Hi Jim,
I visited The Kitchen for a look around and to see what was going on over your way.
Wow, you all really get into it. Personally, I try not to discuss politics very much. My view on the way things are at the present moment would fit right in with most views in the kitchen from what it looks like.
My experiences in massage school, and energy and quantum things has led me to believe that to have things be the way I want, I need to focus on the positive and the way I want things to be. In other words, we get what we expect, sort of. When you get emotion envolved, like anger or frustration or getting excited, it brings more energy to whatever it is you are feeling that way about. If it is something you don't want, well, unfortunately, that's what you get more of. So my focus is, for politics, less government, and us getting back some of the freedoms we have lost. People forget that if they are getting a hand out from Uncle Sam, he has his other hand in your pocket taking more than he's giving.
Have you seen the interview Dr. Mercola did with Ron Paul and had sent out today? That was interesting.
I am happy to see others aware of "stuff" even though I aim to focus on where I want us to be.
Thanks so much. I am going to have to ask you a few questions about the things I can do with a forum. You picked a small part of a post to quote and then reply. How did you do that?