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Patricia Bartch

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RE: Pet Stories
4/20/2011 7:03:07 AM

i wrote you last month a note of condolence about your darling bird but did't hear back from you. i want to say again..... i'm so sorry for your loss. i know you adored your Loki. i hope soon .... or when it is RIGHT.... that you will find a bird that you can love. no one can take the place of the darling birdie....

hugs to you and God bless you sweetie,

Hi Cheryl,

I forgot I posted that picture here. I must tell you that my little Loki died on March the 15th.
I took off her cover and she was dead. I miss her so much she was a lot of company.


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Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Pet Stories
4/20/2011 3:20:47 PM
Hi Pat,
I didn't mean to ignore you, thanks for caring. I am looking forward to having another bird soon. Like you said when the time is right. It is funny how much you miss a little creator like that, but I know you know what I mean. Anyone who loves animals understands what a void is left when you lose a friend, furry or feathery.

Love to all,
Cheryl Maples

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RE: Pet Stories
8/25/2011 7:05:12 PM
Hello everyone,

I took our two oldest cats (mine is 17) to the vet for a checkup and am happy to report they are both good. My husband's cat was more than an unhappy camper. Mine had watery eyes and I was concerned. They were good on the vet visit so he said just pollen stuff, like the rest of us, because her teeth were good. I was relieved, needless to say, especially because of her age.

Myrna, have you found a new pet yet?

My cat is in her chair today so I have my desk chair all to myself and am not sitting on a tiny front corner of it. LOL. They always want where you are!

How's everyone enjoying the summer? We are finally getting a little.

Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
RE: Pet Stories
8/25/2011 7:30:54 PM

Hello Cheryl!!

Good to hear your cats had good reports at vet!

Mine meet me in the kitchen and stand in front of food bowls, staring me down until something happens!! lol


Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Pet Stories
8/25/2011 7:58:56 PM
HI Cheryl,

So glad to hear your kiddies are in good shape.
No I haven't gotten a bird yet. Here is one thing I did find and it made me so darn mad I walked away. Someone had 30 cocktail's and a animal shelter had to to sell for $30.00 which was ok, but, on the application, they wanted to know how I took my pets to the vet for their shots and up to date stuff. Well I don't take my pet to the doctor for yearly shoots, because they are a scam and can cause cancer and other problems. I have treated my cat with cut with natural thins such a a silversol technology. The stuff is wonderful, works so fast.. So back to the shelter, coming home I am talking to myself or how upset they made me and if they call the vet, they will know I haven't been there for over a year, and I will not get the bird anyhow. So I called and canceled the application. To me that is not how you treat the animal, that is working with other vets. Don't like that, I want to do my own thing and love my animal not shoot them up with junk.

Remember me telling you about the on line vet. and how he gave his dog all the shots and later found out that the shots are what caused the cancer. They need the shots when they are of age, but they do not need the booster shots, it is a money making thing for vet. That vet told us that. His next dog, only got the 1st shots.

We had animals on the farm for years that never had shots and never got sick. Maybe they say I am from the old school, good, because times were much better then. We used natural healing, which I think is the only good way to go.

Aren't you sorry you ask! lol

Thanks and hugs,

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