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8/30/2009 10:18:11 PM

Hi friends!


First I want you to all to calm down. Who says that Thomas, Terry, Cheryl, Mary Evelyn, Valerie, me, or anybody else on this earth is able to say what is right and what is wrong in religion? What is religion? Everyone tries to be a theosophical and theological expert. You all know nothing!


I respect everyone for what he is and what he believes Seems that nobody in this discussion is able to give any replies to convince. Why? Not because you all are amateurs, oh no. You are all victims of same idea and same conspiracy that has the upper hand because of fearing to stay on your own feet and tell the real truth, and as long you fear truth blame yourselves, not others.


Thomas! I did not read the first post of Terry's. I would say. Shame on you Thomas, for letting the discussion go on after deleting a post, letting Terry blame you for that and terrify, blame and make friends feel angry and maybe defenseless. Hmmm! You know very well there are people who will come in and either attack you or blame for a religious thread.


Terry, we all know that Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) read much, but man that doesn't mean that you and JW followers KNOW more than all those who read less or belong to other branches of abrahamic religions. Your people use to dictate statements from the bible and they say everything in the bible is written on Jehovah’s demand, which means everything is put there for a reason and that cannot change.


Terry, isn't it very egoistic and against Gods Will to show superiority to others like you did to Valerie and told her "if you knew 1/10 of what I know ...." What do you know about her? Suit her cloths first, then come and share you "knowledge" after. Have you ever been in her situation? How dare you man and who are you to tell rest of us about her soul and spirit her religion. Being baptized Catholic doesn't mean that the person is a bad Christian or a bad human being. She may be more pure in soul and mind than you are or may think. I was baptized Christian Orthodox when I was 40 days old. Am I an Orthodox? Only I and my God know. Nobody else knows what I am neither does he know about my purpose on this world.


This kind of statements makes one ridiculous and dumb and that what you are trying to be here today. You are offending people. Do you really care about religion, soul, spiritualism and divinity? Well let us see if you can deal with me. I am asking you. Do you know 1/10 of what I know about your religion or about life and other religions?


I am telling that you your God and his scriptures are a bad and a barbarian copy of what other people describe and understand better in their religions.  I believe that you have not a clue of what is written in GENESIS 1-3. It begins as bad as this:
First God made heaven and earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

Your God forgot the HOLY PLAN and the CHEMICALS and seems that he created earth without matter. Why, because when creating a religion with stolen stuff from other religions, there will always be miss-translations and misunderstandings. Today even a child in high school understands that you cannot create heaven and earth without a space where you put the unsorted stuff and matter before you can give forms to create atoms, to combine so you can create the forms. This is the childish thinking of the Creation and this is also specific way of thinking of the Jehovah's Witnesses.


You may ask how I know. I can tell you this. Some of my closest relatives are turned to JW and a couple freemasons of highest rank. One of them is dangerous because he steers a country’s future. Every day they bombard me with "their information". They are "opportunists” in my opinion and that just for a handful of American worthless dollars owned and controlled by the "holy conspiracy". Religion is not to be bought. Religion is to understand you yourself in a puzzle of the creation. Your way of thinking is geocentric seen from mans eyes, mine religion is universal.  


I can tell you one thing more. I blame Christianity for many things but what your religion does is just hypocrisy and a hybris not to Christianity, Judaism and Islam but to our Creator.


Now give me a reason to think your way, but first tell me about the creator of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I have very bad information about him.

For every one good thing he did I will give you two bad.


I will be back to both of you and of course I will give my reply to the others here too, because religion is not a business opportunity to just throw out.


If you don’t know don’t get involved. Good for you to know I EXPRESS MY OWN OPINION and fight for the right to have an opinion. It may be against yours! If I feel uncomfortable with replies to my friends I will defend them as I feel best.



ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
8/30/2009 10:22:42 PM


Dear Valerie you are too kind. No way does Terry mean well. If he did he would have left this forum as Thomas has repeatedly asked him to.

All anyone has to do is a little research on this cult. And according to all the information I found that is just what they are-a cult. Here are some excerpts from one of the articles. I knew some of this but not all of it. It is actually much worse than I thought.

JW leadership claims its victims by asserting itself to be the sole Christian religion and authority on the earth today, as well as God's mouthpiece or prophet. The Watchtower further disrupts families through its harsh and unbiblical interpretation of "disfellowshipping" and the practice of "shunning." Family members who are former JWs are labeled by Watchtower adherents as "apostates" and prevented from even social contact. Disfellowshipped or disassociated children, parents, and grandparents are kept from any type of communication with active members of the organization. Divorces are common within the sect when one member becomes disillusioned with Watchtower teaching and mind-control.

Not only has the name of this cult been changed time and again, but they also change their doctrines regularly -- between 1917 and 1928, they changed their doctrines 148 times! (Prior to 1931, Jehovah's Witnesses had also gone by the names of Millennial Dawn, People's Pulpit Association, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, and the International Bible Students Association.) Russell died in 1916 and was replaced by the second president, Joseph F. Rutherford. "A process of replacing Russell's writings with Rutherford's began in 1921 with the publication of Rutherford's Harp of God. Between 1921 and 1941, Rutherford was to write twenty books and numerous pamphlets, which would slowly revise the doctrine and structure left him by Russell" (Encyclopedia of American Religions, G. Melton, Vol. 1, p. 485). One of Rutherford's books that caused a great amount of controversy was the seventh volume of the Studies in the Scriptures

Historically, the JWs are best known for their practices of refusing: (1) to serve in the military; (2) to salute the flag; (3) to celebrate Christmas, birthdays, or other holidays; and (4) to give or to accept blood transfusions. [Rejecting the medical practices of vaccinations, organ transplants, and blood transfusions, the Watchtower has caused the deaths of many of its members throughout its history. Interestingly, vaccinations and organ transplants have now been acknowledged by the Watchtower as acceptable practices, contradicting their previous doctrinal position.] (Although some of these practices are neither Biblical nor unbiblical in and of themselves, depending upon one's motives and the exact nature of the practice, the reasons the JWs give for them often are unbiblical.) 

8/30/2009 11:15:29 PM
(Proverbs 30:6): The Watchtower claims that the translators of their New World Translation remained anonymous, but when research uncovered who the translators were, it was discovered that most of the translators were on the Watchtower Governing Body and all of them lacked the necessary education needed to produce an accurate translation. Greek Scholars have consistently found it to be a biased translation by distorting verses to fit Watchtower doctrine and adding to God’s Word by inserting “Jehovah” in the Christian Greek Scriptures against all Christian Greek manuscripts. Would Jehovah be behind an organization that “adds” and “takes away” from His Word? 
(Titus 1:2): The Watchtower denied that they published Russell’s Biography because they did not want people to know that early Jehovah’s Witnesses “worshipped” Russell. They covered up with excuses their history of quoting books connected with the “spirit world” of Satan, and they lied about the true teachings of the early Church Fathers in order to support their belief that the Trinity doctrine was derived from paganism. Would Jehovah who is the God of “truth” be behind a dishonest organization?
(John 18:36): While claiming that the United Nations represents the “Wild Beast” of Revelation 17, the Watchtower associated with the United Nations for 10-years. They also claim that they were “neutral” during World War II, but in a letter to Hitler in 1933, they admitted to him that they supported the “principles” of his regime. Is this true neutrality or compromise?
(Deuteronomy 18:20-22): While proclaiming to be “God’s Prophet” and speaking “in the name of Jehovah,” the Watchtower announced several false dates for the end of the world and even proclaimed that Christ’s presence had began in 1874. This false proclamation of Christ’s presence is the precise warning that Jesus gave to His followers when He said that “false prophets” would proclaim this in the last days! (See Matthew 24:11, 23-24) Why would Jehovah appoint a group to represent Him that was doing the very thing Jesus warned “false prophets” would do in the last days?
Jeremiah 22:17): The Watchtower has misinterpreted God’s Law on Blood and this misinterpretation of God’s Word has lead to the innocent deaths of countless children. Jehovah’s Witnesses have perished, not only by the Watchtower Society’s current rejection of all blood transfusions, but by its earlier rejection of hemophiliac preparations, vaccinations and organ transplants — all of which it now accepts as no longer violating God’s Blood Law! Did the people who died under the Watchtower’s misapplication of God’s Blood Law, die in vain?

In His parable at Matthew 24:45-51, far from speaking of a religious organization, Jesus was speaking of individual Christians who would prove faithful or unfaithful to Him by the way they live their lives.  This parable was no different than any other parable Jesus gave concerning faithful and unfaithful slaves. The point of Jesus’ parable at Matthew 24:45-51 is that every Christian is to strive to be a “faithful” to the Lord so that when he comes for His people, He will find these Christians “faithful” and reward them with more authority and responsibility.  Just as any individual can become part of the evil “slave” group by being unfaithful to God, so anyone can become part of the faithful “slave” group by being faithful in the tasks given by the Holy Spirit.

Indeed, we place our souls in great peril if we entrust our eternal destiny to the hands of human leaders for spiritual security.  The Bible says, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength.” (Jeremiah 17:5).  The only One we are to look to for eternal life and spiritual Truth is Jesus Christ. He declares, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.” (John 14:6)


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8/30/2009 11:26:51 PM

Hi Terry!


It is true that I have not read your posts which were deleted by Thomas. What I have not seen I cannot reply to. I think Thomas got my messages for that. But Sir, I care for what is left and what is said there. For me it is not matter of being friends or not but what is written. Let us say that I am IN because of the statements that are left in these forum topics of which some are of unknown but real truth and others are unreal and irritate me. It seems that you know very well about the Constantine Conspiracy.


There were two Nicene Councils in 325 AD. What happened to the first council? Why doesn’t somebody talk about the real first Nicene Council and the conclusions, results of it. Is there any documentation for that? YES. Those who were against the happenings of the 1st Council sent out letters and some of those letters still exist.       


Christianity had no place to be a central religion in Rome or Athens or Alexandria, the known cultural centers, where most of the intellectuals, the philosophers lived and worked. NEW ROME, later named Constantinople had to be founded and new religion had to be introduced. The CHRISTENDOM, the NEW TENSTAMENT and its contributors known as the evangelists were created then.  


I know you JW people read much. Could you please give me a historian mentioning JESUS before 300 AC, Moses before 300 BC?


Why don't you go back 3 centuries and tell us about JESUS and not Joshua is also a man made conspiracy. Well there are two more conspiracies: a) TuthMOSES, and b) the wise king Solomon and heroic king David are fantasy creations. I know that you will not tell me about Jesus. Your founders (JW) wouldn't dare to write about Jesus as a conspirator because your religion would never be allowed. As for Moses, king David and king Solomon, you will never write because by doing that you condemn your own religion.


I don't think you can or will find any historian from mentioned ages and periods. 

The OT was written 300-250 BC. Before that the Greeks, Egyptians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Chaldeans know nothing about the "Holy Scripts" and the Bible variation of the stories.

ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
8/30/2009 11:42:01 PM

Well Valerie we can certainly find all kinds of things when we do our research. This situation apparently occured right here in my backdoor.

Excommunicated Jehovah's Witnesses speak out on church's handling of child abuse
Boston Globe/September 26, 2002
By Bobby Ross Jr.
Tullahoma, Tenn. -- Joe and Barbara Anderson have been abandoned by their peers. Their son won't talk to them, and won't let them see their 3-year-old grandson.
For more than 40 years, Joe and Barbara Anderson were faithful Jehovah's Witnesses, preaching door to door and winning more than 80 converts to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
But now the Andersons are outcasts, excommunicated from the religion they served.
The couple's transgression: Sowing discord in the faith by alleging that the denomination has protected pedophiles and concealed hundreds of child molestation cases.
''Our son and daughter-in-law think what we've done is so horrible,'' Barbara Anderson, 62, said at her sycamore-shaded rural cottage about 65 miles southeast of Nashville.
Like the Roman Catholic Church, Jehovah's Witnesses are dealing with their own sex scandal that involves both rank-and-file and leaders of the faith.
The Jehovah's Witnesses shun the outside world in many respects and refuse to participate in secular government. Critics fear that child-sex allegations are generally not reported to police because of the church's insistence on handling problems internally.
Four Witnesses, including Barbara Anderson, were excommunicated after NBC's ''Dateline'' aired their concerns in May. Joe Anderson, 67, was disfellowshipped, as the church calls it, in July over a letter to headquarters questioning his wife's treatment.
Barbara Anderson worked as a researcher at Watchtower headquarters in the early 1990s and a church official asked her to look into the handling of sexual abuse cases. She said she found hundreds of allegations on record, but kept secret, in church files.
She said church elders used Scripture to argue ''you're not to make an accusation against an older man unless there are two or three witnesses,'' she said. ''No molester is going to have any witnesses, that's for sure.''
Watchtower spokesman J.R. Brown defended Jehovah's Witnesses' policies.
''Clearly, with us having 95,000 congregations around the world and three to five to six elders in each, mistakes may have been made,'' he said. ''But that does not mean that we don't have a strong and aggressive policy that shows we abhor child molestation.''
Brown said that anyone found guilty of molestation by a church judicial committee is removed from all positions of responsibility and cannot evangelize door-to-door without being accompanied by a fellow Jehovah's Witness.
Undeterred, Barbara Anderson co-founded Silentlambs, a support group for church victims. She expects to lead a rally outside Watchtower headquarters in New York City on Friday. Protesters plan to carry stuffed lambs to symbolize the children who have been hurt.
Silentlambs, headed by former Kentucky church elder Bill Bowen, claims the denomination keeps molestations secret, won't let victims warn other members about abusers, and shuns those who speak out.
The church puts its membership at 6 million worldwide, including 1 million U.S. residents. Silentlambs has received calls and e-mails from 5,000 Witnesses reporting mishandled molestation cases, Bowen said.
In the closed society, anyone who is a Witness must cut off contact with disfellowshipped members, even relatives.
''They will not speak to you,'' Joe Anderson said. ''I mean, if you are lying on the road, they will drive right past you.''
Their son, Lance Anderson, 41, a church elder in Mishawaka, Ind., said the intention isn't to punish his parents but to lead them to repentance.
''I have never seen a situation come up in which we have not handled it legally and biblically the best way possible,'' he said.
The son said pedophilia is a global problem but that only God not man or government can stop it.
''I love my parents dearly, but the message they have chosen to accomplish this is harming good people,'' he said. ''They are putting themselves, really, in harm's way.''
For the first time, Joe and Barbara Anderson say they're reading religious books and trying to draw their own conclusions.
''It's not that we don't believe the Bible or don't believe religion or don't believe God,'' Barbara Anderson said. ''But we're having the freedom to look around and to think about it.''


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