I cannot tell you how fortunate I am and how sometimes I take these things for granted.
To be within reach of some of the greatest art collections in the world. To be a part of a continent that along with Northern Africa saw the growth of the classical arts as we know them is to be spoilt beyond words.
You live in a part of the world which carried an ancient and wonderful art heritage' of which you are rightly proud, and which influenced many artists through its links with Spain and Portugal. I
Unfortunately the Spanish and to some degree the Portugese destroyed as much as they brought, but, what they learned can never be assessed accurately.
I yearn to visit SouthAmerica, and in particular, Peru and Equador. The vibrant contribution in musical diversity brought new levels to European classical music and saved that art from stagnation.
Can you believe that in my 60 plus years I have visited France only once and still never got to see Paris galleries, however I saw great art in HonFleur. In real terms Paris is only 300 miles by road and sea yet that 20 mile barrier makes it just that bit expensive to undertake. London is less than 20 miles.
On my doorstep I have one of the best collections of Turner at Petworth House......the list goes on and on. If I can ever find a way in which we can mutually share by visiting each other consider it achieved.
This computer business is painful but like early radio will be a passing phase. Already with things like Google earth and SatNavs I can explore corners of Russia and China, of NorthAfrica and Australasia.
To stand in front of some of the huge works of art or architecture is something awesome and only a generation ago almost unheard of for the average man.
We owe it to the future to see what is good now and preserve it like the Pre-Raphelites did. I have worked in gardens where the brick walls are built of hand made bricks and the garden doors made by carpenters without a single nail using dowels and joints. These were made at a time when industrialisatio was expanding what was then the British Empire. I am so proud of our acheivements as a nation and so sorry for the price that so many paid to make us rich.
Your continent has a great future but also huge challenges in terms of global warming. It is so important that your people retain an identity in a homogenising world.
Please don't feel that you MUST respond, I know of your challenges. You will overcome because you know the priorities.
Your friend Roger