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Jim Allen

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Dhimmocracy in America: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: THE ROAD TO SERFDOM
12/14/2009 8:52:36 PM

I watched this series of videos and the folks are waking up! Many thanks to Marisol Sosa for posting this information


May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
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Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/14/2009 9:26:19 PM

I watched this series of videos and the folks are waking up! Many thanks to Marisol Sosa for posting this information

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the video.

Robert Spencer is one of the world's experts on Islam and is a fountain of knowledge.

What I find most interesting is that when you listen to or read what Muslims have to say their claim is that Islam is the only true religion and all others are written by man while Islam is directly from "Allah" through their prophet Mohammad. The truth is that Islam is written by a man and he was a sick pervert, pedophile, murderer, butcher and so much more.

The Koran does not teach love it teaches submission to the teachings of a deranged man who for them is the personification of perfection and to be copied and emulated.

Explains so much about their behavior doesn't it?


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/14/2009 9:32:10 PM
Hello Jim,

I rarely participate in discussions like this one.
I also want to point out that I'm a Christian, but after listening to this video I'm not feeling like a Christian person would like to sign this video or this book.

I have no problem with showing Muhammad for what he might be, but I have problem with saying that Christianity is in any danger from Islam.

Both religions had its ups and downs. By attempting to fight another person believes, one only strengthens those believes and creates reasons to use religions in fight against other humans.

America fights wars against other nations and those nations happen to be of Islam religions.
I believe this book is part of your government propaganda to strengthen American's support for those wars.

Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.

Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control.

It is not republicans or democrats who matter, it is who runs your country and you need to use your energy to get rid of them before we see boy scouts in brown shirts marching through streets of US and shouting slogans.

Bogdan Fiedur

Peter Fogel

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/14/2009 10:51:15 PM
Hello Jim,

I rarely participate in discussions like this one.
I also want to point out that I'm a Christian, but after listing to this video I'm not feeling like a Christian person would like to sign this video or this book.

I have no problem with showing Mohamed for what he might be, but I have problem with saying that Christianity is in any danger from Islam.

Both religions had its ups and downs. By attempting to fight another person believes, one only strengthens those believes and creates reasons to use religions in fight against other humans.

America fights wars against other nations and those nations happen to be of Islam religions.
I believe this book is part of your government propaganda to strengthen American support for those wars.

Your enemy is in your own country not in the middle east.

Your enemy is hiding in the buildings of Federal Reserve, Pentagon and White House and doesn't believe in any religion or god. If they believe in anything, than this is power and total control.

It is not republicans or democrats who matter, it is who runs your country and you need to use your energy to get rid of them before we see boy scouts in brown shirts marching through streets of US and shouting slogans.

Bogdan Fiedur

Hi Bogdan,

I have to agree with parts of your post. Many of us are aware of the extreme problems within the US that are in dire need of cleaning up and that includes the FED and so much more.

A short while ago I wrote in my thread about the boy scouts being used as part of the private civilian army that BHO wants create. This is a dangerous state of affairs and is a reminder of what happened in Nazi Germany. There are many grass roots organizations fully operational in the US now that are combating the laws on the table that will if passed sorely diminish the freedoms that are the rights of all Americans.

That said it doesn't diminish in any way the inherent dangers of Islam's plan for world domination. All you have to do is look closely at what is happening in Europe and even now in the US and Canada to see that their plan is working to our sorrow.

The danger isn't against Christianity alone but all other religions, cultures and the western way of life in general that is an abomination to them according to their Koran.

Robert Spencer is not an agent of the government in order to justify the 2 wars and he's been writing books on the subject of Islam for many years and is considered to be one of the experts in his field.

A site you might want to visit is run by an ex Muslims who are on a mission to warn the world about the dangers of Islam. You can see it here.



Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
Bogdan Fiedur

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RE: Is thisThe Truth About Muhammad: QURAN is a FRAUD !
12/14/2009 11:54:10 PM

Hi Bogdan,

I have to agree with parts of your post. Many of us are aware of the extreme problems within the US that are in dire need of cleaning up and that includes the FED and so much more.

A short while ago I wrote in my thread about the boy scouts being used as part of the private civilian army that BHO wants create. This is a dangerous state of affairs and is a reminder of what happened in Nazi Germany. There are many grass roots organizations fully operational in the US now that are combating the laws on the table that will if passed sorely diminish the freedoms that are the rights of all Americans.

That said it doesn't diminish in any way the inherent dangers of Islam's plan for world domination. All you have to do is look closely at what is happening in Europe and even now in the US and Canada to see that their plan is working to our sorrow.

The danger isn't against Christianity alone but all other religions, cultures and the western way of life in general that is an abomination to them according to their Koran.

Robert Spencer is not an agent of the government in order to justify the 2 wars and he's been writing books on the subject of Islam for many years and is considered to be one of the experts in his field.

A site you might want to visit is run by an ex Muslims who are on a mission to warn the world about the dangers of Islam. You can see it here.



Hi Peter,

You might be aware of it or not, but over the period of 800 years Poland used to be the first country from the east of Europe where all wars between Christianity and Islam were fought. Poland used to be strong country during this period. Even during those times for the most part Poland itself was able to stop any Islam attacks and defend Europe from Islamisation.

I'm also frequently visiting Europe these days and have lots of family there. There is no threat of Islam there, although there are hot spots here and there, but this happens everywhere were different ethnic groups start living together.

The anti-Islam hysteria is prevalent in USA and is produced by government elements there.

Let's pretend for a second that Islam actually has plans like you said.

They would be against Western mostly Judo-Christian population which controls all the resources of the world, owns majority of weaponry of the world, owns entire technology of the world and prints the currencies (out of thin air) which are recognized throughout the world. This is way more than little Poland had for 800 years previously.

This sounds very similar to explanation of Obama when sending additional troops to Afghanistan and syaing that to keep peace we have to engage in wars. When Obama moves his 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, there will be relation of 12-1 to Taliban.

I understand some of the justifications, but when I hear 12-1 as a means to suppers the enemy, I need to ask myself about rationality of his thinking.

Also I'm not familiar with Robert Spencer, but this is not the point. I believe that he was writing books about Islam previously and he doesn't need to be a government agent.

You might know I lived for half of my life in communist country.
You don't need to be government agent, you just need to say what government wants you to say. You get the visibility and recognition, you get all the prizes and attention when you sing the song which is helping the government in their agenda.

Once pseudo-science was supported to prove that there are better human races than others.
People who conducted such research were not government agents, they were scientist the same as today's scientists creating global warming agenda with support of UN. You might want to check climategate if you are not aware of it.

Be aware of real threats and those government doesn't want you to know.
You have to dig deep to find them out.


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