Hi Myrna,
So good to see you here at the Forum my Friend. Yes Myrna, according to my Mama, who I personally think was one of the best Cooks that I've ever known, all really good Cooks do so by "feel", in other words, add just a little of this and a taste of that, until it's just right. That's why you'll never see a good Cook in a spanking clean kitchen, you got to make a mess every once in awhile.
My Cousin Susan, the one who orginally sent me the Recipes, grew up here in NC, but after she was married, she and her Husband moved around quite a bit, I think because of his job. At one time they lived for a number of years up in the Wilkes-Barre area, over in Northeastern PA, right around Scranton. They now have relocated out West to Denver, CO.
There are several famous people who can trace their roots to the Coal region of Pennsylvania, inluding our current Vice-President, Joe Biden, as well as a couple of my favorite Band Leaders, like Jimmy & Tommy Dorsey, and Les Brown, although I imagine his Band of Renown came along later.
Anyway, here's a couple more of the Recipes I received from Susan and which I make quite often still today...
Pickled Eggs
These I like to keep on hand, and I still love to eat them, especially during Football Season, for some strange reason.
1 can sliced red beets
Hard boil eggs. Peel shells. Place eggs in large glass jar with lid. I use a large empty Dill Pickle Jar, like we sell over at the Stadium during the Football games. Empty a small can of sliced red beets with juice into saucepan. Add water and vinegar. Some folks add sugar, but it's optional, personally, I like them without. Heat until warm (not boiling). Pour into jar over eggs. Put lid on jar and place in refrigerator for about 24 hours. Eggs will turn a nice shade of reddish purple. Yum!
Bethlehem Cookies
For such a simple Cookie to make, these are like a little touch of Heaven, once you pop one in your mouth.
7 cups flour
2 cups lard (one pound)
6 egg yolks
1 pint sour cream
2 tsp baking soda
3 lb of nuts to 1 box confectioners sugar
Mix all and put to freeze overnight. Roll out the next day in powder sugar instead of flour. Spread with ground nuts or poppy seed. Roll and bake until tops are nicely browned.

Have A Terrific Monday My Friend,