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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/13/2015 6:45:43 PM

Monday, July 13, 2015

Benjamin Fulford - July 13, 2015: Full scale cyber war erupts in wake of Greek default, Pentagon takes on Khazarian mafia

The Greek default has triggered major cyber and information warfare that raged across the world last week. The warfare involved banks, defense firms, major stock markets, telecommunications firms and more.

For example, the July 8th cyber-attack that shut down the New York Stock Exchange, the Wall Street Journal, United Airlines and several mobile phone companies was retaliation for an American attack on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, according to Chinese and Pentagon sources. “This was just a dry run,” the Pentagon sources said.

The Greek default essentially bankrupted the IMF, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve Board, even though the officials of these agencies are still ignoring this elephant in their room and pretending it is not so. However, the reason they are ignoring a Greek No vote and threatening the Greek government with violence unless they loot Greece to save them is because they simply do not have the money needed to keep Greece or themselves going. As we will discuss further later down, the Greek situation is rapidly morphing into full scale revolution.

In any case, the bankruptcy of these institutions was followed by the formal $200 billion start of the BRICS bank and BRICS financial stabilization fund. The BRICS invited Greece to join them but, of course, the BRICS bank is not about to bail out the criminal Western banks that looted Greece, it will only help the Greek people.

The Khazarian controllers of the Federal Reserve Board, angered by the BRICS bank, were the instigators of the attack on the Chinese stock markets, pentagon sources say. This burst a bubble, leading to a 40% decline in Chinese stocks before the government intervened and suspended most stock trading. The Chinese counter-attack shut down the New York Stock Exchange etc. This was then, according to pentagon sources, followed by weather warfare as a major typhoon was sent crashing directly into Shanghai, forcing the evacuation of a million people.

The Pentagon summoned Khazarian house slave acting-president Obama on Monday to tell him they have just upped upgraded their military relations with Vietnam “to a strategic level.” In other words, the Vietnamese will work with the Americans to hold back the Chinese. Despite rhetoric against Russia, the Pentagon is already working with the Russians to make sure China keeps in line, the sources said. Obama was told in no uncertain terms that he was to stop “poking the bear” and to concentrate on the main enemy, which is the Khazarian mafia, and the potential enemy, which is China.

There is now an informal truce between the Pentagon and the Chinese because the Chinese stopped building up military facilities in the South China Sea. The Pentagon and the Chinese are now concentrating on the real enemy which is the Khazarian mob. As a part of a campaign to discredit the Khazarians, Obama was forced to admit publicly that his government (the Khazarian controlled state department faction) was “training ISIL (ISIS).” Obama Slips Up: “We’re Training ISIL”

This was part of the major ongoing Pentagon campaign against Israel and the Khazarian mob. In another part of this, Pentagon and agency hackers released a video, that has gone viral, showing the filming of a fake ISIS beheading.

Khazarian war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu of Israel also had his private phones hacked to release information he was directly involved in the ISIS terror campaign. Even more deadly for Netanyahu’s criminal regime was a hacking of Israeli military systems that disabled Israeli patriot missile defenses. News stories have talked about German patriot missile batteries being hacked.

However, it is the hacking of the Israeli systems that left that country completely exposed to Iranian and other missiles. The message is very clear: “stop your regional trouble-making or else be destroyed.”

In addition to this, the Saudi Arabian regime is, with Pentagon arm twisting, continuing to purge all Bush and Israeli agents out of power. Long term foreign minister Saud Al Faisal, his brother Tikri, Intelligence Chief Bandar Bush and many more are being cut as that frantic regime tries to change its stripes in order to survive. They are trying desperately to prevent a complete American alignment with Iran that would leave them without any real protector in the Middle East. In other words, they fear bloody revolution which is why so many Saudi princes have already abandoned that country. The Saudis and other Gulf monarchies have been buying and stashing away all the silver they can get their hands on so that they can keep some of their fortunes in the event of a regime change and subsequent freeze of their bank accounts. Here you can see a chart showing how oil is being converted into silver.

Also, JP Morgan and Citibank have engaged in a massive selling of silver futures (ie paper silver) in order to drive down the price. The result has been that the paper price of silver has plunged even as the US mint has run out of silver coins.

In other words, these mega-banks are losing the ability to use their super-computers to control the price of real world goods like silver.

This move into commodities by the big Rockefeller and Bush banks comes as the Khazarian banking system faces unprecedented attack. Goldman Sachs, for example, has been exposed as a criminal organization by the Greek Debt Truth Commission.

This group has shown that Goldman Sachs and other banks fraudulently inflated Greek government debt numbers by doing such things as creating fake losses by hospitals. The fraudulent Greek debt is now being used as a tool to loot real Greek assets like islands, ports, utilities etc. According to British MI5 intelligence, former Goldman Sachs employee and now European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi was the mastermind behind this Greek looting plan. We can thus understand why former Greek Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis would publicly refer to Goldman Sachs as a life-sucking vampire. Yanis Varoufakis on Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs.

The situation has become such that even if the entire Greek parliament and their families are threatened with death by the Khazarians, the latest opinion polls show close to 80% of the Greek people will not accept any failure by the Greek parliament to respect their No vote to the EU gangsters.

The Pentagon sources say the Greek drachmas are already in use and that a Greek exit from the Euro was inevitable. What is now coming is bank failures caused by credit default swaps (ie guarantees that Greece would not default), the sources say.

There is also more big trouble coming for JP Morgan, according to the Pentagon sources. They say JP Morgan has sold twice as many US government bonds as were actually issued. In other words, they sold fraudulent US government bonds in order to keep themselves afloat, the sources say.

There is further trouble brewing for the Bush/Rockefeller Japanese slave government. Last week a secret ruling committee of the Japanese government rejected a White Dragon Society proposal to set up a future planning agency with a budget of $7 trillion. They could not start the new agency because of “Freemason and illuminati interference,” according to a Japanese royal family source.

However, the Japanese government is being presented with water-proof documentation that it owes 30 trillion of dollars for looted Manchu gold, according to Chinese sources. The Japanese tried to postpone settling its gold debt until the autumn but they are being pressed to act before then, the sources said. Forcing the Japanese to pay this debt would bankrupt the Rockefeller, Bush secret controllers of the Japanese slave regime. That is why slave Prime Minister Abe is being sent on an emergency begging mission to China in September.

On a final note, a Russian agent contacted with WDS last week and provided detailed information about exactly how the Ukrainian “Maidan” revolution really took place. The agent infiltrated the Maidan revolt by showing up pretending to be a student. He was told to go to a US State Department run front organization where young protesters were given free food and shelter and paid 25 euros per day. In addition to this, according to the agent, “we were given all the free drugs we wanted.” He said the Maidan protesters consisted almost entirely of stoned youth between the ages of 17 and 25. So there you have it, the US State Department handing out drugs and money to overthrow a democratically elected regime.

This same Khazarian rogue Washington DC regime has been found to be hacking into computers and planting kiddie porn. This explains why so many whistleblowers and other “trouble makers” have been fraudulently arrested for having child pornography.

What do you do about a government that pushes illegal drugs, finances terrorism, uses kiddie porn and other tricks to arrest innocent people and steals money from 99% of the population? The answer is clear, we need a revolution. The revolution may have already started in Greece, the cradle of democracy. We need to make sure it spreads until the heart of world darkness, Washington DC, is cleansed and the Republic of the United States of America is restored. This will remove the world’s leading cause of terrorism, war and mayhem.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/13/2015 6:50:53 PM

Mahavatar Babaji via Ute Posegga-Rudel: Change Your Experience of This World

Experience+World7sig.Video (recommended)


I Am Babaji, the savior of mankind, inasmuch as I am caring for your survival as a divine race.

I am the Consciousness of Light that is directing the forces of good to inspire the hearts of men to choose the right path. And the right path for mankind is always the one of liberation.

Stasis is never leading to liberation. And every movement forward is a choice that brings you to a heightened awareness, to an expansion of consciousness.

Stasis is dangerous because after a short while it tends to spiral downwards into tamasic, and then self-destructive tendencies.

It makes you abandon the path of raising your frequency into greater light and sink downwards into more and more darkness and unconsciousness, until you have forgotten the light.

So I am seeing to it that mankind is given constantly the opportunity to grow toward highest potential, which is your innate Divinity.

Without challenges, there are no impulses to set one foot before the other to overcome them, when darkness has already set in. Similarly, without suffering of what you don’t want, you do not begin your journey to find out how you could achieve what you want.

As soon as you begin this journey, you have in fact entered the spiritual path. Because with that initial question, you will discover that you cannot stop going forward until you are finding out who you are. And without knowing yourself, you are not able to create your own destiny.

To create your own destiny, you must know yourself. You must discover who you ARE, whereby you discover your divine creative powers. Creativity and Divinity are two sides of a coin, because divinity does not exist without creativity, and you cannot exercise your creative powers without knowing your divinity.

As you see, evolution occurs on the pillars of duality: In your situation, the light and the dark, as these forces are so dominant in your present experience. The emergence of the dark at these times, and the fight between the light and the dark forces, is merely the trick of your own Divine Consciousness to allow you to acknowledge that these dual forces are projections from your own inner state of human consciousness, fighting, in reality, within yourself – even if unconscious – yet.

What you perceive outside of yourself is the mirror that reminds you of what you have chosen at a time to play with and to experience in this incarnation. It is a mere exploration of those possibilities, because you all know profoundly your true state of mere bliss and mere light. But you asked yourself and wanted to experience: What if light would diminish, what if light would cease to exist, and what would be the outcome of it.

Now, after so much suffering and having fallen into the pit of darkness (darkness is always present as soon as only one iota of the Absolute Light is diminished), you remember the Infinite Light and its Source, pondering whether it is worth to continue further the down spiraling path. Now, many of you are all at the very threshold where you must make an important decision:

Do you want to go further down into the forgetfulness of your Divinity, or do you wish to return to your true Divine Nature? This is the decision you must make NOW. Because the state of your world shows that you haven´t yet made a clear choice.

There is not much time left to delay your answer to this question. You had plenty of opportunities and experiences to come to your conclusion.

Perhaps you are a bit afraid to return to the mere ecstasy of light because you had explored it already so well, and perhaps you are thinking you might be bored to return to this State (laughs), deprived of your many toys you have become addicted to, meanwhile.

But in any case, you must make your decision now. If you decide for the light, please know that this decision comes with rules:

It requires to set the intent to exercise exclusion of darkness as a given reality in your mind from now on. Why? Because with every thought that believes in darkness in any form, you are re-enforcing it. You are re-enforcing your self-identification with an imagined victimhood, instead of knowing that you have been always a creator god.

In any moment from now on, if you decide for the light, you must exercise your creative powers, not looking at what is, or seems to be, but looking in any moment at new, infinite Divine possibilities instead, – and choosing accordingly.

This is your new irrevocable responsibility from now on in order to change your experience of this world and to change it into a new adventure.

You see, boredom will not await you in the realms of light, as it might have hassled you before. But you will return to the light with new divine-creator powers that are one with the depth of All-Embracing Divine Love, a power you never were able to accomplish before to such a degree!

You will be given the opportunity to participate, from now on, in the glory of Divine Evolution that serves the inspiration and exaltation and expansion of Divine Creation.

What an excitement is awaiting you! Wake up, my dears, and be aware of the Divine Gift that is now being given to you. Not only be aware of it, but use it. Use it for the sake of planetary awakening, freedom, and happiness. Use it for the sake of brotherhood and a united humanity.

NOW is the time to decide where you want to go. Divine Creator Powers of Love are waiting for you, if you follow the Light. This is the moment where your evolution is truly beginning. And it has never been given to you in such a glory before.

So I am sure you will choose wisely.

My Blessings and my Love are with you!

I am Mahavatar Babaji!

Message conveyed by Ute

“Mahavatar Babaji: Change Your Experience of This World,” channeled by Ute Posegga-Rudel, July 12, 2015, at

Source Link: Ute Posegga-Rudel Messages from the Realms of Light

Copyright© 2015. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them. Please share this message only together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/13/2015 6:52:06 PM

Out with the Old and In with the New – Part 1/2

Robots 11

Robots do not pay taxes Credit:

Some lightworkers, when they contemplate serving the Mother as a financial wayshower, may think that they need to “learn how it’s done.”

If that’s a generic term, I agree. If it’s a felt need to operate as we used to in the old Third, I think I’d demur.

The prevailing business models are what got us into the mess we’re in in the first place, all in the service of the people who controlled the economy. Why in Heaven’s name would anyone want to imitate them? Surely that simply prolongs the crisis.

We’re arguing for a heart-centered approach on this blog and we probably won’t find a business model for that among those that the masters of business held out to us from pulpits like the Harvard Business School or Business Week.

Let’s look at what happened in the germinal 1990s.

I’ll be ignoring elements of the economy that doomed it, such as the derivatives crisis, which was a scam and has resulted in a debt so large that it probably can never be liquidated. I’m focusing on the work force.

The fall of the ordinary worker started in the 1980s when waves of mergers and acquisitions tore many companies apart. Then a series of corrupt schemes like the junk-bond mania, the bubble and later the mortgage-foreclosure scam sapped America of jobs and profitability and condemned the middle class to ongoing indebtedness and a lack of prospects.

But what really finished workers off was computerization or automation. That led to jobless recoveries from what were considered to be “recessions,” the loss of careers, the demise of benefits plans, and many other forms of hardship for obsolescent workers who bore the brunt and costs of automation.

It was a double whammy because robots don’t pay taxes so the very same class that was deprived of its livelihood was also asked to bear the increased tax burden that resulted. More people off work meant more call on government services and that meant higher taxes, all borne by the people who were under assault from automation.

The rise of outsourcing to low-wage countries completed the defeat of the worker. Now people hire themselves out as consultants without benefits, at low wages. Many hold down two or three part-time jobs. And all the time their debts mount.

Companies took a Just-in-Time attitude towards their workers:

“‘Companies are managing their workers as they manage their inventories of unsold goods,’ said Leslie McNulty, research director of the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. ‘They are trying to keep both sets of inventories — employees and merchandise — as low as possible.'” (1)

Let’s look here at the impact of automation on it. Later I’d like to look at the philosophy behind that mess, which I came to think of as Business Darwinism. Please consider this an attempt at consciousness raising in the area of financial wayshowing.

One business analyst asked the $64,000 question in 1991: “What is a computer for, if not to save labor?” (2) Exactly. A computer is a labor-saving – or labor-destroying – device.

Fortune Magazine described how extensive the automation revolution was.

“[Computers are taking] over progressively more of the work that can be routinized … from guiding machines that make things to transmitting information within the organization or across its boundaries. Bingo, you’ve got flexible manufacturing, programmed trading, and point-of-purchase terminals wired into the supplier’s factory.” (3)

I’ve said on occasion that the younger generation has never known a permanent, full-time job with benefits. This is the era in which those jobs were decimated.

Because automation created a buyer’s market for labor, companies could ditch their benefits plans along with their permanent, full-time workers – and they did in droves.

Business Week in June 1993 noted that “companies are often using outside consultants, many of whom were laid off earlier, to lower their costs.” (4) In that same article they suggest that “even when companies have work that needs to be done, they often use temporary workers to avoid paying the cost of benefits.” (5)

Employees were fired and hired back on as consultants, without the benefits they once enjoyed and only for as many hours as was absolutely deemed to be necessary. A society that embraced “just-in-time” production also adopted “just-in-time” employment. The cost of benefits plans now came to be called “the burden rate.”

I remember how afraid I was to leave my job at the time. Electronic Engineering Times in 1991 suggested that the feeling was general: “Disgruntled employees don’t dare leave their posts in 1991. There might not be another job down the road. So they stay and gripe.” (6)

Said another business analyst: ”Fear is rampant in the workplace.” (7) I remember how that was. We all led lives of quiet desperation.

One banking executive suggested a formula for estimating when employees should be replaced:

“Theoretically every time you make a $10,000 investment on technology you should have replaced one employee.” (8)

Automation replaced hundreds and hundreds of thousands of workers. And, said the Financial Post, “most of the jobs lost are lost forever.” (9)

No one was safe. Here are some of the occupational activities that became extinct, diminishing the number of jobs available to the younger generation:

• Storing, filing and retrieving;

• Monitoring, analyzing, accounting and reporting;

• Middleman work such as booking, selling, ticketing, dispensing, shipping, and receiving;

• Making transfers of money, mail, stocks, or information;

• Issuing information policies that consumers can just as well request from a machine.

This list grew as “systems” got better at doing our work. No occupation, not even computer programmer, was immune from what is essentially a social virus.

What was usually not said was that not only jobs were lost, but whole careers. Workers moved from one new career to the next, trying to stay one step ahead of the computer. One group moved to the next occupation even while employees in that occupation were moving to another. Travel agents might become medical-lab assistants. Lab assistants might become hospital unit coordinators. Unit coordinators might become travel agents, all trying to stay ahead of the machine, which seemed to be just a few paces behind them.

“Social Darwinism is respectable again,” one analyst wryly observed. (10) Social Darwinism is the theory that not just nature, but society also, is red in tooth and claw. The fittest survive and the weakest go to the wall. Such a philosophy has no truck or trade with the divine qualities. Indeed this era of the 90s was the high point of Social Darwinism – or Business Darwinism – as a social philosophy.

Business Week described how bleak the picture had become:

“As companies large and small embrace new technologies and eliminate jobs, millions of workers are finding that their old careers are becoming obsolete. In just the past year, even as the [U.S.] economy grew by some 2.6%, more than 500,000 clerical and technical positions disappeared, probably forever. And better information systems are eliminating the need for lots of middle managers.

“It’s no wonder that so many Americans are distressed: they see their paycheques lagging inflation, and they worry about joining their families and friends in the ranks of the unemployed.” (11)

Said one business executive in 1991: “Whole levels of middle management have been wiped out and will not be replaced.” (12)

Added Business Week in 1993:

“Corporations have been laying off huge numbers of middle managers because the re-engineering and technology make it possible to do without them. In the old corporate hierarchies, middle management’s function was to transmit information from the field or factory to the executive suite and relay commands from the corner office back to the troops. Databases and computer networks now do the job faster, better, and for less.” (13)

(Concluded in Part 2.)


(1) Uchitelle, 1990, 4; Johnston, 1991, 115.

(2) Steinhart, Jim. “Database Octopus,” Canadian Datasystems, May 1991, 58.

(3) Fortune, May 17, 1993, 39.

(4) Michael J. Mandell and Christopher Farrell, “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs — Eventually,” Business Week, June 14, 1993, 72.

(5) Loc. cit.

(6) “Nervous and Insecure. With More and More Companies Downsizing, EEs are worried about Their Jobs,” Electronic Engineering Times, October 14, 1991, S52.

(7) Anne B. Fisher, “Morale Crisis,” Fortune, November 18, 1991, 71.

(8) James Miller, CEO of Royal Trustco in Macleans, Nov. 23, 1992, 44

(9) James Purdie, “Upgrading is the best route to job security,”Financial Post, Dec. 16, 1991, 11.

(10) David Olive, “The New Hard Line,” Report on Business Magazine,October, 1991, 15.

(11) Mandell and Farrell, ibid., 72.

(12) Harold Johnson, managing VP of Korn/Ferry International, an executive search firm in Vivian Brownstein, “Though Some Jobs are Gone for Good, Employment will Rise Again,” Fortune, November 18, 1991, 29.

(13) Business Week, June 14, 1993, 58.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/13/2015 6:53:09 PM

Out with the Old and In with the New – Part 2/2

Who's winning?

The lure of the computer lulled everyone to sleep

(Concluded from Part 1.)

For the longest time, business analysts were calling the automation revolution a cyclical recession. Said Business Week in 1993: “This is the first time in the postwar period that [manufacturing employment] has failed to bounce back in the wake of a recession.” (1)

At last it became impossible to ignore the “jobless recoveries” that happened after each “dip” in the economy. These were not cyclical recessions; they were structural deconstructions of work and the work force, the shedding of whole occupations which, once shed, did not return.

Said another source:

“Some critics … call it deconstruction rather than reconstruction — jobs are a casualty at every point in the delivery chain. …

“[International trade consultant Patrick] Couling says the cost-cutting electronic revolution is one reason why economic recovery in the U.S. has yielded 3.5 million fewer jobs than past recoveries. Employers are investing in systems, not workers.

“‘The fallout can be devastating. But it is more of a disaster to do nothing. It is a case of damned if you do and damned if you don’t,” he says. (2)

“Growth without jobs,” it was called. The impact caused the growth movement of the 1970s and 80s to shrivel on the vine. I think this business analyst pretty well summed the situation up: “Stop finding yourself, pal: It’s time to get back to work — if you still have a job, that is.” (3)

When I woke up in 1990 to the devastation that the computer was causing, I tried to warn my provincial premier, whom I knew personally, the head of the British Columbia Federation of Labour, and anyone else who would listen. No one wanted to hear about it. No effective voice that I knew of could gain the attention of people so fascinated with what the computer could do that they allowed the drama to unfold without taking effective action.

Today’s generation of younger folk have never enjoyed the kind of security that the older generation enjoyed during the 1950s through the 1970s. Worse, they don’t even know what it was like to live in a system that provided pensions, benefits plans, supposed job security, a social safety net, and so on.

It’s our job as financial wayshowers to change that situation, to come up with a business model that honors the worker, does not overwork people, and provides for their unemployment, illness, disability, and retirement. A world that works is a world that knows that business is not about the enrichment of the few but the needs of the many.

So, financial wayshowers, if you’d permit me to say it, perhaps don’t drive the car looking in the rear-view mirror. There’s nothing to be learned from the past except what not to do. Consult your heart. That’s the new paradigm.


(1) Gene Koretz, “American factories still aren’t in a hiring mood,”Business Week, June 28, 1993, 22.

(2) Mark Wilson, “Triple bar decks jobs. Code data cuts cost for retailer,” Vancouver Province, Oct. 14, 1993.

(3) David Olive, “The New Hard Line,” Report on Business Magazine,October, 1991, 15.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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7/13/2015 7:01:21 PM

MONDAY, JULY 13, 2015

Bob Fickes ~ Life is Never What We Expect


Life is never what we expect. Even when we have a glimpse of the future, there are always changes. Is this karma?
It is certainly true that when karma comes, we never expect it. Even if we know it is coming, just before it happens we go blank and get distracted. You can never hold back karma. The arrow in the air from the past always lands in the present.
But karma is a teacher and not always responsible for changing our future. As we change, our future also changes. Only the universe knows the right way.
Whatever happens is for our better good. It is all in the hands of the universe. Trust that and be happy.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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