Hello Jim, Good yet scary information on this page from the video's, which I watched and listened to them all.
I have watched and listened to this presentation quoted and then I remember the rub.. You have to subscribe to receive the free information but he does not tell you until right at the end after sitting for nearly an hour! lol
Quote: Take the time to view this video, it is controversial. You will be tempted to scoff and say it cannot happen. But watch it, compare it to what is happening and what you believe and prepare. It is an eye opener.
WARNING: | THE FOLLOWING PRESENTATION IS CONTROVERSIAL AND MAY BE OFFENSIVE TO SOME AUDIENCES. | Viewer discretion is advised. You need to click here to see this video.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
I had to smile how the families in Baker Street are overcoming the next door neighbours proposed building their mosque with Pig racing on Friday nights. Way to go Baker Street!
Isn't it typical of Muslims and what we have heard (not from any main stream media) they expect their next door neighbour to sell his pigs because they are offensive to their religion and the rest of Baker Street residents to accept this! wow what cheek, yet America is suppose to just roll over and accept ALL religions without comment or fuss.
I agree that everyone has the right to their various religions, and this part is not in question from my point of view... my point and I reckon many others is.. when is it OK for an opposite religion (in this case Indigenous Muslim, which they are now as there are more muslims than christians) to come into a new country, town, city, or neighbourhood and demand we stand down from our way of life and beliefs to embrace theirs! IT IS NOT OK AT ALL. We cannot have two masters with differing ideals, beliefs, values, ethics, morals etc because they cannot blend, it is like trying to blend oil and water together one floats while the other sinks.