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Tom Soernes
2/17/2006 1:34:49 PM
Well Tom is with an awesome company called ProBuilderPlus. He is also very quick in responding to u. Keep up the good work Tom.
Tom Soernes
2/19/2006 9:50:44 AM
contact me on msn:
Helen Prowd

380 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Tom Soernes
3/6/2006 10:20:33 PM
Tom is becoming a good friend beside Marion Tucker and Marja Sandstrom from Sweden I really don't have any other personal contact with anybody. I am in a wheelchair and unless I get invited I do not like to intrude on anyone's space. So the friends that I do have I cherish. And I hope Topm is going to be one of them.
H. Prowd
Tom Soernes
3/7/2006 8:03:00 PM
Hello Only read english. Hope you can. P.S. Don't even concern yourself with the business opportunity at this time, Take this product for your health. If you want to promote it afterwards you can, you'll be all set up to resell upon ordering the product. People ARE Getting Well!
Scientific Health Breakthroughs. Major Diseases 100% Preventable/Most Cases reversed. OPTION: Become a High Income Earner! Make Money, Save Money! How to's, news and more!
Tom Soernes
3/13/2006 2:40:28 PM
Hi Tom Im in the real estate business and have clients from sweden "the OGRENS"
Phyllis La Londe

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