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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
9/27/2011 1:56:33 PM

A member of the Gang of Socialists Democrats, once again is the problem creator. If he, Pelosi and Franks are left in charge of anything. It is almost guaranteed nothing will ever get done that needs doing.

How Harry Reid Manufactured a Crisis Over Disaster Aid

Listening to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid or reading The New York Times yesterday gave the impression that disaster relief victims were suffering from a lack of government aid.

“Without additional funding,” Reid warned, “thousands of people who have lost literally everything they owned will be forced to go without food and shelter.”

The New York Times, reporting from Tunkhannock, PA, noted, “Uprooted and desolate, hard-working people in this part of the country expect a bit more from their government.”

Yesterday, with Reid on the brink of forcing a government shutdown, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) announced things arent so dire. The agency has $114 million on hand for the remainder of the week, enough to get through the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30.

So the agenda of the tax-and-spend crowd is now clear. President Obama created the problem by overusing FEMA on disasters a record 222 times so far this year where federal aid was not essential. Then liberals manufactured a crisis and exploited disaster relief victims in order to keep expanding the size of government. What’s worse is that the some members of the media played along with it.

Not once in yesterday’s Times story does it mention the role of private charities in and around Tunkhannock. Yet a few phone calls by Heritage revealed that these organizations are doing yeoman’s work for flood victims. They’re playing a vital role that Reid and the Big Government amen corner completely ignored in the funding dispute.

Take the Wyoming County United Way, for example. Its executive director, Connie Pheiff, said she’s been overwhelmed by the community’s generous support. Private citizens have donated food, clothing and furniture — so much that Pheiff is now looking for a warehouse in Scranton to store the items until flood victims are ready to accept the donations.

Private industry has also stepped forward to make an incredible difference in the community. Pheiff acknowledged the support of a handful of oil and gas companies, many conducting hydraulic fracturing for natural gas in the area. Those companies suspended work for days to help evacuees at all hours of the day.

So far the Wyoming County United Way has received 2,000 disaster-assistance applications. Pheiff expects that number to more than double in the coming weeks. The organization is offering vouchers and providing support for temporary housing. Pheiff said private donations to the group have made it possible.

While the local United Way is helping with housing, other groups have stepped forward to feed families. Ed Shaffer of the Seven Loaves Soup Kitchen in Tunkhannock is supplying goods to food shelters and collecting perishable items from community organizations. He said there’s been no shortage of donations.

The Weinberg Regional Food Bank, meanwhile, has fed 6,500 families, the equivalent of 15,000 people. Gene Brady, executive director of the Commission on Economic Opportunity, said the food bank is serving three counties hit hardest by the floods in Pennsylvania.

It has received 233,863 pounds of food and disbursed 176,759 pounds. Brady credited private companies such as Procter & Gamble, Nature’s Way and Wegmans for coming through with large donations of paper products and food. Local retailers have also pitched in to help.

Those are just a few examples we found in Pennsylvania. But these stories aren’t isolated. Communities across America come together after disasters to provide relief to those in need. They also do a better job of it than FEMA or any government agency.

Writing about grassroots disaster response, Heritage’s James Carafano and Jennifer Marshall noted, “The greatest advance that America could make in preparing for catastrophic disasters is to build better individual-based programs, a culture of preparedness, and resilient and self-reliant communities.”

That’s because these groups are more personally engaged with them than a government agency or bureaucrat could ever be. Heritage’s Ryan Messmore has observed:

Driven by deep convictions and compassion, such organizations can provide loving forms of assistance and care that government programs cannot offer. And they often do so for less money. Smaller and more flexible than most government bureaucracies, local congregations and charities can also spawn creative social innovations that benefit those in need.

In his speech to the Senate yesterday, Reid spoke glowingly of the miracles performed by FEMA while trashing those asking for offsets to pay for the additional spending.

“Republicans must not continue to block FEMA from getting the resources it needs to help disaster victims,” Reid said, an assertion even FEMA has now debunked.

Reid failed to acknowledge a single private charity helping with disaster relief. The New York Times published a 1,000-word article about the same Pennsylvania community we’ve told you about. Upon reading the Times story, you might think private charities don’t exist there.

Liberals in Washington and New York have spent too much time isolated in a bubble. They’ve become too reliant on government to solve all of America’s problems. It’s time to put faith back in our communities.

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
10/11/2011 2:29:14 PM
Posted at 01:37 PM ET, 10/10/2011

Republican Debate: Where and when you can find it

The Bloomberg/Washington Post Republican Presidential Debate is Tuesday, Oct 11 at 8 p.m. ET in Hanover, N.H. More importantly, anyone can watch it on

Here are more details:

Who is participating?

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann , businessman Herman Cain, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Texas Rep. Ron Paul, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum.

Where can I watch the debate?

The debate will stream live on, alongside live coverage from The Fix’s Chris Cillizza. It will also air on Bloomberg Television, Bloomberg Radio, and WBIN-TV in New Hampshire.

Who will moderate the debate?

Charlie Rose is the moderator, and Washington Post political correspondent Karen Tumulty and Bloomberg TV White House correspondent Julianna Goldman will also question the candidates.

What is the format?

The candidates will outline their economic and job creation proposals while seated side-by-side at a round table facing the hosts and surrounded by audience members.

The entire debate will be devoted to exploring the candidates’ stances on issues relating to the economy, including jobs, taxes and the deficit, and their plans to create economic growth.

What is the official hashtag?

Use #econdebate to join in the conversation on Twitter. Get started now by telling us what economic-themed questions you would ask the candidates.

If you have questions about the debate that aren’t covered here, ask us on Twitter using the hashtag or in the comments section.

You can also join the conversation about the debate on Quora and Instagram.

More on the Bloomberg/Washington Post Republican Presidential Debate:

Full coverage of the candidates on

Rick Perry Debate Prep 101: Sleep. Study. Repeat.

Cain is Republican flavor of month

Fact Checker Video: The truth behind the rhetoric on ‘Obamacare’

By Natalie Jennings | 01:37 PM ET, 10/10/2011

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
10/28/2011 5:16:17 PM
Seems to me these elements show up anytime there is uproar against our American way of life. We can no longer deny the connections to of Islam, Marxism and Communism and this is what the OWS and the Academia and Elitists that support these groups. Here they are all in one place and the MSM Including FOXNews are failing to put the pieces together and see that this is all part of the Grand Jihad against the Western World.

Look at how tolerant we have been of these folks and look at what they are doing to our Christian brothers in their homelands. We have been tolerant of those that find us intolerable for far too long. The warning signs are all over Europe.

Reflections on Muslim Prayer at OWS

By Linda Sarsour

What do we have to do with Occupy Wall Street? What’s so Islamic about Occupy Wall Street? Are we just going to show up or were we actually invited to be there? These were just some of the posts on the facebook event’s page for the Friday Prayer at Occupy Wall Street last week. I was shocked that there was so much doubt, uncertainty and lack of clarity as to what was the role of Muslim New Yorkers in Occupy Wall Street.

First off, Muslims have been part of and many have supported OWS since day one. Second of all, we were invited to have Friday prayer at OWS and graciously accepted that invitation. Friday prayer is the most sacred part of our lives to share with our fellow Americans. Muslims all over the world congregate in mosques to pray together, shoulder to shoulder, rich and poor, educated and non-educated to bring themselves closer to God. Third of all, it is our obligation as Muslims to stand up against injustice and to defend those who are defenseless.

photo by Naqeeb Memon

This was a public visible opportunity to show OWS, fellow Americans, Wall Street, and our government that Muslim Americans are also part of the 99%. We are concerned with the infringement on our civil liberties and the lack of opportunities available to our community. As someone who runs a non profit organization that serves low income and immigrant Arabs in NYC, I see firsthand the issues affecting our communities. High rates of unemployment, threats of eviction, difficulties accessing public benefits and healthcare, are compounded by the discrimination and hostility a minority of New Yorkers face, that also includes targeting and spying by the New York Police Department.

If you haven’t noticed, its damn hard being an Arab let alone an Arab and a Muslim in New York. We are not exactly the most loved and wanted but what we have experienced at OWS is quite the contrary. Protesters of all backgrounds, races, ethnicities, educational levels and ages have welcomed us with open arms. We have never been questioned about our presence but more about how else we can be involved. After the Friday prayer last week, many random folks came up to me and simply thanked me for being there. That’s it. I was thanked for being present. The presence of those who came to pray was recognized, acknowledged and appreciated. It was an inspirational and motivational experience for me and the many Muslims who came out. A highlight of the day was while doing our Mic Check, a Christian woman came up to the step I was standing on and spoke out to the crowd. She introduced herself as a Christian and apologized to Muslims for ever stereotyping them, or treating them differently. She voiced to the crowd that we are all brothers and sisters and that we should stay committed to treating each other this way. It brought tears to my eyes. When she finished, she turned and embraced me. It was genuine and reflected the true sentiment of OWS. Inclusivity.

Was I inspired by the Arab Spring to be there? Yes, but I would caution us from comparing OWS to the Arab Spring. We as Americans do not go to OWS with the risk of being shot by a sniper or run over by a military tank. While we may want the same things, the nature of our environment is completely different and it wouldn’t be fair to the martyrs of the Arab Spring if we said OWS is our version of the Arab Spring. It’s not the same. Can we be inspired by the brave men and women of the Arab world? Absolutely, they inspire me everyday.

We will be with Occupy Wall Street until the end.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
10/28/2011 5:50:53 PM

Some Muslims are getting smart. They’ve learned some lessons from the Communists, especially Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937). Gramsci broke from the revolutionary methods of the early Marxists. Today’s smarter Muslims don’t want to blow up stuff. Like the Gramsci Communists before them, they are working to take over our culture from the inside by using our laws against us. No shot needs to be fired. No building needs to be blown up. They are going after the foundational institutions: schools, media, politics, and the courts. This was Gramsci’s contribution to the cultural revolution. While Gramsci remained a committed Communist, he was a new-breed Communist.

To change the culture, Gramsci argued, “would require a ‘long march through the institutions’ — the arts, cinema, theater, schools, colleges, seminaries, newspapers, magazines, and the new electronic medium [of the time], radio.”[1] Catholic World News reports that Muslims attending Catholic University of America are using our nation’s anti-discrimination laws against the University:

Muslim students have lodged a complaint against the Catholic University of America, claiming that they are the victims of illegal discrimination because the school does not set aside space for Islamic prayer.

The complaint to the human-rights commission of the District of Columbia is backed by John Banzhaf, a law professor at neighboring George Washington University. Banzhaf has already filed a complaint against Catholic University, alleging sex discrimination, in response to the school’s decision to abolish coed dorms.

So why would Muslims attend a Catholic University? To take it over. You don’t believe me? Why did humanists attend Christian colleges like Harvard and Yale? To take them over. The early mottos of Harvard were “Truth for Christ and the Church” and “For the Glory of Christ.” When a student entered Harvard, he would have been introduced to the school’s foundational principles:

“Let every Student be plainly instructed, and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his life and studies is, to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John 17:3) and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and Learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer in secret to seek it of him (Prov. 2:3).”

Why would an unbeliever go to Harvard? Certainly to get a good education, but others went to transform the college. Today, Harvard is a bastion of secularism.

We first saw these new Muslim tactics when a group of students at Trinity University in Texas wanted the words “in the year of Our Lord” removed from their diplomas. “A diploma is a very personal item, and people want to proudly display it in their offices and homes,” Sidra Qureshi, a Muslim and president of Trinity Diversity Connection. “By having the phrase ‘In the Year of Our Lord,’ it is directly referencing Jesus Christ, and not everyone believes in Jesus Christ.”

The debate started in 2009 when Isaac Medina, a Muslim convert from Guadalajara, Mexico, noticed the wording when he saw pre-made diploma frames in the Trinity bookstore. Muslims have been attacking Christianity since the inception of their religion. They’ve spotted a weakness in our system, the attempt to be diverse at any cost, even if it costs us the one thing that made this nation great — its Christian foundation. Muslims understand this; many Christians don’t. The Muslim demand for diversity is a wedge to get in the door, open it wide enough for others to follow behind, then once in they will pool their collective energies and force Christians out.

  1. Patrick J. Buchanan, Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization (New York: St. Martin’s Press/Thomas Dunne Books, 2001), 77. []

Read more: Muslims Hope to Take Over Catholic University | Godfather Politics

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
10/28/2011 5:55:41 PM

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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