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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2015 7:06:21 PM

The Birth of the Spiritual Revolutionary

By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness

I don’t know how this ascension process is affecting all of you, but personally, I’m going through a massive internal transformation. This will probably become more apparent in the work I do and the subjects I explore from here on out, and to put it bluntly, I’m ready to rise up and take charge of this life.

I’m ready to really use my voice, and I’m ready to tap into my higher, intuitive wisdom and my grounded, earthy wisdom at the same time. I’m ready to take charge of this life and become a voice for other people to hopefully benefit from, and my goals now stretch beyond simply wanting to uplift people.

I still want to uplift all of you who’ve dedicatedly read my work over the years, but I’m ready to do more than just that. I’m ready to empower people and encourage them to empower themselves.

I’m ready to stand up to the planetary elite and speak for the growing number of people who are saying “enough is enough”. I’m ready to become the archetypical smiling rebel; the spiritual revolutionary who strives in the name of all that’s good and right.

I want to expand my consciousness and my understanding of what this life can be, and I want to invite you all to come with me on this journey. There’s so much we could say and do right now, and it’s time for us all to get active in whatever way we see fit.

I don’t know where this work will take me from here, but I do know that I’m ready for some major changes. While I go about making them, I want them to be reflected in the work I do from here on out.

I want to talk about social and spiritual issues that matter. I want to learn about how the elite are destroying the environment and keeping the world under their thumb, and I also want to learn how to elevate my spiritual awareness without having to listen to a spiritual teacher or a channeled source.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t listen to a spiritual teacher or a channeled message, because your path is yours to experience exactly how you want. Personally, I’m ready to decrease my reliance on any external source for the knowledge and inspiration that can only be found within, and I want to share this knowledge with an open mind, a flowing heart and a willing spirit.

I want to stop placing importance on earthly or material things that don’t mean much in the big picture and shift that importance to things that do. I want to contribute to this conscious revolution in a more direct, independent way than I have so far, and I’ll invite all of you to come on board.

The spiritual revolution is beginning… Credit:

Feel free to join me in this quest for social and spiritual independence, and know that your intuition and higher consciousness is the best teacher you have.

All we have to do is open up to them to receive their guidance and assistance in earnest, and while it takes a certain amount of ego death, the connection will be well worth any difficulty we suffer along the way.

I’m ready to light my inner fire and write like never before, and I hope the material that results is of assistance to those of you who are also ready to evolve. Spiritual evolution is our goal, and it doesn’t really matter how you refer to it – ascension, evolution, etc.

In my view, they’re all terms that describe the same collective evolutionary event we’re going through, and we can contribute by finding our passions and working from there to bring the world into the light.

We’re all spiritual revolutionaries, whether we realize it or not, so let’s live up to this title by doing as much as we can in our short time here to create real, lasting, spiritually inspired change. The responsibility is ours, and we have to take it if we want anything to change.

Expect a lot of changes from my little corner of the conscious community, because this work has only just begun. Now’s the time to be active, and that’s exactly what I plan to do. If you feel passionate about using spirituality to change the world, then you’re welcomed to join me.


Share freely.

I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2015 7:09:03 PM

Michelle Infinity: Cultivating Silence — A Doorway to Zen

Michelle InfinityThe quieter you become the more you can hear.
—Ram Dass, Be Here Now.


/zen/ Zen; noun: Zen Buddhism

  1. A Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuitionOrigin:Sanskrit; dhyāna, meditation > Chinese; chán, quietude > Japanese; Zen, meditation
  2. Japanese, literally ‘meditation,’ from Chinese chán ‘quietude,’ from Sanskrit dhyāna‘meditation.’

The universe has been teaching me about silence as of late. Silencio.

A place that is simultaneously full and empty with creative possibility. A place of pure potential where all that has ever been brought into form is birthed. Birthed through sound, vibration, through thoughts, intentions, and our breath.

This space of stillness within each of us is ever present. By accessing it, we utilize its qualities to harmonize ourselves with the entire cosmos. We attune to the song of the universe. This is The Way of things, the eternal Tao within each of us that resides inside our breath. Breathing in and breathing out. Within our sacred hearts this stillness flows through us, allowing us to feel our connection to the eternal, the truth of Oneness, and to Love.

Go within. There is a door. A portal to a world that allows us to perceive many brilliant dimensions of reality at once.tumblr_nkfbysPZrC1rdes1jo1_1280

It is here, within silence, that we are able to fully receive. By listening, we allow a greater wisdom to reveal itself to us. By taking the time and space to be still, we consciously choose to shift away from the external world, and we rise to meet our own true nature.

On an even greater level, we are saying to the universe we are open. Open to being guided.

It is a narrow bridge that connects our waking world and our internal one. And though the collective is very focused externally, cultivating the internal is nonnegotiable if we want deep peace and satisfaction in our lives. The deeper we connect in our internal life, the more present and real we can be in our external one.

We place a lot of emphasis on outside appearances, and things that really don’t weigh anything in the face of our deepest truth. We get caught in the trap of the world, when it’s more worthwhile to cultivate a deeply personal connection to ourselves, through our own daily practice, and carry it through to each moment of our lives.

What is most necessary is a deeply intimate connection to our own true nature.

Everyday we awaken with the precious gift of life, of another day on our sacred earth. And in very task and daily activity, in each situation and person that the universe brings before us, we have a great opportunity — to say, ‘Yes’ to it. Honor them all, for they are your greatest teachers on the journey. Be open.

There is a mantra I have recently fallen in love with, the meaning goes something like this.. “I honor the great teacher within all things. I bow to the threefold aspect of creation, Birth, Life, and Death. I honor all of existence, for it is my true teacher (greatest teaching).”

And in Sanskrit,

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat Parabrahma Tasmai Shree Guruvey Namaha

Here is a video of me singing this mantra if you’d like to learn it

The present moment has much to teach us. It is a wonderfully wise guru. In each moment, there is an opportunity. We have the choice to contract or expand. E x p a n d. Say yes to all of creation. All of the things that come across our paths, though we may be averse to them, though we may throw up blocks and walls and unwittingly argue for our limitations… in every breath, say yes.

But if the guru is within where do you bow? You have to surrender to your life as your teacher and as your teaching. And when we can surrender to that, and can accept responsibility for learning and dealing with life in a new way, if we can accept it as our guru, if we can bow to our life and everything in it, then we have begun to walk the path.

All the practices we do, meditation, asana, chanting.. all these practices help us feel the direction that we need to go in.

—Krishna Das

What if we all practiced opening, expanding and saying yes to every opportunity? Every word, being, or phrase that comes our way, trusting it was all sent by the Holy Spirit that is threaded through creation and exists within all things. The universe is generous, and it has more gifts and knowledge to share with us than we can know, and our job may be to just be open to it. To believe in the good that is vested for us spiritually. Trusting fully that our present incarnation can and will fulfill our desires. Trusting we will handle every challenge that we face in the name of growth, and trusting fully in ourselves to be open to every new learning opportunity. Trusting that we will expand.

We must give ourselves the grace and allow ourselves to be learning, to be learners, and yet at the same time not cling to being students —for any attachment can be limiting. But as we open ourselves we surrender to the process of undergoing a ‘bigger picture’ training. We acknowledge we are being honed for our work, our craft, and our calling in this present incarnation. There is no need to walk into life and already be a master of this world, and yet we place so much importance on having that status and recognition. We must have faith in the gift of life, which is to allow ourselves the unfolding process of becoming such a master. One with integrity and discipline, developing with continued progress.

The more I grow, the more I see that everything that happens is in life is divinely orchestrated, somehow (magically) perfectly in tune. Every mistake we imagine created is actually for the evolution of consciousness and ultimately life itself.

There is a symphony of existence reverberating throughout the cosmos and we are all part of it.
—Michelle Infinity

There is such power in rejoicing in this truth and celebrating our existence on this planet. Joy radiates outward, raising your vibration and the vibration others just by sharing in your light. We illuminate our world with every grateful smile we offer, in each calming breath, in every generous compliment.

Next time you are in the throes of the mundane, try shifting your mood either by going into stillness, or with music, song, or creative expression. Sing and dance! Breathe. Rejoice in the simple glory of just being alive. Use celebration to remember the miracle it is to just to be here, in a body, on this earth.

All of life is a sacred ceremony. Every moment, truly is a gift.

And we are part of it.

tumblr_ngfzmhpEyp1r2q9tyo1_500To speak for a moment as a cosmic weather reporter, I see a shift has just taken place with the spring of 2015 into what feels like the second Phase of Ascension. Phase II of ascension has truly just begun. New energy. We have stepped through a door, a portal, after a long transition between phases, a period of learning and unlearning.

And now, we must remember to do and be who we truly are, the person we have seen from our soul level, and have acknowledged ourselves to be in this world. Our future selves we are becoming have been shown to us and now we must make choices from our deeper, higher wisdom. In honor of our souls, and our highest journeys, we must also allow the space of stillness more permission into our lives so we can cultivate a deeper connection to all of life and create more of the life we want and are so eager to begin.

There is a space of stillness I am cultivating and tuning into. It takes tremendous focus to be calm and also to be clear about what you are doing. It takes being intentional. It takes releasing all expectations, all thoughts about the day, fantasizing about situations, and moves beyond all of that, past the dramas of life… till quiet waters rise up to meet you and show you the way. Beyond.

Personally, I have noticed the less connected I am to electronics the more easily I come into harmony with this space of pure awareness, as those frequencies greatly alter my vibration. Spend just even the afternoon away from the phone, laptop, Facebook, all of it, and you will notice the difference in your energy field. Tuning into the heart is much easier. You become a little clearer, softer… a bit lighter, and more open.

The nervous system seems to quiet down, and there is a blissful state that arises just from being in our own energy field without outside influences. As the Atman, our soul, which partly resides in our Anandamaya Kosha (which translates to, Bliss Body) recalibrates to it’s own radiance, we experience our natural state which is pure joy and happiness. All we have to do is give ourselves the space and time to soften, open up, and become it. We can let it unfold out of us and merge into it.

You need not do anything. Remain sitting at your table and listen. You need not even listen, just wait. You need not even wait, just learn to be quiet, still and solitary. And the world will freely offer itself to you. It has no choice; it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.

—Franz Kafka

Like a river of love flowing through us and connecting us to all things, the great web of creation can be tuned into. It takes a calm, quiet stillness to sense it, and be of it. In the stillness is grace and connection. It is from this space creative activities are effortless, and forgiveness is simpler and automatic.

In the quietude of Zen, we are able to let go of all that we hold onto so tightly when we are plugged into the world. We part from identification with our fears, our emotional, reactive tension, dramas, and egoic attachments.

I recently listened to Thich Nhat Hanh’s the Art of Mindful Living where he says something beautiful, “Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain. Breathing out, I feel strong.”

If our mind is restless, we can repeat this mantra as it emanates a peaceful equanimity to give our mind something to focus on as we are learning to be still.

“I feel strong.”

Just that mantra is enough to transform our internal state of being.

In our society, we put a lot of weight into our efforts to be constantly engaged in community. Whether at work, school, or through social media, we are encouraged to focus on our outward appearance when in truth, focusing on a deeper connection within would enable us to connect to each other in a more authentic and meaningful way. We often keep ourselves busy getting caught in the chaos and drama of life, which can be at times superficial.

For those of us who are mystics, it is important to give ourselves the freedom and space to integrate what we are learning as we continue to rise from one vibrational frequency to another. Take time away from constantly focusing on the world. Listen. Go within.

In our relationships, the same holds true. We have to trust that as we separate we will join back together strengthened, and the timing of which will be divinely orchestrated. We must have faith in our bonds and hold the vision we will connect deeper than before, because of the growth we are both doing.

tumblr_n8x2ktYqOx1rtx9kqo1_1280In the Book of Runes, under the Rune Gebo, the Rune of Partnership it states, “Remember to let the winds of heaven dance between you.”

This takes lots of trust, learning to let go, and practice honoring the transformational process.

Though we must take time for quietude, and honoring the unique call of our own journeys, supporting each other is vital as we go through our evolution of consciousness. Especially for people who are highly attuned or emotionally sensitive. There is much value in having a Satsang, or Sangha, a closely-knit spiritual family that empowers and walks beside you on your path.

This is a great benefit of social media, as we of the Web of Light are stationed (spread out) across the globe, and it is easy to find and recognize each other from the vibration of our profiles. Those of us more sensitive can even recognize each other from other lifetimes.

It’s also important for those of us who are continuously working with subtle energy to extricate ourselves from the collective so we can return to our own natural rhythms and be in harmony and peace in our center.

Additionally, each of us has guidance from astral planes of consciousness in the form of Angels, Guides, Ancestors, and helpers on our path. As we clear our space, and cultivate silence within our own being we are able to easily meet their frequency and be more available to guidance. We can then fuse with their wisdom and really learn what it is to co-create our lives in alignment to the highest truth available to us at all times.

The universe, our Sangha, our planet, and our guides are all on our side! It is important for us each and every moment to really be attuned to that. Sharing in their wisdom makes our collective stronger. And being a unified force for positive change, we are pioneers of a greater world consciousness and the evolution of our planet, Mother Earth.

This is why we came here. We must lead the way.

“Cultivating Silence — A Doorway to Zen”, by Michelle Infinity, May 7, 2015 at

Original link: Cultivating Silence — A Doorway to Zen

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/15/2015 7:10:31 PM

Steve Taylor: The Joys of Retreating from the World (for a While)

Steve-Taylor1-240x300It’s easy for us to wear ourselves out in the world, dashing from one place to the next, our minds immersed in the tasks of our jobs and the other duties which make up our lives. With so much noise and busy-ness around us, it’s easy for us to lose our grounding, even our sense of identity.

There is often a lot of noise inside us too. The busy-ness around us triggers thoughts and associations inside our heads, so that even when we’re not active our minds are filled with a chaos of thought-chatter, jumping from one subject to the next like dancing fleas.

That’s why periods of retreat are so important. Quietness and stillness allow the mental noise inside us to fade away, and help us to come back to ourselves. After weeks of frantic rushing and chasing, we step off the fast-moving train of time and return to the present.

Our energy regenerates, and we feel a sense of wholeness, a glow of well-being. At the same time, there is a feeling of rootedness, of being so grounded and stable that the normal stresses and slights of everyday life don’t affect us to the same degree.

For me it seems to run in cycles. For two or three weeks I can function quite happily in the world of activity, writing, teaching, caring for my kids, playing sports with friends – but then I feel the need to step off, to spend a few evenings quietly at home (not that I always get the chance to, of course).

That’s why I’ve never felt that darkness is something negative. Darkness isn’t empty and bleak – it’s full of potential. I often lie in the darkness, listening to music, meditating or contemplating, and relish the feeling of energy collecting inside me and the glow of well-being beginning to radiate through my being.

Quietness is also the source of creativity. Without regular periods of withdrawal and relaxation, creativity dries up. Stillness makes the mind fertile, like a river running over a plain, enabling ideas and inspirations to shoot up. They seem to come from nowhere, as if we’ve connected to some great cosmic reservoir which – if the conditions are right – channels into our own individual minds.

I write poetry, and that’s where my poems come from. I find that when I’m in an active mode, poems just don’t come. They come when I’m in retreat. I sometimes find myself wondering where the next one will come from; if I’ve had a dry period, I wonder if they’re ever going to come again at all.

But after a few days of withdrawal, an idea suddenly emerges, seemingly out of nowhere. Not a whole poem – just the scenario of a poem, the structure of one, which I then have to spend time fleshing out.

And if this is true for us as individuals, it’s true for the world itself. At this time of year – at least for those in the southern hemisphere – nature is in retreat. All things have withdrawn into darkness, and are slowly regenerating.

That’s why the winter solstice is so significant – because after weeks of increasing darkness, the earth is starting to collect itself again, to gather its energies, in readiness for the explosion of creativity of life in spring.

If that’s what the rest of nature is doing, maybe we should do it too.

“The Joys of Retreating from The World (For a While)”, by Steve Taylor, May 10, 2015 at

Original link: The Joys of Retreating from The World (For a While)

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2015 5:32:48 PM

Archangel Metatron via Natalie Glasson: The Magnification of the Soul

person-731141_1280-300x200Dear beloved ones, I wish to greet you with the news that the Crucifixion energies, which anchored in December 2014, are now beginning to decrease in their volume and presence within your being and reality.

The energies flowing from the Creator labelled by us as Crucifixion energies held the purpose of encouraging and supporting you in releasing old cycles which had been re-patterning in your life for some time, even throughout numerous past lifetimes.

Old cycles and aspects of yourself were asked to be released and erased eternally in order to allow the greater aspect of your soul to step forth into embodiment.

The Crucifixion energies encouraged issues, which were required to be resolved, to rise to the surface to be recognised, allowing you to understand yourself more fully, while purifying and preparing yourself for a greater soul embodiment. Now is the time for greater soul embodiment. Now is a period of magnification of your soul in manifestation within your physical being and reality.

The Crucifixion wave of light may return to further purify and cleanse your being. However, in the coming five months there is a most beautiful vibration unfolding from the core of the Creator for all to bathe within and accept into all aspects of their being.

Those who require to work with the Crucifixion energies for a lengthier period, as they focus on releasing core deep seated issues which have been influencing their realities in limiting ways, will continue to do so, supported by the energies of magnification to create a powerful release and inner healing.

Those who have let go of all cycles which were appropriate to release will allow themselves to be embraced in the glistening shimmering light of the magnification. Please note not all cycles of limitations could be released during the period of the Crucifixion energies. Many people simply held core cycles which they needed to discard, other limitations may remain to be released with divine timing.

The energies of magnification are flowing from the core of the source of the Creator. This is a vibration of amplification from the Creator. It is likened to an empowering love shared with all. It has the ability to enlarge, develop, and expand your energies, being, spiritual evolution, and reality upon the Earth.

You might say that now is the time to think big, to contemplate, perceive and to recognise yourself and your reality beyond limitations and restrictions, beyond the boundaries and constraints you place upon yourself and your reality.

The energies that the Creator brings forth allows for all that you are now as well as all you focus upon being, to be intensified, encouraged, and to manifest for your experience.

This means that it is an important time to be focused, [and] to recognise yourself in the way you wish to be, wish to live, and [wish to] be recognised or perceived.

It is also a wonderful opportunity to fine tune your manifestation skills, recognising within your mind, emotions, and creations any areas which are misaligned with the Creator. The magnification energies from the Creator can even support deeper healing experiences as you focus upon yourself healed or free from the constraints you create for yourself through false beliefs or disbelief in yourself.

It is a time for you to focus upon that which you truly are. If you require healing, peace, abundance, support or love, then it is appropriate for you to recognise yourself already experiencing these natural aspects of your being, so they may be magnified by the Creator, therefore embodying and cementing the truth of your being within your consciousness, awareness, and recognition of yourself.

The magnification energies in many ways allow for the continuation of releasing old cycles which no longer serve your reality and spiritual evolution, because they encourage you to focus on your truth; that which you wish to be or recognise yourself to be beyond illusion or limitations, thus encouraging you to recognise the natural expansion of your being.

Everything will be magnified and amplified; this doesn’t mean that there is a need to be fearful of magnifying that which you do not wish to experience. There is simply a greater need to focus upon your soul’s further embodiment within your being and reality, which will naturally create a healing, rejuvenation, and ascension within your being.

The energies of magnification flowing from the core and source of the Creator, born from vibrations of empowered love, are being directed to the Crystalline Kingdom which is known for its pure abilities of intensification and amplification.

The Crystalline Kingdom, which is the spirits of all crystals as a soul on the inner planes, is filtering the energy through their being and consciousness, acting as a space of anchor for the energy on the inner planes. Many Ascended Masters and light beings are gathering within and around the Crystalline Kingdom to witness this beautiful blessing.

Within the Crystalline Kingdom there are beings existing both as crystal shapes and points as you know and recognise on the Earth, as well as in energetic body form. At the centre of the Crystalline Kingdom there is a mammoth energetic crystal point which receives and filters energies from the Creator.

This crystal has beams of light like roots which extend to all aspects of the Creator’s universe and is connected to all aspects of the Creator, including yourself and planet.

The energies of magnification are flowing through this mammoth crystal as energetic crystalline beings surround and support the flow, also distributing the light across the universe of the Creator for all to receive.

The Crystalline vibrations are most likened to the magnification vibrations of the Creator, and this is why the Creator’s vibrations have been attracted to anchor in this sacred kingdom.

The Crystalline Kingdom have a purpose of anchoring the energies of Magnification into the Crystalline Grid of Mother Earth to bring cleansing, healing, as well supporting the Earth in its ascension.

The Crystalline Kingdom also holds the purpose of anchoring the energies of Magnification in the Crystalline Grid within each human body and physical being upon the Earth.

Supported by the energy of Magnification, the Crystalline Kingdom are rejuvenating the Crystalline Grids of all, so that quicker frequencies and greater expanded consciousness may be collected and anchored into the Crystalline Grids of the Earth and Humanity.

In truth, empowered love will be anchored into your being and the Earth encouraging all to recognise and become a source of empowered love.

You may wish to visit the Crystalline Kingdom, standing before the giant crystal point with the Crystalline Beings and Inner Plane Beings, during your sleep state or meditation time to download and absorb the energies of magnification supported and anchored by the pure energies of the Crystalline Kingdom.

This only requires an intention. You may also wish to invite me, Archangel Metatron, to transport you to the Crystalline Kingdom to witness this beautiful miracle and expression from the Creator for all to receive.

With these new heightened vibrations of the Creator anchoring into the Earth and your being, I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to focus in three areas. First focus upon receiving and absorbing the energies of magnification into your being and reality. This can be achieved simply with an intention while focusing upon inhaling deeply, knowing you are breathing the supreme light into your entire being. You may also wish to use this invocation:

‘Archangel Metatron, please support me now in connecting into and receiving with perfect ease the energy wave of Magnification flowing from the Creator. I open myself fully to be magnified and amplified as I now allow myself to recognise the pure loving truth of my being and my reality, confidently knowing the beauty I am to receive, recognise within me and experience due to these powerful energies.

‘Archangel Metatron, please support me in connecting my entire being with the Crystalline Kingdom. I am ready to receive the expression of the Creator’s Magnification Energies from the Crystalline Kingdom and invite the Crystalline Beings to support my ability to receive and experience the Magnification energies with ease.

‘I now invite my soul forth to embody further into my physical body, reality, emotional body, mental body and entire being.

‘Beloved soul, this magnification is to support you in merging and synthesising your essence more fully and absolutely with my/ our physical form. The magnification of my being will be a magnification and embodiment of my soul’s beauty and truth within the physical.

‘I am present and ready for this shift to take place within my being and reality, knowing I am supported and my experiences will be of beauty and greater love. Thank you.’

Secondly, I wish to encourage you to focus upon your soul, bringing attention to the embodiment of your soul. As often as you can remember, invite your soul to synthesise its essence and love with your entire being. You may wish to affirm and resonate with the affirmation:

‘I am now the beautiful embodiment of my soul in action upon the Earth.’

By simply reminding yourself of your soul, you can encourage a further embodiment, which will mean that your soul will be magnified within your being and reality by the Magnification energy thus there is no need for you strive to be all you wish to be. There is simply a need to recognise it within your being as eternally present.

The third focus I, Archangel Metatron, wish to encourage is a focus and attention upon that which you wish to experience and manifest for yourself and reality.

With the greater presence of your soul, you may find yourself feeling happier, joyous, and more accepting of divine opportunities entering into your reality, thus encouraging you to bring your focus to experiences which heighten your light and love quotient. You will be able to recognise experiences aligned with your soul, as they will create feelings of deep and content happiness.

Allowing yourself to focus upon your own inner happiness means you are then presenting this to the Creator to be magnified and amplified within your being, thus aligning you with your truth, soul, and the Creator more fully and completely.

Please allow me to support you as you awaken to your truth and allow the beauty of your being, soul, and essence to be magnified.

In love and truth,
Archangel Metatron

“Archangel Metatron: The Magnification of the Soul” channeled by Natalie Glasson, May 15, 2015, at

Source Links: Source Links: Archangel Metatron – The Magnification of the Soul ; Sacred School of OmNa

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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5/16/2015 6:40:22 PM

Heavenletter #5285 via Gloria Wendroff: No Two Ways about Oneness

Heavenletters - Version 2God said:

Of thee I sing. My children, I call you to Me, and you come to Me, each fitting within the other, until there is One Totality Who sings in answer to My calling you.

You populate My thoughts. You shadow Me until you know that We become One, and One Alone Is. Oneness reigns. You are encapsulated within Me until any perceived distinctions are no longer, and, then, there is Oneness alone, yet Oneness is never alone.

There is no sovereign, for One does not rule nor is One ruled. Oneness loves. Love is a reverberation. It is a high note, in truth, as all notes sung are high. There is no low. There is no differentiation. There is no affectation.

There is only Oneness, the innocence of Oneness which makes no comparisons. There is nothing to compare when Oneness is known and you have entered its gateway and passed the gate.

So, Who are You, and Who am I when there is no difference? If I am you, are you not I? When one heart beats, what can distract? And who can be distracted? Where lies the rub when Oneness is All? Whose hand holds Mine when there is no hand but Mine to hold? What interruption can there be in Oneness? What loss? What favor or disfavor? Love is love, and there are no two ways about Oneness.

Do not for one minute think that I speak of something unless it is so. Space and time do not exist. Therefore, distance doesn’t exist. Sequence doesn’t exist. Being exists, One Beingness of Love so full that nothing can enter the fullness that already is. There is no space and, therefore, no room for anything more or for anything less. Fullness doesn’t take up space. Does music take up space?

Music is heard and kept, and tempo doesn’t cease. Music stays in tune. In tune with what when hearts play music and music is all that there is? Notes are played. Who plays them? Someone understands what? Who is there to understand or to even think he understands or to even think he doesn’t?

There are no questions to ask and no questions to answer. Question and answer are as much One as you and I exist as One. Who can be on a quest when Oneness Is? Nor can Oneness be described. Oneness can only be, and it cannot be counted. Oneness is spinning Our One Heart right now during this Infinite moment of non-time. How connected Oneness is with Oneness even as Oneness IS and cannot be connected, for what is there for Oneness to connect to when Oneness Is All?

Long ago, a roar was heard, and the roar still goes on. It is Energy girding Itself. It is rollicking energy repeating the Name of Love. Love is overdue says a clock that does not tick, yet love is always and cannot be early or late or anywhere or anything else. Love hugs itself and hums I Sing of Thee, even as there is no thee, for you are as much I as I AM.

Whose ears hear the singing that reverberates within? A song sings itself. There is love, no other voice but the Voice of Love that echoes through the chambers of the One Heart. There is love demonstrated because love alone is, yet no one demonstrates love, for Oneness lives its love, and love is sweet.

The music of love runs through you and never leaves. It emanates from the shared Oneness, and, yet, Oneness Is One. Two or three or four or more do not exist nor is there less than One. One Is All, and All Is One. There is no you yet you are One with Me. We already are One. We were never anything else but One Oneness Supreme.

“Heavenletter #5285: “No Two Ways about Oneness” channeled by Gloria Wendroff, May 15, 2015, at

Source Link: Heavenletters 5285 No Two Ways about Oneness

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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