways. You are entitled to love. You are entitled to breach your present perception. Toss out all that is not useful to you.

If the composition of your life at present is not in tune with love, then recompose your life. There are many notes available to you to choose from. Choose now.

If you have been playing bitter notes, change them. If you want a lighter tone to your life, you can have it. Come from a different premise. If you carry a burden, drop the idea of burden, and engage in sunlight over shadow. Do not sodden your life with dissatisfaction.

You may see yourself as a harried customer of life, yet a customer has choices of what he spends his money on. A customer is not shackled. You, a customer of life, do not have to buy anything you don’t want to. When you are in the supermarket, there is much presented to you. Have in mind what you are looking for. You are not at the mercy of the aisles.

If you see aisles of rotten apples, get out of there. If you should find yourself in the wrong store, leave it. Get your vision away from what you don’t want. Point it toward what you do want.

Do you have the idea that you belong where you don’t want to be? There is no aisle you have to stay in. Turn yourself around.

There is no need for you to stay where you don’t want to be. I am talking about where you are in your mind. Give life a chance. You may feel that life gives you a hard time. Pay attention to how you accept life. You don’t have to fight with life so much as if life were opposed to you and has you in a strangle-hold.

Perhaps you would feel lost if you were not opposed to your life as you see it. You are so accustomed to fighting. You don’t have to fight. Life may throw you curves, yet are you going to spend your life stuck in oppression or are you going to move on? A certain music may be playing, yet you are capable of turning the dial. Maybe the music isn’t stuck. Maybe you are stuck on a certain note.

You are in life. You are not an outcast. You are not only a receiver, you are also a player. Perhaps you are to grow taller. Perhaps you are to reach higher. For sure, you don’t have to stay where you are right now when you don't like it.

Get out of a state of hard-heartedness and resentment towards life. Life has many choices. Life is not one way. You can choose a different lane to go down.

Raise your sights. Change your story. Accept wisdom.

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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