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Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/14/2010 9:18:24 PM


This is wonderful inspiration.

How often do we hear about the problems that people's children cause them. Of the stupidity of youth and of the wisdom of age.

We have much to learn from a generation that have developed with more information available to them than any other generation ever.

I am sure that the influence of you and your wife has had a big input into the way your children viewed the world and your keenesss to look for answers must have influenced their decisions.

I think that it is wonderful that you are inspired by these young people but you too must take some credit.

Thank you for sharing.


Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/14/2010 9:19:46 PM


Do you have an inspiration in your life.

We would love to hear.


Alain Deguire

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/17/2010 1:11:44 PM
Hello Dear Sir Roger!

Thank You for the Invitation to this Wonderful Thread... this is a really Great Idea My Friend!

Let me do some catching up I actually have to do and, I'll be back to read and share a little here with all of You Dear Friends. Be Back soon... Promise!

Enjoy a Great Cup of Tea meanwhile...

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Hugs and Blessings,

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/17/2010 5:48:10 PM


A cup of tea.


Pure inspiration.

I'll have a second cup please.


Branka Babic

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/18/2010 6:14:19 AM
My dear Roger,

Great topic! For the moment, I am INSPIRED TO HUG YOU FIRST!
How much I miss you!

Thanks for inviting me.

Being in terrible rush, I am able to be online for a few minutes within 3-4 days. Hope to survive my (beautiful) storms and to be back ASAP.

Hug & kiss your entire family please, and just know how often I think of you.
You are not only my dear friend and BRO`, but my endless inspiration.

Love you,