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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/26/2011 4:04:45 PM
Hello Jim,
Good yet scary information on this page from the video's, which I watched and listened to them all.

I have watched and listened to this presentation quoted and then I remember the rub.. You have to subscribe to receive the free information but he does not tell you until right at the end after sitting for nearly an hour! lol

Take the time to view this video, it is controversial. You will be tempted to scoff and say it cannot happen. But watch it, compare it to what is happening and what you believe and prepare. It is an eye opener.

Viewer discretion is advised. You need to click here to see this video.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

I had to smile how the families in Baker Street are overcoming the next door neighbours proposed building their mosque with Pig racing on Friday nights. Way to go Baker Street!

Isn't it typical of Muslims and what we have heard (not from any main stream media) they expect their next door neighbour to sell his pigs because they are offensive to their religion and the rest of Baker Street residents to accept this! wow what cheek, yet America is suppose to just roll over and accept ALL religions without comment or fuss.

I agree that everyone has the right to their various religions, and this part is not in question from my point of view... my point and I reckon many others is.. when is it OK for an opposite religion (in this case Indigenous Muslim, which they are now as there are more muslims than christians) to come into a new country, town, city, or neighbourhood and demand we stand down from our way of life and beliefs to embrace theirs! IT IS NOT OK AT ALL. We cannot have two masters with differing ideals, beliefs, values, ethics, morals etc because they cannot blend, it is like trying to blend oil and water together one floats while the other sinks.

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/31/2011 8:24:10 PM
Yes Amanda,
The rub is a downer but the information leading up to it is valuable on its own and most who do watch will walk away with new knowledge. Most I have spoken to has.

I agree with you on the second part of your post too. We will have to decide how far our tolerance level can be stretched. I say we have been too tolerant of those that see us as intolerable. Time to draw your line. The US Constitution or their Sharia Law/Religion/Political Movement?.

Hello Jim,
Good yet scary information on this page from the video's, which I watched and listened to them all.

I have watched and listened to this presentation quoted and then I remember the rub.. You have to subscribe to receive the free information but he does not tell you until right at the end after sitting for nearly an hour! lol

Take the time to view this video, it is controversial. You will be tempted to scoff and say it cannot happen. But watch it, compare it to what is happening and what you believe and prepare. It is an eye opener.

Viewer discretion is advised. You need to click here to see this video.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

I had to smile how the families in Baker Street are overcoming the next door neighbours proposed building their mosque with Pig racing on Friday nights. Way to go Baker Street!

Isn't it typical of Muslims and what we have heard (not from any main stream media) they expect their next door neighbour to sell his pigs because they are offensive to their religion and the rest of Baker Street residents to accept this! wow what cheek, yet America is suppose to just roll over and accept ALL religions without comment or fuss.

I agree that everyone has the right to their various religions, and this part is not in question from my point of view... my point and I reckon many others is.. when is it OK for an opposite religion (in this case Indigenous Muslim, which they are now as there are more muslims than christians) to come into a new country, town, city, or neighbourhood and demand we stand down from our way of life and beliefs to embrace theirs! IT IS NOT OK AT ALL. We cannot have two masters with differing ideals, beliefs, values, ethics, morals etc because they cannot blend, it is like trying to blend oil and water together one floats while the other sinks.


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
8/31/2011 9:49:56 PM
Hello Jim,

While we still have multitudes of people across many western countries not able to comprehend the real threat of our way of life of Free Will to practice our various religions and faith while getting along with people in the main...

These same people still see this 'dark force' of Satan walking boldly (they are not creeping anymore) into the very fabric of our culture and life..They think Islamic/Muslims as nice people who do not want to kill us.

We need to open our eyes, take off the blind folds and ear muffs and see for ourselves that we are starting into a Spritual War and multitudes of people will loose their 'spiritual lives' to Satan because if you are not with God then you are with Satan. Fighting has been going on from the beginning in the Heavenlies between the Angels of God and demons of Satan for human lives.

I am far more fearful of loosing my spiritual life than my physical life. My physical life is short compared to my spiritual life which is everlasting.. How long is eternity?? For ever - who wants to be separated from God and tormented for eternity.. Not me.

Yet people who say they are christians or say they love God and believe who He is (it is not for me to judge or say where each person stands in their faith) are sitting on the fence and not stating which side of the fence they are. With God then say so.... or automatically against Him which is on Satans side.

We need to be praying (prayer is fighting) that our western countries and ourselves turn away from from what is bad and evil and confess and start doing what is right by God's laws which is our conscientious - we were all born knowing right from wrong, but we choose to do wrong cause often it is easier to follow the crowd than stand firm and say NO.. We see these actions on an everyday occurance it makes us unpopular from the rest when we stand up for what is right.

I choose the US Constitution because it was written with a great deal of thought and inspired by God.



I agree with you on the second part of your post too. We will have to decide how far our tolerance level can be stretched. I say we have been too tolerant of those that see us as intolerable. Time to draw your line. The US Constitution or their Sharia Law/Religion/Political Movement?.
Flag of Jim Allen

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
9/8/2011 3:58:10 PM
Well Amanda, I think first folks need to know what the word "Infidel" means:


[in-fi-dl, -del] Show IPA
Religion .
a person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity.
(in Christian use) an unbeliever, especially a Muslim.
(in Muslim use) a person who does not accept the Islamic faith; kaffir.
a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever.
(loosely) a person who disbelieves or doubts a particular theory, belief, creed, etc.; skeptic.
Verse Bible
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not accepting a particular faith, especially Christianity or Islam; heathen.
without religious faith.
due to or manifesting unbelief: infidel ideas.
rejecting the Christian religion while accepting no other; not believing in the Bible or any Christian divine revelation.
Also, in·fi·del·ic [in-fi-del-ik] Show IPA. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of unbelievers or infidels.

1425–75; late Middle English < Late Latin infidēlis unbelieving, Latin: unfaithful, treacherous. See in-3 , feal

1–3. See atheist.

Now we know its origins and meaning in various usages.

Christians are taught to spread the word of GOD, allowing people the choice to believe or not. The only thing that happens if your choice is not to believe, Christians pray for your soul and go about their way.

It is my understanding that other religions do things differently. But there is only one that I know of that preaches, teaches and makes its laws so that violence to non believers and enslavement unless some tariff is paid, is okay and even promoted as the right thing to do.

Unfortunately it seems many of our leaders are choosing to either pay the tariff or bow down and convert to their form of governance. And this is what people need to be aware of and they need to KNOW WHERE THEY STAND and which religions are truly peaceful ones.

History shows that such violent religions have been warring with each other for ages since the early 400's they have been slaughtering civilizations in some form of fashion. They are never at peace even with each other. IMHO

Hello Jim,

While we still have multitudes of people across many western countries not able to comprehend the real threat of our way of life of Free Will to practice our various religions and faith while getting along with people in the main...

These same people still see this 'dark force' of Satan walking boldly (they are not creeping anymore) into the very fabric of our culture and life..They think Islamic/Muslims as nice people who do not want to kill us.

We need to open our eyes, take off the blind folds and ear muffs and see for ourselves that we are starting into a Spritual War and multitudes of people will loose their 'spiritual lives' to Satan because if you are not with God then you are with Satan. Fighting has been going on from the beginning in the Heavenlies between the Angels of God and demons of Satan for human lives.

I am far more fearful of loosing my spiritual life than my physical life. My physical life is short compared to my spiritual life which is everlasting.. How long is eternity?? For ever - who wants to be separated from God and tormented for eternity.. Not me.

Yet people who say they are christians or say they love God and believe who He is (it is not for me to judge or say where each person stands in their faith) are sitting on the fence and not stating which side of the fence they are. With God then say so.... or automatically against Him which is on Satans side.

We need to be praying (prayer is fighting) that our western countries and ourselves turn away from from what is bad and evil and confess and start doing what is right by God's laws which is our conscientious - we were all born knowing right from wrong, but we choose to do wrong cause often it is easier to follow the crowd than stand firm and say NO.. We see these actions on an everyday occurance it makes us unpopular from the rest when we stand up for what is right.

I choose the US Constitution because it was written with a great deal of thought and inspired by God.



I agree with you on the second part of your post too. We will have to decide how far our tolerance level can be stretched. I say we have been too tolerant of those that see us as intolerable. Time to draw your line. The US Constitution or their Sharia Law/Religion/Political Movement?.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Flag of Amanda Martin-Shaver

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RE: Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
9/8/2011 5:57:49 PM
Hello Jim,
Yes agreed.

(radical as the world calls them) Muslims will turn on other Muslims (moderate) like under '3'
of the list.


Well Amanda, I think first folks need to know what the word "Infidel" means:


[in-fi-dl, -del] Show IPA

Religion .
a person who does not accept a particular faith, especially Christianity.
(in Christian use) an unbeliever, especially a Muslim.
(in Muslim use) a person who does not accept the Islamic faith; kaffir.
a person who has no religious faith; unbeliever.
(loosely) a person who disbelieves or doubts a particular theory, belief, creed, etc.; skeptic.
Verse Bible
Search Verses, Daily Bible Quotes, & More with the Free Bible Toolbar
not accepting a particular faith, especially Christianity or Islam; heathen.
without religious faith.
due to or manifesting unbelief: infidel ideas.
rejecting the Christian religion while accepting no other; not believing in the Bible or any Christian divine revelation.
Also, in·fi·del·ic [in-fi-del-ik] Show IPA. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of unbelievers or infidels.

1425–75; late Middle English < Late Latin infidēlis unbelieving, Latin: unfaithful, treacherous. See in-3 , feal

1–3. See atheist.

Now we know its origins and meaning in various usages.

Christians are taught to spread the word of GOD, allowing people the choice to believe or not. The only thing that happens if your choice is not to believe, Christians pray for your soul and go about their way.

It is my understanding that other religions do things differently. But there is only one that I know of that preaches, teaches and makes its laws so that violence to non believers and enslavement unless some tariff is paid, is okay and even promoted as the right thing to do.

Unfortunately it seems many of our leaders are choosing to either pay the tariff or bow down and convert to their form of governance. And this is what people need to be aware of and they need to KNOW WHERE THEY STAND and which religions are truly peaceful ones.

History shows that such violent religions have been warring with each other for ages since the early 400's they have been slaughtering civilizations in some form of fashion. They are never at peace even with each other. IMHO


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