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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Muslim Sensitivity Training
6/22/2010 4:37:53 PM

Muslim Sensitivity Training

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Beth Schmillen

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
6/23/2010 7:35:58 AM
Beth, thanks for stopping in, and I hope you actually read the content before posting. As you know so often people speak before thinking and it often causes issues. Ignorance of the issues in this age is no longer an excuse.

I must reply DITTO of Peter's reply.

With that said I hope you educate yourself on this topic and return to add to the discussion.


PS: Thanks Peter for your contributions.

Hi Beth,
Even though this is Jim's forum and thread I decided to reply to your post.
Aside from your comment that this might not be the correct category for this topic all the other comments are from either lack of knowledge or blindness to facts.
Islam isn't being denigrated in this thread but the truth about Islam is being brought to light in different ways.
Whether this is the proper thread or not is the forum owners decision and if you'll read the title of the forum it's "Everything is open for discussion". An open mind is the name of the game and knowledge about the subject matter before posting should e a prerequisite.

If This forum is listed under Community Related...

Why is this political opinion and denigration of one of our World Religions
included in what is supposed to be Community Related i.e. the Adlandpro Community

Put it in another category ... intolerance for specific religions is a great suggestion

What the "truth" is about a given faction of a given religion ... in this case Islam... is not the case for all Muslims...

the same can be said of Christianity... Living in Idaho there is a strong movement to protect freedoms and to squelch the far right-wing extremists that claim to be Christian and foment hate and violence... You know Americans like that don't you? They're actually in every state... they have cells of members like skin heads, kkk, umn white supremacists (sp? or typo?)

You really need to educate on these groups and stay on top of this because it is a very serious problem here and all around the world

so, let's give equal time to hate groups of the Christian type as well!

Glad this is open to discussion

Flag of Peter Fogel

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
6/23/2010 2:35:17 PM
Hi Beth,
Interesting idea. Why don't you start a thread on that subject. It would be off topic in this thread but still I'm sure you'd get many to post on that topic. Go for it.
As a point of interest there are no "factions" to my knowledge in Islam. If you know of any please tell us about them.

What the "truth" is about a given faction of a given religion ... in this case Islam... is not the case for all Muslims...

the same can be said of Christianity... Living in Idaho there is a strong movement to protect freedoms and to squelch the far right-wing extremists that claim to be Christian and foment hate and violence... You know Americans like that don't you? They're actually in every state... they have cells of members like skin heads, kkk, umn white supremacists (sp? or typo?)

You really need to educate on these groups and stay on top of this because it is a very serious problem here and all around the world

so, let's give equal time to hate groups of the Christian type as well!

Glad this is open to discussion

Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
6/23/2010 2:38:08 PM
Hi Beth,

When I see the same ire from the so called friendly muslims, renounce Jihad as I see many Christians renounce their own extremists then you may have a foot to stand on. Silence on their part is acceptance. IMHO

That aside, you are welcome to create whatever type of forum or discussion you choose. This is my choice and I believe I have used fact and checkable resources for verification. This discussion has been going for quite sometime so you really have some catching up to do. Please do stay on topic.


If This forum is listed under Community Related...

Why is this political opinion and denigration of one of our World Religions
included in what is supposed to be Community Related i.e. the Adlandpro Community

Put it in another category ... intolerance for specific religions is a great suggestion

What the "truth" is about a given faction of a given religion ... in this case Islam... is not the case for all Muslims...

the same can be said of Christianity... Living in Idaho there is a strong movement to protect freedoms and to squelch the far right-wing extremists that claim to be Christian and foment hate and violence... You know Americans like that don't you? They're actually in every state... they have cells of members like skin heads, kkk, umn white supremacists (sp? or typo?)

You really need to educate on these groups and stay on top of this because it is a very serious problem here and all around the world

so, let's give equal time to hate groups of the Christian type as well!

Glad this is open to discussion

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

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RE: RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
6/23/2010 3:28:02 PM
PS: Justifying ones' improper actions based off the improper actions of others simply does not equal justice. It equals conflict, one side is right the other is left (wrong), so we have a basic struggle between right and wrong.

Women being mistreated as part of the Koran, honor killings genital mutilation for girls etc. all in Islam and the Koran.

Horrors of Islam: The Movement of Islamism

We all know the horrors being done to humans young and old are wrong.

Speaking out against it, is Right.

As an American that believes in the vision of my forefathers, the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

I believe we have been tolerant of those that are intolerant of us far too long and our own tolerance and continued tolerance has brought us to where we are today.

The future of America depends on how all this will play out as I believe the fate of America is the fate of the world.

Educating and informing yourself is key, don't be a blind follower be a visionary leader and take a stand, right and good or wrong and evil. No more riding fences.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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