A wounded animal will bite the hand that feeds it everytime. CHOMP CHOMP...........
Auletta: Obama Honeymoon Over, Lost Fox Battle
Tuesday, 19 Jan 2010 01:09 PM
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By: Jim Meyers
Not only is the mainstream media’s honeymoon with Barack Obama over butalso Obama lost his war against Fox News after a mean-spirited effortto shut the network up.
That’s the view of longtime media insider and uber-journalist KenAuletta, who also declared Tuesday morning on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”that Obama’s attacks on Fox News and conservatives in the media was“Nixonian” and said the Obama team has long viewed the press as“jackals.”
Asked what Obama’s strategy was in attacking Fox News, Rush Limbaugh,and others in the media, Auletta said: "They actually think they weretoo slow off the draw to go after Glenn Beck and others on Fox News,and the push within the White House in late summer and fall was, wehave to be more aggressive.
“That argument won out and ultimately what they did, they went afterFox, they went after some others in the press, and then they found outthe press kind of joined in and said, 'Hey stop this. This isoutrageous.' This is Nixonian actually was the argument that was made.And the White House has sort of backed off.”
Editor’s Note: Get Newsmax’s special report “Obama Hates Fox News” – the inside story revealed – Click Here Now. Auletta writes in a new article for New Yorker magazine: “During the2008 elections Obama was the object of near veneration, possessed of apersona and a campaign that were irresistibly compelling. . . Whatcomplaints the Obama campaign had about coverage it generally kept toitself. But now that the president has rolled out his ambitiousinitiatives. . . he bristles at the way he is treated in the media.”
Auletta was asked Tuesday morning to characterize the relationship now between White House and the mainstream media.
“Post-honeymoon,” he declared. “The honeymoon’s over.”
Host Joe Scarborough noted that, if Martha Coakley loses the specialelection in Massachusetts today, “it may be counseling time.”
Columnist and MSNBC commentator Mike Barnicle noted that Obamapreviously received “kid-glove treatment” from the press, and askedAuletta whether he senses “any tone of arrogance in the White House” topress coverage.
“I do,” Auletta responded.
“One of the things I found in my reporting is, below the surface, theObama administration and its people were angry at the press allthroughout the campaign, despite the press coverage they got, which wasvery favorable.
“In fact, in David Plouffe book, his former campaign manager, hedescribes their attitude as ‘the jackals.’ They referred to the pressas 'the jackals'.”