Congratulations To The 217th POTW: Michael Clayton!

Hi All,
I am happily married, semi retired, and live in Melbourne Australia. I have a bad back so cannot do a regular job.
Forthe last 10 years I have been online and for the last 6 years have madeall my income working online from home from good affiliate programs.
It's good to have some places like online communities, networking sitesand forums to visit and make friends and catch up with them when I'm ona break from working.
I have an Aussie forum at Adlandpro and thousands of friends in manycommunities. I do attend local meet up's with people from Adlandpro,Ryze, The Hive and Mega Networking And Referral Group. I have met otherpeople in some local Melbourne networking or meet up groups and I havealso met people from interstate or overseas who have visited Melbourne.
My main interests are making income online and getting volume web sitevisitors to my pages. I'm also interested in webmaster tools and I alsodesign single software and own my own singles site.
I love tattslotto (Australian lotto) and also I am an affiliate for agreat program based on Australian lotto. See my other articles for moreabout this great program.
Talking to people about earning income online and sharing ideas givesme renewed enthusiasm. I think I am good hearted so I like to helppeople. If asked I give people advise with the aim to preventing themfrom getting ripped off or cheated by the many scam programs on theinternet. I write a few articles about many of my main interests.
I created this web page using my hosting companies free internal website builder. I also make many of my own web pages using html. I havelots more interests including old rock & roll music and restoringold 50's Ford V8 Customline cars; Generally I'm always active doingsomething, even though I'm now over 60 years old.
To find more about me google search the word rexiedexie
Nice to have you visit my web pages and I do hope you find some beneficial information to make your visit worthwhile.
Thank you for visiting.
Regards Michael Clayton (rexiedexie)
Advertise Your Opportunity Free - Or Place a Comment: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/15698/AdvertiseYourOpportunityFreeOrPlaceAComment.aspx
Lots of Business Ops for Singles & All: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/534195/LotsOfBusinessOpsForSinglesAll.aspx
Writing Articles About Singles & Business: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/534153/WritingsArticlesAboutSinglesAndBusiness.aspx
Congratulations, Michael! You're always busy around here and have one of the most visited advertising forums with one of the largest threads within it for all our ads! Thanks for helping us promote and for staying in touch this year! Have a great holiday week and gear up for 2010!

Georgios Paraskevopoulos

Philoxenia: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/26702/PHILOXENIA.aspx
Business Ideas Welcome: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/29252/BUSINESSIDEASWELCOME.aspx
Alain Deguire

The Welcoming Club: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/32801/TheWelcomingClub.aspx
Make A Difference: http://community.adlandpro.com/forums/forum/32392/MAKEADIFFERENCE.aspx
Thanks everyone who participated! Have a Merry Christmas and/or end of December, Happy Hannukah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy All Other Holidays occurring soon, and have a safe and fun New Year's Eve!!