Hi Sara, I don't use my Bread Machine very much, however I did try a Whole Wheat Bread just the other day to go with Donna's Chicken Salad, that's really easy to make and delicious. The recipe's over at Donna's Let's Share Recipes >> Chicken Salad. You just touched on two of my favorite foods, Turnips and Asparagus. Matter of fact, I've always said that asparagus and celery are the two perfect diet foods, because you will burn more calories chewing them up and consuming them, than they have in them. I love asparagus any way you can fix it, and as for Turnips, steamed with a little oil and honey, and I'm in heaven. I always cut up a few of the turnips in with my Greens when I cook them. Makes them so much more flavorful. If I can find my recipe, I have a Perfect Vegetable Broth, where I combine Turnips, Carrots, Celery, etc., that I've been meaning to make up a batch of for awhile now. Will try to find it and then I'll share it, it's the best I've ever tasted, even if I do say so myself. I'm going to have to go now and get some rest I'm afraid, because I've been over at the hospital for about 13 hours straight today. Talk to all of you tomorrow.  Have A Blessed Evening, Phil