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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
11/17/2011 8:33:03 PM

I have just finished watching and listening to Milton William (Bill) Cooper whom was ambushed and killed because he was telling the American population to wake them up via radio.

You should hear what the MSM reported about his death by police!!

here is the first of 9 video's all around 20 minutes long.

Have you ever seen the movie 'Truman Show' ?
Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) a man whose life is a fake on.
His whole life is a huge reality show. But the makers get lazy and
leave clue, will he find out and will he stay or will he go?

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
11/21/2011 4:26:14 PM

Impeach Congress by voting them ALL OUT in 2012 and 2014! Its time to get rid of these lice. They have nearly destroyed this country.

As Blame Game Erupts, Debt Panel Appears Ready to Admit Failure

Published November 21, 2011

A special deficit-reduction Super Committee appears likely to admit failure on Monday, unable or unwilling to compromise on a mix of spending cuts and tax increases required to meet its assignment of saving taxpayers at least $1.2 trillion over the coming decade.

The panel is sputtering to a close after two months of talks in which the members were never able to get close to bridging a fundamental divide over how much to raise taxes to address a budget deficit that forced the government to borrow 36 cents of every dollar it spent last year.

Republicans and Democrats on the committee can't agree on much. But as the deficit-cutting panel careens toward a Wednesday deadline without a deficit-cutting deal, they can agree on this -- it's all the other side's fault.

In separate interviews across Washington Sunday, members of the committee charged with finding at least $1.2 trillion in savings hurled recriminations at one another for their apparent failure to strike an agreement. Sources close to the discussions indicate that, despite scattered last-ditch appeals for a deal, members of the panel are trying to figure out how to bring the process formally to a close.

The ignominious end for the committee once touted as a must-succeed effort to rein in the debt tees up what is sure to be a protracted blame game.

Republicans said Sunday they offered Democrats a "breakthrough" deal by putting tax hikes on the table, but that Democrats never got serious about curbing entitlements while insisting on "huge" tax increases instead.

Democrats said they put every one of their "sacred cows" on the chopping block, but that Republicans tried to exploit the process to extend, even lower, the tax rates set during the George W. Bush administration.

"We are not a tax-cutting committee. We're a deficit-reduction committee," Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., said.

The panel was established over the summer as a condition for raising the debt ceiling.

As analysts warn about the economic implications of failure, as well as the political punishment members of Congress could endure at the hands of frustrated voters, lawmakers worked to explain away the impasse as the proverbial sand slipped through the hourglass. The committee technically has until Wednesday to reach a deal, but officials have said Monday -- or even Sunday night -- is the de facto deadline, because budget scorekeepers would need time to review the package.

A visibly riled-up Kerry dismissed GOP accusations as "nonsense" Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press."

"If this weren't so serious, I might laugh," Kerry said, warning about the "real threat" of a credit downgrade and financial market revolt.

"Just the confusion and gridlock is enough to say to the world, 'America can't get its act together,'" Kerry said.

To hear the senator and former Democratic presidential candidate tell it, there were two things that prevented members from reaching a deal -- a GOP calculation that they could just win the Senate and White House in 2012 and write their own deal, and "their insistence, insistence, insistence on the Grover Norquist pledge and extending the Bush tax cuts."

Norquist, head of the anti-tax-hike Americans for Tax Reform, emerged as the Democrats' bogeyman during the Super Committee process, with Democrats claiming Republicans' allegiance to the Norquist cause stood in the way of a deal.

Kerry said Democrats put "every single cow on the table," but Republicans insisted on extending the Bush tax cuts in the process.

"There's one thing standing between us and ... doing $1.2 trillion and that one thing is the Republican unwillingness to not push for the Bush tax cuts to be extended now," Kerry said.

But Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., said that dealing with the Bush tax cuts was not originally part of the game plan.

He said Republicans wanted to use the panel to reform entitlements, but "our Democratic friends were never willing to do the entitlement reform." Kyl said they started fiddling with the Bush-era rates after Democrats insisted on tax hikes. Republicans agreed to close loopholes and take other steps to raise revenue -- in exchange they wanted to extend the Bush-era rates and reduce those rates at the top, while still raising about $250 billion.

"On the Republican side, you had the one true breakthrough," Kyl said.

Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., also a member of the committee, described the tax offer as "a reach for us to put that on the table."

"Grover Norquist was very critical of me personally and this idea," Toomey said on CBS' "Face the Nation."

Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, the GOP co-chairman of the committee, said on "Fox News Sunday" that his side never saw Democrats willing to offer a proposal "that actually solves the problem" of entitlements. Without explicitly declaring failure, he described the situation on the committee as a "huge blown opportunity."

But Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., Hensarling's Democratic counterpart, again disputed the claim that Democrats weren't willing to deal on entitlements.

"Democrats have made some really tough decisions and come to some pretty tough choices that we're willing to put on the line on entitlements, on spending cuts, but only if the Republicans are willing to cross the line on the Bush tax cuts and be willing to say revenues have to be a part of this solution," she said on CNN's "State of the Union."

Murray suggested there's still time for compromise.

"We have until the day before Thanksgiving. We have to file a bill by tomorrow. And so again, I'm at the table. I want to solve this," she said.

But the prospect for a deal has been steadily fading for days. While Super Committee members hit the Sunday show circuit, no in-person meetings were scheduled over the weekend. Many lawmakers left Washington Friday for the Thanksgiving break.

Without a deal in place, the law that established the Super Committee provides for $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts split between defense and a host of other programs.

Lawmakers have described those particular cuts as onerous, and the Pentagon has pleaded with Congress not to let them go into effect. With the cuts not set to go into effect until 2013, there's still time for lawmakers to fiddle with the formula and at least shield the military from some of the pain.

But any attempt to reduce the total size of the cuts could cause problems.

Moody's economist Mark Zandi told "Fox News Sunday" the markets and rating agencies will be watching to see if Congress keeps the cuts in place.

"If they don't, then that will be the fodder for problems in the financial markets and the economy," Zandi said.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
11/21/2011 4:48:06 PM
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TEA PARTY BRIEF - Watch, Organize, Pray and Vote November 2012 ( VERSION)

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
11/22/2011 9:34:34 PM
Is the Sixth Caliphate on its way? If the new Prime of Tunisisa has his way it will!

Tunisia's Islamists hail arrival of the 'sixth caliphate'

The Islamist politician likely to become Tunisia's first democratically elected prime minister has alarmed liberals and secularists by claiming the arrival of the "sixth caliphate", a controversial term for a Muslim empire.

Hamadi Jebali
Hamadi Jebeli told a rally in the city of Sousse: 'My brothers, you are at a historic moment in a new cycle of civilisation, God willing. We are in sixth caliphate, God willing'

Hamadi Jebeli, secretary-general of Ennahda, the moderate Islamist party which romped to victory in last month's elections, told a rally in the city of Sousse: "My brothers, you are at a historic moment in a new cycle of civilisation, God willing. We are in sixth caliphate, God willing."

Party officials, who have spent months insisting they wanted to pursue secular democratic politics rather than an international Islamist agenda, were forced on the defensive after his comments were posted on the internet.

But they may have scuppered the party's hopes of forging a broad-based coalition. The left-of-centre secular Ettakatol, which came third in the vote, suspended talks with Ennahda over forming a government.

"We thought we were going to build a second republic with our partner – not a sixth caliphate," Khemais Ksila, a senior member, said.

Mr Jebeli was imprisoned under the dictatorship of Zine al-Abedine Ben Ali for his Islamist beliefs. But since the country's revolution in January, the party has argued it wants to work within a democratic political system along western lines.

The stance was enough to see them win 40 per cent of seats in parliament, more even than their supporters expected. But opponents say their moderate public statements hide a more radical agenda – one more honestly expressed to provincial working class supporters than the middle classes in the capital.

Ennahda's other prospective coalition partner, the likewise centre-left and secular Congress for the Republic, did not follow Ettakatol's lead, perhaps soothed by a deal making its leader Moncef Marzouki interim president.

The term "caliphate" refers to a governance system based on sharia law as formerly used by successive Islamic empires. It is a sensitive term in Arab politics due to its modern associations with extremist groups like al-Qaeda and especially in Tunisia where it is promoted by the radical Salafi movement, Hizb-ut-Tahrir.

Mr Jebeli's opponents are now planning a large demonstration to coincide with the opening of the new assembly.

Comment in The Telegraph
Re. Jonathan Mitchell’s Tunisia's Islamists hail arrival of the 'sixth caliphate'
Nov 16, 2011 - 9:49PM GMT
By Monji Mouelhi - Nov. 18, 2011

Over the 10 months since the Tunisian relatively peaceful revolution, Ennahda committed a number of blunders, but none of these were as revealing as future Prime Minister Hamadi Jebeli’s explicit plans to make of Tunisia a historic sixth caliphate. As incredible as it may seem, should we be surprised?

Jonathan Mitchell includes an interesting picture of Mr. Jebeli in his news release of Nov. 16 in the Telegraph. The broad grins he and his aid behind him display in this picture seems to say “well, we got you guys! This is a complete and clear reversal of what Mr. Rachid Ghannouchi has been preaching for several months. How could Ennahda submit such callus and undiplomatically inclined person for prime minister?

At any rate, what is in store for Tunisian political stand, for freedom, and for women rights cannot be made any clearer. Tunisians trusted Islamists with their future, but it is obvious that they are being betrayed. It is up to them to take a stand or submit to abuse as they have done over the centuries.

Tunisians cannot rely on their secular political leaders who seem to be concerned solely about personal gains. While Ettakatol (Mr. Mustafa Ben Jaafar) seems to have taken a stand against Ennahda’s hidden agenda, it remains to be seen if they abstain from coalition with Ennahda or sell out as did the Congress for the Republic (Mr. Moncef Marzouki) that opted for the presidency position bribe instead of pulling out of the coalition with Ennahda. Is there a logical rational for Tunisian secular parties to choose fragmentation or selling out to the opposition rather than forming a strong coalition to keep Ennahda in check? I have not seen any and I cannot think of any explanation except possible greed and continuation of corrupt intentions.

Secularists cannot hide behind ignorance of what is in store behind Ennahda’s double talk. Thanks to Mr. Jebeli, their intentions are in the open for all to see and understand. It is crystal clear that coalition between Ennahda and any of the secular parties will destroy the balance of power. It will give Islamists free reign to form a caliphate, to enslave women, to marginalize religious and ethnic minorities into second-class citizens or expatriation, and it will jeopardize Tunisian hopes and aspiration for democracy, freedom, fairness, and to live they lives in peace and prosperity.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
11/24/2011 2:25:48 PM
It is not only America but the rest of the world and the airheads seem to support them.

If you have ever followed closely trails taking place at the Hague court for justice , you will see the justice we can expect from the world court. I watched the Hague court , a United Nations court while it was finaced and run by NATO , where the truth means nothing. No question about this organization being totaly under control of the devil. Either we are ignorant or we are evil? I don't believe that many people could be that ignorant?

Israel: Promotion of Syria demonstrates UN's irrelevance

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Israel: Promotion of Syria demonstrates UN's irrelevance

Israeli officials on Wednesday said a decision by the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) to name Syria as the Arab representative to a committee on implementing human rights at a time when the Syrian regime is massacring its own citizens further demonstrates the total irrelevance of the world body.

Israeli media reported on Syria's promotion on Thursday, just one day after the UN had issued a report condemning the massacre of at least 3,500 Syrian pro-democracy activists and other civilians at the hands of Syrian government forces.

"We are talking about an outrageous absurdity," one Israeli official told Israel Radio. "UNESCO is legitimizing Syria [as a human rights champion] even as it is slaughtering its own people."

Other officials noted that this is the same UNESCO that just a week ago summoned the Israeli ambassador to officially complain over a political cartoon in the liberal Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz.

The cartoon showed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak ordering an aerial assault on Iran's nuclear facilities, and telling the pilots involved to also bomb the UNESCO office in Ramallah on their way back.

It was a left-wing editorial jab at Netanyahu and Barak for so vocally condemning UNESCO recognition of "Palestine" as a sovereign nation, but UNESCO officials insisted the cartoon "endangers the lives of unarmed diplomats."

UNESCO has been petitioned countless times over cartoons appearing in Arab newspapers that present Israel and the Jews as bloodthirsty and demonic, but the organization has yet to issue any formal complaints in those cases.

The cartoon incident and the promotion of Syria, of all nations, to sit on a human rights advisory committee are, for most Israelis, the final nails in the coffin of the UN's legitimacy and relevance.

Meanwhile, the mainstream international media completely ignored the story of Syria's hypocritical promotion at UNESCO.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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