Hi Peter,
Thanks for coming by and thanks for your words of support. I realize that your location would make it quite difficult to be able to attend, however I am thankful for your thoughts and prayers.
You understand why I am so viralent in my opposition to that man who defrauded his way into becoming our President. We talk about his Economic policies and I agree that they are a joke, a sad joke at that. We joke about his Obamacare plan, and believe me as an older person, I must admit that I'm scared for my Friends. However, he is the only President that we have ever, at least to my knowledge, had in office who supported Infanticide.
At least in my opinion, he is nothing more than a Devil who will lead our country straight down the path to destruction.
Here's a short Poem that we've copied and which we hand out each week, as we stand a Vigil at one of the Abortion mills here in our area. I'm not sure who wrote it, however it has always been credited to a young lady by the name of KayCee...
I Love You Mommy
I'm six weeks old Today, Mommy,
He had a Birthday gift for me.
A pair of big blue eyes,
Through which one day I'll see.
Where are we going Mommy?
The rain keeps splashing down.
And when it falls down to the ground,
It makes such a funny sound.
Bang through those big doors, Mommy,
Who are all those people dressed in green?
If they try to hurt you Mommy,
Just run away and scream.
Oh, please help me Mommy,
They're tearing me all apart.
There goes my big blue eyes,
There goes my little heart.
I love you Mommy,
Believe me, I really do.
But the worst part about it, Mommy,
I thought you loved me too.
Pray that everyone will listen for the cries of the Innocents and stand up before it's too late.

Have A Blessed Day My Friend,