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Marygrace Sellers
7/16/2005 12:14:15 PM
Gary and Janice rated your website a 10! We find it very professional and extremely well done! Content was interesting too, being as one doesn't always think about that subject in particular! We have Grand children and great grand children...Hmm! Everyone should help build a Better World! respectfully Your friends, Gary and Janice Hawkins Lewiston, Idaho Enviro-Max Plus better mileage and better breathable air - Get the facts! Help Build a Better Universe!
Marygrace Sellers
7/16/2005 12:14:15 PM
Gary and Janice, Thank you so very much for the great compliment. I have been with this company for 18 months now and every day gets better and better. I would love to talk with you about teaming up with me to get the word out there to everybody, if we don't tell them, the government sure isn't going. Then you can pass the word on to your children and grandchildren about the products and getting their homes healthy and safe. If you have any other referrals I would love to help you talk with them as well. Like you said, "Everyone should help build a Better World!" and we just don't have the right to keep this great information from others, especially our loved ones. Your friend, Marygrace PS Let me just share a couple of things that Melaleuca has done for us. I began in Jan 2004 and bought my Value Pack in Feb. I took everything out of my home and replaced it with Melaleuca products and this has been a blessing in every way for my family. My son, who is 16, has severe asthma and is a two sport athlete (wrestling and football); he used a nebulizer and inhaler several times a day. I worked in the middle school where he attended and he had to come into my classroom 2x a day to get his breathing treatments. Since I have replaced all the toxic chemicals in our home, my son has not had to use his nebulizer and has only used his inhaler twice (one time was when we went into a school gym for wrestling and they had just washed the mats down with bleach). He still carries his inhaler with him, but is breathing so much easier without the drugs and chemicals. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have another son who has ADHD and has been on meds for 9 years. He now takes Vitality For Men, Luminex, and ProVex Plus and is taking 1/4 the dose of Aderall that he used to take. He had to attend summer school because he didn’t do well (failed three classes out of 7) during the year even while on his Aderall XR. During the summer we took him off all the Aderall XR and began giving him Vitality For Men, Luminex, and ProVex Plus and he did fabulous in summer school passed everything with an A or B (without his Aderall XR). This year, I have gotten rave reviews from his teachers (we did put him on 1/4 of the dose of the Aderall because the day is just too long for him to stay totally focused). He is getting some A's, B's and a couple of C's. His attitude towards school has changed drastically and he even enjoys going now. I attribute this to the toxic chemicals being removed from our home and the incredible natural vitamins and supplements that Melaleuca offers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My husband use to suffer from severe migraines, so severe that he would have to go into the ER for meds and injections, miss work and be in bed for a day, sometimes two. Since we have gotten rid of the chemicals, he has had one headache. When he had that one, he was in agony, but I remember someone saying that the Pain-A-Trate was great for taking the headaches away. I gave it to him and told him to rub some on his temples and anywhere it hurt. He did and honest to God his pain was gone within 20 minutes. He got out of bed and came to have dinner with the family. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I was getting ready to go to Chicago to go to a Mela product meeting with the infamous Debra Poneman and Linda Cook. I was enjoying a leisurely shower, basking in the pear-raspberry moisturizing body wash, when I heard screams. My son’s friend had burst into my bedroom screaming, “Patrick is hurt really bad and there is blood everywhere!” I freaked, jumped out of the shower, and raced off to my baby. I almost died, there he lay in a puddle of blood, his face and clothes were covered. There was blood everywhere, my couch, new beige carpet, my table… I immediately grabbed a towel and tried to stop the bleeding, but it just kept coming. I put ice and a towel on his head and raced Patrick to the ER. They checked him for a concussion and checked his eyes. He was doing better than me! After a couple hours, they had numbed him up with a gauze and crème and GLUED his head together! Yes I said glued, they do this now, no needles, no thread! We finally left to go home. I got Patrick settled and went to the living room. There it all waited for me, blood everywhere! I got out my mixture of Sol U Mel and proceeded to clean. The table was no problem. I looked at my blue couch, and proceeded to clean it. It came clean as well, took a little elbow grease, but all the blood came out. Then my new beige carpet! It was soaked all the way through. I tried the Sol-U-Mel and it didn’t all come out so I mixed a concoction of Sol-U-Mel, Mela Bright, and Mela Power and put it in my carpet shampooer. I sprayed the pool with pre-spot and worked the spot with the shampooer for a few minutes. It came spotless!! Then the next task the following day was to get the blood out of his clothes and towels that we had used. I sprayed everything with pre-spot and loaded it into the washer with my normal load and Mela Power and Mela Bright. Again, everything came spotless! We have been applying Mela Gel to his head and it is healing so nicely and quickly. It keeps it moist so it isn’t itching and driving him crazy. The scar is very minimal, it is right in the dead center of his forehead from the bridge of his nose and straight up about 1 ½ inches. He has such a great face anyway! (I know spoken like a true mother.) Patrick is doing great! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My granddaughter who is 4 is a huge Mela fan. She gets excited every time she sees a "Melaleuca Truck" (The UPS Truck). And she yells, “Nina it’s Melaleuca time!” Anyway she wants me to tell her story too. She was playing and running when she tripped and fell on the driveway. She skinned her knees pretty good. We had to come in right away so I could put some Melaleuca on her knees. We applied Mela Gel for two days and twice a day and her knees are now back to normal, no scaring and looking beautiful just like her! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another time, Faith spilled grape juice on my new crème colored carpet. She didn’t tell me and I didn’t see it till the next day. I was a little upset, but calmly got out my Pre-Spot, Mela-Power, Mela Brite and Sol-U-Mel. I sprayed the area with Pre-Spot and let it sit for a few minutes and mixed the Mela-Power, Mela Brite and Sol-U-Mel in my carpet cleaner. I went over the spot several times with great satisfaction! The entire grape juice spot came completely out of my carpet! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh Faith did it again. She was at the daycare and a boy pushed her. She came home looking like she had been on the battlefield with a cut on her cheek and a black eye. She asked me to put MelaGel on her cheek to make it better. As I did, she crawled up with me and looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes and so sincerely said, "Oh Nina, I owe my life to Melaleuca." I had to smile. Never a dull moment here, but Mela to the rescue every time!
Marygrace Sellers
7/16/2005 9:15:57 PM
Very nice and tells completely what and why. Jeanice
Marygrace Sellers
7/16/2005 9:15:57 PM
Jeanice, Thank you very much. Marygrace
Marygrace Sellers
7/17/2005 7:08:24 PM
Hi Marygrace, Good website. Clear and to the point. A worthy product to promote. Best of luck. Randall

Randall Parks/FreeAloePlant

Randall Parks/Cactus and yucca


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