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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2015 6:41:59 PM

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Sheldan Nidle Update - July 14, 2015

13 Men, 13 Kumku. 11 Ik

Selamat Jalwa! (Be in everlasting Joy!) We come on this day with more news about what is happening around you. The complex process of establishing a new financial system is moving forward at its own pace. The BRICS Development Bank is operating and is open for business as is the Chinese AIIB. These are just the beginnings of what is to come. The operations required to set up a Global Currency Revaluation (GCR) are likewise being readied for its unveiling. A necessary preliminary is the delivery of worldwide prosperity funds. This process is now being discussed by our earthly associates and by us. It is scheduled to begin once a number of initial humanitarian funds are successfully disbursed. This procedure is moving along nicely and we expect you to see some results shortly. In addition, we are presently devising a way by which we can intervene when it is required. We have already secretly followed a number of fund transfers and discovered how we can, if required, assure successful deliveries. The cabal has, in fact, reached the end of its time to further delay the outcome expected by Heaven.

These first steps toward prosperity and new governance are essential to the overall plan adopted a few months ago by our earthly allies and us. This operation is truly to threaten the illegal and hidden ways by which this global financial system operates. This slow way of reforming this old and highly manipulated financial system cannot be tolerated. We are currently reviewing and discussing a series of ways to trump the cabal and put the new system in place. The cabal scheduled a number of meetings to partially ameliorate some of the present system's faults. This added patchwork remains unacceptable. It is therefore necessary to explore how this debt-ridden system can be replaced. The American de facto regime is adamant in somehow bolstering this criminal system and using its power to scare off potential opponents. This position is weakening as this seemingly blind regime stares at its near future and sees just how catastrophic this inane policy really is. There is now a movement to sweep this horrendous regime out of the way.

As you can see, we are beginning to take a more active role. Our earthly allies have maintained an attitude that this revolution was strictly up to them. This quiet revolution is happening because we have prevented the cabal from instituting a global “crackdown” on the resistance forces. This has permitted many in the Light’s coalition to proceed with a number of affidavits, which made possible the actions that are only just beginning to manifest. Our position at all times is to represent the greater good. The alliance with our earthly families and various dedicated individuals has been peppered with a kind of factionalism that is permeated by a need for limits in how our earthly allies approach each issue. Up till now, we have maintained a relatively neutral position as to how we proceed. We have been instructed by Heaven to set up some deadlines. This we intend to do. A number of deliveries are occurring. We intend to see them successfully delivered. It has taken too long for a proper timetable to be duly executed by all. Our purpose is to do what is necessary to move quickly toward the main landings scenario.

Last time, we briefly discussed some of your ancient history. Initially, this was a standard Galactic Federation colonial procedure. We harmonized the global ecology, established an Inner Earth residence and were preparing to move the human population to this newly completed Inner Earth realm. The difference was to be the Atlanteans. The star nations of the Pleiades were long the center for many stages of the Galactic Wars. Another was in the belt of Orion. The larger skirmishes occurred in these two places. Many of the original Atlantean colonists were those who adopted a strange method for resolving certain issues with the dark Ancharians. They sort of cooperated with the dark. This methodology was to greatly conflict with the plan devised by our global councils. This came to a head when Atlantis decided to claim dominance of the surface realms. This sudden unwarranted attack forced the global councils to abandon the migration to Inner Earth. Thus, you have been resigned to live in this awkward position of adapting to the nuances of these surface realms.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to you at the end of a great grace-filled battle among those who wish to alter the very essence of this now dark realm. There has been much discussion on what the order is to be regarding the introduction of the main prosperity funds. Added to this is the timing of the so-called RV funds, primarily from Iraq and Viet Nam. These various strategies were reviewed and a result was reached. This process is to be revealed in the coming weeks. We are waiting in joy to see the results of these actions. Our space brethren are now more than ever willing to assist us in setting times for these events. We intend to use your wondrous positive focus to assure that these most needed events truly happen according to this new timetable. We are blessed and are most happy that Heaven has continued to move these grand prosperity packages toward their delivery to each of you. We as well thank all who have dedicated their lives to these most blessed events!

In the early days of this present time, we watched the Anunnaki create the great flood and then slowly recede the waters. What was left was a terrible time in which most of humanity had perished. Those few who survived were slow to rebuild. The Anunnaki came in and began to instruct these survivors on how best to rebuild. Gone were the great networks by which humanity talked to each other and to the Anunnaki. A personal renewal was required. The Anunnaki came down and reiterated their “ownership” of humanity. We, the blessed ones, resisted. It was the start of many millennia of spiritual conflict. Gradually, our spiritual numbers increased. However, the dark and its many minions stayed dominant. We were told that our task was to guide and assuage humanity. A time was to arrive where the rising Light was to be triumphant! This moment has at last come!

We stand in this time and feel blessed by Heaven. The world is beginning to change. Many signs make it apparent that this great change is blessedly near. Focus, dear Ones, on this liberation! Forces are at work to change this globe. The torment of the dark persists. The Light seems to you to be but a glimmer. In fact, it is a blessed lamp of the Almighty, which is to be turned on full. The things that are to ensure this are forming. The dark’s time on this very special orb is ending. The moment for a grand intervention comes. This world has been split in two for too long. The moment for unification arrives. Both your space and spiritual families are here. They daily circle your globe. This is the blessed moment before the dark is flung away from you. This most gracious separation assures you your freedom and your prosperity. Hence be ready to rejoice and to feel this magnificent sense of freedom. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Today, we carried on with our brief review of what is happening on this world. The time comes for a grand change that is to push you, with Love into a new realm. Numerous events are still surreptitiously happening, which are to forever change this realm and reunite you with your family in Inner Earth (Agartha). Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

NOTE: PAO is unable to post this update on their website today due to a computer glitch.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2015 6:45:34 PM

Sandra Walter: The Tranquility of Transfiguration

sandra-walter-ascension-300x294Blessings Beloved Light Tribe,

There is much occurring at the moment, on all levels of the Ascension process, the awakening, and the Shift in consciousness.

As has been emphasized for all of 2015, your focus and your choices sculpt and create your own personal Ascension experience. This is readily apparent, even within the diversity of the Ascension Tribe.

Embodiment of the crystalline consciousness creates stability as the volume is turned up on all realities. It also challenges the Tribe to honor Divine Delineation as your experience, or the experience of your colleagues, becomes unfamiliar.

It will not always be this way; truly nothing is set in stone – ever. We are entering an (even more) accelerated passage; that is the nature of the Shift. Breathe and embrace it with your words, actions, and thoughts in order to serve its Divine purpose.

It will be important for you to recognize and focus on the divinity emerging through yourself or your colleagues. Some of you are experiencing the unwavering peace of crystalline/Christ consciousness; that vibration is anchored and continues to gain strength each moment, each day, each Gateway.

Blessings upon all of the Divine beings who have taken on the Mastery challenge of walking in both worlds. It is becoming effortless as we surrender to the weirdness of it.

Notice how different it feels in this passage of July. The frequencies coming onto the planet are aimed directly at supporting the Christed embodiments, which in turn sends ripples through the collective exhuming distortions, emotions, and belief systems which no longer serve.

As always, the choices of the individual shape their experience of Ascension and the Shift. For the brave ones who have crossed the threshold into Divine neutrality, we commend your Divine service work. Your reward for the moment is the experience itself; the deep understanding of the power of Divine love. It has become part of your consciousness again, and you will notice that it is unaffected by the external. Congratulations, Beloveds.

The fifth/sixth dimensional aspect of your Multidimensional Self, the higher Self, is now aligned to allow for a complete embodiment of the the Christed Self. The trigger frequencies have begun, and delicate, precise Divine timing – in the highest interests of your journey and the collective – allow this sacred mission to unfold.

Cosmic Rays of Evolution

Galactic Alliances, Masters, Solar consciousness, Archangelic forces consistently work in tandem with the level of collective HUman consciousness to monitor and provide what we call forth, integrate, and agree to receive.

Many of you understand at a heart-level, rather than a mind-level, that your higher aspects are part of the off-world alliances in service to the pure and true Ascension. Some of you take on the service of becoming more and more aware of multiple dimensional realities at the same time, within the body vehicle experience, in order to allow more of the cosmic forces onto the planet.

For those of you taking on this level of Mastery, there will be light-encoded filaments coming to the planet in the last two gateways of July which will provide support for the psychological and physical affects of that awareness.

Physical effects of the Now Ascension

Because this is a new experience, let us note a few of the physical changes which many of you are experiencing, and let us remind you that these are not to be mistaken for side effects of earlier stages of the Ascension process.

In brief, you will know at a core level whether or not you are truly embodying the Christed Self, the Multidimensional Self, as the next step of the more advanced stages of your ascension.

Yes Beloveds, the embodiments unfolding this year and the energies which you can already feel being threaded through the collective consciousness are the beginning of the last Equinox through Eclipse passage of September.

Of course there will be subsequent waves of energy, and ongoing waves of embodiment, however the stability of a first wave is needed as the energies intensify this year. It is a Divine act of service for many Wayshowers.

If your Higher levels are guiding you to abandon all other missions and focus on this service, we request that you consider aligning with this moment by moment. The stability will be crucial for both Gaia and the collective.

Fortunately, you will feel mercifully detached from the lower activities of the external which may flail and strike out like a cornered wildcat as the pure photonic light forces disharmony to the surface. That applies to all lifestreams, not just those in disharmonious alignment with denser agendas.

For those following these messages who are not experiencing embodiment, we ask you to consider getting as clear and heart-based as possible so your journey may unfold with ease and grace. It will also assist with not being swayed or pulled into thought forms and activities which have nothing to do with your true self, or the direction of this Ascending planetary experience.

The Heat of the Crystalline Rewrite

As you transcend the lower chakra systems and strengthen the Ascension column, the (consciously activated) crystalline structures begin to rewrite the cellular and light body structures into sacred geometric form. This internal activity assists the torus fields to accelerate in order to hold more light and merge the 4D field with the 5D and beyond fields of your Lighter, Higher dimensional Self.

There are codes within your bones, blood and Lightbody which merge with the crystalline structures within in their sacred purpose of Ascension. Men and women of all age ranges experience this; it began during the last Equinox Gateway.

Please note that it is not the kundalini burning/sweating sensation of earlier stages of Ascension. It is an evenly distributed, head to toe, deep core burning sensation. It will not feel like sweat on the surface of the skin; it feels like a fine mist emanating through the skin, coming from a deep skeletal or core energy. Like a feverish sensation without the illness. Misty, refined.

It does not emanate from one chakra or another, rather it is the full Ascension column experience. The heat begins, head to toe, and the emanation of it feels like a fine hot crystalline mist coming forth. In the Spring it felt like burning off stages of a rocket, burning off density. At this phase it is a refined rewrite of the cellular structure.

It definitely puts the Solar sensation in Solar Cosmic Christ. You do indeed emanate these frequencies of the Sun, and in this density it does indeed feel like heat. If you are curious about the difference between this and kundalini rushes of the past, look to the sweat factor; if you’re drenched in your own sweat, that is kundalini sweats (or hot flashes for ladies in that physical phase).

If you are experiencing an all-over misty sensation that feels like a light body expansion, it is most likely the restructuring of these crystalline aspects within the body vehicle, which in turn is preparation for more strands of DNA to etherically reconnect. Nothing is needed to fix it; stay hydrated, in gratitude, and welcome the transformation.

Crystalline structure reaction to direct SUNlight

On some days, in some hours (not all), you may experience a crackling, prickly, tingling sensation on the surface of your skin when exposed to direct sunlight. On these days when crystalline structures within the body are sensitive to the alignment with the SUN, it is best not to overexpose yourself to that sensation.

It is quite uncomfortable, so you will most likely be guided to get out of the SUN. As mentioned in earlier messages, it is the crystalline structures becoming more active, especially when there is this crystalline focus during these gateways of 2015.

Crystalline structures within the body, the crystals you put in the ground, Gaia’s crystalline beds, and the crystalline grid are all unifying in Divine purpose to bring forth these Christed embodiments this year. The structures get very stimulated in direct sunlight, and you feel that strong radiation coming into the body vehicle to anchor that light. Use your discernment when it comes to length of exposure.

Afternoon activations continue

While it may be inconvenient to drop everything that you are doing and go into meditation, or lay down, when the daily activation presents, do your best to accept these activations. They occur roughly between 12 noon – 6 pm, and last between 1 to 2 hours.

Even if you are engaged in other activities when the activations present, you may still consciously accept them with gratitude and love, and continue doing what the day demands as the energies are received through the Ascension column.

It is your choice as to how deeply you would like to experience these activations, which are focused on your own personal process. Work with your team and your higher levels, and open your heart to the full experience of Ascension in order to receive.

Brilliant light in the Ascension column

The brilliant light I described in previous articles is a side-effect of working with the I AM templates here in Shasta. If you are consciously accepting the template codes during the Gateway dates provided, you may begin to experience this rapid lighting up of your Ascension column.

It is extremely bright at first, like staring into the face of an Archangel. I have learned how to integrate it so that it doesn’t affect my external vision as consistently as when it first began. To be clear, this is the merging of the I AM within the Ascension column.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Ascension column, that is the central chamber which activates when all of the tube torus fields of the Multidimensional Self are aligned and activated through the Solar Cosmic Christed Heart Center, so the awareness of consciousness in all of these different dimensional levels can unify in the divine purpose of Ascension. If you would like to study and experience that, feel free to explore the Ascension Path class. I described the experience in depth on the last connection call.

Effects of the embodiment on our Consciousness

–Consistent peace.
–Infinite patience with all that is.
– A deep unification with Source; the pure Love which is Source.
– Consistent Divine neutrality, which is detached compassion, and the transfiguration of mental activity to the higher, expansive states of Love.
– Mastery-Level Patience with the collective, the external, and the grounded Self.
– Flowing, flexible beingness unattached to belief systems, judgments or external programs/realities.
– Pure Presence in the Zero Point.
– Freedom.

Gateway Focus: July 15 – 19th

Light-encoded filaments will be entering over the next few days which are focused on our consciousness. The last Gate brought a deep peace to the embodiers after the flare did its work. Gatekeepers and gridworkers, we continue to use crystals to accelerate and expand these energies. Transfiguration of the lower levels – the emotional, mental and egoic levels – is one of our largest challenges as a collective.

For those of you who have done the work, assist your brothers and sisters who may become triggered or spun off-center during this passage. Your ability to be present in the heart, patient, and consistently creating higher solutions (rather than drama) demonstrates the true Ascension activity.

As we emerge from the illusion where our free will seemed controlled, we retrain ourselves to honor, respect, and demonstrate the activity of divine choice in alignment with the highest interests of all concerned. Use your discernment and Divine neutrality during this acceleration.

Be selective with your words, activities and energy; especially if you are in a Wayshower role. Take note of the forces using these energies to create anxiety, fear, or judgment. Observe, but do not engage or assist in the creation of fear. All is incredibly well, Beloveds. Let the old light crumble, and focus on the expanded perception and perspective of your Divine Self.

Blessings upon all of us engaged with this Divine experience of Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,

“The Tranquility of Transfiguration,” by Sandra Walter, July 14, 2015, at

Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: July 14, 2015

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2015 6:48:12 PM

Go for it! – The Council

July 15, 2015


The Council

What will you create today? You are a creator being, fashioned in the likeness of the Being who created you and you have been given free will. Let’s explore for a short while some of what that might mean.

Let us begin by stating that you will create something. The one thing that you cannot create is nothing. You will have thoughts. You will make decisions. You will have experiences and you will form opinions. You may decide to actually turn some of your thoughts into physical things. But even though that is likely how you think of creating, all the rest is creating, as well.

Now you can use some of your energy to look upon those things as good or bad. You have, of course, the ability and the freedom to do that, to judge what you have done. And when you do that, you are also quite likely to judge yourself for having done those things and even for judging yourself. And then you have also created what you call a vicious circle. Good name. They are vicious.

You also have the freedom to choose to use your best efforts to make every thought and every word, every action, to somehow improve something for someone or everyone. Will you make mistakes? Yes, you probably will. You are always learning. You are always able to look back and see things you might have done other ways. And you can fall again into the judgment thing. Or you can just decide to do it the other way next time. You can use the ability to see better ways to make new choices instead of spending time and energy beating yourself up for what is already done, thereby turning the experience into the cause for something of higher energy.

What is good, you can increase. What is beautiful, you can increase. What is of benefit to yourself, to others, to the All, you can increase. This is a decision that you may make and pour your life into. And when you do that, you raise the energy of absolutely everyone and everything. There is nothing that will not benefit from that decision.

So what are we saying here, really? We are saying in a rather roundabout way, so that you can get a slightly better grasp on it, that you are a divine being of immense power. The extent of the effect you have on your world, not one atom of which you are separate from, cannot be known by you… yet. At the present time, your conscious awareness is not great enough to hold all of that. But, if you have come to trust what we tell you, then, as you say, you can take that to the bank.

And the time is soon to come that will have your awareness and abilities so far beyond what you have known that you will be hard pressed to believe it. In fact, believing it is what you are learning to do. If you can believe it, you can learn to be that new you that you have been talking about for a while now.

And we have now come back to the original question. What will you create today? What will you contribute to the field of consciousness in which you have your being? How will you respond to what is before you? The choice is yours, but you will need to begin where you stand. You may wish to begin somewhere else, but that isn’t going to get anywhere. You have the honor, the privilege, and the ability to build from where you are. Go for it!

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2015 6:55:12 PM


Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ From your hostess of Light

The energy of July has us all pulled apart like a southern pork sandwich/ displaced and shredded. Emotions run high as families gather and all the old dialogue emerges long enough to push buttons for another 3 months. We hold within us slice of the ‘DNA PI’ that gets served up especially on holidays. Parts of ourselves we stuff in a closet until we are forced to being them out. Parts of ourselves we do not seem to have a lot of control over and we react basically like Pavlov’s dogs, ‘one ringy dingy’ and we are off on an emotional tangent.

Everything we have worked so diligently to stuff floats to the surface like a vessel lost in the Bermudatriangle surfacing after 50 years. Most days we feel we are in the Bermuda triangle ourselves, when all of our loved ones are in different emotional time zones. Emotions surface violently as we literally purge ourselves of unsaid words and feelings. We all still carry soul wounds that have never really healed. When we have sacred alignments such as holidays, family reunions, deaths and births, ancestral DNA gathers together to shift, often deleting harmful family genetic traits in a sometime hurtful way.

The very light and life of the 3-Stars in Sirius bring us to a point of receiving ancient truths that we each sent to ourselves in a time past, waiting for this exact configuration of stellar proportion to geometrically align with the human need for recalibration. As the rays of Sirius bring us to a deeper heart connection, we each reach for a higher ring of truth as we see with clear eyes exactly who we are.

Dimensional rifts in time begin to make themselves known as space and time corrects herself for all to see. All energies live on even if we have personally discarded them. Nuances of emotional debris float to the surface like a downed buoy. The feeling of tilting in a Ripley themed fissure has your inner ear and tummy turning summersaults. Every part of the human biology can feel the shifts to come as every cell wall quivers. The animals, the trees, the land, sense it as well. Like an earthquake that opens a primordial portal, all that one can do is watch, as the hologram shifts.

All the summer alignments (both inny and outy) give us an opportunity to walk through time and see potential outcomes in future choices. Like a mage that transverses time we see what may or may not transpire according to the path we stand upon. What choice this second will save our butts just a little down the line? Our Sirius selves (serious) from time beyond our remembering sends us light codes that infuse and inspire us to stay on the path of light and keep believing in the impossible.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/15/2015 6:58:21 PM


Bob Fickes ~ Change is in the Air


Many things are changing this month. Our Life Force is increasing as our spiritual consciousness expands. This is naturally creating more changes in our life and the world around us.
There is definitely a feeling in the air that many governments will experience a change. Businesses and governments that are moving with the flow of the universe and creating positive results for our world will prosper. But businesses and government that are still pushing for ego driven results without consideration for the flow of Nature will experience difficulties. This is not a punishment. It is just the natural result of going against the flow.
The sunshine is getting brighter. Our perceptions are improving. We can no longer ignore the flow of our own nature and the flow of the universe around us. As I’ve said many times, this is a lucky time to be alive. Ego may grumble and resist, but the universe is on our side helping every step of the way.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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