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They are NOT Arabs, they are Youth.
3/4/2010 4:40:26 PM
A very interesting satire. Or is it satire becoming a reality? Please read the sub titles as this is not in English. They are NOT Arabs, they are Youth. This time on the Tribal Update: A Concise History of the Youth

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: They are NOT Arabs, they are Youth.
3/5/2010 12:31:57 AM
You are right a very interesting SATIRE !

You have to read fast !
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What Did the USA Get In Return? Read and Watch the Arab Media
3/5/2010 5:47:24 PM
Interesting read in my view.

March 5, 2010 5:15 AM
by Youssef M. Ibrahim

END: Attributes

What Did the USA Get In Return? Read and Watch the Arab Media

BEGIN: Entry Body

I agree with Israeli peace advocate Uri Avnery that George Mitchell, America’s Middle East peace envoy, should stop wasting his time and our American taxpayers money. (see Uri's article below).

As an Arab-American , I disagree on everything else with my friend Uri.

Primarily, the notion that the USA ''owes'' anything to the Palestinians, the Arabs or for that matter Israel is wrong. We tried for decades and succeeded in mediating two peace treaties between Egypt, Jordan and Israel. For that America is owed gratitude, but it has no further obligations to do more.

If anything, we overpaid Egypt, Jordan, the Palestinians and Israel and continue to shell out $ 5 billion a year in aid to those countries, money that we should put to better use in America.

Furthermore, it's patently false to repeat the empty refrain that unless the Arab-Palestinian conflict is resolved nothing else in the Greater Middle East-- from Iraq to Afghanistan can be resolved. The problems of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan , indeed the whole Muslim world, have nothing whatsoever to do with Palestine or the Palestinian-Israeli problem.

Most Muslim people are fighting their own terrorists, their own illiteracy, their own corruption. Indeed many Pakistanis could not show you Palestine on a map, if they can read at all.

That Palestinian-Israeli conflict has lasted a 100 years, if you assume it began in 1917 with the Balfour declaration made by the British Empire to European Jews. There was no Palestine then and America had no involvement whatsoever with the issue of the Middle East. We do not have to babysit someone else's problem. The Israelis have a democracy which unmasks their own corrupt people by free elections as we have seen numerous times. They take care of themselves. I find it amazing that everyone today mimics , without a moment of thought that America ''must'' force Israel to do this and do that. Why?

If the Arabs want Palestine liberated, go ahead, liberate it. Why do you need America to do it for you? We do not want to be involved, but it is in the strategic American interest to Israel's basic right to exist as a Jewish state. It is a crucial strategic ally in our war against terror. We do not have to agree with it, but we surely will never help the Arabs attack it. We have no further Middle East obligations than that. If anything the Arabs need us a lot more than we need them. Without US protection, most Arabs will soon be speaking farsi, or Persian, the language of Iran in a few decades. But should we care? I argue the answer is no. Iran is not an enemy of the US. And if it attacks Israel, the Israelis will bury it under 200 atomic bombs.

But Arabs do have a problem all right: It is called Iran. But any objective analysis would show that if Arabs and Iranians went at each other, the vital interests of the USA would not be affected.

Iraq and Iran fought an 8 year long war from 1980 to 1988: American interests were not in least bit affected. In fact we sold weapons to both sides.

The real problems facing the Middle East today are all local: They include several Arab-on-Arab and Muslim-against-Muslim conflicts in Iraq, Lebanon, Algeria. They also include a feverish spread of Islamic terrorism within each Arab country and the widening of conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites.

None of these have anything to do with the USA-- nor with Palestine.

Indeed the biggest Palestinian problem today and the for the past 40 years has been war among Palestinians themselves. Not only are Palestinians killing each other but most of their political factions have been ''hiring themselves out'' as killers to other regimes: Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen etc. In fact even Israel is using and funding it own Palestinian factions within both Hamas and Fatah.

When people like Avnery feel so much compasssion asking for pressure on Israel to help, they never tell us how to solve the other puzzle which is to get Palestinians to talk to other Palestinians. Today there are at least 9 various Palestinian armed groups-- they include Hamas, the PLO, Fattah, Jihad Islami, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the National Front for the Liberation of Palestine and several other ''fronts'' spread over 10 countries as far as Yemen and Iran in addition to Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza.

In a political sense, the Palestinians have become the Arab world whores.

Mr Avnery and Jewish liberals never explain how to address this conundrum.

There is, too, the Palestinian-Arab problem.

One is with Egypt which is now defending its own borders against Gaza's 1.5 million Palestinians of Hamas.

Then there is a conflict between half a million Palestinians who live in Lebanon and who went to war back in 1975 as that country still refuses to even let them work.

And there are another half a million Palestinians who live in Syria and have a problem with that country which refuses to give them citizenship. And then there are a million Palestinians living in refugee camps in Jordan and also went to war against Jordan in 1970 known as the Black September war led by Yasir Arafat against King Hussein.

Speaking as an Arab-American and more important, as a taxpayer in these USA, I do not want any more of my money wasted playing peace maker in the Mideast. The USA accomplished peace between two Arab countries and Israel. To help keep that peace, the USA agreed to pay a ''bribe'' -- or financial aid to Israel, Egypt and Jordan which so far added up to more than $ 150 billion since 1979 : $ 3 billion (with a B) to Israel per year; $ 2 billion (with a B) to Egypt per year since 1979 ; and more than $ 200 million (with an m) per year to Jordan.

And what did the USA get in return? Read and watch the Arab media.

Everyday, Al Jazeera, Al Ahram, the Jordanian papers and the UAE Television daily, Moroccon news, Algerian news agencies , all , call the USA the ''enemy of Islam'' , the '' imperialist neo-colonial superpower'' , a ''nation of infidels’’.

Americans Christians and Jews are regularly referred to -- in every Muslim mosque every Friday-- as as ‘’sons of pigs and monkeys’’ .

Save for Israel the rest of the Middle East is of no strategic value today to the USA. This id 2010 not the 1950s. In fact, we can strategically state that if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not resolved for another 100 years, nothing at all will happen. Nothing at all expect a few more wars that do not affect US interests at all.

As for those Arabs -- and Europeans -- who so hate Jews and want Israeli wiped off the map, why don't they do it, if they can?

We will be glad to watch who wins the nexty wars as we watched in 1956 , in 1967 and in 1973 in which Arabs lost more and more lands. If some folks think Israel was beaten by Hizbollah in 2006 , why do they not fact check that the Lebanese who did not think they won anything and watch their country being destroyed.

And if the Palestinians of Gaza think they humiliated Israel in the last invasion, why does Hamas not attack Israel again with rockets? They have been rather quiet ever since. Arab people should stop fooling themselves.

Israel is here to stay. The West , even the Europeans, will not allow any combination of Arabs or Iranians to cross a red line.

The Palestinians will continue to try and drag more Arabs into loosing war after war as they did with Egypt and Jordan, but in the meanwhile the only piece of land they will have left to negotiate an independent state is shrinking by the week. In the end, when Palestinians are ready to say yes, maybe in a hundred years, they may only be negotiating on a small national park outside the mayor's home in Ramallah , the place where their current leader Abu Mazen lives. Uri, my friend, If the dispute has waited all that time -- 2000 year plus-- I do not see why we are in hurry. Your grandson can still write about it in 100 years. Relax.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is Qur'an a FRAUD ?
3/8/2010 3:44:33 AM

03/04/2010 National Day of Action

March 7, 2010 by Dave Johannes · Leave a Comment

This post is about a few things; the underlying indoctrination being used to push us towards socialism, the organizations that are behind this hidden agenda and what makes them so dangerous. They have a revolutionary mentality, they subscribe to the idea that you can change fundamentally America.

March 4th was a National Day of Action called for by a coalition of groups working under the banner – Defend Education. So now the real question is – Who are these groups and what do they really stand for?

Thousands of people took to the streets across the country. There were rallies in Wisconsin, Texas, Illinois, at UC Berkeley, which was probably was the biggest and many other locations around the country. Most received only passing coverage by the media, yet these rallies are another example of the socialist forces eating away at the base of our society.

Coalitions such as Defend Education are created to fool people as to the true nature of their agendas. Defend Education sounds noble and meaningful. However, their real messages are; corporations are evil, we want socialism, we want government control and to create social justice.

One significant and noteworthy player in this call to action is Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). SDS is a student organization which promotes the beliefs and agenda of America’s progressive left. The group takes its’ name and inspiration from the original SDS of the 1960s, the largest radical student organization in US history. It was the incubator for the 60’s Weather Underground which spawned Bill Ayers and his bombing attacks on government buildings. The reconstituted version that began its’ comeback around 2006 has gone worldwide. In the past the SDS, was a violent campus organization – will it be again?

Some of the other groups involved in Defend Education are Bail Out the People Movement which is a front for International Answer, a pro communist group and Anakbayan which supports the terrorist groups, Hamas and Hezbollah. Anakbayan is part of the noncommunist core of the “progressive movement”. This group is currently running a campaign against what they call a “U.S. military occupation” of Haiti. The last time I checked the military’s efforts in both Haiti and Chile are humanitarian relief efforts. There are lots of splinter groups participating in the coalition, far too many to mention individually.

There are other groups that most people have never heard of such as “Nation of Aztlan”. This group is made up of activists from numerous organizations including The Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund (MALDEF), the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and the National Immigration Forum (NIF). This group is the Hispanic answer to Hamas. They believe that most of the southwest should returned to them for establishment of a “Hispanic Homeland”. This would include the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, plus southern Colorado, along with several current Mexican states. They would establish the “Republica del Norte” or the Republic of the North. According to Charles Truxillo, professor, University of New Mexico, this is “an inevitability”. He also says the new “Hispanic Homeland” should be brought into being “by any means necessary.” The logo of this organization sends a clear message – it is an eagle with a stick of dynamite in its claw.

So what were the demands on the National Day of Action, here is a sample from the California website:


Build protests at your school or join rallies: Oakland noon Frank Ogawa Plaza San Francisco 4pm Civic Center

Defend Public Education!

· Fully funded, free public education from preschool through graduate school and adult education

· Open admissions

· No privatization; no charter schools

· No union-busting

· End No Child Left Behind and Race to the Top

· Student, faculty, staff, parent, and working class community control over the entire public education system, from preK-12 through graduate school and adult education


Protect Jobs and Social Services!

· Full funding for all public and social services

· Restore all cuts and expand vital public programs

· No foreclosures

End War and Close Prisons!

· Money for jobs and education, not war and incarceration

Defend Immigrants’ Rights!

· Full citizenship rights for immigrants

· No ICE raids, no deportations

Endorsed by: Richmond March 4th Outreach Committee, NorCal March 4th Organizing Committee, West Contra Costa Community For Quality Education (WCCCQE). United Public Workers For Action, Peace and Freedom Party, Humanist Workers For Revolutionary Socialism

O.K., so they want the government to provide everything for free, no more prison, no more border control and citizenship with full benefits for illegal aliens! How in a state where they are already bankrupt do they expect to pay for this? Next check out the endorsers!

Here are other interesting sponsors of the March 4th National Day of Action in California:

WTF! Is going on?!

Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS)

The American Federation of Teachers

California State University Employees Union: Representing 16,000 classified staff members across the CSU’s 23 campuses

Academic Professionals of California

Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)

SEIU 1021: Representing over 55,000 workers

International Socialist Organization

California Prison Moratorium Project

Rouge Forum

Check out the California web site here:

Or the national website here:

Keep in mind this is just from the California website. There are many websites from related groups all over the country.

Of course, SEIU and Andy Stern are also involved, Stern is an original SDS radical. He’s a Leninist whim means he subscribes to a theory of dictatorship of the proletariat, led by a revolutionary vanguard party. In his recent book, Stern claims globalization and the economic gap between rich and poor is the primary problem facing the world. The book calls for unions to be the primary leader of social reform, including increased taxation of the wealthy and the need for universal health care.

SEIU and AFSCME, the municipal employees union, are two of the most politically active organizations on the left. There are legitimate reasons for concern about what happens next if the agenda of these groups fail. The extreme left, as Andy Stern points out, “want our money’s worth”. These groups have invested significant time, attention, manpower and money into their agenda – specifically healthcare. They are counting on Barack Obama to make this happen.

Listen to what is being said by those who support these policies about America:

“And this is part of the thing is I don’t think we’re going to be meeting people’s day to day needs and I don’t think we have to help this capitalist system which has met the needs of American working people on the backs of third world plantations for my whole lifetime. We don’t have to help that. We have to help bring this government down. We have to help destroy this system and that requires increasing the alienation that working class and oppressed people feel”. – Jeb Brandt, aka The Bald Communist

So what is the fallout potential if their agenda fails? We always here about the tea parties being the home of right wing extremists – so what of the left? Remember their history – Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground, the SDS? The potential for violence is very real.

Make no mistake, the left will pull out all the stops, claims former SDS member and leftist, David Horowitz. As he explained on a recent appearance on the Glenn Beck Show, “I have experience of this. I mean, I was a very intellectual leftist. I never threw a rock. But as the editor of Ramparts magazine, which is the biggest magazine of the left, I was approached … by a defector from our intelligence services. And we printed national secrets in the magazine and, of course, nothing, nothing happened to us. We were advised by, I was advised actually, by a Harvard law professor, still a professor of constitutional law on exactly how to commit treason”.

Here’s the problem America, many of the radical left from the 1960s are now the ruling class. They are in Congress. They work at the White House and they are in business. They run the New York Times and the Washington Post. Many of these people were part of the left in the Sixties. The only difference is today they have the power to force their agenda which hasn’t changed. Now however, their tactics are different. They are the new puppet masters, they can stir up the hate and bring the student activists into play. They are in a position to apply pressure on both the top and the middle. Make no mistake the progressives want to “fundamentally transform America”. They want a society that is based on socialism and “social justice”. People need to wake up! The progressives are concealing their real agenda. Healthcare reform, global warming, cap & trade, immigration reform, standing with the unions and all these new social programs have but one purpose: destroy the free markets which will increase government control.

If you believe in the Constitution, you must defend the free market system, you must defend private property, you must defend individual rights and you must oppose group collective rights. The progressives are against the First Amendment when you disagree with them. They are for racial references that create designated groups who they call oppressed. This is America, we do not allow oppression of our citizens. Our laws are being twisted and corrupted. The Constitution and most of our laws are designed to protect our individual rights but our laws do not guarantee level playing field. As individuals we are still responsible for ourselves and our own success. Socialism is about making everyone equal, redistributing wealth and punishing individual initiative.

The code language of socialism has permeated all levels of our educational system. It is the code language of the old Soviet Union. The slogan of the Communist Party at its’ height under Stalin was peace, jobs and democracy. The new code words are hope, change, redistribution of wealth and social justice. Students are taught to demand their rights – not their Constitutional rights but their perceived rights to things such as education, healthcare, good jobs and other entitlements. They are also taught that America is a selfish, imperialistic bully of a nation, that we should be embarrassed/ashamed of our riches and exceptionalism.

America has lost its’ way. The American Dream of prior generations has evolved into a culture of entitlement and consumerism. The original American dream was not merely a dream of big houses, fancy cars and high wages, but a dream of a social order in which each man or woman would be able to have the opportunity to attain to the success that they were innately of capable, regardless of the circumstances of birth. It was about a national experience of patriotism and a common success shared by many.

I was taught by my parents that with hard work, perseverance, integrity and dedication that I could create opportunities that would put me in a position to succeed. I taught my children the same and today all are working and supporting their families.

Sadly, today for many Americans it has degenerated into a culture that focuses on bringing prosperity to oneself. Greed, unethical behavior and overriding self interest for many have replaced patriotism, ethical behavior, hard work and a sense of community.

As we have added layer after layer to our social and entitlement programs our national debt and our need for tax revenue have taken on lives of their own. Many now believe that it is the responsibility of the federal government to take care of them.

It is time for a change! We must find a way to return to our core national values. Doing the right thing does not mean establishing an enormous federal government to provide nanny state oversight so that everything is equal among the citizens. Doing the right thing is creating the opportunity for everyone to succeed according to their abilities. There is no free lunch, not in America or anywhere else!

It is time to stop apologizing to the world for our success. As a citizen of the world we have been a good and giving nation. Can we be a better citizen of the world? Of course, so can every other country on the planet. But to save the country we love and to revive America we must return to our Constitutional government and the freedom it nurtures.

It is time for a National Day of Action. A day when Americans stop and remember what made us Americans, a day when we rededicate ourselves to the Constitution and to our original form of government – A Constitutional Republic.

Restore the Republic, Reject Socialism!

I’ll close with some words of wisdom from a few of our founding fathers and great leaders:

“If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people, under the pretence of taking care of them, they must become happy”. – Thomas Jefferson

“With respect to the two words ‘general welfare,’ I have always regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not contemplated by its creators.” — James Madison

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” — Thomas Jefferson

“If you want total security, go to prison. There you’re fed, clothed, given medical care and so on. The only thing lacking… is freedom”. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

“The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government — lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.” — Patrick Henry

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have,” – Gerald Ford

The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’ -Ronald Reagan

“But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty, once lost, is lost forever”. – John Adams

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: Is Qur'an a FRAUD ?
3/10/2010 3:20:43 PM
Okay folks it is true we have enemies within our borders.

The following story is just the tip of the iceberg. If you read Peter's Human Shields forum recently you will learn there are Jihadi training camps right here in the USA.

Ignoring this will not make it go away. We are in a battle for our future and our country. DISCERNMENT and knowledge is the only thing that will help quell the threat.

I firmly believe that much of what is happening in Washington is due to outside influences and the perceived bad guys is only a smoke screen for what is really at work here.

We have allowed 60's radicals and organizations like the ACLU, CAIR, SEIU, and ACORN to inundate our education system with lies and false history. Pay attention to the debate over textbooks in the Texas education system. We have misled students decrying that the ACLU has done more for America than Conservative values and the founders of our country. What freaking crock of bull dung.

These misinformed and brainwashed "Trophy Kids" will be demonstrating about this at 10:30 CDT today in Texas. They have no clue and that is our faults for allowing our desire to be "Politically Correct" and "Tolerant" of those that find the Western World "Intolerable". I hope more folks "Wake Up" and realize that sometimes "TOUGH LOVE" is needed.

I know I have mixed a couple of issues here but they are one in the same. "Creeping Sharia" is here and needs to be addressed now, because later it will be too late.

Meet "Jihad Jane"


  • 0310-ODU-Colleen-LaRose-600_full_380.jpg

This image shows Colleen LaRose also known as 'Jihad Jane,' an American woman from Pennsylvania indicted Tuesday, accused of using the Internet to recruit jihadist fighters and help terrorists overseas.

SITE Intelligence Group/AP

By Jonathan Adams Correspondent / March 10, 2010

A daily summary of global reports on security issues.

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Authorities unsealed charges in the US against a woman dubbed "Jihad Jane" and arrested seven Muslims in Ireland Tuesday for their alleged involvement in a plot to kill a Swedish cartoonist.

The allegations highlight the ongoing sensitivity of cartoon renderings of the prophet Mohammad, and are a rare example of a white American woman becoming involved in global jihad over the Internet.

The indictment against "Jihad Jane" was unsealed in Pennsylvania Tuesday; the seven arrested in Ireland were being questioned Wednesday.

Ireland's RTE News reported that four men and three women whose nationalities were not given were arrested in Waterford and Cork, Ireland.

Swedish cartoonist Lars Vilks ignited controversy in 2007 with his cartoon of the head of the prophet Mohammad on the body of a dog, as the Monitor reported. (See one of the drawings here.) Later that year, an Al Qaeda faction leader put a $100,000 bounty on Mr. Vilks's head.

Vilks has been under police protection ever since. In an article Wednesday, the Irish Times called him "an artist who courts controversy with the same ease as the rest of us draw breath," and reported his defiant response to news of the alleged murder plot targeting him: “The barks of those roundabout dogs will never fall silent,” he said.

The New York Times reports that Colleen R. LaRose – a blonde, green-eyed American from the suburbs of Philadelphia who called herself Jihad Jane on an Internet posting – stands accused of linking up with militants over the Internet to plot terrorist acts. The Times quoted a law-enforcement official who said the charges against Ms. LaRose were linked to the arrest of the seven Muslims in Ireland.

The paper said LaRose had used YouTube and other sites to communicate with alleged militants abroad. The Times also linked to a MySpace account it believed to be that of LaRose (the page has since been taken down).

Michael L. Levy, the United States attorney for Eastern Pennsylvania, said in a statement the case illustrated how terrorists were looking for American recruits who could blend in. “It shatters any lingering thought that we can spot a terrorist based on appearance,” he said.

Ms. LaRose is white, with blond hair and green eyes, according to the law enforcement official, who was not authorized to share details of the case and spoke only on the condition of anonymity. The official said Ms. LaRose was born in Michigan and later lived in Texas and Montgomery County, Pa.

Potentially fanning the flames, three Swedish newspapers – the Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, and Sydsvenska Dagbladet – on Wednesday ran the original cartoon that stirred up the trouble, the Associated Press reported.

Sydsvenska Dagbladet says it printed the controversial drawing as part of its news coverage of the alleged plot to kill its creator, Lars Vilks. Expressen says it printed it for its news value and to take a stance for the freedom of speech.

The furor over Vilks's cartoon followed earlier riots and violence following the separate publication of cartoons satirizing the prophet Mohammad in September 2005 in a Danish newspaper. (See a timeline of offensive cartoons from BBC.)

But Americans have not seen the cartoons reprinted in their own newspapers.

In a 2006 Nieman Reports essay adapted from a Salon article, editorial cartoonist Doug Marlette slammed the US media for declining to republish those cartoons out of what he called misguided sensitivity, cowardice, and appeasement.

But once these images became a major news story (and given that they easily satisfied Western standards of legitimate commentary and in fact only became internationally controversial after being misrepresented to the larger Muslim world), I can see little reason – other than bodily fear, bottom-line self-preservation, and just poor judgment – that the US media and the public officials entrusted with defending our freedoms wimped out so thoroughly.

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Jim Allen

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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