Hello Roger, You are right, I indeed love it. But I don't know which one I love the most, whether The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo that you posted first or this Dante at Verona. I regard The Enchanted Garden of Messer Ansaldo as perhaps better from an artistic point of view, but since I have a special liking for anything that smells of mystery - and indeed, there seems to be some mystery involved in the Dante at Verona, which I will tell you about only if you ask - I am not very sure whether or not I prefer it. Of course, I am assuming that the Dante in the picture is Dante Alighieri and not Dante Gabriel Rossetti, since the former is known to have stayed at Verona during his long exile (which included his staying at other famous Italian cities) which ended in his death away of his beloved Florence; on the other hand, Dante Alighieri seems to have been a cherissed subject, together with his love of Beatrice, for at least another Pre Raphaelite, as the beautiful painting below attests. . 
Dante and Beatrice by the Pre Raphaelist painter Henry Holiday, which imagines the first meeting of Dante and his beloved Beatrice . Best Wishes, Luis Miguel Goitizolo