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Tom Soernes
2/10/2006 11:43:21 AM
hello tom i own my own marketing online business. what you offer is very there some way we can do a joint venture together your video talk web site is very imformative look forward to hearing from you email sincerely wayne brice
Tom Soernes
2/10/2006 1:02:02 PM
Hi! Tom: I was your vidio very impressive and professional looking. I was told that my website was impressive but to unperfessional so I'm trying to make it look more professional is there an thing else that I can do? I would appreciate it very much thank You. Cheers, Shirley Martin
shirley Dunning
Tom Soernes
2/12/2006 12:09:26 PM
OK my new friend from up North on the Baltic take a look at good for your truck,boat,car and in 22 years we never had a claim on our 10 million insurance policy/check it out
Tom Soernes
2/13/2006 1:36:14 PM
how much do you make and if I came down there to work for you how much would i get paid and also if you did hire me can i do this stuff online or if you needed me to do office work you need to pay for me to go down there because my bussiness is falling up here
Tom Soernes
2/16/2006 9:18:45 AM
Hi! It is amazing to find like you as my Friend & Elder Brother, also matching 90% in interests. Do you have interest in Meditation & like to explore? If yes, You are welcome ,even to visit India.( Only your Photo deems to be not real) Thanks! Gajraj Singh New Delhi, India. mob: 0091 09312690698
Gajraj Singh, New Delhi, India. Mobile:00919312690698

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