Hey Bogdan,
I really appreciate you joining the conversation, I hope you continue as a participant. ;-)
Hello Jim,
I rarely participate in discussions like this one.
I also want to point out that I'm a Christian, but after listening to this video I'm not feeling like a Christian person would like to sign this video or this book.
I have no problem with showing Muhammad for what he might be, but I have problem with saying that Christianity is in any danger from Islam.
Both religions had its ups and downs. By attempting to fight another person believes, one only strengthens those believes and creates reasons to use religions in fight against other humans.
America fights wars against other nations and those nations happen to be of Islam religions.
I believe this book is part of your government propaganda to strengthen American's support for those wars.
Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.
Yes, Bogdan, I agree the enemy is from within and they are called "PROGRESSIVES" and is part of the grand plan by the current admin to make this country into something that the PEOPLE don't want. Unfortunately they were blinded by skin color in the last presidential election, this no longer the case.
Bogdan I am surprised at your unwillingness to admit that the tragedy of 9/11 was perpetrated by Muslims. They own this travesty as seen by the celebrations worldwide by the Muslims.
If they were a truly peaceful lot, their would be more of them speaking out against the JIHAD being played out by the extremists. And their children are being brainwashed by the IMAMS in the Madrassas (schools) just like here in the states. Our schools are breeding grounds for "The Progressive Liberal Movement".
Yet the majority remain silent and supportive, by donating money to known terrorist organizations that are.... YES... MUSLIM?Islamists.
Personally, I believe the great Muhammad, like many early so called nobles, even some of my own ancestors, in their day forced the church to accept personal sins, by proclamation and threat of death.
You know Salman Rushdie exposed the prophet for what he was, in his book "Satanic Verses". Have you read it? Have you listened to the few Muslims brave enough to speak out about the barbarianism of this so called religion. Islam is more a political movement than a religion, they use death and severe punishments for those that break the laws. No other religion today is this way with their flocks in our modern world.
Islam is a threat to the world (IMHO) as long as the radical extremists are allowed to operate in the same house they live in. Fear is a grand tool isn't it?
Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control.
No kidding?! I really didn't know that thanks for this information. Just kidding.
If you have read any of my posts related to this subject you would know that most Americans these days realize this and we shall remedy this mistake in the coming election cycles. Ever heard about the TEAPARTY NoIncumbents 2010 movement? It's real.
It is not republicans or democrats who matter, it is who runs your country and you need to use your energy to get rid of them before we see boy scouts in brown shirts marching through streets of US and shouting slogans.
Bogdan Fiedur
The video has been removed from YouTube for some reason ;-(
I know this president wants a private army of so called volunteers. Volunteerism is a grand thing but no longer is voluntary when required by mandate and unconstitutional. JFK called for Americans to do more for their country and Obama calls for them to do more for him and his agenda.
This puppet/marionette is cut of the same cloth as the previous administration yet this one blames the last. Forgetting that his ass was a senator in a democratically controlled congress and still blames the former president for his troubles today, such a lie.
I also know the FED has no real role per the constitution but the "Progressives" have all but burned that document to shreds. The sheeple are waking up for one reason or the other. As this administration is unable to deliver on bogus promises made during the campaign the lower his approval rating the less likely a second term will come to fruition.