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Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
3/31/2010 6:14:36 AM

Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth / Cause is Discrimination against women world-wide

The world's population will double and triple very rapidly unless the insanely uncontrolled procreation of children is stopped very soon.

Undeniably, all social, political, economic, natural, environmental, climatic and ecological problems on the Earth can be traced back to the population explosion, respectively overpopulation. From the population explosion to the collapse of the ecology, and the immediate future of our planet Earth.

When the population growth for the year 1993 is observed, one discovers with alarm that during this single year nearly 100 million additional humans populated the Earth. More closely scrutinized, the result shows that three newly born human beings arrived in this world every second: 1 second 3 humans
1 minute 180 humans
1 hour 10,800 humans
1 day 259,200 humans
1 week 1,814,400 humans
1 month 7,884,000 humans
1 year 94,608,000 humans

The year 1994, by comparison, was once again a year in which procreation of children far exceeded the norm, and twice as many humans were born, computing the following results:

1 second 6 humans
1 minute 360 humans
1 hour 21,600 humans
1 day 518,400 humans
1 week 3,628,800 humans
1 month 15,768,00 humans
1 year 189,216,00 humans

This is a fact that was neither discovered nor realized by the "World Watchers", other organizations or statisticians concerned with these matters, for they stubbornly abide by a pseudo-calculation scheme that establishes results only by rule of thumb. The fact is, however,

that some years run contrary to the statisticians' rule on population growth, and it is possible that fewer or more additional inhabitants of Earth are born during a particular year. And 1994 was such a year when twice as many children were born than was anticipated.

An additional element that comes into play is the fact that the world's population is considerably larger than the rule-of-thumb statistics lead others to believe, because many nations are capable of only

providing population approximations, whereby many people are overlooked and this amounts to between 200 an 500 million people at any given time who are not counted in the overall population totals.
Hence, the "World Watchers Record" and their statistics are not correct when their figures show

that at the beginning of 1995 the Earth's population consisted of 5.75 or 5.85 billion humans. The truth is, instead, that on February 14, 1995, the total population amounted already to 6.27 billion human beings, a substantially larger figure than the statistics indicated.

The population on Earth has reached the point where each and every human being is significant since each person contributes to the destruction and annihilation of all life on Earth, indeed the planet itself, in a constantly increasing proportion.

By the beginning of 1995, the world was populated by more than 6.27 billion humans; from this time onward, four more people per second are being added to this figure. The rate has since decreased marginally but, nevertheless, compared to the 1993 figure it has increased by one

person per second, which was the inevitable result when in 1994 many more individuals became sexually mature and are now bringing more children into the world.

Nearly three quarters (75%) of the Earth's inhabitants live in the developing countries; 2 billion of these people are starving, and every day 40,000 children die of hunger and malnutrition for a total of 14 million a year!

Hunger generates every type of human adversity such as social tensions, revolutions and, ultimately, civil and international wars, whereby the battles for goods become increasingly more brutal and inhumane.
For the people involved, a human life no longer has any meaning. Entire nations are plunged into terrorism, anarchy and chaos. Hunger, misery, distress, war, persecution and massacres force people to flee their homelands and immense human migrations occur in proportions never before experienced.

In the Spring of 1995 alone approximately 200 million refugees existed. The exodus from the Third World is set into motion like a gigantic human steamroller, which begins initially within their home regions, but will soon increasingly expand in a northern direction –

toward the lure of the industrial, economic and welfare nations with their full cooking pots, wealth, luxury and employment opportunities. However, through migration these opportunities become constantly rarer once the immigrants increasingly begin to occupy the jobs and are willing to work for lower salaries than the local residents, who lose their own livelihood and become welfare recipients as a result.

Developed world and alsoThird World nations of South America irresponsibly and criminally deplete nature as well. People, criminally and systematically, are cutting down the tropical rain forests; and as of the beginning of 1995, the forests have already been reduced, destroyed or annihilated to half of their original size.

The irresponsible degree and speed of environmental changes generated by humans can be clearly witnessed through satellite surveillance. Indeed, remote sensing photos prove that the

Aral Sea in the lowlands of Turan in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan has shrunk by 50% in just 30 years, whereby 40% of that reduction occurred within a few years. This outlet-free salt lake is fed by the Amudarja and Syrdarja rivers, which can only reach into the lake during wet years,

measured 54,400 square kilometers (21,004 square miles) in area.
By 1990 the lake had shrunk by 40% over a period of 15 years, due to water depletion for irrigation. This shrinkage has led to the irrecoverable death of fish in this once fourth largest lake on Earth
and has brought to an end the fishing industry and utilization of its fish. The blame rests upon agriculturists technicians, scientists and the government. One group drained water from the lake

for intensive irrigation of gardens and agricultural grounds, the other groups provided the means and ways to do this, while the government in charge authorized everything and looked on without intervening.

Humanity's growth rate is outpacing food production by leaps and bounds. Only a drastic reduction in terrestrial population, such as through plagues epidemics, starvation and wars, etc., can the equilibrium reestablish itself,

that is if Man fails to come to his senses and does not stop the further increase in overpopulation by logical actions and countermeasures. He must initiate and effect strict, radical birth controls; he must encourage deliberate cessation of births, and must enforce these measures without clemency.

Innumerable women fall into need and misery when they become pregnant and give birth to children, or when the children are abused and mistreated by one or both parents – many women are also abused and mistreated world-wide.

A few words must be directed toward food production. A mere 12% of the entire Earth's landmass surface is entirely arable for agricultural and horticultural purposes. The remainder of

the planet's surface consists of areas that cannot be cultivated, such as mountains, rocky terrains, tundras, arid regions, forests and deserts.
However, the 12% arable land is not proportional to the mass of humanity, because one single human being requires by nature a living space of 83,333 square meters (99,665 sq. yds.), and 4000 square meters, or 63.245 x 63.245 meters (4784 sq. yds. or 69.166 x 69.166 yards) of

fertile ground or garden soil is required to feed him- or herself.
Calculated for 6 billion people, this amounts to a total arable landmass requirement of approximately 24 million square kilometers (9.3 million square miles). Such an expanse is not

available, however, because the entire planet's 12% arable land amounts to 18 million square kilometers (7.0 million square miles) – 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million sq. mi.) less than the 6 billion-strong humanity requires for adequate food production.

This discrepancy widens with every newborn child because the 12% arable landmass neither increases nor remains constant. On the contrary, the surface is reduced daily and dwindles

through erosion, desertification and the construction of homes, streets, airports, villages, mega-cities and all types of large sport facilities, etc. etc.

Nine kilograms (19.8 lbs.) of grain are required to produce one kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of beef. One kilogram of meat is equivalent to 1 person's daily food requirement. By comparison, these same 19.8 lbs. of grain would feed 16 people.

Man now faces the unfortunate situation where the fishermen, farmers, gardeners and others cannot keep pace with the demands of population growth. This means that the many tens of millions of people who are born every year, and who add to the current population masses, will only be fed if the people already alive now restrict their own food consumption. A totally new scenario now comes into play for Man, but he will not adjust to it. Consequently, millions of people will continue to starve to death; indeed, they will starve in ever-increasing numbers.

The Earth's atmosphere and climate present problems as well. In comparison with the size of this Earth, the atmosphere is actually only a very thin layer. Over the past 500 million years, a m

natural and complex cycle of patterns kept the ratio of various breathable gases for terrestrial life forms at constant levels. Likewise, the temperature range of the air was kept within an

extremely narrow range. A natural protective shield formed beneath which a moderate, equally natural greenhouse climate developed and, step by step, a multitude of life forms began to flourish.
However, over the last 100 years everything has changed because Man, his technology, production of poisons and other things, interfered with this sensitive equilibrium. He even changed the Earth's climate and is producing a new, dangerous, life-preventive and destructive

greenhouse effect that threatens to slowly destroy everything. This is Man's self-betrayal that Could lead to his own destruction and the annihilation of all life forms and of the planet itself.

The overpopulation blight prevails simply because women are suppressed, disregarded and abused; they are considered inferior to men and are, therefore, condemned. A great many

women have no rights.
Religions holds a totally irrational attitude against any form of birth regulation and birth control, hence, it is adamantly against all rights of women and their own decision-making aspirations on children or pregnancy termination.
Politicians as well curb women's rights in this manner. They sit in judgement and rob the women of their freedom by way of national laws. The result: unrestricted increases in birthrates are allowed to thrive in some religions) and endanger all life on Earth,

indeed, the very existence of the planet. The unrestrained procreation of children without the capability to introduce birthrate cessation and birth control is equivalent to fostering a culture of death.
As a consequence, the men, especially through Many religious faiths, threaten and strictly

prohibit abortion and the utilization of birth control. These forms of discrimination occur not only within Christianity and its sects, but also in other religions and their associated sects. Cited texts in website

our hope "Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." is in men and women waking up and voluntarily not having children for/awhile and then limits inforced..

Rebecca Swinson Peace and Wisdom to us all...

Roger Macdivitt .

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
3/31/2010 7:34:44 AM


This is all very alarming and is of course the reason why man is so tempted to look at other planets however futile that might be. For every solution that we find, nature finds an answer although it might be an answer we don't want.

I always try to be positive but in this matter there is little that we can do with the current world order. Two of the world's fastest developing countries, China and India contribute hugely to the overal population due purely to the existing huge poulation. Although China tried to restrict population control it has still failed to stop growth.

It is unrealistic to hope that families in underdeveloped countries will curb their population growth. Many families faced with the local economic situation continue to have children as they need sons to support the family. It is a viscious circle.

I fear that wars will be the inevitable result unless God has another plan.

We can only try to educate and share our wealth. Thgese are our only tools along with LOVE.


Linda Harvey

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
3/31/2010 4:38:33 PM
" 2 billion of these people are starving, and every day 40,000 children die of hunger and malnutrition for a total of 14 million a year! "
Linda Harvey

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
3/31/2010 4:42:46 PM
In the Spring of 1995 alone approximately 200 million refugees existed. The exodus from the Third World is set into motion like a gigantic human steamroller, which begins initially within their home regions, but will soon increasingly expand in a northern direction –
Linda Harvey

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RE: Overpopulation Bomb = Destruction of the Earth
3/31/2010 4:43:56 PM
men and women waking up and voluntarily not having children for/awhile and then limits inforced..