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Re: How rich is rich, really?
12/20/2005 12:23:11 AM
Hi: Wow.... so many things I want to reply to. Cheri... I was SO glad when I read about your grandsons buying gifts for kids from the Angel's tree. That was a tradition when my daughter was growing up. On the prairies, it was called "Secret Santa" and she was more excited about that than about gifts she was going to get. For years, I was a volunteer with Guides Canada, and I'd do the same thing with my troops. Each child would pick an entire family from the tree, and then we'd fundraise to make the funds to buy gifts for that family. We brought in Moms to carpool to take the whole troop shopping, too, so the kids were involved. A lot of great memories there. Gary... your comments on "rudeness, lack of respect, impatience and the "ME, ME, ME" syndrome." sure hit home. That's MY biggest pet peeve. Too many people are TOO self centered, and rude, and lack manners. And commercialization of Christmas??? Don't even get me started!! Cripes. I read an article on CNN a while ago. Some survey company interviewed tons of parents and asked them if their children "think money grows on trees".... The vast majority said YES. They told about the things on their kids wish lists.... things ranging in price from $100 to $700 and up. Well, excuse me, but WHO raised the little darlings to be that way? Could that be the same mommies and daddies that spend more than they make thanks to credit cards? How many of those parents take their children to pick a name off the Angel tree, or another program of that sort? If we picked 100 kids at random, how many of them would even KNOW that there are homeless children right in their own city. I think that kids, when they are small, have the biggest hearts. They learn greed and rudeness the same way they learn everything else they learn. By example. The little verse about "Children Learn What They Live" is as true today as the day it was written. Okay... rant over. For now. lol : ) Linda P.S. And for Gary and Cheri - the next time you see a white feather float by, grab it. It's yours. The world needs more people like both of you.

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