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Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:29:26 PM

The Silent, Peaceful Sage


By Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

I define a “sage” as someone who uses their awareness, which they find in stillness and contemplation, to subtly and quietly create positive change. The sage embodies material transcendence and expresses him or herself through love and peace, and everything flows to this quiet, still embodiment of divine perfection.

The sage who’s successfully opened their mind and allowed their heart-centered wisdom to pour through gains a greater understanding of the nature of reality, and in my opinion, we don’t have to accomplish anything to become a sage.

All we have to do is sit in silence and recognize our simplistic divinity, and we don’t have to be loved by the masses to change the world. All we have to do is transform our consciousness, and everything else will flow from the heart space, allowing us to help the world wake up.

Our creativity will flow when we open the mind and allow our innate higher consciousness to express itself through the heart, and the peace and stillness that are required will reintroduce us to humility and simplicity – qualities the rest of the world seems to lack.

All it takes to be a sage is the recognition that we’re already perfect the way we are, because we contain a divine spark within.

This spark can be used for creativity, meditation, or anything else that lights our inner fire, and as we open up and connect with our higher consciousness, we find all of the creative and spiritual inspiration we’ll ever need.

Most people fail to understand that we don’t need to prove ourselves – we need to discoverourselves.

This is one of the most difficult truths to come to terms with on the spiritual path. While some of us might want to prove ourselves on the world stage, the best way to transform ourselves and our world is to find our sacred center and allow the transformative, paradigm shattering energy to flow from there.

Lao-Tzu. Credit:

Lao-Tzu poses some essential questions for those who like to consider themselves sages.

“Can you govern your animal soul, hold to the One and never depart from it?

“Can you throttle your breath, down to the softness of breath in a child?

“Can you purify your mystic vision and wash it until it is spotless?

“Can you love all your people, rule over the land without being known?

“Can you be like a female, and passively open and shut heaven’s gates?

“Can you keep clear in your mind the four quarters of earth and not interfere?” (1)

The “wise man” keeps his peace no matter what, he tells us.

“The Wise Man, though he travel all day,

“Will not be separated from his goods.

“So even if the scene is glorious to view,

“He keeps his place, at peace, above all.” (2)

He also introduces a concept that’s crucial to the enlightenment path, which he calls “accomplishment apart from work”.

“In all the world but few can know

“Accomplishment apart from work,

“Instruction when no words are used.” (3)

For the most part, the world is too busy rushing around every day to find inner peace, bliss or contentment, but the conscious sage sees the rat race for what it is: a continuous, frantic attempt to stay disconnected from our essence.

The problem with accessing this greater awareness is that, again, it requires a great deal of peace, silence and stillness, which most people are too distant from to understand or embody.


The silence and stillness connect us with the Self, but to access them, we have to be willing to lay down our constant goals and ambitions so we can clear the way for this connection to be established.

Most people don’t know they possess an infinite wellspring of spirituality and creativity within, and we’re all familiar with the stereotypical artist who’s always frustrated because his or her creativity doesn’t seem to flow.

If only they could quiet their minds and allow their higher consciousness to through, which not only requires peace, silence and stillness, but love, they’d never go without their creative flow again.

As we’re learning, open-minded love is the driving force behind flowing creativity, and even if the mind’s open and we’re peaceful within, our flow will still be blocked if we haven’t entered the heart space.

Adyashanti has told us that “if emptiness cannot dance, it is not true emptiness”, and I think this means that an open mind is incomplete if we don’t open it to the heart. Without love, we don’t have much of anything to inspire us or help us feel passionate, so beyond staying open and empty, we have to remember to stay rooted in love.

In my experience, one of the best ways to keep our inner love intact is to consistently express it through our creative work. Writing is a great way for me to express how I feel along this journey, and there are plenty of other passions we can pursue.

Anyone will tell you that the spiritual path requires commitment, but a lot of spiritual seekers don’t realize exactly what they’ve committed to. They’ve committed to inner peace, joy, bliss and stillness, and beyond our work, these are the most important components of the enlightenment journey that require commitment.

We’ll have other commitments if we fashion our daily work around our awareness, and it’s essential to remember to take time to explore our consciousness throughout the day.


Otherwise, we’ll feel depleted of the very awareness we’re here to raise, and along with working hard and routinely accessing our inner silence and stillness, we’re meant to have fun with this crazy journey we call life.

With this in mind, let’s step outside of our mind-driven confines and gain new rich and fulfilling experiences, but let’s also remember to explore ourselves every day. It’s important for our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual sustainment, and the rest of the world will benefit when we can remain in this wholly connected space.


  1. Lao Tzu, The Way of Life. The Tao Te Ching. trans. R.B. Blakney. New York, etc.: Avon, 1975, 10, 62.
  2. Ibid., 26, 78.
  3. Ibid., 43, 96.

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I’m a twenty-one year old spiritual writer, blogger and channel for the creative expression of the inner universe, and I created The Culture of Awareness daily news site.

The Culture of Awareness features daily spiritual and alternative news, articles I’ve written, and more. Its purpose is to awaken and uplift by providing material about the fall of the planetary elite and a new paradigm of unity and spirituality.

I’ve contributed to a few different spiritual websites including The Master Shift, Waking Times, Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World and Expanded Consciousness. I can also be found on Facebook (Wes Annac and The Culture of Awareness) and Twitter, and I write a paid weekly newsletter that you can subscribe to for $11.11 a month here.

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:31:13 PM


Brenda Hoffman ~ It’s Perception Time

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for
Summary of Brenda’s April 24, 2015 channeled, 15-minute “Creation Energies” show at In 3D you learned to establish a goal and to not deviate until you achieved that goal – a little box of restricted creation. In New Earth, you’re tossing aside all boxes and creating free-flow – much as you’ve done after each of your earth deaths. You, and all earth entities who choose to participate, are beginning to experience the free-flow of 4D and beyond.
The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her weekly, channeled blog ” Are Your Dreams of 3D?”
Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show and “Brenda’s Blog” contain different channeled information.
Dear Ones,
You are adjusting to the almost overwhelming energies you experienced throughout March and early April. Perhaps you feel little or nothing. Perhaps it has been impossible to ignore related physical, spiritual or emotional issues. It does not matter for you processed what you needed to process.
For some, their new you role remains hazy or cloudy. For others, pieces of their role are forming a concise vision of who they are or are becoming. Even though neither sensation is better than the other, this message addresses those becoming comfortable with their role label(s).

The most difficult piece for you now is how to achieve that role. Third dimensional techniques are not adequate to create your new you role. But since you are not yet familiar or comfortable with New Earth techniques, you feel as if you are in a never-never land. You know where you want to be but have no idea how to get there.
Why would you know where you are going without resources to achieve that goal? Ah – your role label is a bit of a carrot. Even though the techniques necessary to fulfill your dreams have been outlined for some time, those techniques were ignored, misunderstood or denied. So the process was revamped a bit to re-address what you need to create a path to your new role.
Your path is self-love. Even though you have heard that phrase often, you need to truly internalize self-love before you move one inch closer to new you. Such is your stopping point.
For some, self-love might be easy, “I do what I want when I want to do it.” But for most, self-love completely shifts your current life. For you might express self-love, you might even seem to practice self-love. But are there not times throughout the day in which you berate your body, finances, relationships, actions, interests?
You are spouting the words, but your inner thoughts and actions do not synch with how you treat/think of yourself.
This phase is not about shoulds projected by others who feel they know what is best for you. Nor is it platitudes and pretend thoughts radiating from your being of how you think you should function. It is you discovering who you are.
You have welcomed many new segments into your being in recent months. Not all of them have been easy to be with. Hence, your needed to cleanse or eradicate those pieces of your being difficult for your new segments – your climb up the mountain.
Now that you are creating new you – continuing to merge new segments while discovering the perfect path for the totality that is new you – you are once again clearing. Such happened for many the past few weeks.
It is time to address the totality of new you. Something you have not yet achieved or perhaps thought of.
When you had the flu in 3D, you only thought of how your head ached and your stomach was in flux. You had little concern about your hair or fingernails – unless they also hurt. That was yesterday. Today is a new approach to you.
It is time for you to address all your elements as one being. A being in which if one piece, segment or cell is uncomfortable, the rest will stop until that piece is comfortable and feels love. Such a thought seems overwhelming for most. For how is it possible for you to check in with every cell or segment of your being throughout your awake time?
So it is you have created a shortcut. A simple key that allows you to know that all cells and segments feel love and are moving your being along your path. That key is joy or happiness. Even though you have read of that thought over and over, you fudge here and there, “This is ok to do because it makes a person I care about happy, so I should be happy also.” Yet when performing that act of self-sacrifice, you find no spark of joy or happiness.
Many think you cannot be happy all the time. Wrong – even that thought negates your happiness.
Your intent, your end goal in this transition is ongoing happiness/joy is it not? Yet, you continue to believe it is not possible. An indicator you have not internalized self-love.
Does that mean you will become a lonely maverick – isolated and anti-social or odd? No. Merely that it is time for you to change your perceptions.
Perhaps someone wishes to spend the day with you so you agree to their outline of boring activities because you feel you should. You can pout and point out the discomfort you are feeling. Or you can approach the day as an adventure. What piece of that person or activity is lovely, fun or a learning experience?
At this point in your transition, you are learning to perceive your world/being in joy instead of pain or fear. Reading those words is easy. Internalizing them remains difficult for most.
The personal intent you created recently is tied to your perceptions of you and your path. Is your path easy and in self-love? Or is it difficult with thoughts of, “I don’t think this is possible, but I’ll try anyway.”
The difference between easy and difficult is how much you love yourself.
New you is not a weak entity waiting for others to step on, over or around. New you is an extremely powerful god/goddess fully capable of creating what you wish when you wish. But such is so only if you love yourself enough to believe it.
You have approached new you with 3D limitations of, “This might be possible if I think the right thoughts and act correctly according to the Universes standards.” New you is, “Of course this is possible because I have the skills and I am fully capable of doing or being what I wish. It does not matter what others think is possible or how they think I should achieve this goal. I am me. They are them. And because I am creating my path without restrictions from others, I am loving myself.”
The piece you have missed is redirecting your energies/focus to that which gives you happiness – creating the path right for you. Perhaps that last thought seems nebulous. It is all about perception. Perception is how you shift from 3D to new you. See the beauty and your are on your path. See the drudgery in even one piece and you remain stationary.
You are you. Allow that to be in love. And each entity you connect with is also a unique being. If you project anger and displeasure, others will attach to that frequency, not because they have to, but because that is the 3D they are comfortable with. If you project love, joy and yes, fun, that is the frequency they will experience with you – perhaps not at first, but eventually. For all are moving to that place.
Be yourself in self-love and you will be the beacon of light you wish to be, in the role correct for you. Be 3D you in even one segment of your being and that is what others will attach to – because it is easier and more comfortable than changing their thoughts and actions to love. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her blog and subscribe page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.
Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/28/2015 6:32:20 PM

Laurie Barraco: 7 Effective Ways to Keep Yourself Grounded & Present

LaurieBarracoOne of the keys to living a healthy, balanced, joyful, abundant and content life is to check in with yourself frequently and make sure that you are grounded. I have listed 7 effective ways to keep yourself grounded that you can use as often as you wish.

When we are grounded, we are able to merge our spiritual self with our physical self. Being grounded essential means you are focused, in the present moment and giving full undivided attention to what is happening in the here and now.

What are some of the signs of being ungrounded?

  • You have a hard time focusing and concentrating.
  • You are constantly unable to complete tasks in a timely manner.
  • You have a hard time remembering details.
  • Others are unable to understand you.
  • You become clumsier and are bumping into things.
  • You have a hard time distinguishing between reality and daydreaming.

7 Effective Ways To Ground Yourself

  1. Drumming is a quick and easy way to bring you back into your body either by participating in a drum circle, playing a drum for yourself or listen to a drumming cd. The vibration of the drum connects you to the heartbeat of mother earth which will reconnect you to your physical body in a nurturing and healing way.
  2. The use of essential oils such as; sandalwood, cedarwood, peppermint, patchouli, vetiver and angelica can help you get back into your body and help with staying connected to your physical body.
  3. Integrate an exercise practice such as yoga, martial arts, running or riding a bicycle.
  4. Eating foods such as dark chocolate, root vegetables, protein, and nuts help ground us instantly.
  5. You can clear and balance your root chakra (the area from your hips down to your feet) by visualizing the color red, dancing, and or toning LAM. A strong root chakra keeps us anchored in our body.
  6. Tree exercises such as hugging a tree or visualizing yourself as a tree with roots that extend from your feet into the earth are excellent for you.
  7. Carry with your or wear crystals such as tiger’s eye, garnet, hematite, onyx and or copper.

Although leaving the body can be a blissful spiritual experience, there is a time an place for connecting with our non-physical self. If we are connected to the heavens and the earth at the same time, our lives will flow more smoothly and will be more enjoyable.

I am sure many of you can relate to the feeling of not being grounded, please save yourself some time and energy and utilize my suggestions to help you ground yourself. You will be glad you did!

Blessings and Light,


“7 Effective Ways to Keep Yourself Grounded & Present”, by Laurie Barraco, April 19, 2015 at

Original link: 7 Effective Ways to Keep Yourself Grounded & Present

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2015 5:16:59 PM

Golden Gaia News Roundup: April 29, 2015

news roundupPolicy & Pregnancy: Colorado passes Fetal Personhood Bill.

Last month in Longmont, CO, a pregnant woman was slain –horrifically. I certainly will not go into the details, and it might be even best not to place into your consciousness such details, yet what has resulted from this event is most definitely worth discussing, especially knowing her passing has initiated state legislation — bravo.

Colorado law makers have introduced a bill permitting murder charges to be ordered if someone kills a mother’s fetus at any stage of in utero development. Interestingly, Colorado voters have previously thrice denied such a bill, containing very similar language as the one just passed. “The legislation defines ‘person’ for the purposes of homicide and assault offenses as a ‘human being,’ and includes an unborn child at every stage of gestation from conception until live birth.”

This bill was created because murder charges were not an option in the State of Colorado, although the assailant was charged with eight separate counts against the victim. The purpose of this new bill, “is to ensure that prosecutors can file murder charges in such cases regardless of the age of the fetus. ‘There are two victims. Both victims under the law deserve justice. In this case … justice is denied to one of the victims and that is not acceptable,'” declared Senate President Bill Cadman (R).

Cadman stated he was very cognizant to write this bill so it does not affect the rights of a pregnant woman to choose abortion, i.e., murder charges would not be brought against the mother should she decide to abort …nor through an act for “the lawful dispensation or administration of lawfully prescribed medication.” Sincerely, I thank you Cadman for being so conscientious!

“Despite that, Democrats and women’s rights groups have expressed concern that the measure could still be used to prosecute pregnant women. Because the bill grants some personhood rights to fetuses, they also worry that it opens the door to a full ban on abortion and even some forms of birth control in Colorado.”

Vicious Stabbing Of Pregnant Woman Inspires Fetal Personhood Bill In Colorado by Laura Bassett. Huffington Post.

Forensic Criminology: Unique characteristics used to solve crimes.

There’s something about these first two cases of murder being reported in our news at the moment that our collective consciousness needs to experience. Clearly, just two reasons are to raise even more awareness of that which needs to immediately cease …and to initiate stronger and more effective legislation from these crimes. Thank you for allowing me the platform to help increase awareness!

Like the previous story that resulted in proactive legislation increasing victim’s rights, this story has highlighted a unique technique to help solve crimes. Mellory Manning, 27 years old, was killed working as a prostitute in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2008. After interviewing hundreds of people, police still had no solid leads.

“To crack the case, the police required the expertise of an unusual specialist. Dallas Mildenhall, a white-haired scientist in his 70s, is a forensic palynologist – a pollen and spores expert who helps solve crimes. One of only a handful of such experts in the world, he has helped solve cases of murder, arson and art forgery all over the globe. He once traced counterfeit malaria drugs to the border of China and Vietnam by identifying pollen in the capsules.”

To use Mildenhall’s expertise in solving crimes, he must take swabs of pollen collected from the nasal cavity of the victim and from her/his clothing, then try to match it with pollen samples from potential locations of where the crime might have taken place. This reminds me of that TV show Bones, who has the character Dr Hodgins who is an entomologist, mineralogist, and botanist, and uses his areas of expertise to help solve the crimes, greatly enhancing the series’ realism. Thank Goddess we have such experts to unravel mysterious cases and to assist in bringing closure to the families of victims. Thank you, Dr Mildenhall!

Solving Crimes With Pollen, One Grain Of Evidence At A Time by NPR.

Police …or Military?: Police go “up to eleven” these days!

Now, here’s a reality that’s incredibly disheartening, and yet it occurs in America, and I would assume in other countries as well (maybe this is not so, but I haven’t lived in a different country to know –sad but true). “As the Missouri National Guard prepared to deploy to help quell riots in Ferguson, Missouri, that raged sporadically last year, the guard used highly militarized words such as ‘enemy forces’ and ‘adversaries’ to refer to protesters, according to documents obtained by CNN.”

“The guard came to Ferguson to support law enforcement officers, whom many community leaders and civil rights activists accused of using excessive force and inflaming an already tense situation in protests that flared sporadically from August through the end of the year.”

“The National Guard’s language, contained in internal mission briefings obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, is intensifying the concerns of some who objected to the police officers’ actions in putting down riots. They broke out after the August 9 shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown by city police officer Darren Wilson. A grand jury declined to indict Wilson in the case.”

“‘It’s disturbing when you have what amounts to American soldiers viewing American citizens somehow as the enemy,’ said Antonio French, an alderman in St. Louis. The weight of this revelation cannot be overstated. While any protestor in Ferguson would tell you that they certainly felt like they were viewed as ‘the enemy’ by police and the military, it’s now a matter of official record and this is not okay. American protestors must never be viewed as adversaries, but as citizens to be protected.”

As should every citizen within their own country, when exercising their sovereign right to question, just question, the actions of police, politicians, and even military. It’s my belief that no one is too important nor too high-and-mighty that they mistreat, disrespect, or abuse their fellow brothers and sisters around our world.

I’ll be the first to admit: It can be scary out there some days! When having a rough time and getting lost in our emotions, we unintentionally call in more drama and out-of-control situations (like attracts like, according to the Law of Attraction). Which by the way, is a primary basis for the cabal using fear-mongering to maintain said lower vibrations: Inducing fear in the population day-in and day-out through mainstream news, in turn, attracts more fear and dis-ease …and then we start the circle all over again by calling in more fear.

Just like our government is using the “war on terrorism” to take away our fundamental sovereign rights, all in the name of “national security,” but they too use the mentality and actions of Al Qaeda, for example, to rationalize the militarization of our local police.

Some of our police forces throughout our land now “go up to eleven!” In other words, some have become “robo-cops,” packing ridiculous fire power for canvassing our neighborhoods. I’m not against the police (several friends and family are cops or military)– I know they are just doing their jobs, but the flipside is that these “weekly” killings of unarmed people must stop.

And it starts with these newly rebooted police forces having to look in the mirror, and going back to the basics of “serving and protecting,” instead of shooting first and asking questions later.

CNN: National Guard Called Ferguson Protestors ‘Enemy Forces’ and ‘Adversaries’ by Shaun King. Daily Kos.

Across our beautiful world, We Are All One.


"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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4/29/2015 5:21:02 PM

Tamara Rant: 3 Steps to Inner Peace: Meditation Techniques to Quiet the Mind

TamaraRant-150x150As I was having lunch with my Mom earlier this afternoon in one of our favorite Chicago hot-spots, I noticed just how everyone around us seemed to be rushing; moving in fast-forward as if no one had enough time in the day to just be in the moment, nonetheless enjoy it.

The restaurant was packed, which it normally is for being so deliciously awesome, so everyone preparing the food was frantically calling orders and running mini-marathons to ensure top service to their customers. And while I am one of those customers that greatly appreciates their hard work, I couldn’t help but notice how it set the energy for the whole place; a sort of “rushed” vibe that was so obvious and apparent in everyone from the guy restocking the plastic forks to the little kid who couldn’t wait to get his ice cream.

It seemed to spread throughout the place, like word of how good their cob salads are, and yet in the midst of all this chaos, a funny thing always seems to happen when my mother and I get together and talk about life. It’s as if the world around us stops and before we know it, we’ve laughed, we may have even shed a tear or two and at least two hours have passed.

How does this always happen with us? It’s quite simple, actually. It has everything to do with our focus; or rather lack thereof. When you surrender your grasp on the need to control the moment, it just flows and webs of emotion are free to crash like the tides.

In true connected, deep conversation with someone you love, expectations and insecurities can fall away like rain, and all you are left with is authentic sharing. A mutual commitment to the enveloping of time; the free passing of each moment without concern of what you feel or think needs to happen in the next one, but rather letting experience simply emerge and unfold as it will.

And the same goes for meditation. When you are willing to surrender to the moment, all things simply come to you. Your search is over…once you stop looking and just be. I find with talking to so many people about meditation that this is perhaps the hardest part for them when just getting started.

It’s the giving yourself that time to sit down and just BE that causes the most resistance. To stop the automation that is constantly running in the brain of what we need to do, where we need to be etc. and instead, for some precious slivers of time, doing nothing but simply being alive. How simple that sounds, yet so difficult for many of us to do.

I’ve come to understand that with meditation there are 3 main steps that go into getting the most benefit out of this practice of quieting and centering one’s mind. Some people believe that you have to light incense, or dim the lights, or put on a recording of chanting Zen Buddhist monks, but these are all simply “ways to the WAY”. Consider them tools to get you there, but they are in no way necessary to meditate.

So, I guess the first point to make is don’t worry so much about whether you’re doing it right or wrong, because there really is no wrong way. To put it simply, just being fully present in the moment (at ANY given time, no matter where you are or what you are doing, sitting or standing, eyes open or closed) IS meditating. Anytime you bring your full conscious awareness to the NOW, you are in a state of meditation.

Now, there are of course various types and techniques of meditation, some used for various purposes and some requiring certain states of consciousness to work on a subconscious level (using binaural beats for instance to help with concentration or curbing an addiction), but overall general meditation can be achieved anytime, anywhere, so before you begin, just know that your mere presence in this practice is what will ultimately provide you the most beneficial experiences.

Step #1: Focused Breath. The quickest way to quiet the subconscious mind is to treat it like a child. Give it something to play with, or in other words, something to focus on. Breath-work is a great tool to get you started with a meditation practice as it not only gets you centered, it gives you a focal point to come back to when your subconscious mind wants to wander and think about your business meeting tomorrow, what you want for dinner, or what often happens in my own subconscious mind, where does light really go when it enters a black hole? :) Learn the 100 breaths technique to get you started!

Step #2: Get Comfortable. If you plan on meditating for at least a few minutes or more and wish to do it privately, then it is most beneficial to find a nice, quiet space where you can sit comfortably. Again, there is no right or wrong way to sit, however lotus position is so popular because it literally has a calming effect on the body. It was adopted to allow the body to be held completely steady for long periods of time and also encourages deep breathing and proper body posture. The main focus here is that you are comfortable because if you are not, then your mind will of course be distracted by your discomfort. So choose to sit in a space and position that allows you to sit relaxed for an extended period of time. Learn how the healthcare industry is catching on to how meditation can reduce pain, blood pressure and stress and even induce new brain cell growth!

Step #3 Let Go. For many people this is the hardest step. The thoughts might continue, then we sit and judge ourselves for the fact we can’t stop thinking. Then we get angry and give up. But the key to developing a good meditation practice is well, to keep practicing! Instead of trying not to think, instead let the thoughts come (don’t judge them which only leads to more thoughts), and when they do, simply acknowledge them and bring your attention back to your breath. Think of it like a game you’re playing with your stubborn child of a subconscious mind. Eventually it will get tired and will go quiet, and then the magic happens. :)

In that inner space of quiet solitude and peace, is where you will find your true connection to your Higher-self (the link to your intuition) as well as Source. It is here you are open to receive guidance about yourself, your life and your path. It is here where fears can be faced with courage and obstacles can be looked at as opportunities. I like to call it my own personal well, where I go to literally refill my soul. Once you relinquish the need to control the process, the process willgift you with clarity, wisdom and most of all, inner peace. Learn how letting go is the key to opening doors to abundance!

“3 Steps to Inner Peace: Meditation Techniques to Quiet the Mind”, by Tamara Rant, April 18, 2015 at

Original link: 3 Steps to Inner Peace: Meditation Techniques to Quiet the Mind

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)


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