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Roger Macdivitt .

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Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/2/2010 7:02:12 AM

Famous PeopleFamous PeopleFamous People

or everyday

people and events that influenced your life

All of us are a product of our genes and our environment.


Everyone of us has encountered people in our lives who made a lasting impact upon us.


From the teachers, parents and friends who influenced us over a period of time, to the one-off act of kindness shown to us when we were in need, WE ALL HAVE A STORY TO SHARE.


Maybe an event in your life changed the way in which you saw yourself or others?


Over the next few months I shall be inviting Adland friends to share their stories with us.


If you wish to volunteer then send me a personal message and I will discuss the matter with you.


There are still more folk here with lots to share

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/2/2010 7:11:57 AM

I am proud to say that my invitations have been accepted by some inspiring people here.

beauty1.jpg picture by romacmail

Their story will appear here soon.



Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/9/2010 9:15:44 PM


Just what is inspiration?

It’s probably different from one person to another in it’s concept but if something or somebody caused you to change your life for the better then, for you, that was inspiration.

What inspired me?

I am probably going to surprise many of you.

I spent a lot of time in trying to decide what or who inspired me to change what I was doing with my life. I have a list of people (Anita Roddick, Mother Theresa, Anthony Robbins, Napoleon Hill ………………………. The list goes on and it’s the truth, BUT,

If I am honest the biggest inspiration in my life was The Amway Corporation.

“WHAT? “ I hear. “You’re English, you’re a thinking intelligent person and you’re telling me that it was an MLM business. Some awful pyramid selling business selling washing powder and bleach”.


First of all it was the discipline of doing something uncomfortable to earn more money to help my family.

Secondly, the system they operated introduced me, not only to positive books and tapes but to real human beings who had done what I was trying to do.

Thirdly, I learnt how to talk to people and present something in a positive way to people who, in most cases, had a pre-conceived and inaccurate idea of the business and it’s products.

It introduced me to products which were miles ahead of most others in it’s environmental approach to products.

Lastly it helped me to work as a member of a team. Duplicating all of our efforts and working together inspired others to achieve or at least to discover their strengths.

That business led me to look at my life, it led me to build a reserve of strength and determination not to give up at the first hurdle and to want to share my success with others.


There are all of those ugly things that you find in big business and those people who will take advantage of the power that being an MLM leader can bring. There were products and decisions that I didn’t like. Prices I felt too expensive. In other words NOT PERFECT, but all of my personal achievements since that business are real and significant and balanced.

Yes, I suffered all the pressures that business and family conflicts can bring but it was, for me. Worth It.

THIS IS NOT an advert. I’m not urging you to go and join that or any other business. I could give you a list of horror stories and equally many fulfilled dreams. What I am saying is this,

If you haven’t found inspiration in your life yet, look to things that you’ve not considered and take an honest and real look at those things. See what has inspired others and above all KEEP ASKING QUESTIONS.

Don’t totally trust businesses or people until you have found out the truth.

Don’t let others decide your choices.

Be honest with yourself.

My journey is not yet over but it is still fun and rewarding, can you ask for more?

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

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RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/13/2010 12:48:49 AM
Dear Roger,

Not surprisingly, the people who inspired me the most are almost the same appearing at this forum's top big photo.

First, Mother Theresa. I read her biography several years ago, but only recently did I come to know some of her wonderful quotes.

Gandhi always was an inspiration. I read his biography at a public library in my youth, and I will never forget its main passages. A real hero and a saint.

President Lincoln has been another source of inspiration all along my life in recent years, particularly when I learned about his many attempts at the US presidency. It is one of his famous quotes that I found to be particularly inspiring: "I will study and prepare, and someday my opportunity will come."

I have always admired Christopher Columbus for his tenacity. Against all odds, he set out to reach a goal on account of something that he believed in, and never gave up. I once chose him as the man of the second millennium at a contest.

Not all the people that have inspired me at some time were lofty people. I remember a little, insignificant old man in a little town in the mountain range of my country who one day faced a trio of young, bullying people and not for a moment took his eyes from them or lowered his stance until they went.

However, the man who influenced my life the most was my father. He was a man who lived a life of sacrifice without ever complaining about it. He never compromised with evil. Above all, he was good to everyone; and he was loved by all.

Best Wishes,

Luis Miguel Goitizolo

"Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life" (Confucius)

RE: Find out what shaped your Adland friends
4/13/2010 2:19:25 AM

Roger whatever shaped my Adland friends is what shaped my life. I give credit to the wonderful parents I had and the really close family relationship. They introduced me to Christianity at an early age and I have held fast to that belief all my life. I have gone astray but returned each time with a better understanding of my belief in God and Jesus, the Holy Trinity.

I wrote a book about my Mama and I am very proud of her and my family in the strong love we had for each other.

I believe that is how I have shaped my Adland friends in their values of life.

Minnie Lee

