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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2015 9:00:53 PM

The True Nature of Love


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Often in the conscious community, we hear that love is the greatest force in existence. If we have it, we have everything we could ever need, and while life will still challenge us in unexpected and potentially frustrating ways, it all gets easier when we have love. We hear that creativity’s easier if we approach it from a heart-centered space, and everything we create comes from love.

Whether it’s an article or an entire book; a song or an entire album, it comes from the space of love. Love is everything, and when we connect with it or express it, we connect with our higher consciousness. This makes enough sense to me, but it also makes me wonder what love really is and how we can really connect with it.

Does love equal happiness, or does it take on a more transcendent quality? If we put ourselves in a ‘happy’ space, does it mean we’ve connected with love or simply created an artificial happiness that falls short of love’s potentially transcendent qualities? I’ve been wrestling with this for a while now, and the best conclusion I’ve come up with is that love is indeed transcendent, and it’s about more than just feeling ‘good’ or ‘happy’.

Happiness is great, but it alone might not connect us with love or help us get through hard times. It’s a dualistic emotion, and just as easily as we become happy, we can become sad or angry. Some people might say the same thing about love (we can express hate just as easily), but I’m starting to think it’s about more than being happy or joyful.

Love causes people to do things that simple joy or happiness never could. It causes us to care about one another and even go out of our way to help those in need. It makes us want to be there for the people around us, whether they’re in our immediate family or our extended human family. It causes us to show compassion in times of struggle, whereas simple happiness can be somewhat self-centered and can go away in an instant.


Most importantly (to me, at least), love inspires creativity. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s a powerful creative force, and when we’re truly connected with it, our creativity can flow out of us and inspire us to work harder at our passions. We’ll struggle at some point even if we’re centered in the heart, but that connection gives us the strength to keep going.

When we feel heart-centered but we have trouble with the creative flow (or we struggle with other aspects of life), we’ll know if we’re truly centered by our reaction to this problem. If we’re willing to take a pause without getting frustrated, upset or discouraged, we might be genuinely centered in the heart.

If we’re frustrated or we can’t seem to get out of the tar pit of negativity our problems caused us to create, then we probably weren’t very heart-centered from the start. Love seems to be one of our calmest, most patient qualities, and especially when it comes to creativity, the heart-centered person is never in a rush.

Their patience is caused by their centeredness and their presence in this moment, and their mind doesn’t endlessly wander from thought to thought as they work. They’re completely focused on what they’re doing, and the love they put into their work raises its vibratory level and allows them to uplift even more people than they would have if they worked from the mind alone.

The mind is a powerful instrument that allows us to create our reality, but we’re incomplete if we don’t pair it with the omnipotent power of love. Everything we create will be enhanced when we’re centered in the heart, and our struggles, creative or otherwise, will be seen as challenges that we’re excited to take on. Instead of letting them frustrate us, we’ll understand that life is one big game and they’re a part of it.

I’m still having trouble determining exactly what love is, but to me, it’s more than simple happiness. We can try all we want to stay happy in hopes that we’re connecting with love, but as long as we allow that happiness to wane, we aren’t totally connected with the transcendent love that never goes away.


I couldn’t tell you how we’re supposed to connect with love or keep the connection intact when we struggle, but I do know that it’s the most important quality we could have – especially when it comes to living on Earth. We suffer from a lack of love on this planet, and this is clear if you look around at all of the devastation and bloodshed, most of which is caused either by greed or dedication to ‘leaders’ who’s greed has corrupted them.

It’s our job, as potential wayshowers who are growing in consciousness, to understand what love really is and pour it into the world. The collective consciousness needs our love, and since it produces creativity, the creative minds among us have every reason to center themselves in the heart and work from that space.

When we can root ourselves in the heart and stay there, we can finally start changing the world by offering ourselves in joyous service. Our love will create a significant ripple effect, and if we can all try to help the world from a heart-centered space, others will eventually notice what we’re doing and start contributing too.

It all starts with our discovery of the true nature of love, and when we finally understand it, we can use it to heal the world and create the changes we’ve waited so long to see, which, as we’re learning, will be reflected by our dedicated inner changes.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-two year old spiritual writer, blogger, musician, and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2015 9:04:43 PM

TUESDAY, JULY 21, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ Nature Does Good in Advance


Nature feels what is happening even before the human mind thinks it. Everything we need, the universe knows before we know it. Our deepest feelings are broadcast to the universe before our mind registers our desire, and the universe responds.

Even when something is wrong in our body, the universe can feel it and begins to move the problem out of our body. Our mind worries because it doesn’t understand that we are already healing. We think we are getting sick, when actually we are already getting well. The universe is moving more Life Force through our body to kick out the problem. It feels uncomfortable, but we are healing and if we go with the flow, drink lots of water and allow our body to heal, the sickness will be gone before we know it.
These days we are all desiring a new life, but our mind has no idea what that will be. Our mind thinks and then we reason what we need to do next. Meanwhile the universe has already felt our desire to change and brings us what we need. The problem is that what the universe brings and what our mind expects are often different, so we think the universe is opposing us. The correct view is that the universe knows what we need for our best future before our mind can think about it. We are not accustomed to trusting the universe. As our consciousness expands and our heart gets bigger, whatever happens in our life is usually for the best, even when our mind disagrees.
Trust the universe. The universe is always helpful. Nature does good in advance long before our mind knows what it wants. When something unexpected happens, instead of complaining, look and see what the universe is bringing to you. Then tune in and see what the universe knows about your future that your mind hasn’t discovered yet. The universe is always on your side. Trust it!

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/21/2015 9:06:26 PM

Daily Message ~ Tuesday July 21, 2015

Galactic Free Press's picture

Dear Ones, when you surrender into the flow to be of your highest service, you become a willing assistant to the universe, finding yourself at exactly the right place, at the right time, to make a difference. That may be in the form of a warm smile, a helping hand, a word of encouragement, or simply adding your energy to an area that needs a little upliftment. You become, in essence, an answer to a prayer. ~Archangel Gabriel


Trinity Esoterics

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2015 7:14:43 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Laura outlines the upcoming energies for the rest of the week. MUST READ.

– You all have left some extremely important links in the comment section, and I urge everyone to be sure to check these links. I have been delighted to read your thoughts and ideas.

– I did discover something yesterday concerning the post to which I took exception, but at the moment I am not free to report on it. Because of this information, I will not be publishing any stories from this group of people. Also, I much prefer not to help spread this information through my blog.



Crescent Moon Phase: challenge, persevere

Moon in Libra

Goddess of Wisdom: Dhumavati (Goddess Who Closes and Completes)

God of Desire/Will: Kathe (God of The South)

Skill: light hearted and vigilant

Catalysts for Change: (same as Tuesday) exploitation, control issues, backing self into a corner, taking away free will and choice, over-idealizing people/places/things, not seeing the reality of a situation, close-minded. reliance on the past, aggression, arguments

True Alignments: (same as Tuesday) composure, expressions of the heart, studying history or the history of how something developed to gain a solution, radical inspiration for creativity, free will and choice, maintaining equilibrium, tapping inner wisdom

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas” (unity)

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

Wings of wise owls sway with the front of a breeze today, as heavier energetics prepare to enter tomorrow.

A wave is building all day with the Moon loading toward opposition with Uranus. As Uranus prepares to station retrograde on Sunday, it stands almost at full stationary stop (attention). Uranus is actually beaming out the frequency of the archetypal energies of the planet Eris because Uranus is located at the degree (21 Aries) where the planet Eris was located when it was discovered. The energetic frequency of 21 Aries is rebirth and renaissance and all things aligned with the value and love for life, including the life of our planet, Sophia, and everything within her mind — her dream. It is the circle of life itself. A beacon of this lights up with the Moon’s exact opposition with Uranus overnight at 3:15 am ET/6:15 am UT (July 23) and ushers in a time of a grand drama in the dream we are all co-dreaming.

The themes of Uranus are: realignments toward what is better for us, change, surprise, shocks, electricity, being saved by our rejections and being placed exactly where we need to be. This last one is the outcome, no matter what happens. This is the guarantee of Uranus.

The mission today is to “float on the breeze,” so to speak, and be as light as a feather. This is a special skill because being “light-hearted” while at the same time being present and vigilant to changing dynamics requires the transcendence of fear. “Light-hearted” and “fear” do not go hand in hand. So anything that is trying to stir fear and direct our attention away from the REAL story of what’s happening — unification — is a divide and conquer attempt. Unification of all things is happening. Unification of the hemispheres of our brains, unification with our inner masculine and feminine, unification of divine forces, unification of science and spirit, unification of creativity and expression…it is endless and miraculous.

Today we are going where the wind takes us, but we carry with us the knowledge of the sequence of energetics that are upcoming:

THURSDAY, JULY 23: Mercury conjuncts the Sun at “under stress blood rushes to a man’s head” (we will want to control our reactions)

FRIDAY, JULY 24: Mars squares Uranus with Mars at “a prima donna singing” and Uranus at, of course, “a boxer entering the ring” (powerful voices unite to reach a higher level of understanding). Heightened alert for this day since the last time Mars was aspecting a masculine planet was last week with the opposition to Pluto and the attack (sacrifice) in Tennessee. Mars will square Uranus, another masculine energetic, but one that is walking alongside the Goddess energy because Uranus is at the Eris Point.

SATURDAY, JULY 25: Venus stations retrograde at “in a painting, the best features and traits of a man are idealized” (a process of recognizing our delusions and illusions about ourselves, others, and the world at large begins to unfold through September 6)

SUNDAY, JULY 26: Uranus stations retrograde at “a boxer entering the ring” (a process of rising above conflict to bring a better way begins to unfold through December 25/26)

To repeat, today we are going where the wind takes us, immersing ourselves in the natural world as much as possible, and wise to the times.

If needed, we can return to the space of last week’s group meditation and reinforce that wave of love. The meditation is posted below for quick reference:


  • Your shield of divine protection
  • Yourself taking flight as a wise owl
  • Yourself taking your place in a ring around the Earth with the other wise owls around the world
  • From your heart, emanate a wave of alignment with love, freedom, and the value of life
  • Feel the pulse circle as the music we are putting around our sphere
  • Repeat what you know in your heart: “Love prevails.”
(Please modify this according to your own practice and style. )

Let’s keep it real, but let’s also keep it light. Find beauty.

Archive of last night’s show with Phoenix on Phoenix Rising Radio:

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"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/22/2015 7:20:47 PM

The Illuminati Economy – Part 1 – Introduction



An excellent companion piece to this study is Matthew’s latest Message.

I’ve gotten requests again to continue developing the story of the economy in the recent past. Let me continue by delving into the Illuminati, after 9/11, as the channeled literature reveals them to us.

My purpose again is to show the depth of depravity our society has emerged from, to give us permission to cut our ties to the past and encourage us to create, invent and manifest the new.

We reached up till the end of the Nineties in our story earlier. The intentional bombing of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon marks the beginning of the end game out of which the Illuminati planned to dominate the world. One of their plans was to cause World War III, while they waited out a nuclear winter in their underground military bunkers.

They counted on there being 500 million people who survived above ground to serve as slaves for the Illuminati, much as the Sumerians, I believe, had been slaves to the Annunaki. Matthew Ward is our best source on the Illuminati.

The Illuminati began as a secret society. Many who do the bidding of those at the top “may not even know the name Illuminati and have no idea that they are aiding ruthless exploiters of humanity.” (1) Matthew’s description of it is one of the best I’ve read:

“The Illuminati is not an organization of card-carrying members, but rather the ‘umbrella’ name of disparate groups and a large number of powerful individuals who have been controlling or heavily influencing the most important aspects of life throughout your world for centuries. In recent years they also have become known by other designations, such as the secret government, New World Order, dark cabal or the elitists; and they include the top figures in financial institutions, investment markets, multinational corporations, religions, education, media, military forces, judicial systems, entertainment, the medical ‘establishment,’ regulatory and advisory bodies, royal families, Zionists.

“They have controlled governments, started civil and international wars, caused famines and widespread impoverishment, created boom times for industrialists and depressions for the poor, released laboratory-designed viruses, assassinated opposition. They are the perpetrators of unjust laws, Satanic rituals, chemtrails and other toxic pollution, destruction of animal life on land and in the seas, mind control, the ‘illegal’ drug industry, erosion of civil rights and denial of God-given freedoms, suppression or misuse of technology, political and ideological divisiveness. In short, the Illuminati have been profoundly adversely affecting all life on Earth – indeed, the very life of Earth herself!” (2)

Matthew tells us that shortly after the colonies won their independence from British rule, European control crossed the Atlantic Ocean and infiltrated the nascent United States; and that country’s 1913 Federal Reserve Act cemented the dark ones’ hold on the international economy. (3)

He credits them with responsibility for every major conflict on the globe.

“The Illuminati ‘operation,’ you could say, has been responsible for all major wars, divisiveness, impoverishment and rampant deception and corruption for the past 265 years or so, after the name Illuminati came into being. It was devised by individuals in Bavaria who felt that they were the most intelligent, knowledgeable and capable persons in the world—the ‘illumined’ ones—and in their self-aggrandizement, they felt entitled to control the lives of everyone else.”(4)

He says they live off fear:

“The Illuminati require the energy of fear to keep refueling themselves; tyrannical regimes generate an enormous amount of fear, thereby serving Illuminati needs extremely well without any effort on their part. The high death toll in countries with brutal rulers is aligned with the Illuminati goal to reduce the world’s population, and all wars serve that same purpose.” (5)

Let’s look at some of the Illuminati’s actions to reduce the world’s population and subjugate it. Matthew looks at their activities in agriculture:

“Shortages of corn, rice, grains, seafood and other foodstuffs being caused by any means, including the attempt to force on farmers genetically-altered seeds that produce crops without viable seeds for the next planting, are part of the dark plot to reduce the world’s population; and the recent emphasis on ethanol as an alternative to gas for transportation fuel is but another part of that insidious plan.” (6)

St. Germaine analyses how the Illuminati engineered a crisis in food, that’s intentionally keeping millions in starvation. Here’s his analysis of how it’s being done:

• Central banks in every country are furiously printing money causing a general worldwide inflation causing prices to go up. The chief culprit of this printing mania is the US Federal Reserve as the US dollar is the de facto reserve currency and used to price most commodities on the world markets. So basically, there is too much money sloshing about the earth today with no place to go.

• World prices for essential food commodities such as rice, wheat, corn, cooking oil, meats etc. are unfortunately controlled by the worldwide casino known as the derivative or futures markets primarily located in Chicago and New York . These markets play with futures contracts, options, options on options and money.

• The excess amount of money sloshing about the earth is in the hands of a very few huge investors (hedge funds, pension funds, mutual funds and the like). Because of the downturn in other economic sectors such as the disastrous real estate market, this extra money is being poured into the food commodities derivative markets and thus causes futures contracts on food commodities to shoot up artificially. The amount of grains on the market is irrelevant.

• It is this excess money that is competing for limited numbers of grain futures contracts and options that is driving prices of food commodities. For example, Investor A owns a rice futures contract that bets rice will be $100 per ton in November. Investor B (with a lot of money in his pocket) will buy that contract from Investor A for $120.00 because he knows he can in turn sell the contract to Investor C for $150.00. So in this example, the price goes up $50.00 per ton without having any connection with the actual supply of rice on the ground.

• While this casino game is being played out, world-wide prices of grains and staple foodstuffs increase by the day, if not by the hour. Growers hold back releasing their crops because they think they will get more money if they wait. This then creates an artificial shortage on the market and increases the price even more. In the meantime, their storehouses are bulging waiting for the highest price for release onto the markets.

• In the meantime, billions of poor are being pushed to the brink of starvation. (7)

We’ll have occasion to look at the derivatives crisis later. But let me say here that derivatives also called credit default swaps was the biggest scam ever floated by the cabal. It failed leaving banks and financial houses owing so much money (I believe $200,000 for every man, woman and child on earth) that could never be paid back. Derivatives sit in off-ledger books, a ticking time bomb dooming the Illuminati economy.


(1) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2015.

(2) Matthew’s Message, April 26, 2010.

(3) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2015.

(4) Matthew’s Message, May 23, 2015.

(5) Matthew’s Message, September 30, 2013.

(6) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2008.

(7) Sanctus Germanus Foundation, “The World Food Crisis: A Call to Action, at

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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