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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
4/1/2010 12:03:14 AM

Roger, Yes there are some things we, us , you , me, they can do;

  • 1 is to teach encourage those in child bearing ages; to Voluntarily not have children 4 the earth and our Survival
  • To Give freely advice and birth control to all active sexual humans
  • To use some of our wealth we earned to tell others about the basic human problem on earth Over Population
  • Learn be knowledgable about the issue at under Social Issues where the article you said 'Wow' about Creation is listed under Spiritual
  • We must need to become less selfish, caring only for me my myown
  • We are all joined as humans with this problem on the earth together.

Thanks Rebecca

RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
4/1/2010 12:25:34 AM

Thanks Linda for your separate posts on this issue of over population.. Please read my response to Roger. the points i made are for all of us Things to do Read the info at figu

Rebecca Swinson PS is double or triple posting, when it could have been done all in one post. the way to get a posting award??

Linda Harvey

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
4/1/2010 12:48:18 AM

Rebecca, No ha ha, I posted a line at a time of issue of interest as I read thru the article. That line will come across the screen, hopefully someone will find interest and come to your forum.
Linda Harvey

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
4/1/2010 12:49:36 AM
In areas of drought, famine ... free birth control should be given ... along with food and water...
as these people are dependent on aid but keep procreating ... with no food, shelter, water.
RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
4/1/2010 1:37:35 AM

Thank you Linda for the clarification of your posting strategy,, Thanks/\

The means for aiding but not abeding or helping the over birthing of humans is interesting... May actually have to let humans starve- they are starving anyway/ If they will not stop having more children or will not accept birth control devices or help to stop breeding as wild animals do.

"Sorry to be graphic" Rebecca

ps I think I have found my calling?

