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RE: It's Time To Congratulate MICHAEL CLAYTON, The 217th POTW!
12/30/2009 2:54:33 PM
Way to go Georgios & Alain as NOTW. Michael, you have been on my friends' list for a long time now, and am so glad to see you as POTW. Enjoy your time in the well-deserved spotlight. Thanks to Kathleen, Thomas, and all who have made 2009 such a great year at ALP. Kudos to Bogdan & staff. May 2010 be blessed, prosperous, fun, and safe for everyone. Stephen
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate MICHAEL CLAYTON, The 217th POTW!
12/30/2009 6:02:09 PM
Hi POTW TEAM and friends!

Alain here we are again! Michael well done you deserve this nice award. Though we don't have close contact we know each other for a long time. I use to read your inputs and replies.


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate MICHAEL CLAYTON, The 217th POTW!
12/30/2009 6:10:50 PM

Hi Michael,

I'm glad you're here at your Congrats thread! We also didn't have much communications before the community went "new" a few months ago but then we had a few messages and you're actually nice to talk to, didn't know why we didn't yack before that!

I should promote this thread in my forum, I was gone for a couple days, noticeable because of my lack of ad-plastering, imagine that! Have a great long reign, you were the last of 2009 so you're up for quite awhile until...who knows when?!

Robert Vaughan

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate MICHAEL CLAYTON, The 217th POTW!
1/1/2010 7:02:27 PM

Hi Everyone " Happy New Year " Congrats Alain & Georgios for being NOTW.


Congratulations on being Nominated 217TH POTW.

Enjoy the Limelight and Attention, You are a Worthy Winner.

Have a Great Year

Best Wishes

Bob Vaughan U.K.

GOLD Member

THIS is Me !

Robert D Vaughan
Sam Sunday

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RE: It's Time To Congratulate MICHAEL CLAYTON, The 217th POTW!
1/2/2010 5:22:24 PM
Congratulations Michael and happy New Year.
