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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2015 7:23:42 PM

St. Germaine: Service to All vs. Service to Self

St. Germaine 90Given events behind the scenes, which cannot be discussed for the sake of those involved, it seems a wise move to begin considering matters related to life after the receipt of abundance. In researching the subject, I came across this channeled message from St. Germaine through Goldenlight, from mid-2014.

It seemed so, well, germane that I wanted to repost it here.

We particularly need reminders of the original intent of this wave of abundance because, with our currency exchange, we could be hit by a wave of fear that we’ll lose our abundance if we contribute to others. But we forget that our work as financial wayshowers is to distribute that abundance, after taking care of ourselves. Those who prove the best at it, I’m told, will receive more.

So be prudent, be wise, but don’t overlook the very raison d’etre for the Reval – service to all through contributing, sharing. Nova Earth is a world of sharing, what I like to think of as a co-operative commonwealth.

Your planet and many of the beings on it are raising into the higher dimensions and this incoming worldwide prosperity and abundance is a part of this transition. And all who will be benefactors of this prosperity are assisting in this paradigm transition.

So in visualizing this RV happening and in manifesting it into being, be ever mindful of how this financial prosperity will bring global harmony and well-being to all living things, including the planet herself, a planet which was on the verge of dying but has now transcended this and “risen from the ashes,” so to speak.

You are the stewards of this planet, and have been entrusted with the care of her surface. We will not go into the subject of the beings who live on the inner Earth; these beings are a higher-dimensional society descended from Lemuria, a higher-dimensional society which became intertwined with Atlantis and suffered its own demise on the surface of the planet, but survived and moved into the interior of the Earth and still thrives as a higher-dimensional society in the NOW. This is a topic for another day.

Back to the paradigm of service to all vs. service to self: Yes, it is important to take care of your individual needs first, turning afterwards to how you can assist in raising the vibration of other living beings (including humans, animals, plants, elementals, and the Earth herself), through kindness, generosity, sharing, compassion, and in a general upliftment of all.

In restoring the Earth to its former pristine condition, in treating all animals with reverence and respect, and in honoring the plants, animals and elementals upon your Earth, as well as in sharing your abundance, well-being and prosperity with all other human beings.

Service to self underlines separation, destruction of the Earth, cruelty to all other living things, and the lower vibrations of inequality, separation, and lack whereas service to all encompasses not only your own needs and well-being but also the needs and well-being of other living beings and the planet as a whole. It is this service to self which almost destroyed your planet and was the catalyst for a paradigm shift of Great Change.

Many of you will be coming into millions, if not billions, of dollars and this windfall can do much to benefit the well-being of the Whole, including your entire planet, Earth, animals, plants, and human beings. Eventually your planet can become a moneyless society… money is an Earth creation and does not exist in the higher dimensions, as the beings living there have embraced the concept of caring for the well-being of All.

Everything is energy and when all beings begin to emanate the higher vibrations of peace, harmony, joy, oneness, unity, love; respect, caring and compassion for other living beings, and all the higher-vibrational feelings, then harmony and unity result. Many humanitarian projects and dreams are underway and steps are now being taken to fulfill them. Let us meditate now upon all the good this wealth can create.

Let your vision be one of contributing to and fostering global well-being and let the extra wealth coming to you be used not for separation but for cooperation, not for division but for harmony. Show the world what sharing looks like, what caring for the well-being of not only self but also for others, of the Earth, and of the whole looks like, and in return the harmonious and joyful feelings that will come from making the world a better place will be a feeling that is shared by all, creating a global harmony and well-being that is shared by all, not by the elite few.

This RV and GCR (1) are symbolic of a transition from Service to Self towards Service to All…..this includes focusing on your own well-being, self love and self care as well as others’ well-being, loving others, and caring for others…of resources and positive vibrations being shared by all for the good of all which in turn has the effect of creating the highest good for each being. The positive energetic vibrations then circulate freely among all, eliminating strife, and accentuating harmony and joy. And in realizing this, each being acts from the standpoint of this awareness. (“St. Germaine: RV and GCR Symbolize Paradigm Transition from Service to Self to the Higher Dimensional Awareness of the Well-Being of All,” as received by Goldenlight, May 18, 2014 at


(1) RV = Revaluation of currency; GCR = Global Currency Reset.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2015 7:24:47 PM

Heavenletter #5310 via Gloria Wendroff: The Blessings of Inner Grace

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

There is always communication with Me running through your bloodstream. I am never absent. I am always available to you. At the drop of a hat, I am available to you. I am available to everyone. Not everyone is wide open to Me, however.

If you are a human being, you are worthy of communing with Me. You just may have a window closed. You may even be fearful of hearing Me and coming closer to Me. You could be timid about letting go of your ego which you may consider as your joy in life.

The fact is that I AM the joy in your life. Connected to Me, you are connected to Me, and I am the sunny side of the street. I am what I say. I do not have any tricks up My sleeve. I am forthright with you. I say what is so.

There is a tendency to feel that you are giving something up in order to come to Me. You do have to give up the past. You do have to give up the false identity card you believe is yours. Your identity card may say: “Joe, computer programmer.” It includes your age, the town where you live, and a photo that is similar to the photo of a recently arrested felon. These are hardly your identity.

Your Identity is much greater. The I.D. card I give you is more like this:

“Beloved Child of God and the Universe. Heaven citizen. Master of Freedom. Consciousness-Licensed. Emissary of God. Diviner of God. One who loves God. Actor in the world. Performer. Perhaps Dancer, Comedian and/or Tragedian. Temporary Resident on Earth. Blessed by God. Has a flying license to go as far and as high as he chooses. Full freedom to recognize his Vastness and share it with all. Master of Creation. Intelligent, All-Knowing, Artist, Musician, Lover of All, Acrobat of Life on Earth.”

Your age? Infinite. Matriculated at Universe University. Will graduate summa cum laude.

Beloveds, I am the Joy in Life you are seeking. I provide for you no matter. God provides. What a gift life is that I give to you. It’s worth a King’s Ransom. What more valuable gift in the world can there be than life itself? O! Remarkable!

You do realize that you live in two worlds, don’t you? The upper layer and the deep divine subtle layer. They are layers of consciousness, yet much more than layers. One passage or layer exists and is true. The surface level certainly seems true to just about everyone who lives on Earth. The whole world of activity where you consciously spend your time is a trick of time and space. Time and Space are not real, yet you buy them hook, line, and sinker. They are will o’ the wisps. Reality is permanent. True Reality is not a trickster. The physical plane of life, however, is a trickster, and it tricks you over and over again. You buy all its palaver.

A trickster tricks you into believing him. A trickster is a con-man. He sees through you. You don’t see through him. He has you in the palm of his hand. How charming a trickster is. He lures you down a garden path and leaves you there panting.

The trickster We’re talking about is the relative world. The relative world certainly knows how to charm you and tempt you. The relative world is unflagging in its zeal. It has bright lights, all neoned up, and the relative world also throws in the beauties of creation, the beautiful forests and flowers and nature at its best.

The relative world really has no intent of its own. It is innocent. The relative world merely reflects the consensus of humankind. You are your own trickster. You like tinsel. You sweep it up in your arms. You see more of the relative world in an attempt to be healed from it. Yet more of the relative world you seek relief from doesn’t give you its promised relief.

This is where I come in to divert you from excess of the outer to the blessings of the inner. Avail yourself of Me. I wait for you.

“Heavenletter #5310: “The Blessings of Inner Grace,” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, June 9, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5310 Blessings of Inner Grace

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2015 7:29:09 PM


Bob Fickes ~ We are One with Nature, Only our Mind can Distract Us from being Happy


Human beings have created a world from our mind that reflects the way our mind thinks. It has nothing to do with true happiness. When our heart feels something, our mind disapproves and talks us out of it. The world we created reinforces this control and never allows us to be natural. We are always under pressure to behave as the world created by our mind commands us to behave. We are trained to think before we act. We have to fit in and do what is responsible without considering if it will make us happy. This is the source of all pain.
Our life needs to be more natural and more simple. We were born with everything we need. We were born as a part of Nature but live in a world that is no longer natural. No wonder we are so confused!
Nature is here to help provide everything we need to be alive and be happy. We can no longer ignore what our body and soul are telling us. Live life in harmony with all life and enjoy what nature provides us. We don’t need to modify it or improve it. Our minds can never improve Nature. Only when we stop thinking and just feel what we need without having to prove it or make it logical can we find our way back to the natural life. We all have natural instincts that silently whisper to us everyday, but our mind is so noisy and often so bossy that we fail to notice the silent voice within us.
Meditation helps us to awaken our inner guidance. If we learn to listen to the whisper of our heart, we would know more clearly what to do with our life. No one can tell you what to do. The only reliable guidance you will ever receive will come from inside of you. Even the masters cannot guide you. You are the center of your own life and the universe moves through you everyday. Only your mind and all of its commands can distract you from finding real happiness. Tune in to the very center of your life and listen to the quiet feelings of your heart. The universe is already guiding you. Turn off your mind and tune in. All of the answers you are looking for will be found in silent whispers and not in the noisy commands from your mind.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2015 7:30:20 PM

Following Our Passions with Authentic Happiness


By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

Like some of you, I feel like I’m here on a mission to use self-expression to raise awareness and uplift people. I want to spread knowledge and help people understand spirituality, elite corruption and any other topic that’s relevant to the things we’re doing, because knowledge, especially of these subjects, is liberating.

I want to help people understand that life is nothing like the existing power structures want us to believe, and beyond what we consider ‘normal’ reality lies the true reality we once freely inhabited and, in fact, still do on another level.

For centuries, spiritual seekers have tried to glimpse this reality – some successfully, some not – and my purpose is to help you all become aware that it exists and it’s accessible. I myself have only recently become aware of it, and the small glimpses I’ve received have encouraged me to write about it and, hopefully, help others glimpse it too.

Credit: Honest Tea

All around the world, spiritual seekers are realizing that they’re on this world for a reason, and as they do, they rise up to fulfill their mission. While it’s hard in the beginning, stepping into our role is one of the most rewarding, liberating, satisfying things we can do.

It’s second only to exploring our consciousness with meditation or other inner tools, and if we can do these two things in conjunction (fulfilling our mission and exploring our consciousness), we’ll create a life we can be excited about instead of loathing or trying to avoid.

The key is to willingly give up the things that stop us from exploring ourselves or playing our role in humanity’s awakening, and it helps to call on our higher consciousness as often as possible.

Even with our higher consciousness by our side, we might not always be willing to play our role. This can cause us to stray from the work we’d otherwise be excited about, and by the end of the day, we’ll probably feel distant or disconnected.

Things will start to feel ‘off’, and we’ll feel like we’re missing out on something important. We are, because we’re failing to pursue our passion. We’re blocking ourselves from our purpose, and when we realize it, we might question why we hesitated in the first place.

The best answer I can come up with is that fear stops us from taking our creativity further, and if you have trepidations about your work, fear is probably stopping you making any more progress. The question is: will you follow the fear?

Will you succumb to fear and embrace a passionless, purposeless life over the fulfilled life you could have, or will you refuse to let it stop you? We tend to give the mind and ego too much control over our thought processes and the actions that result, and fear can easily stop us if the ego’s in control.

If our intuition is at the wheel, fear will fade as we embrace our purpose and keep our creative channel open and flowing.

Plenty of spiritual teachers have told us that the ego – our sense of self, which is separate from our creator – is one main cause of all of our unhappiness, and while it isn’t the sole cause, it does play a role in our unhappiness if we feed it too much.


If you’re constantly unsatisfied with life and you fight change every time it comes your way, you might be stuck in the ego. The good news is that you don’t have to stay there, and you can leave at any time if you’re willing to step outside of it and into territory that’s new and potentially uncomfortable.

This is why so many of us choose to stay in the mind – the territory that lies beyond it is strange and unfamiliar, and we’re afraid to take the leap. In some cases, taking that leap is the last thing we need to do before we find what we’ve been searching for, and when we finally do take it, we’ll be overjoyed at the result.

Our mission will require us to step outside of the ego and transcend its constant influence, and regardless of what some people think, true happiness and fulfillment don’t come from the external. They don’t even come from fulfilling our mission, even though it does feel pretty great.

They come directly from within, and we have to bring them up to the surface unconditionally. We have to be willing to stop seeking happiness in material things, and our effortless joy and upliftment will translate into work that helps others.

It’s our nature to be happy and enjoy life, so we don’t we let ourselves? Why don’t we stop finding the bad in every situation, whether it’s related to our work or not, and try to see the good? I don’t think this is just another way to avoid the bad parts of life – I think it’s a way to recognize that they exist without letting them bring us down.

While there’s a lot of bad in life that we don’t want to ignore, there’s a lot of good that we’ve been ignoring for too long. Let’s give ourselves the full picture instead of trying to ignore the good or the bad, and let’s just exist without requiring specific conditions or circumstances to be happy.


Happiness is right here, and grabbing ahold of it will allow us to approach our mission with more excitement, enthusiasm and willingness. We’re the only ones that stand in the way of our own progress, so let’s get out of our own way and let our joy (and subsequently, our creativity) flow without reservation or restriction.

Let’s make sure we’re in the right frame of mind to create the new world we want to see. With the understanding that our happiness lives within and waits for us to access it, we can stop seeking it in material things and start investing it in our work.

Then, the fun will really begin because we’ll have learned how to work hard and find happiness at the same time. Everyone will benefit, especially us, and we’ll be glad we found our joy within when we look back on this journey with appreciation for what we were able to achieve.

Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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6/10/2015 9:06:04 PM

The Oracle Report, Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The ADDENDUM to the audio report today begins at about 4:30 seconds and is where Laura addresses what might happen atrologically speaking between Putin and the Pope today at the Vatican . . . sorry, but for some reason I am unable to import the audio report, but you can hear it at Laura’s site. ~J



Third Quarter Moon Phase:
revise, realign

Moon in Aries

Goddess of Wisdom: Tara (Goddess Who Guides)

God of Will: Ian (God of The East)

Skill: observe and learn

Catalysts for Change: cornered, overwhelmed by emotions and information, emotional barriers, angry outbursts, being on the edge and not realizing it, heavy-hearted, reliance on old structures and systems for needs, not seeing consequences of one’s actions

True Alignments: planning, alternatives, changing with the seasons, taking a chance or a leap of faith, coming to terms with the reality of something, overcoming, completion

Sabian Symbol for the Lunar Month: “a mature woman reawakened to romance”

Sabian Symbol for the Solar-Lunar Year: “the music of the spheres”

The last day of Mercury’s retrograde often feels like a hot summer day without wind. Air is stagnant and nothing moves.

Trying to force or push things forward runs contrary to the energy. Pushing forward results in frustration and befuddlement. It’s best to detach and let things be. It seems I write “let it be” a lot nowadays, but we are learning how to “be” smarter, not struggle harder. This means understanding how to work with the energies, not against them.

Of course, we aren’t giving up on things, we just recognize that the “music of the spheres” (the energetics of the planets) is dissonant today. Mercury winnows things down to basic components. If those basic components are not in resonance or aligned toward the same things, Mercury attempts to revise or rectify it. If something was trying to come to light or to be revised during Mercury’s retrograde, it’s last chance comes today. Tomorrow, constriction within the fields of consciousness and experience will release, and communications, messages, telecoms, and electronics will “snap” into a better alignment. They won’t snap back into place, where they were; things have changed. They snap into a different place. If Mercury retrograded in aspect to a planet in your natal chart (14 Gemini) , tomorrow you will find yourself in a much different situation than you did on May 18.

One thing that this round of Mercury retrograde delivered was increased abilities to communicate with people with our minds. The Sabian symbol of the degree of Mercury’s retrograde is “two people, living far apart, in telepathic communication.” Communication without the use of technology is working its way toward becoming standard. The energetic connection between like-minded people (and also between people aligned or aligning with their soul family) is surpassing the previously-held limitations of space and time. Many people are already intuiting and experiencing this.

A preponderance of active and even aggressive energy continues to churn with the Sun and Mars in conjunction this week. Mars wants to move things forward and the Sun empowers this tendency, so we really want things to move forward but Mercury has things on lock until tomorrow.

A Sun-Mars conjunction brings up anger and it’s twin, depression. If this is your experience, something is trying to change. What is not working? If you are a Virgo or Pisces or have the Black Moon in Virgo or Pisces, this energy is sweeping all the way to your core. It wants to break you free from any fears that are holding you back or anything else that is holding you back. You are on the edge of breakthrough.

Wise owls will take today’s energetic signature of being able to see what’s shaping up for the near future and use that knowledge accordingly. We will watch this day closely.

(Addendum with today’s audio recording of the Report.)

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