Oh boy...it seems SpaceCase has gone off the deep end this time. If you think this, rest assured, I too am feeling uneasy about what may transpire in the coming days.
There was a recent post about a "Prophet Yahweh" and his ability to beckon UFO's at will. The post contained a link to a ABC News video from the local station in Las Vegas that had this man actually bring forth a UFO for the newscrew to catch on film. He then stated that on June 1st, one would fly low enough for all of Las Vegas to see. (http://www.myusm.com/usm419538.html) or (http://www.unsolvedmysteries.com/usm419538.html)
One of the comments, made by our sweet spirit, Posey, talked about waiting for NESARA to start. I had no idea what NESARA was and decided to do a little research.
What I have found, read and tried to absorb since is alarming, and right out of a Sci-Fi movie. In failed attempts to take a break from this absorbtion of truly unbelievable stories/communications, I went to Whitley Streiber's website. There I found him giving a rare interview with a french website, and was startled to learn that he too communicates with these alien beings...although he didn't go into detail, saying that most humans are too in denial about such things...uh..yeh, cuz it's kinda scary, LOL!
Anyhow...for the past three days/nights/what-have-ya, I have been reading supposed accounts from people channeling beings from other galaxies that have been protecting our planet and planning to change 'gaurds' so to speak. The odd thing is that all of these beings refer to Anunnaki as a dark force who has been in control of the powerful of this world, using tools such as the Illuminati to contain the weath into a very small populous. A populous bent on the "New World Order"...a populous that has complete and total control of our government (US) as well as governments around the world.
Forgive me if I am scrambling about here, as I have had little time to digest and absorb all the details. What I understand is that these beings want to help Earth...is this the great guise, or is this sincere, I do not know. I do know that what I've read from these channeled communications, I totally agree with concerning the government and it's operations. We may come to know more tomorrow, or we may find that the man in Las Vegas just had a lucky day last week...
From one, Candice Frieze, who supposedly channels Hatonn and Sananda, the time is nearing for great and powerful changes here on Earth. Tonight, I discovered another, Sheldan Nilde. He channels a Lord Surea. This is where my confusion sets in. The being Hatonn proclaims he is the Christ "Michael" and Sananda is Jesus...Whereas Lord Surea seems to believe He is Lord...To me, at this moment, and until more is made clear to me, I can't help the feelings of suspicion I get thinking these too, Frieze and Nilde are just Star Wars junkies, that have fallen into extreme fantasy...extremely fluet authors of make-believe.
But even so, this has caused me to be more aware. I can't help but wish it were so, that these beings have Earth and it's people's best interests at heart, and are snuffing out the Dark Side in an invisible battle.
I write this here to find out if others are privy to this knowledge and these unfolding events.
Sananda and Hatonn claim that they are working with CNN, and have been infiltrating our government, as well as cleaning out underground bunkers across the world of Weapons of Mass Distruction, yielding them useless to man....
As you see, my curiousities have been peaked. I will probably write more, unless we have new means of communicating before then ;)
Tell me your thoughts on this...
The websites I have found these channeled communications are as follows:
http://www.paoweb.com/updates.htm --Sheldon Nilde
http://www.fourwinds10.com/ --Candace Frieze
one I have yet to mention: Mike Quinsey and his St. Germaine
Are these the false prophets or what???
A confused :)(:spacecase:)(:
Tomorrow, keep your eyes on the skies...then report to USM what you see...if indeed you see anything. |