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Marygrace Sellers
7/17/2005 7:08:24 PM
Hello Randall, Thank you for the rating. The product and company are incredible and have done my family well physically. Any time you are ready to hear or learn more and I would be happy to share the info with you. And if you have friends who may be interested in family friendly, environmentally safe products, please send them my way. Thanks again and I look forward to networking with you. Your friend, Marygrace
Lee Talmadge

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Marygrace Sellers
8/4/2005 9:04:38 AM
Hi Marygrace, Great website,very informational,you bring a great value to adland family and Friends,Bless you proud to be your friend :-)
Marygrace Sellers
8/4/2005 9:04:38 AM
Lee, Thank you so much. I am so hooked on Melaleuca and its products. I have a son who is off all meds, nebulizer, and inhaler for asthma, another who is off meds for ADHD, my husband is finally free from the excrutiating pain of migraines, and my fibromyalgia and relentless pain no longer gets the best of me. And I have to say we owe it all to Melaleuca and having a home free of chemicals and toxins. I welcome any referrals you may want to pass on as I love to help families get healthy and safe. Thank you again, have a great day, I know I will! Your friend, Marygrace
Marygrace Sellers
8/18/2005 5:50:31 PM
Marygrace, your profile is very complete, you are posting forums that are intended to help others, and your ads are in place! Good Job! James & Billie
James Kinney The Cardioman Cardio Cocktail Joint Check My Home Page
Marygrace Sellers
8/18/2005 5:50:31 PM
WOW, thank you so much for the compliments. You made my day! :) Wishing you a day of peace and happiness, Marygrace

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