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Monique Wellons

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RE: Profile Comments
11/26/2011 5:04:35 PM
Cheryl, I have to agree with you totally. I just joined and I received more advertisement to join businesses, then a hello how are you and lets get to know one another.

You where the first person to introduce yourself to me, and upon reading your friends request, I immediately admired and appreciated in becoming friends with you.

Maybe, just maybe we should host a Introduction Seminar Online, to educate on the do's and don'ts to commenting and posting.

Thanks for this forum topic it is much needed.
Monique Wellons

6 Posts
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RE: Profile Comments
11/26/2011 5:07:49 PM
100% Correct, we really need to start an social networking etiquette class. I was always told you can get more bees with honey then vingear.
Cheryl Maples

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RE: Profile Comments
11/27/2011 12:21:44 AM
Hi Monique,

Thank you for your comments. They are appreciated.

I think you will find that some people are just going to do what they are going to do and get away with. What will stop it is if their actions don't work.

It is the same in the marketplace. If you don't like a policy, or something a company is doing, vote with your dollars and spend them someplace else. I am seeing that I want to support American jobs and by not paying attention, I have noticed way too many items are made in China. Things made in China, from what I've heard, are probably not environmentally friendly, and I do not know how good it is for the Chinese workers, either. So, I have resolved to pay more attention to where the products I buy are made. I hope to be able to mostly support American workers and jobs. We don't have to worry about any rules and regulations our government may foist off on us. We can vote with our dollars and change things. Of course, it can also help to support those who support less rules and regulations on what we are allowed to do. So many of our supposed freedom of choice are being taken away, in many cases without our being aware of it. Oops, didn't mean to go this direction but I did. I like to make my own choices and judge for myself what is good for me. I need the information I can get to be truthful, and I am afraid our government is not the place to find the truth. How sad is that?

Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
Hugh Hamilton

44 Posts
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RE: Profile Comments
8/22/2012 3:29:15 AM
Hi Cheryl
I was reading some of the comments listed below. I agree that when a site like yours and some others asks for comments. Then the main focus should be to share our ideas about the topics being discussed. At the same time most of us would like to make a living through online marketing. And the only way to do that is to promote our business.

And when someone says that a signature ad is spamming I think they should consider that spamming is defined as sending an ad or email with ads to someone who didn't ask for it. First of all as one member pointed out adland pro invites ads or why would it be called ad land. Second, when someone leaves a signature ad, they are simply offering people the opportunity to look at their opportunity. Its your choice.

I would like to see more people coming up with topics for discussion, and then really discussing them. We each have our own opinions, and that is what I think this dission forum is all about. Keep up the good work.

And as far as us having choices. I agree with you completely. Especially with your saying we can vote for change. And also by being more aware of where our products come from. Keep up the good work, and always state your opinion.

Hugh Hamilton

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