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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is Qur'an a FRAUD ?
3/12/2010 3:52:29 AM
Yes they did shoot themselves in the foot

oh and lose their jobs, ooooops !

Jordan has a problem with Afgan refuges, millions of them that came over their borders years ago, have tent cities on border, nothing to go back to because of war, terrorists in their country, and no where to proceed to, no jobs, nothing ... Jordan is just one country with millions of refugees .... the Palestineans are making their own plot worse .... and nobody wants them in their country ... hmmm wonder why ... are they educated, productive, peaceful, hmmmmmm

Hi Jim & Linda,

I was trying to figure out which post to quote so I decided on this one for the simple reason that Jordan hasn't got millions of Afghan refugees but Palestinian refugees.

In addition Jordan aside from the "royal" family who originally came from Saudi Arabia are almost 90% Palestinians themselves. Hence the problems they are facing and their pressure that a Palestinian state be formed. Otherwise their country might revert to a Palestinian state which in essence it is.

Jim, the Jordanians aren't building a fence between Jordan and the PA but the Egyptians are. That said none of the Arab countries are interested in accepting refugees from Palestine. The ones they already have are more then enough and cost them an arm and a leg in the respective countries. In addition they haven't got total freedom in those countries even though they are Muslims.

You have to remember that Jordan kicked Arafat and the PLO out when they tried to take over Jordan. That was well known as Black September. Then Arafat and his terrorist goons moved to Lebanon and till this day Lebanon is full of Palestinian refugees. The downfall of Lebanon was the influx of refugees and the chaos and mayhem they created in their country. Before the Palestinians "arrived" in Lebanon there was a Christian majority in that country. Since then they are a minority and not in the best of shape in Muslim controlled areas that were previously mainly Christians.

The Egyptians are well known for their enmity with Hamas (and Hizballah) and their terrorist activities in addition to their being a part of the Muslim Brotherhood that is a thorn in the side of the Egyptian government. AND, Egypt is in the anti Iran block and Hamas and Hizballah are "clients" of Iran and incessantly try to cause problems in Egypt. Hence the Walls they are building that go deep into the ground in order to cut of their ability to dig new tunnels for their smuggling of arms and infiltrating Egypt.

Wonder why MSM, the European countries and of course B Hussein Obowma aren't crying out against the Egyptian fence but never stop complaining about the fence that Israel put up for security reasons? Double standards never cease.


Peter Fogel
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Did Hillary Clinton Endorse Removing Muslims From Green Zone?; AIPAC: Obama’s Pa
3/23/2010 6:38:54 PM

Did Hillary Clinton Endorse Removing Muslims From Green Zone?; AIPAC: Obama’s Partner in Amputating Israel

By Debbie Schlussel

Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke to the annual convention of AIPAC–the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. And, as you may have heard, she attacked Israel and told it that it must give up more land and further amputate itself into oblivion–that Israel’s refusal to do this (after it’s already done so several times with no positive results) is the “obstacle” to peace.

Now hold on don't get your panties in knot just yet. You must understand the environment this was spoken in. Every action, word and expression is considered to have meaning. So read on a bit.



Since Hillary Supports Demographically Jewish Israel,

Time to Expel the Muslims Like They Expel the Jews

But, in her speech, she unwittingly gave Israel approval for something else that her logic must dictate: removing Muslims from Israel’s land within the green zone. After all, that is the only way, demographically, that Israel can survive as both a democracy and a Jewish State–both of which she admitted Israel should remain. And that is the turnabout that’s fair play, since Clinton implicitly advocated no Jews in the so-called “territory” of the “Israeli occupation,” a term she used in her speech and the lingua franca of Al-Jazeera and the Muslim world. More on that below. But first a little bit about the forum in which Mrs. Clinton spoke, yesterday.

AIPAC is billed as “the pro-Israel lobby,” but here’s what it really is: the American-Liberals-Shove-it-Down-Israel’s-Throat Committee. Yes, AIPAC really stands for the Appeasement forced on Israel (by liberal American naifs) Public Affairs Committee. Decades ago, when the organization was founded by the great Morris J. Amitay, it was actually a pro-Israel organization. I was an activist in AIPAC in high school. But I saw how it quickly became a wing of the Democrats and an organization obsessed with telling off Israeli Prime Ministers and pushing them to give up land . . . the same concept Hillary pimped yesterday.

AIPAC is single-handedly responsible for shoving the disastrous Oslo Accords down Israel’s throat, for getting the U.S. to remove the P.L.O./Fatah from any U.S. terrorist designations, and for pimping America on the false notion that Fatah is the “moderate” terrorist group and a “partner for peace.” AIPAC even held joint lobbying sessions for the Palestinians all over Capitol Hill, loaning its lobbyists to anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Edward Abington, the PLO’s lobbyist. AIPAC’s friend, Abington, is now working for HAMAS. And AIPAC will probably help Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton force-feed the wholesale further amputation of Israel down the country’s throat.

When my former boss, then-Congressman Phil Crane, got his bill defunding the State Department until they moved the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem, AIPAC worked the phones to get the bill defeated, just as fake “anti-Iran” AIPAC worked to defeat tough legislation offered in several states to prohibit sales to Iran.

As an attorney for pro-Israel students on the University of Michigan campus, we were forced to fight intimidation and open threats from the AIPAC group on campus, as we prepared an alternate programming session against the Divestment (from Israel) Conference and filed a lawsuit to attempt to prevent Islamic terrorist Sami Al-Arian from speaking on campus (he’d been banned as a safety threat from his own campus, on which he was the faculty). The AIPAC students on campus authored a petition against our efforts and asked the Muslims to co-sign it with them. But the Muslims refused because they wouldn’t sign a document along with Jews. I’ve written more about the fraud known as AIPAC and how they’ve intimidated truly pro-Israel students on campus in a way even the Muslims don’t have the gall to do. And I urge you to read it.

Now back to Hillary’s comments, yesterday. Here’s what she said:

The conflict with the Palestinians . . . threatens Israel’s long-term future as a secure and democratic Jewish state.

The status quo is unsustainable for all sides. . . . The dynamics of demography, ideology, and technology make this impossible.

First, we cannot ignore the long-term population trends that result from the Israeli occupation. As Defense Minister Barak and others have observed, the inexorable mathematics of democracy – of demography are hastening the hour at which Israelis may have to choose between preserving their democracy and staying true to the dream of a Jewish homeland. Given this reality, a two-state solution is the only viable path for Israel to remain both a democracy and a Jewish state.

Well, that’s only the case of each so-called democracy in the two-state non-solution can get rid of the ethnicities that cause demographic problems. Is Hillary saying she’ll allow all Arabs and Muslims inside Israel’s green line to be expelled, the way that will certainly happen to the Jews in any Palestinian state in the so-called West Bank, the same way it happened in Gaza?

Surely, Hillary must believe that Israel must also be allowed to remove the Muslims from its entire remaining country. After all, even if Israel gives up the entire so-called “West Bank” to Palestinians, there is still a ticking demographic time bomb among the Arabs remaining inside Israel. And with their birthrate, they will take over democratically, even if Israel gives up the so-called territories. So, going along with Hillary’s reasoning, the country must be allowed to do with their Muslims what all Muslim countries did with their Jews to zero international outrage: expel them.

The late Israeli tourism minister Rechavam Ze’evi–who was nicknamed “Gandi Transfer”–advocated that. He was soon assassinated by the PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine), because the group knew he was right, and that, if done, the Palestinians would be forced to be repatriated into their real countries: places like Jordan (where Palestinians are the majority by far), Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. Just as Israel was forced to absorb the Jews kicked out of all Arab and Muslim nations.

If only Israel had listened to Ze’evi then, we wouldn’t be hearing these silly speeches about demographics and two-state solutions now. The Palestinians would already be in their state, which for them is, like I said, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria. That’s where they belong.

And Hillary couldn’t care less about demographics or she’d call for the expulsion of all Arabs and Muslims from Israel. When pigs fly.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: Did Hillary Clinton Endorse Removing Muslims From Green Zone?; AIPAC: Obama’s Pa
4/5/2010 3:05:15 PM

If a woman has the RIGHT to choose to abort a Fetus as mandated by the LAW.

Then Why do you not have the right to refuse to carry Health Insurance, without persecution by the same source? Another DOUBLE STANDARD!?

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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4/5/2010 6:59:04 PM


By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.
February 23, 2009

[NOTE: As I’ve written many times before, the goal of the Power Elite (PE) is a World Socialist Government. Critical to coercing Americans to accept Socialism is the nationalization of key sectors of the economy, such as banking. I’ve indicated in the past that this type of coercion would be brought about by an economic crisis, such as the one we are currently experiencing. Relevant to this, Jon Meacham and Evan Thomas wrote “We Are All Socialists Now” (Newsweek, Feb. 16, 2009), and Matthew Richardson and Nouriel Roubini wrote “Nationalize the Banks! We’re all Swedes Now!” (The Washington Post, Feb. 15, 2009) which begins: “The U.S. banking system is close to being insolvent, and unless we want to become like Japan in the 1990s—or the United States in the 1930s—the only way to save it is to nationalize it.” Even Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham on ABC’s “This Week” (Feb. 15, 2009) indicated we should consider the possibility of nationalizing banks.

[And in case you think this crisis happened accidentally, just consider the fact that “the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) waived the 12 to 1 leverage ratios for the five biggest investment banks. Those banks then leveraged 40 to 1 and collapsed the worldwide financial system” (January 5, 2009 Financial Sense editorial by James Quinn of the Wharton Business School). Do you really believe no one could see what the disastrous results of going from 12 to 1 leveraging to 40 to 1 would be? When these banks started taking losses, Quinn has also pointed out, their capital was immediately wiped out and the problem was dumped in the taxpayers’ laps.]

In previous columns, I’ve mentioned the secret Nazi plan described in American official Sumner Welles’ The Time for Decision (1944). It was a plan (for a Nazi loss in WWII) which would come to fruition two generations later. It included Nazi agents going underground into two successive countries to avoid detection (Paul Dickopf went underground into Switzerland in 1942). These agents would eventually rise to positions of power in those second nations.

Welles must have learned of this secret plan when he was on friendly terms with the Nazi leadership long before the U.S. entered WWII. A Google search of “sumner welles portraits” shows a photograph of Welles and Hermann Goering on March 19, 1940. But why almost two years before the U.S. entered WWII would the Nazis plan for a loss? And why after WWII was there never an investigation of this secret plan? Robert Ludlum in his fictional The Apocalypse Watch referred to “The Brotherhood of the Watch” a global neo-Nazi secret organization formed in the days after the Third Reich’s defeat and exposed about 50 years later.

As I’ve written before, Hitler’s rise and demise were facilitated by the PE. In the same year (1942) the Nazi agent Paul Dickoff went underground into Switzerland and the U.S. was already in the war, “Standard Oil of New Jersey managers shipped the enemy’s fuel through neutral Switzerland and the enemy was shipping Allied fuel. The Chase Bank in Nazi-occupied Paris after Pearl Harbor was doing millions of dollars worth of business with the enemy with the full knowledge of the heard office in Manhattan. Ford trucks were being built for the German occupation troops in France with authorization from Dearborn, Michigan. Col. Sosthenes Behn, head of ITT, flew from New York to Madrid to Berne during the war to help improve Hitler’s communications systems and improve the robot bombs that devastated London. And ITT built the Focke-Wulfs that dropped bombs on British and American troops.” (Charles Higham’s Trading With the Enemy, p. xv). Finish reading the story here ===>>

This is Part 1 of a current 12 Part Series. Thanks to the release of records that were sealed until recently. Notice many of the same players, ideology and a continued "Progression" towards slavery as dependents of the state. Jim

Given the current economic crisis in the world, remember that part of the secret Nazi plan (scheduled to come to fruition today) involved “creating doubts among the people of each country as to the ability, integrity or wisdom of their leading statesmen.” The secret Nazi plan also involved Nazi agents “being trained to appear as men of large financial interests… over a period of years gaining a controlling influence… in labor unions in the banking world…. When the right time comes, stimulate internal dissension sufficiently to destroy the morale of the people.” Sound familiar?

Are we moving toward Socialism in the U.S. today? Are labor unions or “workers” being emphasized today? Since the U.S. is a “nation” could one call what is happening today a movement toward National Socialism emphasizing workers? And doesn’t the term Nazi stand for National Socialist (German) Workers’ Party? You can read in any good dictionary that the Nazis were Fascists who believe in “private enterprise under centralized government control.” Isn’t this what is occurring today? This is not an accusation that President Obama and the Democrats are some kind of secret Nazis. It is evident, however, that the country is being moved toward Socialism/Fascism, and thus the real Nazi agents would consider Obama and the Democrats (and some Republicans) as “useful idiots” in the fulfillment of their secret plan. For part one or three click below.

Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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4/26/2010 6:20:22 PM
pledge_print.jpgPravda not the resource it once was. So maybe a grain of salt is needed

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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