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Flag of Thomas Richmond

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8/30/2009 2:21:39 AM

Posting in my forum  Members please give me time to delete the post's of these two jokers Terry and Evelyn from Australia before post anything,

Thank you. - God_bless you - Thomas .  P.s. i suggest you jokers read fully of whats on the first page. 

One more thing, you will be deleted if i see one word from both of you!

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
8/30/2009 12:29:10 PM



As Christians we have to love one another, As the ending of the world coming closer, we only have time to Praise God and Pray for eachother and our loved ones and continually plead for mercy ,to renew and refresh our minds and guide us and guard us thru all calamities of this world and so that we attain Salvation, and have fruit of the spirit and wisdom and understanding and to uphold us until His Second coming!


   Every religion in this world




cannot be right about God. All of them can’t be true. The very

definition of “truth” cries out that only one thing can be true.

Only one way can be God’s way. This is a great dilemma for


If the Catholics are right in what they teach, then all the

Protestant churches are wrong. If a particular Protestant group is

right, then the Catholics are wrong, and so is every other

Protestant group. If Judaism is true, then all Christianity is false.

If Islam is true, then Judaism and Christianity are false.

Only   one way  can be genuine!

Do you see the  dilemma?


If the Pharisees were right,in the time of christ,then theSadducees were wrong, and vise-versa.

But Jesus Christ made it very clear both were wrong



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8/30/2009 9:47:41 PM

Thank You Nimi, but we all know that  Adlanpro member Terry is sick so please forgive him if he interupts your day with his version of what Truth means to the Christian. Stay away from him. Thank you

AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Flag of Valerie Clavin

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8/30/2009 9:55:09 PM



I know from previous dealings with you also that you are a Catholic.  If you only knew 1/10th of what I know about your religion and the hundreds of heinous crimes it has committed "in the name of Jesus Christ" you would flee from it so fast!  And yes, you've blamed that before on the people that make up your religion, somehow trying to justify that as an excuse.  But it's these very people that ARE your religion, its leaders.  The brick and mortar of your buildings is not your religion, it's the people!

I know you are a religious person and also have good intentions, but you also must humble yourself if you are to ever come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

Matthew 7: 21-23, "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’  And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness."

This is what Jesus will say to all those in Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion, of which christendom makes up one-third.  That's over 3 billion people, and Catholicism encompasses over one billion of those!



  I know the stories - good grief just do a web search. LOL You still can't change my mind as I know what I know is true and "RIGHT" . Understand, I'd never join a religion that "blasts' others. Not what Jesus would do - PERIOD!

 People do bad things, and yes, church is made of the people but Jesus said he's protect His church till Time's end. I'm sticking around!!

Blessings to you and your Family

Valerie Clavin

Hugs = Priceless

Flag of Valerie Clavin

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8/30/2009 10:13:35 PM



NO, Catholicism certainly isn't Jesus' church.  It didn't even exist when Jesus was on earth.  It was started by the cruel and inhumane Constantine, whom himself was a pagan-god worshipper and murdered his on wife and son, much like the Catholic church has murdered many of its own plust thousands more who opposed it!  It also murdered thousands of Jews, whole communities of them, long before Hitler came along.  It burned whole families at the stake just for owning a Bible when the Bible first started being translated to other languages than Latin, simply because the Catholics didn't want people to know the truth!  If caught with a Bible, it would accuse them of heresy and of being witches and torture them and murder them in the torture chambers below their cathedrals, which still exist in the old cathedrals of Europe, by the way. 

And yes, Jesus certainly did blast the false teachers of his day.  That's exactly what he did!  He called them vipers and said their father was Satan!



Get it!!!

LIke the others, I shall no longer "see" anything you post. I feel sorry for you, even though you truely mean well. Grandpa bought all those pamphlets from little ladies standing on the cold street corners. He knew they could not go home till they had all them booklets gone. Grandpa, therefore took pity on them, bought the books, and sent them home.


Valerie Clavin

Hugs = Priceless

PS. I'll not argue with you anymore. PERIOD. lol


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