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Cheryl Maples, LMT
11/28/2009 5:41:05 PM
Hi Cheryl - I am trying to sell my small coop apartment in Manhattan off Central Park West - if you know of anyone looking for an apartment in New York let me know.
Cheryl Maples, LMT
11/30/2009 1:46:26 AM
Thank you all from my heart for the welcome,live long and prosper.
Richard ViersCeo Poor Richard's Enterprises6394 Sterling CourtStanley NC
Cheryl Maples, LMT
12/1/2009 8:33:47 PM
Hi Cheryl-Just finished reading "Mentoring For Free". I'm more into affiliate marketing now but I tried MLM three times. If I had had "Mentoring For Free I know I would have succeeded. Everyone that is serious about MLM needs to read it.
Cheryl Maples, LMT
12/3/2009 1:48:21 AM
Cheryl!Very glad to find a new friend! I am very new to AdLand ! but I like it and very glad to meet new friends!To Your success!I believe you can fly!
Natalia~Natasha "People should be beautiful in every way—in their faces, in the way they dress, in their thoughts and in their innermost selves.” A.P.Chekhov natga5- FaceBook natga5- Skype
Cheryl Maples, LMT
12/3/2009 1:03:21 PM
Hi thanks for adding as a friend,Check out my great small business opportunity

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