Rabbi Jesus taught his disciples to go into the world and make other disciples. This involved older or more mature disciples teaching and training young converts to become more like rabbi Jesus. Being "discipled" simply means getting imput, advice and teaching from people we know and respect so that each one of us can become more like rabbi Jesus. Being "discipled" does not mean that someone else makes our disicions for us nor does it mean blindly doing whatever we are told. Discipling is based on a real relationship of trust, friendship and closeness, and breaks down if the people involeved do not become great friends who respect and appreciate each others faith, love and individuality.
In our churches we work hard to make sure that all disciples have at least one person who helps them to have a Christ-like perspective, to make needed changes, and to get encouragement needed to live the Christian life. Our Intenational church of Christ is not perfect, far from it only God is perfect! We are simply sinners who have been saved by the grace of God and who are striving to please God in all we do, i have meantioned this before in some other posts.
Unlike some groups i am not going to meantion that espouse the doctrine of "sinless perfection," we claim niether the church nor any individual in the church to be "perfect." However, that does not mean thhat apathy is acceptable! rabbi Jesus made it perfectly clear in Revelations 3:15-16 when he rebuked lethargy and commended earnestness. In 1 John 1:7-10 we see that God expects us to walk in the light.
Yet we still sin, and in his grace he has made provisions for that through the sacrifice of rabbi Jesus on the cross. Moreover , we do not believe that our leaders are perfect. Even the great apostle Paul admitted as much in the Philippians 3:12-13. Although we hold very high standards for our leaders, they still make mistakes. Grace is a daily reality for the disciple of rabbi Jesus.
Each true follower of rabbi Jesus is willing to admit his or her sin, repent and rejoice in the love of God. Disciples grow as they change to be more like rabbi Jesus. We also teach that salvation is by the grace of God and was purchased by Christ's death on the cross (Ephesians 2:8-10, 1 Corinthians 1:21-24).
There is no deed or deeds we can do that are sufficiant to earn us God's forgivemess or pay for the dept of our sin. Sin can be forgiven only through the blood of Christ ( Romans 3:23-26).
We do preach the biblical doctrine of repentance from sin and that true biblical faith results in obedience ( Romans 1:5).
The Bible teaches that without a change and committed life, our faith is dead and does not lead to salvation (James 2:14-26).
My favorite scripture as it pertains to the disciples of Christ 1 Peter 2:9-10.
God_bless you members any questions?
Thank you - Bizzy Thomas